7 - ‘Desperados, Druggies and Delinquents’: Devising a Community-based Security Regime to Combat Drug Related Crime
Corresponding Author(s) : Dorcas Oyebisi Ettang
Afrique et développement,
Vol. 42 No 3 (2017): Afrique et développement: Numéro spécial sur Les régimes de sécurité en Afrique – Perspectives et défis
L’abus de drogues rend les jeunes africains vulnérables à de nombreuses menaces. Beaucoup succombent facilement au crime et à la violence. En Afrique du Sud, ce phénomène est en pleine expension. Selon l’Organisation mondiale de la santé, en 2012, 15 pour cent de la population était concernée par le problème de la drogue, ce qui lui conférait la réputation d’être l’une des capitales mondiales de la drogue. Le Groupe sud-africain pour la dépression et l’anxiété note qu’en 2013 la consommation illégale de drogues en Afrique du Sud était le double de la norme mondiale. Dans les contextes nationaux et sous-régionaux, cet article examine la menace croissante de la drogue et le lien à l’insécurité dans la municipalité de Kokstad. À travers des entretiens, cet article propose un mécanisme de réponse communautaire approprié pour traiter les causes et les effets de l’abus de drogue. Partant de la sécurité humaine, les réponses communautaires basées sur la prévention et réduisant les crimes induits par les drogues sont perçues comme la voie à suivre.
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- African Union (AU), 2012, AU Plan of Action on Drug Control (2013–2017) Submitted for Consideration by the 5th Session of the Africa Union Conference of Ministers of Drug Control (CAMDC5), Addis Ababa.
- African Union (AU), 2014, Drugs Kill but Bad Policies Kill More: Scaling up Balanced and Integrated Responses Towards Drug Control in Africa, Concept Note for the 6th Session of the African Union Conference of Ministers of Drug Control (CAMDC6), 6–10 October.
- Collins, J.J., ed., 1981, Drinking and Crime, New York: Guilford Publications.
- Eck, J.E. and Rosenbaum, D.P., 1994, The Challenge of Community Policing: Testing the Promises, London: Sage.
- Emmett, T., Butchart, A., Saayman, G. and Lekoba, R., 2000, ‘Community Responses to Crime’ in Emmett, T. and Butchart, A., eds, Behind the Mask: Getting to Grips with Crime and Violence in South Africa, Pretoria: Human Sciences Research Council.
- Emmett, T., 2003, ‘Social Disorganisation, Social Capital and Violence Prevention in South Africa’, African Safety Promotion: A Journal of Injury and Violence Prevention 1 (4): 4–18.
- Ephraim, A., 2014, ‘Nyaope’s Deadly, and Addictive Mix’, http://mg.co.za/article/2014-07-03-hook-line-and-sinker-thats-nyaope, accessed 20 May 2016.
- Express and Star, 2014, ‘Drug Arrests after Neighbourhood Watch Members Spot “Suspicious Deals”’, http://www.expressandstar.com/news/crime/2014/09/18/drugs-arrests-after-neighbourhood-watch-members-spot-suspicious-deals/, accessed 31 May 2016.
- Fagan, J., 1990, ‘Intoxication and Aggression’ in Tonry, M. and Wilson, J.Q., eds, Drugs and Crime, Vol. 13, Crime and Justice: A Review of Research, Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
- Goldstein, P.J., 1985, ‘The Drugs/Violence Nexus: A Tripartite Conceptual Framework’, Journal of Drug Issues 15 (Fall): 493–506.
- Goode, E., 2011, Drugs in American Society, New York: McGraw-Hill.
- Human Security Handbook., 2016, Human Security Unit., United Nations, New York.
- Kawachi, I., Kennedy, B.P. and Wilkinson, R.G., 1999, ‘Crime: Social Disorganisation and Relative Deprivation’, Social Science and Medicine 48: 719–31. Lillington, C., 2015, Family-run Drugs Gangs Smashed by Police with help of Neighbourhood Watch Teams, http://www.birminghammail.co.uk/news/midlands-news/family-run-drugs-gang-smashed-police-9299076, accessed 31 October 2016.
- Majangaza, S., 2016, Top Units to Fight Drugs, Guns. (http://www.dispatchlive.co.za/news/2016/02/27/top-units-to-fight-drugs-guns/) accessed 31 October, 2016.
- Maseko, N., 2015, ‘South African Townships’ Addictive Drug Cocktail’, available at http://www.bbc.com/news/world-africa-31620569, accessed 25 May 2016.
- Meyer, M. and Van Graan, J.G., 2011, ‘Effective Community Policing in Practice: The Roodekrans Neighbourhood Watch Case Study, West Rand’, Acta Criminologica 24 (2): 132–45.
- Miczek, K.A., DeBold, J.F., Haney, M., Tidey, J., Vivian, J. and Weerts, E.M., 1994, ‘Alcohol, Drugs of Abuse, Aggression, and Violence’ in Reiss, A.J. and Roth, J.A., eds, Understanding and Preventing Violence, Vol. 3, Washington DC: National Academy Press.
- Mills, J.E.A., 2007, ‘Recent Cases of the Cold Blooded Murder of Ghanaians’, http://www.ghanaweb.com/GhanaHomePage/NewsArchive/Recent-Cases-Of-The-Cold-Blooded-Murder-Of-Ghanaians-126999, accessed 31 May 2016.
- Mungai, C., 2015a, ‘5 Very Shocking Trends in Illegal Drugs in Africa, including the deadly Heroin-rat poison-ARV mix’, available at http://mgafrica.com/article/2015-03-20-five-dan, accessed 20 May 2016.
- Mungai, C., 2015b, ‘The Making of the African Narco-State: Drugs, Crime and Dirty Money are New Big Threats’, available at http://mgafrica.com/article/2015-03-18-the-making-of-a-narco-state, accessed 26 May 2016.
- National Youth Development Policy Framework, 2002–07, Towards Integrated National Youth Development Initiatives and Programmes. South Africa.
- Protocol on Combating Illicit Drug Trafficking in the Southern African Development Community (SADC) Region, 2006, Southern African Development Community.
- Robins, L.N., 1980. ‘The Natural History of Drug Abuse’. in Lettieri, D., Sayers, M., and Pearson, H.W. Theories on Drug Abuse: Selected Contemporary Perspectives, Maryland: National Institute on Drug Abuse Ross, W., 2013, ‘South Africa’s Craze for Heroin-Marijuana Cocktail’, available at http://www.bbc.com/news/world-africa-24137003, accessed 25 May 2016.
- Shelly, S., 2016, ‘South Africa is Still Fighting an Apartheid-Like Drug War’, https://www.opensocietyfoundations.org/voices/south-africa-still-fighting-apartheid-drug-war, accessed 31 October 2016.
- South African Government News Agency, 2016, Police Units Swoop on Drug Dens. (http://www.sanews.gov.za/south-africa/police-units-swoop-drug-dens) 31 October, 2016.
- United Nations Office for Drug Control and Crime Prevention. 2002. A Participatory Handbook for Youth Drug Abuse Prevention Programmes: A Guide for Development and Improvement, 2002, United Nations: New York.
- United Nations Office for Drug Control and Crime Prevention (UNODCCP), 2010, ‘From Coercion to Cohesion: Treating Drug Dependence through Health Care, Not Punishment’. Discussion Paper, UNODC Scientific Workshop, United Nations, New York, 28–30 October 2009.
- United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), 2015, World Drug Report- 2016, United Nations, New York.
- White, H.R. and Gorman, D.M., 2002, ‘Dynamics of Drug-Crime Relationship’,Criminal Justice: The Nature of Crime, Continuity and Change 1: 151–218.
- Virkkunen, M. and Linnoila, M., 1993, ‘Brain Serotonin, Type II Alcoholism, and Impulsive Violence’, Journal of Studies on Alcohol Supplement No. 11 (September): 163–69.
Les références
African Union (AU), 2012, AU Plan of Action on Drug Control (2013–2017) Submitted for Consideration by the 5th Session of the Africa Union Conference of Ministers of Drug Control (CAMDC5), Addis Ababa.
African Union (AU), 2014, Drugs Kill but Bad Policies Kill More: Scaling up Balanced and Integrated Responses Towards Drug Control in Africa, Concept Note for the 6th Session of the African Union Conference of Ministers of Drug Control (CAMDC6), 6–10 October.
Collins, J.J., ed., 1981, Drinking and Crime, New York: Guilford Publications.
Eck, J.E. and Rosenbaum, D.P., 1994, The Challenge of Community Policing: Testing the Promises, London: Sage.
Emmett, T., Butchart, A., Saayman, G. and Lekoba, R., 2000, ‘Community Responses to Crime’ in Emmett, T. and Butchart, A., eds, Behind the Mask: Getting to Grips with Crime and Violence in South Africa, Pretoria: Human Sciences Research Council.
Emmett, T., 2003, ‘Social Disorganisation, Social Capital and Violence Prevention in South Africa’, African Safety Promotion: A Journal of Injury and Violence Prevention 1 (4): 4–18.
Ephraim, A., 2014, ‘Nyaope’s Deadly, and Addictive Mix’, http://mg.co.za/article/2014-07-03-hook-line-and-sinker-thats-nyaope, accessed 20 May 2016.
Express and Star, 2014, ‘Drug Arrests after Neighbourhood Watch Members Spot “Suspicious Deals”’, http://www.expressandstar.com/news/crime/2014/09/18/drugs-arrests-after-neighbourhood-watch-members-spot-suspicious-deals/, accessed 31 May 2016.
Fagan, J., 1990, ‘Intoxication and Aggression’ in Tonry, M. and Wilson, J.Q., eds, Drugs and Crime, Vol. 13, Crime and Justice: A Review of Research, Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Goldstein, P.J., 1985, ‘The Drugs/Violence Nexus: A Tripartite Conceptual Framework’, Journal of Drug Issues 15 (Fall): 493–506.
Goode, E., 2011, Drugs in American Society, New York: McGraw-Hill.
Human Security Handbook., 2016, Human Security Unit., United Nations, New York.
Kawachi, I., Kennedy, B.P. and Wilkinson, R.G., 1999, ‘Crime: Social Disorganisation and Relative Deprivation’, Social Science and Medicine 48: 719–31. Lillington, C., 2015, Family-run Drugs Gangs Smashed by Police with help of Neighbourhood Watch Teams, http://www.birminghammail.co.uk/news/midlands-news/family-run-drugs-gang-smashed-police-9299076, accessed 31 October 2016.
Majangaza, S., 2016, Top Units to Fight Drugs, Guns. (http://www.dispatchlive.co.za/news/2016/02/27/top-units-to-fight-drugs-guns/) accessed 31 October, 2016.
Maseko, N., 2015, ‘South African Townships’ Addictive Drug Cocktail’, available at http://www.bbc.com/news/world-africa-31620569, accessed 25 May 2016.
Meyer, M. and Van Graan, J.G., 2011, ‘Effective Community Policing in Practice: The Roodekrans Neighbourhood Watch Case Study, West Rand’, Acta Criminologica 24 (2): 132–45.
Miczek, K.A., DeBold, J.F., Haney, M., Tidey, J., Vivian, J. and Weerts, E.M., 1994, ‘Alcohol, Drugs of Abuse, Aggression, and Violence’ in Reiss, A.J. and Roth, J.A., eds, Understanding and Preventing Violence, Vol. 3, Washington DC: National Academy Press.
Mills, J.E.A., 2007, ‘Recent Cases of the Cold Blooded Murder of Ghanaians’, http://www.ghanaweb.com/GhanaHomePage/NewsArchive/Recent-Cases-Of-The-Cold-Blooded-Murder-Of-Ghanaians-126999, accessed 31 May 2016.
Mungai, C., 2015a, ‘5 Very Shocking Trends in Illegal Drugs in Africa, including the deadly Heroin-rat poison-ARV mix’, available at http://mgafrica.com/article/2015-03-20-five-dan, accessed 20 May 2016.
Mungai, C., 2015b, ‘The Making of the African Narco-State: Drugs, Crime and Dirty Money are New Big Threats’, available at http://mgafrica.com/article/2015-03-18-the-making-of-a-narco-state, accessed 26 May 2016.
National Youth Development Policy Framework, 2002–07, Towards Integrated National Youth Development Initiatives and Programmes. South Africa.
Protocol on Combating Illicit Drug Trafficking in the Southern African Development Community (SADC) Region, 2006, Southern African Development Community.
Robins, L.N., 1980. ‘The Natural History of Drug Abuse’. in Lettieri, D., Sayers, M., and Pearson, H.W. Theories on Drug Abuse: Selected Contemporary Perspectives, Maryland: National Institute on Drug Abuse Ross, W., 2013, ‘South Africa’s Craze for Heroin-Marijuana Cocktail’, available at http://www.bbc.com/news/world-africa-24137003, accessed 25 May 2016.
Shelly, S., 2016, ‘South Africa is Still Fighting an Apartheid-Like Drug War’, https://www.opensocietyfoundations.org/voices/south-africa-still-fighting-apartheid-drug-war, accessed 31 October 2016.
South African Government News Agency, 2016, Police Units Swoop on Drug Dens. (http://www.sanews.gov.za/south-africa/police-units-swoop-drug-dens) 31 October, 2016.
United Nations Office for Drug Control and Crime Prevention. 2002. A Participatory Handbook for Youth Drug Abuse Prevention Programmes: A Guide for Development and Improvement, 2002, United Nations: New York.
United Nations Office for Drug Control and Crime Prevention (UNODCCP), 2010, ‘From Coercion to Cohesion: Treating Drug Dependence through Health Care, Not Punishment’. Discussion Paper, UNODC Scientific Workshop, United Nations, New York, 28–30 October 2009.
United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), 2015, World Drug Report- 2016, United Nations, New York.
White, H.R. and Gorman, D.M., 2002, ‘Dynamics of Drug-Crime Relationship’,Criminal Justice: The Nature of Crime, Continuity and Change 1: 151–218.
Virkkunen, M. and Linnoila, M., 1993, ‘Brain Serotonin, Type II Alcoholism, and Impulsive Violence’, Journal of Studies on Alcohol Supplement No. 11 (September): 163–69.