6 - L’adoption des produits cosmétiques par les consommateurs camerounais : la forte incidence de la nouveauté perçue, de l’innovativité, de l’implication et des valeurs
Corresponding Author(s) : Darius Djoma
African Sociological Review,
Vol. 16 No. 1 (2012): African Sociological Review
The objective of this research is to identify and understand individual and perceptual variables, which could explain the decision process of purchasing a new product by the consumer, since these variables do not have the same behavior among different types of consumers. A confirma- tory survey conducted among 1,005 consumers of cosmetics in Cameroon, shows that the type of innovation (incremental or radical), perceived usefulness, and some individual variables (in- novativeness,
involvement, and values) play a significant role in the adoption of new cosmetic product. recommendations are made to improve communication on new cosmetics products. Keywords: adoption of cosmetics, consumers, perception of novelty, methods of structural equa- tion modeling (SeM).
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- Arndt, J (1967)., Role of Product-Related Conversations in the Diffusion of a New Product, Journal of Marketing research, 4 (August), 291-95.
- Bass. F M., (1969), “A new product growth model for consumer durables » Management Science, vol.15, January, .2, 5-27.
- Bauer R (1960), Consumer Behavior as Risk Taking Dynamic Marketing for a changing Word, R.S, Hancocked. American Marketing Association, 389-398.
- Beattie, A.E (1983), Product Expertise and Advertising persuasiveness, Advances in Consumer research, 10,583-584.
- Bettman J.R, Luce M.F et Payne J.W (1978), Constructive consumer choice process, Journal of Consumer research, 25, 3,187-217.
- Byrne M.B (2006), Structural Equation Modelling with EQS/ windows: Basic concepts, applications and programming (2nd edition) Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum, Sage Publications.
- Cheung, G W., et Resnvold, R.B (2002), Evaluating Goodness of fit indexes for testing measurement invariance, Structural Equation Modelling: A multidisciplinary Journal, 9,233-255.
- Cooper D.P (2001), Innovation and reciprocal externalities: Information transmission via job mobility, Journal of economic Behaviour and Organization, 45,403-425.
- Croutsche J-J(2002), Étude des relations de causalité : Utilisation des modèles d’équations structurelles (approche méthodologique), La revue des Sciences de Gestion, Direction et Gestion, Numéro 198, Décembre, 81-97.
- Cunningham Scott .M et(1967), The Major dimensions of perceived Risk, Risk taking and information handling in Consumer Behavior, D.F Coxed, Boston, Harvard, University press, 82-108.
- Daghfous-N, Petrof J V, Pons F (1999)., Values and Adoption of innovation: a cross cultural study, the Journal of Consumer Marketing, Santa Barbara.
- Deering J.B, Jacoby J (1972), Price intervals and individual Price limits as determinants of product evaluation and selection, In Proceedings of the third annual conference of the Association for Consumer Research: Association for Consumer research, 145-166.
- Derbaix C (1987), Le comportement de l’acheteur : voies d’études pour les années à venir, recherche et Applications en Marketing, 2, 2, 81-92.
- Djoma. M.N.D(2004), Le comportement du consommateur camerounais face au produit nouveau, Mémoire de DEA en Sciences de Gestion, Option Marketing et Stratégie, Université de Ngaoundéré.
- Engel,J.F. Blackwell, R.D et Kollat, D (1978) ., “Consumer behavior “ New York : Dolt, rinehart & Winston inc 3°ed .
- Erdem T (1998), An empirical analysis of umbrella branding, Journal of Marketing research, 35(August), 339-351.
- Etzel Michael, J. et Wahlers Russel, G (1984)., Optimal stimulation level and consumer travel preference, in eds Russel W Belk et Robert A. Peterson, AMA Educator’s proceedings, American Marketing Association, 9, 513-542.
- Farley, J.V., Khan. B, Lehman. D.R et Moore W.L (1987), Modelling the choice of automate, Sloan Management review, vol, 29, hiver, 5-15.
- Florès L.M(2005), Potentiel relationnel et impact du site de marque sur la performance marketing (Avec P Volle), Décisions Marketing, Numéro Spécial sur la Performance Marketing, 40, Octobre-Décembre, P.39-50.
- Fornell C et Larcker D.F (1981), Evaluating Structural Equation Models with Unobservable Variable and Measurement Error, Journal of Marketing research, 18, February, 39-50.
- Fromkin H.L (1979).,”A social psychological analysis of the adoption and diffusion of new products and practices from a uniques motivation perspective”, in Gardner D.M.,ed Advances in Consumer research, 2,464-469.
- Gatignon H. et Xuereb J.M (1985), Strategic orientation of the firm and new product performance, Journal of Marketing research, vol, 11, Mars,849-867.
- Gatignon H., Eliashberg J et Robertson T.S (1990)., Technology Diffusion Patterns: An Empirical Test of Competitive Effects, Journal of Marketing, 53:1( January), 35-49.
- Hair, J.F-Jr., Anderson R.E., Tatham. R.L et Black.W.C (1998), Multivariate Data Analysis, Fifth Edition, Upper saddle River, NJ, Prentice Hall.
- Hauser.J, Tellis.G, Griffin. A (2005), Research on innovation: A review and agenda for marketing science.
- Hirschman E.C (1980), Innovativeness, novelty seeking and consumer creativity, Journal onsumer research, 7(3):283.
- Hoover R J., Green R.T et Saegert J(1978), A cross-National study of Perceived Risk, Does Perceived risk have the same effect on consumers in a foreign country as in the United states?, Journal of Marketing,July,102.
- Howard J, A et Sheth J. N (1969)., The theory of buyer behavior New York: John Witey sons.
- Hu L.Z et. Bentler P.M (1998), Fit indexes in covariance structure modeling: Sensitivity to Underparametrized Model Misspecification, Psychological Methods, 3(4), 424-453.
- Kahle, L.R (1983), Social values and social Change: Adaptation to life in America, Praeger, New York, NY.
- Kamakura, W.A et Novak, T.P (1992), Value- system segmentation: exploring the meaning of LOV, Journal of consumer research, Vol.19, June, 119-32.
- Kapferer J-N et Laurent G(1985)., An empirical assesment of selected consequences of involvement, Actes du 12 séminaire international de la recherche Marketing, Lalonde les Maures, 111-36.
- Laborde C et Durrieu. F. (2008), L’Association parrain/parrainé dans le domaine du sport : influence dans le temps sur les réactions affectives à l’égard de la marque, La revue des sciences de Gestion, Direction et Gestion, no 299, Janvier-Février, 85.
- Masterson J.J et Hayward G (1979), Adoption of innovation: A concept attainment view, Management decision (4), (UK), vol 17, 284-294.
- Mehrabian, A et Russell J.A (1974), An approach to environmental psychology, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
- Michaut A M. K., (2004), Consumer response to innovative products with application to foods, PhD thesis, Wageningen University.
- Michaut A. M.K., van Trijp, HCM. Steenkamp J-B.E.M (2002), Dimensions of product Newness and their differential effect on Market Success. Paper presented at 31st EMAC Conference, May, 28-31, Braga, Portugal.
- Midgley, D.G., Dowling. G.R (1978), Innovativeness: the concept and its measurement, Journal of Consumer research, vol 4, March, 229-42-.
- Montgomery C.A et Wernerfelt B (1992)., Risk reduction and Umbrella branding, Journal of Business, 65( January), 31-50.
- Nyeck. S. Paradis, S. Xuereb J-M et Chebat.J-C (1996), Standardisation des échelles de mesure à travers différents contextes nationaux: L’exemple d’une échelle d’Innovativité, recherches et Applications en marketing, Vol.11, n3/96.
- Pupion P-C (2004), Statistiques pour la gestion : Applications Excel et SPSS», Dunod, Paris, 373 Pages.
- Robertson T.S (1971), Innovative behavior and Communication, New York, Holt rinehart and Winston, inc, Robinson W.T (1988), Sources of market pioneer advantages: The case of industrial goods industries, Journal of Marketing research, 25(February), 87-94.
- Roehrich G (2001), Les causes de l’achat d’un nouveau produit: variables individuelles ou caractéristiques perçues, revue française du Marketing, .n°182.
- Roehrich G, Derbaix C., Kahle.L., Strazzieri A. (2001), Consumer innovativeness: concept and measurements, in proceeding of the 4th Conference on consumer Behavior, IAE d’Aix en Provence, 424-440.
- Roehrich, G et Valette –Florence, P(1986), Besoin de stimulation, innovativité, implication et valeurs : Test empirique d’un modèle structurel, Actes du colloque de l’Association française de Marketing, le Touquet, ,133- 157.
- Roehrich, G et Valette –Florence, P(1987), Une approche causale du comportement d’achat innovateur, papier de recherche à l’école supérieure des affaires de Grenoble.
- Rogers .E.M.;( 1995)”Diffusion of innovations”, (4th ed.).New York: free press. Shanklin W et Ryans J (1985) ; Marketing et technologie de pointe, Harvard l’expansion. Sheth, J.N (1981)., Psychology of innovation resistance: the less developed concept (LDC) in Diffusion research, research in Marketing, and 4, 273-82.
- Siani G (2001), Valeurs d’information des attributs marque et enseigne dans l’acte d’achat du consommateur, La revue des Sciences de Gestion, Direction et Gestion, Numéro 187, Février, 7-16,
- Snyder C.R et Fromkin H.L (1980), Uniqueness: The human pursuit of difference, New York, plenum press.
- Taylor S; et Todd.P (1995), Understanding information Technology usage: A test of competing Models information systems research, 6:144-176.
- Tellis, Eden Yin, Bell. S., (2004), Global consumer innovativeness: cross-country differences and demographic commonalities, Los Angeles, A University of southern California, Working paper.
- Tornatzky, L.G et K J Klein (1982), Innovation characteristics and innovation adoption implementation: A Meta analysis of findings, iee transaction on engineering management, vol, 29, n, 28-45.
- Venkatesan, M (1973), Cognitive consistency and novelty seeking, in eds Scott Ward et Thomas S Robertson, Consumer behavior, theoretical sources, englewood cliffs: prentice Hall, inc.
- Verhage B.J., Yavas U et Green R.T (1990), Perceived Risk: A Cross-Cultural Phenomenon? international Journal of research in Marketing, 7,297-303.
- Walter H.A (1967), Cultural values do correlate with consumer behaviour, Journal of Marketing Research vol, XIII, May, 121-7
- Widaman, K.F et Reise, S.P (1997), Exploring the measurement invariance of psychological instruments: Application in the substance use domain. In K.J Bryant, M. Windle et S.G. West (Eds), The science of prevention (pp.281-324) Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
- Yavas, U, Verhage B et Green R.T (1992), Global consumer segmentation versus local market orientation: empirical findings Management International Review, vol. 32. Issue Third Quarter, 265-272.
Arndt, J (1967)., Role of Product-Related Conversations in the Diffusion of a New Product, Journal of Marketing research, 4 (August), 291-95.
Bass. F M., (1969), “A new product growth model for consumer durables » Management Science, vol.15, January, .2, 5-27.
Bauer R (1960), Consumer Behavior as Risk Taking Dynamic Marketing for a changing Word, R.S, Hancocked. American Marketing Association, 389-398.
Beattie, A.E (1983), Product Expertise and Advertising persuasiveness, Advances in Consumer research, 10,583-584.
Bettman J.R, Luce M.F et Payne J.W (1978), Constructive consumer choice process, Journal of Consumer research, 25, 3,187-217.
Byrne M.B (2006), Structural Equation Modelling with EQS/ windows: Basic concepts, applications and programming (2nd edition) Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum, Sage Publications.
Cheung, G W., et Resnvold, R.B (2002), Evaluating Goodness of fit indexes for testing measurement invariance, Structural Equation Modelling: A multidisciplinary Journal, 9,233-255.
Cooper D.P (2001), Innovation and reciprocal externalities: Information transmission via job mobility, Journal of economic Behaviour and Organization, 45,403-425.
Croutsche J-J(2002), Étude des relations de causalité : Utilisation des modèles d’équations structurelles (approche méthodologique), La revue des Sciences de Gestion, Direction et Gestion, Numéro 198, Décembre, 81-97.
Cunningham Scott .M et(1967), The Major dimensions of perceived Risk, Risk taking and information handling in Consumer Behavior, D.F Coxed, Boston, Harvard, University press, 82-108.
Daghfous-N, Petrof J V, Pons F (1999)., Values and Adoption of innovation: a cross cultural study, the Journal of Consumer Marketing, Santa Barbara.
Deering J.B, Jacoby J (1972), Price intervals and individual Price limits as determinants of product evaluation and selection, In Proceedings of the third annual conference of the Association for Consumer Research: Association for Consumer research, 145-166.
Derbaix C (1987), Le comportement de l’acheteur : voies d’études pour les années à venir, recherche et Applications en Marketing, 2, 2, 81-92.
Djoma. M.N.D(2004), Le comportement du consommateur camerounais face au produit nouveau, Mémoire de DEA en Sciences de Gestion, Option Marketing et Stratégie, Université de Ngaoundéré.
Engel,J.F. Blackwell, R.D et Kollat, D (1978) ., “Consumer behavior “ New York : Dolt, rinehart & Winston inc 3°ed .
Erdem T (1998), An empirical analysis of umbrella branding, Journal of Marketing research, 35(August), 339-351.
Etzel Michael, J. et Wahlers Russel, G (1984)., Optimal stimulation level and consumer travel preference, in eds Russel W Belk et Robert A. Peterson, AMA Educator’s proceedings, American Marketing Association, 9, 513-542.
Farley, J.V., Khan. B, Lehman. D.R et Moore W.L (1987), Modelling the choice of automate, Sloan Management review, vol, 29, hiver, 5-15.
Florès L.M(2005), Potentiel relationnel et impact du site de marque sur la performance marketing (Avec P Volle), Décisions Marketing, Numéro Spécial sur la Performance Marketing, 40, Octobre-Décembre, P.39-50.
Fornell C et Larcker D.F (1981), Evaluating Structural Equation Models with Unobservable Variable and Measurement Error, Journal of Marketing research, 18, February, 39-50.
Fromkin H.L (1979).,”A social psychological analysis of the adoption and diffusion of new products and practices from a uniques motivation perspective”, in Gardner D.M.,ed Advances in Consumer research, 2,464-469.
Gatignon H. et Xuereb J.M (1985), Strategic orientation of the firm and new product performance, Journal of Marketing research, vol, 11, Mars,849-867.
Gatignon H., Eliashberg J et Robertson T.S (1990)., Technology Diffusion Patterns: An Empirical Test of Competitive Effects, Journal of Marketing, 53:1( January), 35-49.
Hair, J.F-Jr., Anderson R.E., Tatham. R.L et Black.W.C (1998), Multivariate Data Analysis, Fifth Edition, Upper saddle River, NJ, Prentice Hall.
Hauser.J, Tellis.G, Griffin. A (2005), Research on innovation: A review and agenda for marketing science.
Hirschman E.C (1980), Innovativeness, novelty seeking and consumer creativity, Journal onsumer research, 7(3):283.
Hoover R J., Green R.T et Saegert J(1978), A cross-National study of Perceived Risk, Does Perceived risk have the same effect on consumers in a foreign country as in the United states?, Journal of Marketing,July,102.
Howard J, A et Sheth J. N (1969)., The theory of buyer behavior New York: John Witey sons.
Hu L.Z et. Bentler P.M (1998), Fit indexes in covariance structure modeling: Sensitivity to Underparametrized Model Misspecification, Psychological Methods, 3(4), 424-453.
Kahle, L.R (1983), Social values and social Change: Adaptation to life in America, Praeger, New York, NY.
Kamakura, W.A et Novak, T.P (1992), Value- system segmentation: exploring the meaning of LOV, Journal of consumer research, Vol.19, June, 119-32.
Kapferer J-N et Laurent G(1985)., An empirical assesment of selected consequences of involvement, Actes du 12 séminaire international de la recherche Marketing, Lalonde les Maures, 111-36.
Laborde C et Durrieu. F. (2008), L’Association parrain/parrainé dans le domaine du sport : influence dans le temps sur les réactions affectives à l’égard de la marque, La revue des sciences de Gestion, Direction et Gestion, no 299, Janvier-Février, 85.
Masterson J.J et Hayward G (1979), Adoption of innovation: A concept attainment view, Management decision (4), (UK), vol 17, 284-294.
Mehrabian, A et Russell J.A (1974), An approach to environmental psychology, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
Michaut A M. K., (2004), Consumer response to innovative products with application to foods, PhD thesis, Wageningen University.
Michaut A. M.K., van Trijp, HCM. Steenkamp J-B.E.M (2002), Dimensions of product Newness and their differential effect on Market Success. Paper presented at 31st EMAC Conference, May, 28-31, Braga, Portugal.
Midgley, D.G., Dowling. G.R (1978), Innovativeness: the concept and its measurement, Journal of Consumer research, vol 4, March, 229-42-.
Montgomery C.A et Wernerfelt B (1992)., Risk reduction and Umbrella branding, Journal of Business, 65( January), 31-50.
Nyeck. S. Paradis, S. Xuereb J-M et Chebat.J-C (1996), Standardisation des échelles de mesure à travers différents contextes nationaux: L’exemple d’une échelle d’Innovativité, recherches et Applications en marketing, Vol.11, n3/96.
Pupion P-C (2004), Statistiques pour la gestion : Applications Excel et SPSS», Dunod, Paris, 373 Pages.
Robertson T.S (1971), Innovative behavior and Communication, New York, Holt rinehart and Winston, inc, Robinson W.T (1988), Sources of market pioneer advantages: The case of industrial goods industries, Journal of Marketing research, 25(February), 87-94.
Roehrich G (2001), Les causes de l’achat d’un nouveau produit: variables individuelles ou caractéristiques perçues, revue française du Marketing, .n°182.
Roehrich G, Derbaix C., Kahle.L., Strazzieri A. (2001), Consumer innovativeness: concept and measurements, in proceeding of the 4th Conference on consumer Behavior, IAE d’Aix en Provence, 424-440.
Roehrich, G et Valette –Florence, P(1986), Besoin de stimulation, innovativité, implication et valeurs : Test empirique d’un modèle structurel, Actes du colloque de l’Association française de Marketing, le Touquet, ,133- 157.
Roehrich, G et Valette –Florence, P(1987), Une approche causale du comportement d’achat innovateur, papier de recherche à l’école supérieure des affaires de Grenoble.
Rogers .E.M.;( 1995)”Diffusion of innovations”, (4th ed.).New York: free press. Shanklin W et Ryans J (1985) ; Marketing et technologie de pointe, Harvard l’expansion. Sheth, J.N (1981)., Psychology of innovation resistance: the less developed concept (LDC) in Diffusion research, research in Marketing, and 4, 273-82.
Siani G (2001), Valeurs d’information des attributs marque et enseigne dans l’acte d’achat du consommateur, La revue des Sciences de Gestion, Direction et Gestion, Numéro 187, Février, 7-16,
Snyder C.R et Fromkin H.L (1980), Uniqueness: The human pursuit of difference, New York, plenum press.
Taylor S; et Todd.P (1995), Understanding information Technology usage: A test of competing Models information systems research, 6:144-176.
Tellis, Eden Yin, Bell. S., (2004), Global consumer innovativeness: cross-country differences and demographic commonalities, Los Angeles, A University of southern California, Working paper.
Tornatzky, L.G et K J Klein (1982), Innovation characteristics and innovation adoption implementation: A Meta analysis of findings, iee transaction on engineering management, vol, 29, n, 28-45.
Venkatesan, M (1973), Cognitive consistency and novelty seeking, in eds Scott Ward et Thomas S Robertson, Consumer behavior, theoretical sources, englewood cliffs: prentice Hall, inc.
Verhage B.J., Yavas U et Green R.T (1990), Perceived Risk: A Cross-Cultural Phenomenon? international Journal of research in Marketing, 7,297-303.
Walter H.A (1967), Cultural values do correlate with consumer behaviour, Journal of Marketing Research vol, XIII, May, 121-7
Widaman, K.F et Reise, S.P (1997), Exploring the measurement invariance of psychological instruments: Application in the substance use domain. In K.J Bryant, M. Windle et S.G. West (Eds), The science of prevention (pp.281-324) Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
Yavas, U, Verhage B et Green R.T (1992), Global consumer segmentation versus local market orientation: empirical findings Management International Review, vol. 32. Issue Third Quarter, 265-272.