6 - From the Will to the Field: Parent Participation in Early Childhood Education in Madagascar
Corresponding Author(s) : Colleen Loomis
Africa Development,
Vol. 37 No. 3 (2012): Africa Development: Special Issue on Parents’ Involvement in Children’s Lives in Africa
Among state and international actors there is consensus that early childhood education (ECE) is important for future well-being of the child and that parent participation in various school activities is relevant. The willingness of actors in formal education to encourage parents to participate in their school activities varies. There remains a challenge of how to take the will of parents and mobilize it into participation in the field of ECE. In this paper we focus on parents’ participation in ECE in Madagascar, placing that participation within an existing complex context of poverty, former colonialism, contemporary political instability, and international cooperation. We report on data gathered in Anatanarivo, Sakaraha, Toliera, and Betioky to show that there is suspicion between the state and parents in general and that unless current actors (parents, teachers, administrators, NGOs, and government) value parents’ resources and create new ways for parent participation in the extr ctive model of schooling in place, the ECE cannot be enhanced and advanced.
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Bridgemohan, R.R., 2002, ‘Parent Involvement in Early Childhood Development in KwaZulu Natal’, (http://uir.unisa.ac.za/xmlui/bitstream/handle/10500/949/ thesis.pdf?sequence=1). 2 January 2012.
Britto, P.R., Boller, K., Yoshikawa, H., 2011, ‘Quality of Early Childhood Development Programs in Global Contexts. Rationale for Investment, Conceptual Framework and Implications for Equity’, Sharing child and Youth Development Knowledge, 25(2), SRCD, Social Policy Report.
Dekker, E.I. and Lemmer, E.M., 1998, Critical Iissues in Modern Education, Johannesburg: Heinemann.
El Nokali, N., Bachman, H.J. and Votruba-Drzal, E., 2010, ‘Parent Involvement and Children’s Academic Achievement and Social Development in Elementary School’, Child Development, 81, 988-1005.
Epstein, J.L., 1987, ‘Towards a Theory of Family-School Connections’, in Hurrelmann, K, Kaufmann, Losel, F. eds., Social intervention: Potential and Constraints, New York: DeGruyter. pp. 121-136.
Fan, X. T. and Chen, M., 2001, ‘Parental Involvement and Students’ Academic Achievement: A Meta-Analysis’, Educational Psychology Review, 13, 1-22.
Graves, S. and Wright, L., 2011, ‘Parent Involvement at School Entry: A national Examination of Group Differences and Aachievement’, School Psychology International, 32, 35-48.
Griffiths, A. and Hamilton, D., 1994, Working Together in Children’s Learning, London: Methuen.
Jeynes, W.H., 2003, ‘A Meta-Analysis-The Effects of Parental Involvement on Minority Children’s Academic Achievement’, Education and Urban Society, 35, 202-218.
Kruger, A.G., 1996, Educational management: study manual 1/1. Pretoria: Unisa.
Kruger, H.B., 1998, Parental Involvement in Formal Education. Potchefstroom.
Lemmer, E.M., 2007, ‘Parent Involvement in Teacher Education in South Africa’,
International Journal about Parents in Education, 1 (0), 218-229.
Malmberg, L., Mwaura, P. and Sylva, K., 2011, ‘Effects of a Pre-School Intervention on Cognitive Development among East-African Pre-School Children A Flexibly Time-Coded Growth Model’, Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 26(1), 124-133. Available online at www.csa.com
McWayne, C., Hampton, V., Fantuzzo, J., Cohen, H.L. and Sekino, Y., 2004, ‘A multivariate Examination of Parent Involvement and The Social and Academic Competencies of Urban Kindergarten Children’, Psychology in the Schools, 41, 363-377.
Mingat, A. and Seurat, A., 2010, Développement des enfants de 0 à 6 ans et pratiques parentales à Madagascar, Dijon: IREDU-UNICEF.
Mwaura, P.A.M., Sylva, K. and Malmberg, L., 2008, ‘Evaluating the Madrasa Pre- school Programme in East Africa: A Quasi-experimental Study’, International Journal of Early Years Education, 16 (3), 237-255. doi:10.1080/ 09669760802357121
Nzinga-Johnson, S., Baker, J.A. and Aupperlee, A., 2009, ‘Teacher-Parent Relationships and School Involvement among Racially and Educationally Diverse Parents of Kindergartners’, The Elementary School Journal, 110 (1), 81-91.
Powell, D.R., Son, S-H., File, N. and San Juan, R. R., 2010, ‘Parent-School Relationships and Children’s Academic and Social Outcomes in Public School Pre-Kindergarten’, Journal of School Psychology, 48, 269-292.
Tawil, S., Akkari, A. and Macedo, B., 2011, ‘Beyond the Conceptual Maze: The Notion of Quality In Education’, ERF Discussion Papers, UNESCO Education Research and Foresight, 2. UNESCO.
Wolfendale, S., ed., 1989, Parental involvement: Developing networks between school, home and community, London: Cassell.
World Bank, 2011, ‘Madagascar: Sub-Saharan Africa’, (http://data.worldbank.org/ country/madagascar). 21 February 2012.