2 - Développement, Conditions Sociales et Santé de la Population en Afrique Sub-Saharienne 25
African Sociological Review,
Vol. 24 No. 2 (2020): African Sociological Review
Both intuitively and empirically, studies show that the causal link between development and health in African countries is bidirectional or even cyclical. Several studies have proven that economic progress has positive impacts on health, while the negative impacts of poor health on economic performance are empirically verifiable. The thorny issue of poverty coupled with poor governance, whose roots are structural and contextual, is at root of healthcare system failure. Far from having protective effects on public health, the social conditions in which most people grow and live are the source of most health challenges. These conditions increase people’s exposure to environmental hazards and pathogens, determine access to resources that promote well-being and influence people’s ability to overt diseases. Thus, public health promotion cannot be reduced to clinical interventions, but addresses social organization and its important effects on people’s well-being. A biosocial analysis of health challenges is necessary for identifying the logics of disease production in their complexity and for formulating adequate responses in order to foster radical changes, not only in terms of public health policy but also in terms of social policy. Development policies may then serve as the basis for improving living and health conditions if initiatives aimed at the economic progress favor both the growth of wealth and the promotion of civic equality, thus giving an important authority to legal and social arrangements that promote good governance and social participation in state’s affairs.
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- Azétsop J, Ochieng M. (2015), “The Right to Health, Health Systems Development and Health Policy in Chad”, Philosophy, Ethics and Humanities in Medicine 10:1.
- Acemoglu D, Johnson S. (2007), “Disease and Development: the Effect of Life Expectancy on Economic Growth”, Journal of Political Economy 115: 925-965. Berthélemy J.-C, Thuilliez J. (2013), “Santé et Développement : Une Causalité Circulaire”, Revue d’économie du développement 2(21) : 119-147. https://www.cairn.info/revue-d-economie-du-developpement-2013-2-page-119.htm (Consulté 24 mars 2019).
- Berthélemy J-C. (2011), “Health, Education and Emergence from the Development Trap”, African Development Review 23: 300–312.
- Berthélemy J-C. (2007), “Santé et Développement en Afrique”, https://www.asmp.fr/travaux/communications/2007/berthelemy.htm (Consulté 4 mars 2019).
- Bloom DE, Canning D. (2000), “The Health and Wealth of Nations”, Science 278(5456): 7-1209.
- Bwayo JJ, Mutere AN, Omari MA, Kreiss JK, Jaoko W, Sekkade-Kigondu C, et al. (1991), “Long distance truck drivers. Knowledge and Attitudes Concerning Sexually Transmitted Diseases and Sexual Behavior”, East Afr Med J. 68:714- 9.
- Del Rosso J M, Marek T. (1996), Class Action: Improving School Performance in the Developing World through Better Health and Nutrition. Washington, D.C: World Bank.
- Economic Commission for Africa. (2011), “Note d’Information: 10 ans après ‘L’engagement d’Abuja’ d’allouer 15% des Budgets Nationaux à la Santé”, https://www.uneca.org/sites/default/files/uploaded-documents/CoM/cfm2011/com2011_informationnote10years-after-theabujacommitment_ fr.pdf(Consulté 9 mars 2019).
- Ela J-M. (1998), “Refus du Développement ou échec de l’Occidentalisation ? Les Voies de l’Afro-renaissance”, Le Monde Diplomatique, https://www.monde- diplomatique.fr/1998/10/ELA/4070 (Consulté 14 mars 2019).
- Ela J-M. (1999), Travail et Entreprise en Afrique: Les Fondements Sociaux de la Réussite Économique, Paris : Karthala.
- Ela J-M. (1994), Afrique l’Irruption des Pauvres : Société Contre Ingérence, Pouvoir et Argent, Paris : L’Harmattan.
- Ela J-M. (1998), Innovations Sociales et Renaissance de l’Afrique Noire : Les Défis du Monde d’En-bas, Paris: L’Harmattan.
- Edward M, Kremer M. (2004), “Worms: Education and Health Externalities in Kenya”,Econometrica, vol. 72, p. 159-217.
- Farmer P. (2003), Pathologies of Power: Health Human Rights and the New War on the Poor, Berkeley, University of California Press.
- Farmer P. & al. (2006), “Structural Violence and Clinical Medicine” PLoS Medicine 3/10. e449 http://journals.plos.org/plosmedicine/article/file?id=10.1(Consulté 12 Avril 2019).
- Fassin D. (1996), L’Espace Politique de la Santé. Essai de Généalogie, PUF, Paris.
- Gallup JL, Sachs JD. (2001), The Intolerable Burden of Malaria: A New Look at the Numbers: Supplement to Volume 64(1) of the American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK2624/ (Consulté 28 Avril 2019).
- Pizza G. (2005), Antropologia Medica. Saperi, Pratiche e Politiche del Corpo, Roma, Carocci Editore.
- Hargreaves JR, Morison LA, Kim JC, Bonell CP, Porter JDH, Watts C, et al. (2008), “The Association between School Attendance, HIV Infection and Sexual Behavior Among Young People in Rural South Africa”, J Epidemiol Commun Health 62:113– 119.
- Hunt P, Backman G. (2008), “Health Systems and the Right to the Highest Attainable ealth”, Health Hum Rights, 10(1):81–92.
- Hunt P. (2007), Report of the UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to the Highest Attainable Standard of Health to the United Nations General Assembly UN Doc A/62/214. New York: United Nations.
- Jamison DT, Lau LJ, Wang J. (1998), Health’s Contribution to Economic Growth, Discussion Paper, University of California, Los Angeles.
- Jukes M, Simmons S, Bundy D. (2008), “Education and Vulnerability: the Role of Schools in Protecting Young Women and Girls from HIV in Southern Africa”, AIDS 22:S57–S71.
- Link B-G, Phelan J-C. (1995), “Social Conditions as Fundamental Causes of Disease”, J Health Soc Behav (extra issue):80–94.
- Link B-G, Phelan J-C. (1996), “Understanding Sociodemographic Differences in Health: the Role of Fundamental Social Causes”, Am J Public Health 86:471– 473.
- Link BG, Northridge M, Phelan JC, Ganz MC. (1998), “Social Epidemiology and the Fundamental Cause Concept: on the Structuring of Effective Cancer Screens by Socioeconomic Status”, Millbank Q. 76:375–402.
- Mackellar L. (2005), “Priorities in Global Assistance for Health, AIDS and Population (HAP)”, OECD development Centre n°244, 2005.
- Marmot M, Wilkinson R. (1999), Social Determinants of Health, Oxford University Press, Oxford.
- Martínez-Vela CA. (2001), “World Systems Theory”, http://web.mit.edu/esd.83/www/notebook/WorldSystem.pdf (Consulté 28 Avril
- .
- Maud L, Girard P-M, Thursz M, Raguin G. (2013), “Dans l’Ombre du VIH/ SIDA : les Maladies Oubliées de l’Afrique sub-Saharienne. Quels Enjeux Sanitaires ? Quelle Responsabilité des Bailleurs de Fonds ? ”, Face à face [En ligne] 12, mis en ligne le 21 octobre 2013, URL : http://journals.openedition.org/faceaface/792 (Consulté le 25 avril 2018).
- McNeely IF. (2002), “Medicine on a Grand Scale”: Rudolf Virchow, Liberalism, and the Public Health . http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/ download?doi= (Consulté 12 Avril 2019).
- Ministère de la Santé Publique. (2010), Plan National de Développement des Ressources Humaines pour la Santé au Tchad 2010–2020. N’djaména: Ministère de la Santé Publique.
- Morris CN, Ferguson AG. (2007), “Sexual and Treatment-seeking Behaviour for Sexually Transmitted Infection in Long-distance Transport Workers of East Africa”, Sex Transm Infect 83: 242–245.
- Organisation Mondiale de la Santé.(2016),Rapport 2106 sur le Paludisme dans le Monde. http://www.who.int/malaria/publications/world-malaria-report-2016/report/sulté le 25 avril 2018).
- OECD. (2005), Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness: Ownership, Harmonization, Alignment, Results & Mutual Accountability. Paper presented at: Joint Progress toward Enhanced Aid Effectiveness, http://www.oecd.org/development/ effectiveness/34428351.pdf (Consulté 28 Avril 2019).
- Sachs J. (2006), The End of Poverty: Economic Possibilities for our Time, New York, Penguin Press.
- Sen A. (1999), Development as Freedom, New York, USA: Alfred A. Knopf.
- Severino J-M. (2008), “La Situation des Pays en Voie de Développement”, Les Tribunes de la santé 4 (21) : 31-39.
- Thuilliez, J. (2009), “L’impact du Paludisme sur l’Éducation Primaire : Une Analyse en Coupe
- Transversale des Taux de Redoublement et d’Achèvement ”, Revue d’économie du développement 1 (17) : 167-201.
- UNICEF. Girls, HIV/AIDS and Education. (2004) https://www.unicef.org/publications/file/Girls_HIV_AIDS_and_Education_(English)_rev.pdf (Consulté 28 Avril 2019).
- United Nations Committee on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights (2000), “General Comment N. 14: The Right to the Highest Attainable Standard of Health”, http://www.ohchr.org/EN/ProfessionalInterest/ Pages/CESCR.aspx (Consulté 20 Avril 2019).
- United Nations. (1948), Universal Declaration of Human Rights, http://www.un.org/en/documents/udhr/ (Consulté 21 Avril 2019).
- World Health Organization. (2008), The World Health Report 2008—Primary Care (Now more than ever), http://www.who.int/whr/2008/en/ (Consulté 21 Avril 2019).
- Walzer M. (1983), Spheres of Justice: a Defense of Pluralism and Equality, New York: Basic Books.
- World Health Organization. (1978), “ Declaration of Alma-Ata”, http://www.who.int/publications/almaata_declaration_en.pdf (Consulté 12 Maars 2019).
- Woolf, S. (2009), “Social Policy as Health Policy”, JAMA, 301(11): 1166-1169.
- World Health Organization. (1946), “WHO Constitution”, http://www.who.int/governance/eb/who_constitution_en.pdf (Consulté 28 Avril 2019).
- World Health Organization. (2001), Macroeconomics and Health: Investing in Health for Economic Development Report of the Commission on Macroeconomics and Health. http://apps.who.int/iris/bitstream/handle/10665/42435/924154550X.
- pdf;jsessionid=57AFFAE9B8F59A48D947A460B8011670?sequence=1 (Consulté 28 Avril 2019).
- World Health Organization. (1986), The Ottawa charter for health promotion. Ottawa: Adopted at the First International Conference on Health Promotion, http://www.who.int/healthpromotion/conferences/previous/ottawa/en/ (Consulté 2 Avril 2019).
- Yamin AE. (2005), The right to health under international law and its relevance to the s. Am J Public Health 95(7):1156–61.
Azétsop J, Ochieng M. (2015), “The Right to Health, Health Systems Development and Health Policy in Chad”, Philosophy, Ethics and Humanities in Medicine 10:1.
Acemoglu D, Johnson S. (2007), “Disease and Development: the Effect of Life Expectancy on Economic Growth”, Journal of Political Economy 115: 925-965. Berthélemy J.-C, Thuilliez J. (2013), “Santé et Développement : Une Causalité Circulaire”, Revue d’économie du développement 2(21) : 119-147. https://www.cairn.info/revue-d-economie-du-developpement-2013-2-page-119.htm (Consulté 24 mars 2019).
Berthélemy J-C. (2011), “Health, Education and Emergence from the Development Trap”, African Development Review 23: 300–312.
Berthélemy J-C. (2007), “Santé et Développement en Afrique”, https://www.asmp.fr/travaux/communications/2007/berthelemy.htm (Consulté 4 mars 2019).
Bloom DE, Canning D. (2000), “The Health and Wealth of Nations”, Science 278(5456): 7-1209.
Bwayo JJ, Mutere AN, Omari MA, Kreiss JK, Jaoko W, Sekkade-Kigondu C, et al. (1991), “Long distance truck drivers. Knowledge and Attitudes Concerning Sexually Transmitted Diseases and Sexual Behavior”, East Afr Med J. 68:714- 9.
Del Rosso J M, Marek T. (1996), Class Action: Improving School Performance in the Developing World through Better Health and Nutrition. Washington, D.C: World Bank.
Economic Commission for Africa. (2011), “Note d’Information: 10 ans après ‘L’engagement d’Abuja’ d’allouer 15% des Budgets Nationaux à la Santé”, https://www.uneca.org/sites/default/files/uploaded-documents/CoM/cfm2011/com2011_informationnote10years-after-theabujacommitment_ fr.pdf(Consulté 9 mars 2019).
Ela J-M. (1998), “Refus du Développement ou échec de l’Occidentalisation ? Les Voies de l’Afro-renaissance”, Le Monde Diplomatique, https://www.monde- diplomatique.fr/1998/10/ELA/4070 (Consulté 14 mars 2019).
Ela J-M. (1999), Travail et Entreprise en Afrique: Les Fondements Sociaux de la Réussite Économique, Paris : Karthala.
Ela J-M. (1994), Afrique l’Irruption des Pauvres : Société Contre Ingérence, Pouvoir et Argent, Paris : L’Harmattan.
Ela J-M. (1998), Innovations Sociales et Renaissance de l’Afrique Noire : Les Défis du Monde d’En-bas, Paris: L’Harmattan.
Edward M, Kremer M. (2004), “Worms: Education and Health Externalities in Kenya”,Econometrica, vol. 72, p. 159-217.
Farmer P. (2003), Pathologies of Power: Health Human Rights and the New War on the Poor, Berkeley, University of California Press.
Farmer P. & al. (2006), “Structural Violence and Clinical Medicine” PLoS Medicine 3/10. e449 http://journals.plos.org/plosmedicine/article/file?id=10.1(Consulté 12 Avril 2019).
Fassin D. (1996), L’Espace Politique de la Santé. Essai de Généalogie, PUF, Paris.
Gallup JL, Sachs JD. (2001), The Intolerable Burden of Malaria: A New Look at the Numbers: Supplement to Volume 64(1) of the American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK2624/ (Consulté 28 Avril 2019).
Pizza G. (2005), Antropologia Medica. Saperi, Pratiche e Politiche del Corpo, Roma, Carocci Editore.
Hargreaves JR, Morison LA, Kim JC, Bonell CP, Porter JDH, Watts C, et al. (2008), “The Association between School Attendance, HIV Infection and Sexual Behavior Among Young People in Rural South Africa”, J Epidemiol Commun Health 62:113– 119.
Hunt P, Backman G. (2008), “Health Systems and the Right to the Highest Attainable ealth”, Health Hum Rights, 10(1):81–92.
Hunt P. (2007), Report of the UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to the Highest Attainable Standard of Health to the United Nations General Assembly UN Doc A/62/214. New York: United Nations.
Jamison DT, Lau LJ, Wang J. (1998), Health’s Contribution to Economic Growth, Discussion Paper, University of California, Los Angeles.
Jukes M, Simmons S, Bundy D. (2008), “Education and Vulnerability: the Role of Schools in Protecting Young Women and Girls from HIV in Southern Africa”, AIDS 22:S57–S71.
Link B-G, Phelan J-C. (1995), “Social Conditions as Fundamental Causes of Disease”, J Health Soc Behav (extra issue):80–94.
Link B-G, Phelan J-C. (1996), “Understanding Sociodemographic Differences in Health: the Role of Fundamental Social Causes”, Am J Public Health 86:471– 473.
Link BG, Northridge M, Phelan JC, Ganz MC. (1998), “Social Epidemiology and the Fundamental Cause Concept: on the Structuring of Effective Cancer Screens by Socioeconomic Status”, Millbank Q. 76:375–402.
Mackellar L. (2005), “Priorities in Global Assistance for Health, AIDS and Population (HAP)”, OECD development Centre n°244, 2005.
Marmot M, Wilkinson R. (1999), Social Determinants of Health, Oxford University Press, Oxford.
Martínez-Vela CA. (2001), “World Systems Theory”, http://web.mit.edu/esd.83/www/notebook/WorldSystem.pdf (Consulté 28 Avril
Maud L, Girard P-M, Thursz M, Raguin G. (2013), “Dans l’Ombre du VIH/ SIDA : les Maladies Oubliées de l’Afrique sub-Saharienne. Quels Enjeux Sanitaires ? Quelle Responsabilité des Bailleurs de Fonds ? ”, Face à face [En ligne] 12, mis en ligne le 21 octobre 2013, URL : http://journals.openedition.org/faceaface/792 (Consulté le 25 avril 2018).
McNeely IF. (2002), “Medicine on a Grand Scale”: Rudolf Virchow, Liberalism, and the Public Health . http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/ download?doi= (Consulté 12 Avril 2019).
Ministère de la Santé Publique. (2010), Plan National de Développement des Ressources Humaines pour la Santé au Tchad 2010–2020. N’djaména: Ministère de la Santé Publique.
Morris CN, Ferguson AG. (2007), “Sexual and Treatment-seeking Behaviour for Sexually Transmitted Infection in Long-distance Transport Workers of East Africa”, Sex Transm Infect 83: 242–245.
Organisation Mondiale de la Santé.(2016),Rapport 2106 sur le Paludisme dans le Monde. http://www.who.int/malaria/publications/world-malaria-report-2016/report/sulté le 25 avril 2018).
OECD. (2005), Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness: Ownership, Harmonization, Alignment, Results & Mutual Accountability. Paper presented at: Joint Progress toward Enhanced Aid Effectiveness, http://www.oecd.org/development/ effectiveness/34428351.pdf (Consulté 28 Avril 2019).
Sachs J. (2006), The End of Poverty: Economic Possibilities for our Time, New York, Penguin Press.
Sen A. (1999), Development as Freedom, New York, USA: Alfred A. Knopf.
Severino J-M. (2008), “La Situation des Pays en Voie de Développement”, Les Tribunes de la santé 4 (21) : 31-39.
Thuilliez, J. (2009), “L’impact du Paludisme sur l’Éducation Primaire : Une Analyse en Coupe
Transversale des Taux de Redoublement et d’Achèvement ”, Revue d’économie du développement 1 (17) : 167-201.
UNICEF. Girls, HIV/AIDS and Education. (2004) https://www.unicef.org/publications/file/Girls_HIV_AIDS_and_Education_(English)_rev.pdf (Consulté 28 Avril 2019).
United Nations Committee on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights (2000), “General Comment N. 14: The Right to the Highest Attainable Standard of Health”, http://www.ohchr.org/EN/ProfessionalInterest/ Pages/CESCR.aspx (Consulté 20 Avril 2019).
United Nations. (1948), Universal Declaration of Human Rights, http://www.un.org/en/documents/udhr/ (Consulté 21 Avril 2019).
World Health Organization. (2008), The World Health Report 2008—Primary Care (Now more than ever), http://www.who.int/whr/2008/en/ (Consulté 21 Avril 2019).
Walzer M. (1983), Spheres of Justice: a Defense of Pluralism and Equality, New York: Basic Books.
World Health Organization. (1978), “ Declaration of Alma-Ata”, http://www.who.int/publications/almaata_declaration_en.pdf (Consulté 12 Maars 2019).
Woolf, S. (2009), “Social Policy as Health Policy”, JAMA, 301(11): 1166-1169.
World Health Organization. (1946), “WHO Constitution”, http://www.who.int/governance/eb/who_constitution_en.pdf (Consulté 28 Avril 2019).
World Health Organization. (2001), Macroeconomics and Health: Investing in Health for Economic Development Report of the Commission on Macroeconomics and Health. http://apps.who.int/iris/bitstream/handle/10665/42435/924154550X.
pdf;jsessionid=57AFFAE9B8F59A48D947A460B8011670?sequence=1 (Consulté 28 Avril 2019).
World Health Organization. (1986), The Ottawa charter for health promotion. Ottawa: Adopted at the First International Conference on Health Promotion, http://www.who.int/healthpromotion/conferences/previous/ottawa/en/ (Consulté 2 Avril 2019).
Yamin AE. (2005), The right to health under international law and its relevance to the s. Am J Public Health 95(7):1156–61.