1 - Technology Transfer, Foreign Direct Investment and Economic Growth in Nigeria
Corresponding Author(s) : Omojola Omowumi Awosusi
Afrique et développement,
Vol. 39 No 2 (2014): Afrique et développement
Le but de cette étude était d’étudier les relations d’équilibre à long terme entre les facteurs internationaux et la croissance économique, ainsi que d’évaluer l’impact à court terme des IED, du commerce et de la croissance économique sur le transfert de technologie de la scène internationale vers le Nigeria. Cette étude a été réalisée en utilisant des données de séries chronologiques de 1970 à 2010. La technique de co-intégration multivariée développée par Johansen et Juselius (1990) a permis d’étudier les relations d’équilibre à long terme entre les facteurs internationaux et la croissance économique. Les résultats de l’analyse ont affirmé l’existence de vecteurs de co-intégration dans les systèmes de ce pays pendant la période de l’étude (Lee et Tan 2006). L’impact à court terme des IED, du commerce et de la croissance économique sur le transfert international de technologie vers le Nigeria a également été testé par l’intermédiaire d’essais de causalité de Granger, basée sur le Model de Correction des Vecteurs d’Erreur. Les résultats du test ont révélé un effet de causalité à court terme soit en cours d’exécution unidirectionnelle ou bidirectionnelle entre les variables pour le pays. Les implications politiques sont mises en évidence à la fin de ce rapport.
Télécharger la référence bibliographique
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- Adeoti, J. and Adeoti, A., 2005, ‘Biotechnology R&D partnership for industrial innovation in Nigeria’, Technovation, Vol. 25, pp. 349-365.
- Aitken, B.J., Hanson, G.H., and Harrison, A.E., 1997, ‘Spillovers, foreign investment, and export behaviour’, Journal of International Economics, 43, 103-132. Akaike, H., 1974, ‘A new look at statistical model identification’, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Vol. 19, pp. 716-723.
- Akinlo, A.E., 2004, ‘Foreign direct investment and growth in Nigeria: An empirical Investigation’, Journal of Policy Modeling, Vol. 26, pp. 627-639.
- Asteriou, D. and Hall, S.G., 2007, Applied Econometrics: A Modern approach, (Revised Edition), NY: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Basant, R. and Fikkert, B., 1996, ‘The Effects of R&D, Foreign Technology Purchase, and Domestic and International Spillovers on Productivity in Indian Firms’, The Review of Economics and Statistics, Vol. 78 (2), pp. 187-199.
- Behzad, Y. and Reza, G., 1995, ‘Export Performance and Economic Development: An Empirical Analysis’, American Economist, Vol. 39 (2), pp. 37-45.
- Bhagwati, J.N., 1978, Anatomy and Consequences of Exchange Control Regimes, NY: Balinger Publishing.
- Bhagwati, J.N., 1985, ‘Investing Abroad’, Esmée Fairbairn Lecture, Lancaster: Lancaster University Press.
- Bhagwati, J.N., 1994, ‘Free trade: old and new challenges’, Economic Journal, Vol. 104, pp. 231-246.
- Brecher, R.A. and Carlos F. Daiz Alejandro, 1977, ‘Tariffs, foreign capital and Immiserizing growth’, Journal of International Economics, Vol. 7 (3), pp. 317-322.
- Brecher, R.A. and R. Findlay, 1983, ‘Tariff, foreign capital and national welfare with Sector specific factors’, Journal of International Economics, 14: 277-288.
- Chakraborty, C. and Basu, P., 2002, ‘Foreign Direct Investment and Growth in India: A Cointegration Approach’, Applied Economics, Vol. 34 (9), pp. 1061-1073.
- Costa, I. and De Queiroz, S.R., 2002, ‘Foreign Direct Investment and Technological Capabilities in Brazilian Industries’, Research Policy, Vol. 31, pp.1431-1443.
- Craig, S.G. and DeGregori, T.R., 2000, ‘The forward and backward flow of technology: the relationship between foreign suppliers and domestic technological advance’, Technovation, Vol. 20, pp. 403-412.
- Dollar, D., 1992, ‘Outward Oriented Developing Economies Really Do Grow More Rapidly: Evidence from 95 LDCs, 1976-85’, Economic Development and Cultural Change, 523-544.
- Edwards, S., 1998, ‘Openness, productivity, and growth: what do we really know?’, Economic Journal, Vol. 108, pp. 383-98.
- Eedes, J., 2005, ‘Foreign Direct Investment: An Easier Entrance’, Business Financial Times, October.
- Fosfuri, A., Motta, M. and Ronde, T., 2001, ‘Foreign direct investment and spillovers Through workers’ mobility’, Journal of International Economics, Vol. 53, pp. 205-222.
- Granstrand, O., 1998, ‘Towards a theory of the technology based firm’, Research Policy, Vol. 27 (5), pp. 465-489.
- Greenaway, D. and Sapsford, D., 1994, ‘Exports, Growth, and Liberalization: An Evaluation’, Journal of Policy Modeling, Vol. 16 (2), pp. 165-186.
- Grossman, G.M. and Helpman, E. 1995, ‘Technology and Trade’, in Gene Grossman and Kenneth Rogoff, eds. Handbook of International Economics, Vol. 3, NA: Elsevier Science.
- Heston, A., Summers, R. and Aten, B., 2002, Penn World Table Version 6.1, Center for International Comparisons at the University of Pennsylvania (CICUP).
- Hoekman, B.M., Maskus, K.E. and Saggi, K., 2004, ‘Transfer of technology to developing countries: unilateral and multilateral policy options’, World Bank Policy Research Working Paper 3332.
- Ibrahim, W.O. and Onokosi-Alliyu, S.O., 2008, ‘Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment in Nigeria: Political Factor Effect Revisited’, SSRN Electronic Paper Collection, http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=1136083 [As at 23 July, 2008]
- Ikiara, M.M., 2003, ‘Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), Technology transfer, and Poverty Alleviation: Africa’s Hope and Dilemma’, ATPS Special Paper Series No. 16, Nairobi: African Technology Policy Studies Network, pp. 1-38.
- Johansen, S. and Juselius, K., 1990, ‘Maximum likelihood estimation and inference on Cointegration – with application to the demand for money’, Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, Vol. 52, (2), pp. 169-210.
- Johnson, A., 2006, ‘The Effects of FDI Inflows on Host country Economic growth’, CESIS Electronic Working Paper Series (No. 58).
- Kim, D.D. and Seo, J.S., 2003, ‘Does FDI inflow crowd out domestic investment in Korea?’, Journal of Economic Studies, Vol. 30 (6), pp. 605-622.
- Kohpaiboon, A., 2002, ‘Foreign Trade Regime and FDI-Growth Nexus: A Case Study of Thailand’, Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies.
- Kwiatkowski, D., Phillips, P.C.B., Schmidt, P. and Shin, Y., [KPSS], 1992, ‘Testing the Null Hypothesis of Stationary against the Alternative of a Unit Root’, Journal of Econometrics, 54, 159-178.
- Lall, S., 1997, ‘Investment, Technology and International Competitiveness’, in S. Sasidharan, and A. Ramanathan (2007:232-259) ‘Foreign Direct Investment and Spillovers: Evidence from Indian Manufacturing’, International Journal of Trade and Global Markets, Vol. 1 (1).
- Lee, H.H. and Tan, H.B., 2006, ‘Technology Transfer, FDI and Economic Growth in the ASEAN Region’, Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy, Vol. 11(4), pp. 394-410.
- Leigh, K., 2008, ‘The Nigerian FDI challenge’, Business Day, July 1.
- Lemoine, F. and Ünal-Kesenci, D., 2004, ‘Assembly Trade and Technology Transfer: The Case of China’, World Development, Vol. 32 (5), pp. 829-850.
- Lloyd, P J., 1996, ‘The Role of Foreign Investment in the Success of Asian Industrialization’, Journal of Asian Economics, Vol. 7(3), pp. 407-433.
- Love, J. and Chandra, R., 2004, ‘Testing Export-Led Growth in India, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka Using a Multivariate Framework’, The Manchester School, Vol. 74 (4), pp. 483-496.
- Madsen, J.B., 2007, ‘Technology spillover through trade and TFP convergence: 135 years of evidence for the OECD countries’, Journal of International Economics, Vol. 72, pp. 464-480.
- Mahe, S.A., 2005, ‘Is Globalisation capable of raising living standard, through international trade in Nigeria?’, Holler Africa Magazine (daily online): Adonis & Abbey Publishers Ltd.
- Mansfield, E. and Anthony Romeo, 1980, ‘Technology Transfer to Overseas Subsidiaries by U.S. Based Firms’, Quarterly Journal of Economics, Vol. 95, pp. 737-749.
- Markusen, J.R., 1995, ‘Incorporating the Multinational Enterprise into the Theory of International Trade’, Journal of Economic Perspectives, Vol. 9, pp. 169-190.
- Masih, R. and Masih, A.M., 1996, ‘Macroeconomic activity dynamics and Granger Causality: new evidence from a small developing economy based on a vector Error-correction modeling analysis’, Economic Modeling, Vol.13 (3), pp. 407-426.
- Meyer, E.K., 2004, ‘Perspectives on multinational enterprises in emerging economies’, Journal of International Business Studies, Vol. 35 (4), pp.259-276.
- MOFCOM, 2008, ‘50 years of technology transfer in Nigeria: The journey so far’,Vanguard, 15 May.
- National Bureau of Statistics [NBS], 2007, ‘National account of Nigeria: 1981-2006’, Nigeria: National Bureau of Statistics.
- Okejiri, E., 2000, ‘Foreign Technology and Development of Indigenous Technological Capabilities in the Nigerian Manufacturing Industry’, Technology in Society, Vol. 22, pp. 189-199.
- Onafowora, O.A. and Owoye, O., 2006, ‘An Empirical Investigation of Budget and Trade Deficits: The Case of Nigeria’, The Journal of Developing Areas, Vol. 39 (2), pp. 115-145.
- Pottelsberghe, B.V. and Lichtenberg, F., 2001, ‘Does FDI Transfer Technology across Borders?’, The Review of Economics and Statistics, Vol. 83 (3), pp. 490-497.
- Ramachandran, V., 1993, ‘Technology Transfer, Firm Ownership, and Investment in Human Capital’, Review of Economics and Statistics, Vol. 75, pp. 664-670.
- Rodriguez, F. and Rodrik, D., 1999, ‘Trade Policy and Economic Growth: A Skeptic’s Guide to the Cross-Country Evidence’, NBER working paper, no. 7081.
- Saggi, K., 2002, ‘Trade, Foreign Direct Investment and International technology transfer: A Survey’, The World Bank Research Observer, Vol. 17 (2), pp. 191-235.
- Sasidharan, S. and Ramanathan, A., 2007, ‘Foreign Direct Investment and spillovers: evidence from Indian manufacturing’, International Journal of Trade and Global Markets, Vol. 1 (1), pp. 5-22.
- Schwarz,G.,1978,‘Estimating the Dimension of a Model’, in D. Asteriou and S.G. Hall, (2007:66), Applied Econometrics: A Modern approach. (Revised Edition), NY: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Singh, T., 2003, ‘Effects of Exports on Productivity and Growth in India: An Industry Based Analysis’, Applied Economics, Vol. 35, pp. 741-749.
- Solow, R.M., 1956, ‘A Contribution to the Theory of Economic Growth’, Quarterly Journal of Economics, Vol. 70, pp. 65-94.
- Teece, David J., 1976, ‘Technology Transfer by Multinational Firms: The Resource Cost of Transferring Technological Know-how’, Economic Journal, Vol. 87, pp. 242-261.
- Tian, X., Lin, S. and Lo, V.I., 2004, ‘Foreign Direct Investment and Economic Performance in Transition Economies: Evidence from China’, Post-Communist Economies, Vol. 16 (4), pp. 497-510.
- UNCTAD, 2002, Trade and development report 2002, United Nations, New York and Geneva.
- UNDP, 2007, Human Development Reports – Indicators by tables.
- Young, S. and Lan, P., 1996, ‘Technology Transfer to China through Foreign Direct Investment’, Regional Studies, Vol. 31 (7), pp. 669-679.
Les références
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Aitken, B.J., Hanson, G.H., and Harrison, A.E., 1997, ‘Spillovers, foreign investment, and export behaviour’, Journal of International Economics, 43, 103-132. Akaike, H., 1974, ‘A new look at statistical model identification’, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Vol. 19, pp. 716-723.
Akinlo, A.E., 2004, ‘Foreign direct investment and growth in Nigeria: An empirical Investigation’, Journal of Policy Modeling, Vol. 26, pp. 627-639.
Asteriou, D. and Hall, S.G., 2007, Applied Econometrics: A Modern approach, (Revised Edition), NY: Palgrave Macmillan.
Basant, R. and Fikkert, B., 1996, ‘The Effects of R&D, Foreign Technology Purchase, and Domestic and International Spillovers on Productivity in Indian Firms’, The Review of Economics and Statistics, Vol. 78 (2), pp. 187-199.
Behzad, Y. and Reza, G., 1995, ‘Export Performance and Economic Development: An Empirical Analysis’, American Economist, Vol. 39 (2), pp. 37-45.
Bhagwati, J.N., 1978, Anatomy and Consequences of Exchange Control Regimes, NY: Balinger Publishing.
Bhagwati, J.N., 1985, ‘Investing Abroad’, Esmée Fairbairn Lecture, Lancaster: Lancaster University Press.
Bhagwati, J.N., 1994, ‘Free trade: old and new challenges’, Economic Journal, Vol. 104, pp. 231-246.
Brecher, R.A. and Carlos F. Daiz Alejandro, 1977, ‘Tariffs, foreign capital and Immiserizing growth’, Journal of International Economics, Vol. 7 (3), pp. 317-322.
Brecher, R.A. and R. Findlay, 1983, ‘Tariff, foreign capital and national welfare with Sector specific factors’, Journal of International Economics, 14: 277-288.
Chakraborty, C. and Basu, P., 2002, ‘Foreign Direct Investment and Growth in India: A Cointegration Approach’, Applied Economics, Vol. 34 (9), pp. 1061-1073.
Costa, I. and De Queiroz, S.R., 2002, ‘Foreign Direct Investment and Technological Capabilities in Brazilian Industries’, Research Policy, Vol. 31, pp.1431-1443.
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Edwards, S., 1998, ‘Openness, productivity, and growth: what do we really know?’, Economic Journal, Vol. 108, pp. 383-98.
Eedes, J., 2005, ‘Foreign Direct Investment: An Easier Entrance’, Business Financial Times, October.
Fosfuri, A., Motta, M. and Ronde, T., 2001, ‘Foreign direct investment and spillovers Through workers’ mobility’, Journal of International Economics, Vol. 53, pp. 205-222.
Granstrand, O., 1998, ‘Towards a theory of the technology based firm’, Research Policy, Vol. 27 (5), pp. 465-489.
Greenaway, D. and Sapsford, D., 1994, ‘Exports, Growth, and Liberalization: An Evaluation’, Journal of Policy Modeling, Vol. 16 (2), pp. 165-186.
Grossman, G.M. and Helpman, E. 1995, ‘Technology and Trade’, in Gene Grossman and Kenneth Rogoff, eds. Handbook of International Economics, Vol. 3, NA: Elsevier Science.
Heston, A., Summers, R. and Aten, B., 2002, Penn World Table Version 6.1, Center for International Comparisons at the University of Pennsylvania (CICUP).
Hoekman, B.M., Maskus, K.E. and Saggi, K., 2004, ‘Transfer of technology to developing countries: unilateral and multilateral policy options’, World Bank Policy Research Working Paper 3332.
Ibrahim, W.O. and Onokosi-Alliyu, S.O., 2008, ‘Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment in Nigeria: Political Factor Effect Revisited’, SSRN Electronic Paper Collection, http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=1136083 [As at 23 July, 2008]
Ikiara, M.M., 2003, ‘Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), Technology transfer, and Poverty Alleviation: Africa’s Hope and Dilemma’, ATPS Special Paper Series No. 16, Nairobi: African Technology Policy Studies Network, pp. 1-38.
Johansen, S. and Juselius, K., 1990, ‘Maximum likelihood estimation and inference on Cointegration – with application to the demand for money’, Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, Vol. 52, (2), pp. 169-210.
Johnson, A., 2006, ‘The Effects of FDI Inflows on Host country Economic growth’, CESIS Electronic Working Paper Series (No. 58).
Kim, D.D. and Seo, J.S., 2003, ‘Does FDI inflow crowd out domestic investment in Korea?’, Journal of Economic Studies, Vol. 30 (6), pp. 605-622.
Kohpaiboon, A., 2002, ‘Foreign Trade Regime and FDI-Growth Nexus: A Case Study of Thailand’, Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies.
Kwiatkowski, D., Phillips, P.C.B., Schmidt, P. and Shin, Y., [KPSS], 1992, ‘Testing the Null Hypothesis of Stationary against the Alternative of a Unit Root’, Journal of Econometrics, 54, 159-178.
Lall, S., 1997, ‘Investment, Technology and International Competitiveness’, in S. Sasidharan, and A. Ramanathan (2007:232-259) ‘Foreign Direct Investment and Spillovers: Evidence from Indian Manufacturing’, International Journal of Trade and Global Markets, Vol. 1 (1).
Lee, H.H. and Tan, H.B., 2006, ‘Technology Transfer, FDI and Economic Growth in the ASEAN Region’, Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy, Vol. 11(4), pp. 394-410.
Leigh, K., 2008, ‘The Nigerian FDI challenge’, Business Day, July 1.
Lemoine, F. and Ünal-Kesenci, D., 2004, ‘Assembly Trade and Technology Transfer: The Case of China’, World Development, Vol. 32 (5), pp. 829-850.
Lloyd, P J., 1996, ‘The Role of Foreign Investment in the Success of Asian Industrialization’, Journal of Asian Economics, Vol. 7(3), pp. 407-433.
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Mahe, S.A., 2005, ‘Is Globalisation capable of raising living standard, through international trade in Nigeria?’, Holler Africa Magazine (daily online): Adonis & Abbey Publishers Ltd.
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Markusen, J.R., 1995, ‘Incorporating the Multinational Enterprise into the Theory of International Trade’, Journal of Economic Perspectives, Vol. 9, pp. 169-190.
Masih, R. and Masih, A.M., 1996, ‘Macroeconomic activity dynamics and Granger Causality: new evidence from a small developing economy based on a vector Error-correction modeling analysis’, Economic Modeling, Vol.13 (3), pp. 407-426.
Meyer, E.K., 2004, ‘Perspectives on multinational enterprises in emerging economies’, Journal of International Business Studies, Vol. 35 (4), pp.259-276.
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Pottelsberghe, B.V. and Lichtenberg, F., 2001, ‘Does FDI Transfer Technology across Borders?’, The Review of Economics and Statistics, Vol. 83 (3), pp. 490-497.
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Sasidharan, S. and Ramanathan, A., 2007, ‘Foreign Direct Investment and spillovers: evidence from Indian manufacturing’, International Journal of Trade and Global Markets, Vol. 1 (1), pp. 5-22.
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Singh, T., 2003, ‘Effects of Exports on Productivity and Growth in India: An Industry Based Analysis’, Applied Economics, Vol. 35, pp. 741-749.
Solow, R.M., 1956, ‘A Contribution to the Theory of Economic Growth’, Quarterly Journal of Economics, Vol. 70, pp. 65-94.
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UNDP, 2007, Human Development Reports – Indicators by tables.
Young, S. and Lan, P., 1996, ‘Technology Transfer to China through Foreign Direct Investment’, Regional Studies, Vol. 31 (7), pp. 669-679.