4- Prendre en compte les échelles: Le mouvement patriotique et la construction de ‘l’autochtone’ en Côte d’Ivoire
Corresponding Author(s) : Karel Arnaut
African Sociological Review,
Vol. 12 No. 2 (2008): African Sociological Review
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- Abdulmaliq, Simone, 200, ‘On the worldling of African cities’, African Studies Review, 44/2,pp. 15-41.
- Adams, Paul, 1996, ‘Protest and the scale politics of telecommunications’, Political Geography,15/5, pp. 419-441.
- Alonso, Ana Maria, 1994, ‘The politics of space, time and substance: state formation, nationalism and ethnicity’, Annual Review of Anthropology, 23, pp. 379-05.
- Amin, Ash, 1997, ‘Placing globalization’, Theory, Culture & Society, 14, 2, pp. 123-137.
- Amin, Samir, 1967, Le développement du capitalisme en Côte d’Ivoire, Paris: Editions du Minuit.
- Amondji, Marcel, 1984, Félix Houphouët et la Côte d’Ivoire: l’envers d’une légende, Paris: Karthala.
- Appadurai, Arjun, 1996, Modernity at large: cultural dimensionsof globalization, Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
- Appadurai, Arjun, 1999, ‘Dead certainty: ethnic violence in the era of globalization’, in B.
- Arnaut, Karel, 2004a, ‘Autochthony and the postnational imagination in Côte d’Ivoire(1901-2003)’, in Performing displacements and rephrasing attachments: Ethnographic explorations of mobility in art, ritual, media, and politics (PhD thesis, Ghent University, September 2004).
- Arnaut, Karel, 2004b, ‘Re-generating the nation: youth, revolution and the politics of history in Côte d’Ivoire’, in J. Abbink & I. van Kessel, eds., Vanguard or vandals: youth, politics and conflict in Africa, Leiden: Brill.
- Arnaut, Karel, 2004c, ‘“Out of the Race”: the poiesis of genocide in mass media discourses in Côte d’Ivoire’, in G. Baumann & A. Gingrich, eds., Grammars of identity/alterity: a structural approach, pp. 112-141. London: Berghahn.
- Arnaut, Karel, 2005, ‘Our Baka brothers obviously do not speak French’: Siting and scaling physical/discursive ‘movements’ in post-colonial Belgium’, Language & Communication, 25/3, pp. 217-235.
- Arnaut, Karel, 2007, ‘Chthonic science: Georges Niangoran-Bouah and the anthropology of belonging in Côte d’Ivoire’, Paper delivered at ECAS2, Leiden, 10 July 2007.
- Arnaut, Karel, 2008 (à paraitre), Performing the people: Citizenship and the autochthonic public sphere in Côte d’Ivoire (1945-2007). Occasional Paper, Centre of African Studies University of Copenhagen.
- Arnaut, Karel & Aghi Bahi, 2007, ‘Public space and conflict in Côte d’Ivoire: governance by spectacle and people’s parliaments’, Paper presented at the APAD Conference ‘Development, Liberalism and Modernity: Trajectories for an Anthropology of Social Change’ Theme: Anthropology of the State and Public Space. Leiden 13-15 December 2007.
- Arnaut, Karel & Jan Blommaert, (à paraitre), ‘Chthonic science: Georges Niangoran-Bouah and the anthropology of belonging in Côte d’Ivoire’, Politique Africaine.
- Bahi, Aghi, 2003, ‘La “Sorbonne” d’Abidjan: rêve de démocratie ou naissance d’un espace public?’, Revue Africaine de Sociologie, 7 (1):1-17.
- Bahi, P. & T. K. Biaya, 1996, ‘Danse et espace idéologique de la marge: le Zouglou et la transformation socio-politique des jeunes d’Abidjan’, Sociétés africaines et diaspora, 3,pp. 105-117.
- Bailly, Diégou, 1995, La réinstauration du multipartisme en Côte d'’Ivoire ou la double mort d’Houphouët-Boigny. Paris: L’Harmattan.
- Bakhtin, Mikhail, 1984, Rabelais and his world (trans. by H. Iswolsky). Bloomington: Indiana University Press.
- Banégas, Richard, 2006, ‘Côte d’Ivoire: patriotism, ethnonationalism and other African modes of welf-writing’, African Affairs 105 (421): 535-552.
- Banégas, Richard, 2007, ‘Côte d’Ivoire: les jeunes ‘se lèvent en hommes’. Anticolonialisme et ultranationalisme chez les Jeunes patriotes d’Abidjan’, Les Etudes du CERI, 137. Paris: Sciences Po.
- Baumann, Gerd, 2004, ‘Grammars of identity/alterity: a structural approach’, in Baumann & Gingrich, eds., Grammars of identity/alterity: a structural approach. NewYork: Berghahn Books.
- Bayart, Jean-François, Peter Geschiere & Francis Nyamnjoh, 2001, ‘Autochthonie, démocratie et citoyenneté en Afrique’, Critique Internationale, 10: 177-194.
- Bjørgo, Tore, 1997, ‘The invaders’, ‘the traitors’ and ‘the resistance movement’: the extreme right’s conceptualisation of opponents and self in Scandinavia’, In T. Modood & P. Werbner, eds., The politics of multiculturalism in the new Europe: racism, identity, and community,pp. 54-72. London: Zed Books.
- Brenner, Neil, 1997, ‘Global, fragmented, hierarchical: Henri Lefebre’s geographies of globalization’, Public Culture, 24: 135-167.
- Campbell, W. Joseph, 1998, The emergent independent press in Benin and Côte d’Ivoire : from voice of the State to advocate of democracy. Westport: Praeger.
- Chauveau, Jean-Pierre et Bobo, Samuel, 2003, ‘La situation de guerre dans l’arène villageoise.Un exemple dans le Centre-Ouest ivoirien’, Politique Africaine, 89: 12-32.
- Comaroff, Jean & John Comaroff, 2001, ‘Naturing the nation: aliens, apocalypse, and the postcolonial state’, Social Identities, 7 (2): 233-265.
- Corsín Jimenez, Alberto, 2003, ‘On space as a capacity’, Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, 9 (1): 137-153.
- Cox, Kevin, 1998, ‘Spaces of dependence, spaces of engagement and the politics of scale, or looking for local politics’, Political
- Geography, 17 (1): 1-23.
- Crehan, Kate, 1997, The fractured community: landscapes of power and gender on rural Zambia, Berkeley: University of California Press.
- Ceuppens, Bambi, and Peter Geschiere, 2005, ‘Autochthony: Local or Global? New Modes in the Struggle over Citizenship in Africa and Europe’, Annual Review of Anthropology 34, pp. 385–407.
- Dozon, Jean-Pierre, 2000, ‘La Côte d’Ivoire entre démocratie, nationalisme et ethnonationalisme’, Politique Africaine 78: 45–62.
- Dozon, Jean-Pierre, 2001, ‘Post-prophetism and Post-Houphouëtism in Ivory Coast’, Social Compass 48 (3): 369–385.
- Gbagbo, Laurent, 1983, Côte d’Ivoire, pour une alternative démocratique, Paris: L’Harmattan.
- Geschiere, Peter & Josef Gugler, 1998, ‘The urban-rural connection: changing issues of belonging and identification’, Africa, 68 (3): 309-319.
- Geschiere, Peter & Francis Nyamnjoh, 2000, ‘Capitalism and autochthony: the seesaw of mobility and belonging’, Public Culture, 12 (2): 423-452.
- Hall, Stuart, 1990, ‘Cultural identity and diaspora’, in J. Rutherford, ed., Identity, community, culture, difference, pp. 222-237. London: Lawrence & Wishart.
- Hall, Stuart, 2002, ‘Democracy, globalization, and difference’, (Documenta 11, Platform 1): 21-36. Kassel: Documenta.
- Howitt, Richard, 2000, ‘Scale and the Other: embodiment, emplacement and infinity’, [http://www.es.mq.edu.au/~rhowitt/SCAL
- /HOMES.HTM; 12/07/2004].
- Koulibaly, Mamadou, 2003, ‘Gangstérisme international d’Etat’, in M Koulibaly, ed., La guerre de la France contre la Côte d'Ivoire, pp.
- -9. Abidjan: La Refondation.
- Li, Tania Murray, 2000, ‘Articultating indigenous identity in Indonesia: resource politics and the tribal slot’, Comparative Studies in
- Society and History, 42 (1): 149-179.
- Marie, Alain, 2002, ‘Une anthropo-logique communautaire à l’épreuve de la mondialisation: de la relation de dette à la lutte sociale
- (l’exemple ivoirien)’, Cahiers d’Études africaines, 166, 42 (2): 207-255.
- Marshall-Fratani, Ruth, 2006, ‘The war of “Who Is Who”: autochthony, nationalism, and citizenship in the Ivoirian crisis’, African Studies Review 49 (2): 9–43.
- Martson, Sallie, 2000, ‘The social construction of scale’, Progress in Human Geography, 24 (2): 219-242.
- Massey, Doreen, 1992, ‘Politics and Space/Time’, New Left Review, 196: 65-84.
- Massey, Doreen, 1999, ‘Imagining globalization: power-geometric of time-space’, In D. Massey, Power-geometries and the politics of
- space-time (Hettner-Lecture 1998), pp. 9-26. University of Heidelberg: Department of Geography.
- Mbembe, Achille, 2000, ‘Apropos des écritures africaines de soi’, Politique Africaine 77: 16-43.
- Mbembe, Achille, 2001, ‘Ways of seeing: beyond the new nativism. Introduction’, African Studies Review, 44/2, pp. 1-14.
- Niangoran-Bouah, Georges, 1996, ‘Les fondements socio-culturels de l’Ivoirité’, in S. Touré, L’Ivoirité ou l’esprit du nouveau contrat social du Président Henri Konan Bédié, pp. 39-51. Abidjan: Presses Universitaires de Côte d’Ivoire.
- Niangoranh Porquet, Dieudonné, 1994, Masquair des – Balanfonides (Griotorique). Abidjan: Le Qualitorium.
- Nielsen, Asben Holm & Kirsten Simonsen, 2003,‘Scaling from “below”: practices, strategies and urban spaces,’ European Planning Studies, 11 (8): 911-927.
- Silué N ‘ Tchabétien Oumar, 2006, ‘Médiatisation des idéologies politiques dans les espaces de discussions de rue: le cas du discours politique sur l’identité nationale au cours des audiences foraines de 2006’, Contribution au project au Projet ‘Conflits en Côte d’Ivoire: dynamique et représentations’. Abidjan: CERAP/IDDH.
- Smith, Neil & Setha Low, 2006, ‘Introduction: the imperative of public space’, in S. Low & N.
- Smith, eds., The politics of public space, pp. 1-34. New York & London: Routledge.
- Stolcke, Verena, 1995, ‘Talking culture: new boundaries, new rhetorics of exclusion in Europe’,Current Anthropology, 36(1): 1-24.
- Swyngedouw, Erik, 1992, ‘Territorial organization and the space/technology nexus’,Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers (n.s.), 17: 417-433.
- Swyngedouw, Erik, 1997, ‘Neither global nor local: ‘Glocalization’ and the politics of scale’, in K. Cox, ed., Spaces of globalization. reasserting the power of the local, pp. 137-166. New York: Guildford Press.
- Théroux-Bénoni, Lori-Anne, Bahi, Aghi, (à paraitre), ‘À propos du rôle des médias dans le conflit ivoirien’, in J-B. Ouédraogo & E. Sall (dir.), Frontières de la citoyenneté et violence politique en Côte d’Ivoire. Dakar: CODESRIA.
- Uitermark, Justus, 2002, ‘Re-scaling, scale fragmentation and the regulation of antagonistic relationships’, Progress in Human Geography, 26, 6: 743-765.
- Werewere-Liking, Gnepo, 2003, ‘L’Humanité fantome’, Conférence Europe fantôme, Brussels, April 2003.
Abdulmaliq, Simone, 200, ‘On the worldling of African cities’, African Studies Review, 44/2,pp. 15-41.
Adams, Paul, 1996, ‘Protest and the scale politics of telecommunications’, Political Geography,15/5, pp. 419-441.
Alonso, Ana Maria, 1994, ‘The politics of space, time and substance: state formation, nationalism and ethnicity’, Annual Review of Anthropology, 23, pp. 379-05.
Amin, Ash, 1997, ‘Placing globalization’, Theory, Culture & Society, 14, 2, pp. 123-137.
Amin, Samir, 1967, Le développement du capitalisme en Côte d’Ivoire, Paris: Editions du Minuit.
Amondji, Marcel, 1984, Félix Houphouët et la Côte d’Ivoire: l’envers d’une légende, Paris: Karthala.
Appadurai, Arjun, 1996, Modernity at large: cultural dimensionsof globalization, Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
Appadurai, Arjun, 1999, ‘Dead certainty: ethnic violence in the era of globalization’, in B.
Arnaut, Karel, 2004a, ‘Autochthony and the postnational imagination in Côte d’Ivoire(1901-2003)’, in Performing displacements and rephrasing attachments: Ethnographic explorations of mobility in art, ritual, media, and politics (PhD thesis, Ghent University, September 2004).
Arnaut, Karel, 2004b, ‘Re-generating the nation: youth, revolution and the politics of history in Côte d’Ivoire’, in J. Abbink & I. van Kessel, eds., Vanguard or vandals: youth, politics and conflict in Africa, Leiden: Brill.
Arnaut, Karel, 2004c, ‘“Out of the Race”: the poiesis of genocide in mass media discourses in Côte d’Ivoire’, in G. Baumann & A. Gingrich, eds., Grammars of identity/alterity: a structural approach, pp. 112-141. London: Berghahn.
Arnaut, Karel, 2005, ‘Our Baka brothers obviously do not speak French’: Siting and scaling physical/discursive ‘movements’ in post-colonial Belgium’, Language & Communication, 25/3, pp. 217-235.
Arnaut, Karel, 2007, ‘Chthonic science: Georges Niangoran-Bouah and the anthropology of belonging in Côte d’Ivoire’, Paper delivered at ECAS2, Leiden, 10 July 2007.
Arnaut, Karel, 2008 (à paraitre), Performing the people: Citizenship and the autochthonic public sphere in Côte d’Ivoire (1945-2007). Occasional Paper, Centre of African Studies University of Copenhagen.
Arnaut, Karel & Aghi Bahi, 2007, ‘Public space and conflict in Côte d’Ivoire: governance by spectacle and people’s parliaments’, Paper presented at the APAD Conference ‘Development, Liberalism and Modernity: Trajectories for an Anthropology of Social Change’ Theme: Anthropology of the State and Public Space. Leiden 13-15 December 2007.
Arnaut, Karel & Jan Blommaert, (à paraitre), ‘Chthonic science: Georges Niangoran-Bouah and the anthropology of belonging in Côte d’Ivoire’, Politique Africaine.
Bahi, Aghi, 2003, ‘La “Sorbonne” d’Abidjan: rêve de démocratie ou naissance d’un espace public?’, Revue Africaine de Sociologie, 7 (1):1-17.
Bahi, P. & T. K. Biaya, 1996, ‘Danse et espace idéologique de la marge: le Zouglou et la transformation socio-politique des jeunes d’Abidjan’, Sociétés africaines et diaspora, 3,pp. 105-117.
Bailly, Diégou, 1995, La réinstauration du multipartisme en Côte d'’Ivoire ou la double mort d’Houphouët-Boigny. Paris: L’Harmattan.
Bakhtin, Mikhail, 1984, Rabelais and his world (trans. by H. Iswolsky). Bloomington: Indiana University Press.
Banégas, Richard, 2006, ‘Côte d’Ivoire: patriotism, ethnonationalism and other African modes of welf-writing’, African Affairs 105 (421): 535-552.
Banégas, Richard, 2007, ‘Côte d’Ivoire: les jeunes ‘se lèvent en hommes’. Anticolonialisme et ultranationalisme chez les Jeunes patriotes d’Abidjan’, Les Etudes du CERI, 137. Paris: Sciences Po.
Baumann, Gerd, 2004, ‘Grammars of identity/alterity: a structural approach’, in Baumann & Gingrich, eds., Grammars of identity/alterity: a structural approach. NewYork: Berghahn Books.
Bayart, Jean-François, Peter Geschiere & Francis Nyamnjoh, 2001, ‘Autochthonie, démocratie et citoyenneté en Afrique’, Critique Internationale, 10: 177-194.
Bjørgo, Tore, 1997, ‘The invaders’, ‘the traitors’ and ‘the resistance movement’: the extreme right’s conceptualisation of opponents and self in Scandinavia’, In T. Modood & P. Werbner, eds., The politics of multiculturalism in the new Europe: racism, identity, and community,pp. 54-72. London: Zed Books.
Brenner, Neil, 1997, ‘Global, fragmented, hierarchical: Henri Lefebre’s geographies of globalization’, Public Culture, 24: 135-167.
Campbell, W. Joseph, 1998, The emergent independent press in Benin and Côte d’Ivoire : from voice of the State to advocate of democracy. Westport: Praeger.
Chauveau, Jean-Pierre et Bobo, Samuel, 2003, ‘La situation de guerre dans l’arène villageoise.Un exemple dans le Centre-Ouest ivoirien’, Politique Africaine, 89: 12-32.
Comaroff, Jean & John Comaroff, 2001, ‘Naturing the nation: aliens, apocalypse, and the postcolonial state’, Social Identities, 7 (2): 233-265.
Corsín Jimenez, Alberto, 2003, ‘On space as a capacity’, Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, 9 (1): 137-153.
Cox, Kevin, 1998, ‘Spaces of dependence, spaces of engagement and the politics of scale, or looking for local politics’, Political
Geography, 17 (1): 1-23.
Crehan, Kate, 1997, The fractured community: landscapes of power and gender on rural Zambia, Berkeley: University of California Press.
Ceuppens, Bambi, and Peter Geschiere, 2005, ‘Autochthony: Local or Global? New Modes in the Struggle over Citizenship in Africa and Europe’, Annual Review of Anthropology 34, pp. 385–407.
Dozon, Jean-Pierre, 2000, ‘La Côte d’Ivoire entre démocratie, nationalisme et ethnonationalisme’, Politique Africaine 78: 45–62.
Dozon, Jean-Pierre, 2001, ‘Post-prophetism and Post-Houphouëtism in Ivory Coast’, Social Compass 48 (3): 369–385.
Gbagbo, Laurent, 1983, Côte d’Ivoire, pour une alternative démocratique, Paris: L’Harmattan.
Geschiere, Peter & Josef Gugler, 1998, ‘The urban-rural connection: changing issues of belonging and identification’, Africa, 68 (3): 309-319.
Geschiere, Peter & Francis Nyamnjoh, 2000, ‘Capitalism and autochthony: the seesaw of mobility and belonging’, Public Culture, 12 (2): 423-452.
Hall, Stuart, 1990, ‘Cultural identity and diaspora’, in J. Rutherford, ed., Identity, community, culture, difference, pp. 222-237. London: Lawrence & Wishart.
Hall, Stuart, 2002, ‘Democracy, globalization, and difference’, (Documenta 11, Platform 1): 21-36. Kassel: Documenta.
Howitt, Richard, 2000, ‘Scale and the Other: embodiment, emplacement and infinity’, [http://www.es.mq.edu.au/~rhowitt/SCAL
/HOMES.HTM; 12/07/2004].
Koulibaly, Mamadou, 2003, ‘Gangstérisme international d’Etat’, in M Koulibaly, ed., La guerre de la France contre la Côte d'Ivoire, pp.
-9. Abidjan: La Refondation.
Li, Tania Murray, 2000, ‘Articultating indigenous identity in Indonesia: resource politics and the tribal slot’, Comparative Studies in
Society and History, 42 (1): 149-179.
Marie, Alain, 2002, ‘Une anthropo-logique communautaire à l’épreuve de la mondialisation: de la relation de dette à la lutte sociale
(l’exemple ivoirien)’, Cahiers d’Études africaines, 166, 42 (2): 207-255.
Marshall-Fratani, Ruth, 2006, ‘The war of “Who Is Who”: autochthony, nationalism, and citizenship in the Ivoirian crisis’, African Studies Review 49 (2): 9–43.
Martson, Sallie, 2000, ‘The social construction of scale’, Progress in Human Geography, 24 (2): 219-242.
Massey, Doreen, 1992, ‘Politics and Space/Time’, New Left Review, 196: 65-84.
Massey, Doreen, 1999, ‘Imagining globalization: power-geometric of time-space’, In D. Massey, Power-geometries and the politics of
space-time (Hettner-Lecture 1998), pp. 9-26. University of Heidelberg: Department of Geography.
Mbembe, Achille, 2000, ‘Apropos des écritures africaines de soi’, Politique Africaine 77: 16-43.
Mbembe, Achille, 2001, ‘Ways of seeing: beyond the new nativism. Introduction’, African Studies Review, 44/2, pp. 1-14.
Niangoran-Bouah, Georges, 1996, ‘Les fondements socio-culturels de l’Ivoirité’, in S. Touré, L’Ivoirité ou l’esprit du nouveau contrat social du Président Henri Konan Bédié, pp. 39-51. Abidjan: Presses Universitaires de Côte d’Ivoire.
Niangoranh Porquet, Dieudonné, 1994, Masquair des – Balanfonides (Griotorique). Abidjan: Le Qualitorium.
Nielsen, Asben Holm & Kirsten Simonsen, 2003,‘Scaling from “below”: practices, strategies and urban spaces,’ European Planning Studies, 11 (8): 911-927.
Silué N ‘ Tchabétien Oumar, 2006, ‘Médiatisation des idéologies politiques dans les espaces de discussions de rue: le cas du discours politique sur l’identité nationale au cours des audiences foraines de 2006’, Contribution au project au Projet ‘Conflits en Côte d’Ivoire: dynamique et représentations’. Abidjan: CERAP/IDDH.
Smith, Neil & Setha Low, 2006, ‘Introduction: the imperative of public space’, in S. Low & N.
Smith, eds., The politics of public space, pp. 1-34. New York & London: Routledge.
Stolcke, Verena, 1995, ‘Talking culture: new boundaries, new rhetorics of exclusion in Europe’,Current Anthropology, 36(1): 1-24.
Swyngedouw, Erik, 1992, ‘Territorial organization and the space/technology nexus’,Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers (n.s.), 17: 417-433.
Swyngedouw, Erik, 1997, ‘Neither global nor local: ‘Glocalization’ and the politics of scale’, in K. Cox, ed., Spaces of globalization. reasserting the power of the local, pp. 137-166. New York: Guildford Press.
Théroux-Bénoni, Lori-Anne, Bahi, Aghi, (à paraitre), ‘À propos du rôle des médias dans le conflit ivoirien’, in J-B. Ouédraogo & E. Sall (dir.), Frontières de la citoyenneté et violence politique en Côte d’Ivoire. Dakar: CODESRIA.
Uitermark, Justus, 2002, ‘Re-scaling, scale fragmentation and the regulation of antagonistic relationships’, Progress in Human Geography, 26, 6: 743-765.
Werewere-Liking, Gnepo, 2003, ‘L’Humanité fantome’, Conférence Europe fantôme, Brussels, April 2003.