7 - Justice Perceptions in the Workplace: Gender Differences in Kenya.
Corresponding Author(s) : Munyae Mulinge
African Sociological Review,
Vol. 5 No. 2 (2001): African Sociological Review
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- Adhiambo-Oduaol, J. 1995. ‘Gender Advocacy Research: Opening Statement at the Women and Autonomy in Kenya: Policy and Legal Framework Seminar, Feb. 17-18, 1995’. In Kibwana, K. (ed) Women and Autonomy in Kenya: Policy and Legal Framework, viii-xi. Nairobi. Claripress.
- Agho, A. 1993. ‘The Moderating Effects of Dispositional Affectivity on Relationships Between Job Characteristics and Nurses Job Satisfaction’. Research in Nursing and Health 16, 451-458.
- Boserup, E. 1970. Women’s Role in Economic Development. London. Allen and Unwin. Bradshaw, Y. and Wallace, M. 1996. Global Inequalities. Thousand Oaks, CA. Pine Forge Press. Crosby, F. 1982.
- Relative Deprivation and Working Women. New York. Oxford University.
- Davies, J. 1962. ‘Toward a Theory of Revolution’. American Sociological Review 27, 5-18.
- Davies, J. 1969. ‘The J-Curve of Rising and Declining Satisfaction as a Cause of Some Great Revolutions and a Contained Rebellion’. In Graham, H. and Gurr, T. eds. The History of Violence in America, 690-731. New York. Bantam.
- Folger, R. 1987. ‘Distributive and Procedural Justice in the Workplace’. Social Justice Research 2, 143-159.
- Francis, E. 1995. ‘Migration and Changing Divisions of Labour: Gender Relations and Economic Change in Koguta, Western Africa’. Africa 65, 197-216.
- Hegtvedt, K. 1994. ‘Justice’. In Foschi, M. and Lawler, E. eds. Group processes: Sociological Analyses, 177-204. Chicago. Nelson-Hall.
- Hegtvedt, K. and Markovsky, B. 1995. ‘Justice and Injustice’. In Cook, K., Fine, G., and House, J. eds. Sociological Perspectives on Social Psychology, 257-280. Boston. Allyn and Bacon.
- Hodson, R. 1989. ‘Gender Differences in Job Satisfaction: Why Aren’t Women More Dissatisfied?’ Sociological Quarterly 30, 385-99.
- Homans, G. 1961. Social Behavior: Its Elementary Forms. New York. Harcourt, Brace and World.
- House-Midamba, B. 1990. ‘The United Nations Decade: Political Empowerment or Increased Marginalization of Kenyan Women?’ Africa Today 38, 100-120.
- House-Midamba, B. 1996. ‘Gender, Democratization, and Associational Life in Kenya’ Africa Today 43, 289-306.
- Hughes R. and Mwiria, K. 1989. ‘Kenyan Women, Higher Education, and the Labor Market’ Comparative Education 25, 179-195.
- Iverson, R. and Kuruvilla, S. 1995. ‘Antecedents of Union Loyalty: The Influence of Individual Dispositions and Organisational Context’. Journal of Organizational Behavior 16, 557-582.
- James, K. 1993. ‘The Social Context of Organizational Justice: Cultural, Intergroup, an Structural
- Effects on Justice Behaviors and Perceptions’. In Cropanzano, R. (ed) Justice in the Workplace, 21-50. Hillsdale, NY. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
- Jasso, G. 1980. ‘A New Theory of Distributive Justice’. American Sociological Review 45, 3 32. Jo, D. 1995, Employee Attachment Among Teachers in South Korea: A Comparative Analysis with U.S. Teachers. Ph.D. Dissertation, Department of Sociology, University of Iowa, Iowa City.
- Phelan, J. 1994. ‘The Paradox of the Contented Female Worker: An Assessment of Alternative Explanations’. Social Psychology Quarterly 57, 95-107.
- Price, J. and Kim, S. 1993. ‘The Relationship Between Demographic Variables and Intent to Stay in the Military: Medical Personnel in a Air Force Hospital’. Armed Forces and Society 20, 125-144.
- Price, J. and Mueller, C. 1986. Handbook of Organizational Measurement. Cambridge, MA. Ballinger.
- Randall, C. and Mueller, C. 1995. ‘Extensions of Justice Theory: Justice Evaluations and Employee Reactions in a Natural Setting’. Social Psychology Quarterly 58, 178-194.
- Republic of Kenya. 1965. Sessional Paper No .10 on Africian Socialism and Its Implications for Development Planning. Nairobi. Government Printer.
- Republic of Kenya. 1988. Report of the Presidential Working Party on Education and Manpower Training for the Next Decade and Beyond. Nairobi. Government Printer.
- Ruigu, G. 1985. Women Employment in Kenya. Paper Prepared for the Kenya Government Secretariat, UN Decade for Women Conference Shaw, C. 1995. Colonial Inscriptions: Race, Sex, and Class in Kenya. Minneapolis. University of Minnesota Press.
- Sheppard, B., Lewicki , R., Roy, J. and Minton, J. 1992. Organization Justice: The Search for Fairness in the Workplace. New York. Lexington Books.
- Sørensen, A. 1992. ‘Women’s Organizations Among the Kipsigis: Change, Variety and Different Participation’. Africa 62, 547-566.
- Stichter, S. 1977. ‘Women and the Labor Force in Kenya, 1895-1964’. IDS Discussion Paper No.258. Nairobi. University of Nairobi.
- Thibaut, J. and Walker, L. 1975. Procedural Justice: A Psychosocial Analysis. Hillsdale, NJ. Lawrence Erlbaum.
- Thomas-Slayter, B. and Rocheleau, D. 1995. Gender, Environment, and Development in Kenya. Boulder, CO. Lynne Reiner.
- Von Bülow, D. 1991. Transgressing Gender Boundaries: Kipsigis Women in Kenya. Copenhagen. Center for Development Research.
- Von Bülow, D. 1992. ‘Bigger than Men? Gender Relations and their Changing Meaning in Kipsigis Society, Kenya’. Africa 62, 523-546.
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- World Bank. 1992. Kenya: Re-investing in Stabilization and Growth through Public Sector Adjustment. Washington, D.C.. The World Bank.
Adhiambo-Oduaol, J. 1995. ‘Gender Advocacy Research: Opening Statement at the Women and Autonomy in Kenya: Policy and Legal Framework Seminar, Feb. 17-18, 1995’. In Kibwana, K. (ed) Women and Autonomy in Kenya: Policy and Legal Framework, viii-xi. Nairobi. Claripress.
Agho, A. 1993. ‘The Moderating Effects of Dispositional Affectivity on Relationships Between Job Characteristics and Nurses Job Satisfaction’. Research in Nursing and Health 16, 451-458.
Boserup, E. 1970. Women’s Role in Economic Development. London. Allen and Unwin. Bradshaw, Y. and Wallace, M. 1996. Global Inequalities. Thousand Oaks, CA. Pine Forge Press. Crosby, F. 1982.
Relative Deprivation and Working Women. New York. Oxford University.
Davies, J. 1962. ‘Toward a Theory of Revolution’. American Sociological Review 27, 5-18.
Davies, J. 1969. ‘The J-Curve of Rising and Declining Satisfaction as a Cause of Some Great Revolutions and a Contained Rebellion’. In Graham, H. and Gurr, T. eds. The History of Violence in America, 690-731. New York. Bantam.
Folger, R. 1987. ‘Distributive and Procedural Justice in the Workplace’. Social Justice Research 2, 143-159.
Francis, E. 1995. ‘Migration and Changing Divisions of Labour: Gender Relations and Economic Change in Koguta, Western Africa’. Africa 65, 197-216.
Hegtvedt, K. 1994. ‘Justice’. In Foschi, M. and Lawler, E. eds. Group processes: Sociological Analyses, 177-204. Chicago. Nelson-Hall.
Hegtvedt, K. and Markovsky, B. 1995. ‘Justice and Injustice’. In Cook, K., Fine, G., and House, J. eds. Sociological Perspectives on Social Psychology, 257-280. Boston. Allyn and Bacon.
Hodson, R. 1989. ‘Gender Differences in Job Satisfaction: Why Aren’t Women More Dissatisfied?’ Sociological Quarterly 30, 385-99.
Homans, G. 1961. Social Behavior: Its Elementary Forms. New York. Harcourt, Brace and World.
House-Midamba, B. 1990. ‘The United Nations Decade: Political Empowerment or Increased Marginalization of Kenyan Women?’ Africa Today 38, 100-120.
House-Midamba, B. 1996. ‘Gender, Democratization, and Associational Life in Kenya’ Africa Today 43, 289-306.
Hughes R. and Mwiria, K. 1989. ‘Kenyan Women, Higher Education, and the Labor Market’ Comparative Education 25, 179-195.
Iverson, R. and Kuruvilla, S. 1995. ‘Antecedents of Union Loyalty: The Influence of Individual Dispositions and Organisational Context’. Journal of Organizational Behavior 16, 557-582.
James, K. 1993. ‘The Social Context of Organizational Justice: Cultural, Intergroup, an Structural
Effects on Justice Behaviors and Perceptions’. In Cropanzano, R. (ed) Justice in the Workplace, 21-50. Hillsdale, NY. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Jasso, G. 1980. ‘A New Theory of Distributive Justice’. American Sociological Review 45, 3 32. Jo, D. 1995, Employee Attachment Among Teachers in South Korea: A Comparative Analysis with U.S. Teachers. Ph.D. Dissertation, Department of Sociology, University of Iowa, Iowa City.
Phelan, J. 1994. ‘The Paradox of the Contented Female Worker: An Assessment of Alternative Explanations’. Social Psychology Quarterly 57, 95-107.
Price, J. and Kim, S. 1993. ‘The Relationship Between Demographic Variables and Intent to Stay in the Military: Medical Personnel in a Air Force Hospital’. Armed Forces and Society 20, 125-144.
Price, J. and Mueller, C. 1986. Handbook of Organizational Measurement. Cambridge, MA. Ballinger.
Randall, C. and Mueller, C. 1995. ‘Extensions of Justice Theory: Justice Evaluations and Employee Reactions in a Natural Setting’. Social Psychology Quarterly 58, 178-194.
Republic of Kenya. 1965. Sessional Paper No .10 on Africian Socialism and Its Implications for Development Planning. Nairobi. Government Printer.
Republic of Kenya. 1988. Report of the Presidential Working Party on Education and Manpower Training for the Next Decade and Beyond. Nairobi. Government Printer.
Ruigu, G. 1985. Women Employment in Kenya. Paper Prepared for the Kenya Government Secretariat, UN Decade for Women Conference Shaw, C. 1995. Colonial Inscriptions: Race, Sex, and Class in Kenya. Minneapolis. University of Minnesota Press.
Sheppard, B., Lewicki , R., Roy, J. and Minton, J. 1992. Organization Justice: The Search for Fairness in the Workplace. New York. Lexington Books.
Sørensen, A. 1992. ‘Women’s Organizations Among the Kipsigis: Change, Variety and Different Participation’. Africa 62, 547-566.
Stichter, S. 1977. ‘Women and the Labor Force in Kenya, 1895-1964’. IDS Discussion Paper No.258. Nairobi. University of Nairobi.
Thibaut, J. and Walker, L. 1975. Procedural Justice: A Psychosocial Analysis. Hillsdale, NJ. Lawrence Erlbaum.
Thomas-Slayter, B. and Rocheleau, D. 1995. Gender, Environment, and Development in Kenya. Boulder, CO. Lynne Reiner.
Von Bülow, D. 1991. Transgressing Gender Boundaries: Kipsigis Women in Kenya. Copenhagen. Center for Development Research.
Von Bülow, D. 1992. ‘Bigger than Men? Gender Relations and their Changing Meaning in Kipsigis Society, Kenya’. Africa 62, 523-546.
Wallace, J. 1995. ‘Corporatist Control and Organizational Commitment Among Professionals: The Case of Lawyers Working in Law Firms’. Social Forces 73, 811-839.
World Bank. 1992. Kenya: Re-investing in Stabilization and Growth through Public Sector Adjustment. Washington, D.C.. The World Bank.