Éditeur invité: Mwenda Ntarangwi

DOI: https://doi.org/10.57054/ad.v37i3

Publiée: janvier 11, 2013

0 - Prelim

septembre 23, 2021
Afrique et Développement

1 - Introduction: Parents’ Involvement in Children’s Lives in Africa

septembre 23, 2021
Mwenda Ntarangwi

2 - Dating Practices and Patterns of Disclosure among in-School Adolescents in Oyo State, Nigeria

septembre 23, 2021
Agunbiade Ojo Melvin

3 - Parent-Child Communication on Sexuality-Related Matters in the City of Lagos, Nigeria

septembre 23, 2021
Michael O. N. Kunnuji

4 - Mothers’ Constructions of their Roles in the Literacy Education of their Children

septembre 23, 2021
Ngozi Anyikwa, Ngozi Obidike

5 - Parents’ Engagement in Adult Literacy and its Impact on their Children’s Schooling

septembre 23, 2021
Efua Irene Amenyah

6 - From the Will to the Field: Parent Participation in Early Childhood Education in Madagascar

septembre 23, 2021
Colleen Loomis, Abdeljalil Akkari

7 - Husbands in Wives’ Shoes: Changing Social Roles in Child Care among Cameroon’s Urban Residents

septembre 23, 2021
Henry Kam Kah

8 - Where is my Daddy? An Exploration of the Impact of Absentee Fathers on the Lives of Young People in Botswana

septembre 23, 2021
Gloria Thupayagale-Tshweneagae, Tennyson Mgutshini, Zethu Zerish Nkosi

9 - Children’s Experiences of Support Received from Men in Rural KwaZulu-Natal

septembre 23, 2021
Tawanda Makusha, Linda Richter, Deevia Bhana

10 - Latchkey Experiences of School-Age Children in Low-income Families in Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria

septembre 23, 2021
Mildred Ekot

11 - ‘Arming the Rebels for Development’: Parental Involvement among Fishing Communities in Tanzania

septembre 23, 2021
Paul Wabike

12 - Forced into Adulthood: An Exploration of Psycho-Social Dynamics in Child-headed Households

septembre 23, 2021
Bernadette Muyomi

AD, Volume 37, n° 3, 2012 - Numéro complet

octobre 11, 2021