3 - Structural orientation and social agency in South Africa: state, race, higher education and transformation
African Sociological Review,
Vol. 14 No. 1 (2010): African Sociological Review
we have taken as our brief and context the latest upsurge in incidents of a racist nature in
certain higher education institutions in South Africa. what we contribute to thinking on the
subject is goldberg’s (2002) theoretical framework in which he focuses on the emergence, for-
mation, existence and transformation of racial formations as constitutive of social life. In the
South African context we apply this framework and its understanding of racial traditions to higher
education in order to reveal the shifts across the social formations of segregation, apart- heid
and constitutional democracy. Our central argument is that goldberg’s concept of racial naturalist
and racial historicist traditions of social agency when applied to higher education institutions
disclose legacies of a differentiated racial regime. In this regard, we take up the trajectory of
racialisation as in its segregationist and apartheid modalities of state formation; its
deracialisation in our post-apartheid modality of social engagement towards the non-racial project
of constitutional democracy as a movement beyond the shadow of racist thinking both implicit and
explicit. The thrust of our engagement is that in order to make sense of racial formations and
their modalities of structural orientation and social agency we need to think of racism within the
complex of a state-race-class nexus. In sum then, the argument that we make vis-à-vis the
differentiated racialised orders is that we need to embed ourselves within our national, South
African, and continental, African, contexts in order to challenge the racial traditions that
continue to bedevil efforts towards consolidating our constitutional democracy and its concomitant
epistemic project.
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- Freund, B. 2004. South Africa: A New Nation State in a Globalizing Era. transformation 56: 1-52.
- Goldberg, D. T. 2002. The Racial State. Oxford: Blackwell. Lash, S. 1990 Sociology of Postmodernism, New York, Routledge.
- Legassick, M. 1975. South Africa: Forced Labour, Industrialisation and Racial Differentiation. In The Political economy of Africa, ed. R. Harris. Boston: Schenkman.
- Mannheim, K. 1956. essays on the Sociology of culture. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul.
- Marx, K. 1954. capital, Vol. 1. London: Lawrence & Wishart. McCrone, D. 1998. The Sociology of nationalism. London: Routledge.
- Migdal, J.S. 2001. State in Society. New York: Cambridge University Press.
- Ministry of Education, 2008 Report of the Ministerial Committee on Transformation and Social Cohesion and the Elimination of Discrimination in Public Higher Education Institutions, Pretoria.
- Motala, E. 2006. State Analysis: Its importance to theory, critique and practice: The case of the Apartheid State. Unpublished paper.
- Ntshoe, I. 2003. The political economy of access and equitable allocation of resources to higher education. International Journal of Higher education Development 23: 381-398.
- Ritzer, G. 1997 Postmodern Social Theory, New York, McGraw-Hill.
- South African Institute of Race Relations, 1990. Race Relations Survey 1989/90, South African Institute of Race Relations, Johannesburg.
- South African Institute of Race Relations, 1995. Race Relations Survey 1994/95, South African Institute of Race Relations, Johannesburg.
- Soudien, C. and Sayed, Y. (2004) A New Racial State? Exclusion and Inclusion in Education Policy and Practices in South Africa, in Perspectives in Education, 22 (4):101-116
- Wolpe, H. 1972. Capitalism and Cheap Labour Power in South Africa: from segregation to apartheid economy and Society, 1(4). On line access http://www.statssa.gov.za/publications/SAIn Transition/SAInTransition1999.pdf
Anthias, F. and N. Yuvil-Davis. 1992. Racialized Boundaries. London: Routledge.
Council on Higher Education, 2004. South African Higher education in the first Decade of Democracy. Pretoria: Council on Higher Education.
Department of Education, 1997. Education White Paper: A Programme for the Transformation of Higher Education, Pretoria.
Freund, B. 2004. South Africa: A New Nation State in a Globalizing Era. transformation 56: 1-52.
Goldberg, D. T. 2002. The Racial State. Oxford: Blackwell. Lash, S. 1990 Sociology of Postmodernism, New York, Routledge.
Legassick, M. 1975. South Africa: Forced Labour, Industrialisation and Racial Differentiation. In The Political economy of Africa, ed. R. Harris. Boston: Schenkman.
Mannheim, K. 1956. essays on the Sociology of culture. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul.
Marx, K. 1954. capital, Vol. 1. London: Lawrence & Wishart. McCrone, D. 1998. The Sociology of nationalism. London: Routledge.
Migdal, J.S. 2001. State in Society. New York: Cambridge University Press.
Ministry of Education, 2008 Report of the Ministerial Committee on Transformation and Social Cohesion and the Elimination of Discrimination in Public Higher Education Institutions, Pretoria.
Motala, E. 2006. State Analysis: Its importance to theory, critique and practice: The case of the Apartheid State. Unpublished paper.
Ntshoe, I. 2003. The political economy of access and equitable allocation of resources to higher education. International Journal of Higher education Development 23: 381-398.
Ritzer, G. 1997 Postmodern Social Theory, New York, McGraw-Hill.
South African Institute of Race Relations, 1990. Race Relations Survey 1989/90, South African Institute of Race Relations, Johannesburg.
South African Institute of Race Relations, 1995. Race Relations Survey 1994/95, South African Institute of Race Relations, Johannesburg.
Soudien, C. and Sayed, Y. (2004) A New Racial State? Exclusion and Inclusion in Education Policy and Practices in South Africa, in Perspectives in Education, 22 (4):101-116
Wolpe, H. 1972. Capitalism and Cheap Labour Power in South Africa: from segregation to apartheid economy and Society, 1(4). On line access http://www.statssa.gov.za/publications/SAIn Transition/SAInTransition1999.pdf