3 - Toward an Explanation of Cross-Sector Differences in Job Satisfaction and Organisational Attachment Among Agricultural Technicians in Kenya
African Sociological Review,
Vol. 4 No. 1 (2000): African Sociological Review
Existing research carried out mainly in industrialised nations shows that there exist variations in job satisfaction and organisational commitment across employment sectors. Utilising data from agricultural technicians employed in the public, parastatal and private sectors in Kenya, this study tests/or, and attempts an explanation of, such variations. Two com peting explanations, the structural and the dispositional arguments, are assessed. While the former emphasises differences in the structural fea tures of the workplace as being accountable for variations in job satisfaction and attachment across sectors, the latter captures possible cross-sector employee differences in dispositional ajfectivities and work motivation due to differential selection into the sectors. The results show that private sector technicians are higher in mean job satisfaction, organisational commitment, and intention to stay relative to their coun terparts in the public and
parastatal sectors. Structuralfeatures of work that exist across economic sectors are found to be responsible for such differences. No support is found for the dispositional argument. It is concluded that work sector is important in determining employee levels of job satisfaction and organisational attachment but it is the cross-sector differences in the structural conditions of the workplace that produce the cross-sector variations in satisfaction, commitment and intent to
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Dubin, R., J.E. Champoux, and L. W. Porter. W. 1975. 'Central Life Interests and Organisational Commitment of Blue-Collar Clerical Workers', Administrative Science Quarterly, 20: pp. 411-421.
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Freeman, R. B. and J.L. Medoff. 1984. What Do Unions Do? Basic Books, New York. Pottier, M. D.
'Is Management Really Generic?', Academy of Management Review, 6 (1): pp. 1-12.
Gortner, H. F. 1977. Administration in the Public Sector. John Wiley and Sons, New York.
Graham, C. B. Jr. and S. W. Hays. 1993. Managing the Public Organisation (2nd. edi tion). CQ Press: Washington D.C.
Hackman, J.R. and G. R. Oldham. 1975. 'Development of the Job Diagnostic Survey', Journal of Applied Psychology, 60: pp. 151-170.
Work Redesign. Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA. Halaby, C. N. 1986. 'Worker attachment and workplace authority', American Socio logical Review, 51: pp. 634-49.
Halaby, C. N. and D. Weakliem. 1989. 'Worker Control and Attachment to the Firm', American Journal of Sociology, 95: pp. 549-591.
Heller, P. and A. Tait. 1982. 'Government Employment and Pay'. Some International Comparisons, International Monetary Fund, Washington D.C.
Hom, P. W., R. W. Griffeth, and C. L. Sellaro. 1984. 'The ValidityofMobley's (1977) Model of Employment Turnover', Organisational Behavior and Human Perfor mance, 34: pp. 141-174.
Homans, G. D. 1961. Social Behavior: Its Elementary Form, Harcourt: Brace and World, New York. Ivancevich, J. M., A D. Szlagyi Jr., and M. Wallace. Jr. 1977. Organisational Behavior and Performance, Goodyear Publishing Company Inc, Sante Monica, California.
Kahn, R. L., D. Wolfe, and J. Schoek. 1964. Organisational Stress: Studies in Role Conflict and Ambiguity, Wiley and Sons, New York.
Kanungo, R. N. 1982. Work Alienation, Praeger, New York.
Katz, D. and R. L. Kahn. 1978. Social Psychology of Organisations, Wiley, New York. La-Anyane, S 1985.
Economics of Agricultural Development in Tropical Africa, John Wiley and Sons, Ltd., Chichester.
Larson, E.W. and C. V. Fukami. 1985. 'Employee Absenteeism: The Role of Ease of Movement', Academy of Management Journal, 28: pp. 464-471.
Leonard, D. K. 1977. Reaching the Peasant Farmer: Organisational Theory and Prac tice in Kenya, University of Chicago Press, Chicago:
Mangelsdorff, A.D. 1989. 'A Cross-Validational Study of Factors Affecting Military Psychologists' Decision to Remain in Service: The 1984 Military Psychologists' Survey', Military Psychology, 1: pp. 241-251.
Mathieu, J.E. andD. M. Zajac. 1990. 'A Review of Meta-Analysis of the Antecedents, Correlates, and Consequences of Organisational Commitment', Psychological Bulletin, 108 (2): pp. 171-194.
Mirvis, P.H. andE. J. Hackett. 1983. 'Work and Workforce Characteristics in theNon profit Sector', Monthly Labour Review, 106: pp. 3-12.
Mottaz, C. 1988. 'Work satisfaction among hospital nurses', Hospital and Health Ser vices Administration, 33: pp. 57-74. 1985.
The Relative Importance of Intrinsic and Extrinsic Rewards as Determinants of Work Satisfaction', The Sociological Quarterly, 26(3): pp. 365-385.
Mowday, R.T., C. S. Koberg, and A. W. McArthur. 1984. 'The Psychology of the Withdrawal Process: A Cross-Validation Test ofMobley's Intermediate Linkages Model of Turnover in Two Samples', Academy of Management Journal, 27: pp. 79-94.
Mowday, R. T., L. Porter, and R. Steers, R. 1982. Employee-Organisation Linkages, Academic Press, New York.
Mueller, C. W., E. Boyer, J. L. Price, and R. Iverson. 1994. 'Employee Attachment and Noncoercive Conditions of Work: The Case of Dental Hygienists', Work and Occupation, 21: pp. 179-212.
Mueller, C.W., J. Wallace, and J. L Price. 1992. 'Employee Commitment: Resolving Some Issues', Work and Occupations, 19: pp. 211-236.
Mulinge, M. M. 1994. Job Satisfaction and Organisational Attachment Among Agri cultural Professionals in Kenya, unpublished doctoral dissertation, The University of Iowa, Iowa City.
Nsereko, J. 1979. Selected Causes of Agricultural Problems in a Peasant Society with Examples from Uganda, Kenya Literature Bureau, Nairobi.
Ozgediz, S. 1986. 'Managing the Public Service in Developing Countries: Issues and Prospects', World Bank staff working papers number 583, management and devel opment series number 10, the World Bank, Washington D.C.
Price, J. L. and C. W. Mueller. 1986a. Absenteeism and Turnover Among Hospital Employees, JAI Press, Greenwich, CT.1986b.
Handbook of Organisational Measurement, Pittman Publishing, Marshfield, MA.
Rainey, H. G. 1991. Understanding and Managing Public Organisations, Jossey-Bass Publishers, San Francisco.
Rainey, H., R. W. Backoff. and C. H. Levine. 1978. 'Comparing Public and Private Organisations', Public Administration Review, 36: pp. 223-244.
Republic of Kenya. 1989. National Development Plan 1989-93, Government Printers, Nairobi.
Robinson, J.P., R. Athanasiou, and K. B. Head. 1969. Measures of Occupational Atti tudes and Occupation Characteristics. Survey Research Center, Institute of Social Research, University of Michigan, Ann-Arbor.
Smith, M. D and S. L. Nock. 1980. 'Social Class and the Quality ofWorkLife in Public and Private Organisations', Journal of Social Issues, 36(4): pp. 59-75.
Staw, B. M., N. E. Bell and J. A. Clausen. 1986. 'The Dispositional Approach to Job Attitudes: A Lifetime Longitudinal Test', Administrative Science Quarterly, 31: pp. 56-77.
Watson, D. and L. A. Clark. 1984. 'Negative Affectivity: The Disposition to Experi ence Aversive Emotional States', Psychological Bulletin, 96: pp. 465-490.
Watson, D., J. W. Pennebaker and R. Folger. 1987. 'Beyond Negative Affectivity: Measuring Stress and Satisfaction in the Workplace', Journal of Organisational Behavior Management, 8(2): pp. 141-157.
Weber, M. 1947. Theory of Social and Economic Organisations [Translated by A.M. Henderson and T. Parsons], Free Press, New York.
Welsch, H. D. and H. La Van. 1981. 'Inter-Relations Between Organisational Commit ment and Job Characteristics, Job Satisfaction, Professional Behavior, and Organi sational Climate', Human Relations, 34 (12): pp. 1079-1089.