4 - Globalisation and Discontent: Project and Discourse
Corresponding Author(s) : Peter Alexander
African Sociological Review,
Vol. 5 No. 1 (2001): African Sociological Review
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- Alexander, Peter. 1997. 'Workers, Globalization and Identity in South Africa.' Paper presented to Globalization and Identity Seminar, St. Antony's College, Oxford.
- Alexander, Peter. 2000. 'Zimbabwean Workers, the MDC & the 2000 Election.' Review of African Political Economy 85.
- Alexander, Peter. 2001. 'Globalization, Inequality and Labour's Response: A View from Africa, and Sorne Thoughts for Further Research.' Paper presented to Confer ence on Labour in a Globalising World: The Challenge for Asia, City University of Hong Kong.
- Auyero, Javier. 2001. 'Glocal Riots.' International Sociology 16(1).
- Bacon, David. 2000. 'Can Workers Stop Globalization?' Canadian Dimension 34(2). Bairoch, Paul. 2000. 'The Constituent Economie Principles ofGlobalization in Historical Perspective: Myths and Realities.' International Sociology 15(2).
- Bezuidenhout, Andries. 2000. '"What we do" or "who we are"? Trade Union Responses to Globalisation and Regionalisation in South Africa.' Paper presented to South African Sociological Association, University of the Western Cape.
- Bond, Patrick. 2000. 'Defunding the Fund, Running on the Bank.' Monthly Review 52(3).
- Bond, Patrick, Miller, Darlene & Ruiters, Greg. 2000. 'The Southern African Working Class: Production, Reproduction and Politics.' Paper presented, in absentia, to South African Sociological Association, University of the Western Cape, and forthcoming in Socialist Register 2000.
- Budd, Adrian. 2000. 'Globalisation in the Twentieth Century.' In Keith Flett and David Renton (eds), The Twentieth Century: A Century of Wars and Revolutions? Lon don: Rivers Oram Press.
- Budlender, Debbie. 2000. 'Earnings Inequality in South Africa, 1995-1998.' In R. Hirschowitz (ed.), Measuring Poverty in South Africa. Pretoria: Statistics South Africa (www.statssa.gov.za).
- Burawoy, Michael et al. 2000. Global Ethnography: Forces, Connections, and Imagi nations in a Postmodern World. Berkeley: University ofCalifornia Press.
- Callinicos, Alex. 1999. 'South Korea: Reformism Western Style?' Socialist Review 235.
- Castells, Manuel. 2000. The Power of Jdentity. Malden, Ma.: Blackwell.
- Castells, Manuel. 2000. 'Materials for an Exploratory Theory of the Network Society.' British Journal ofSociology 51(1).
- Charlton, John. 2000. 'Talking Seattle.' International Socialism 86. Chomsky, Noam. 2000.
- 'Anti-capitalism: What Next?' Socialist Review 245. Cliff, Tony. 2000. Marxism at the Millennium.London: Bookmarks.
- Cohen, Robin & Rai, Shirin M (eds). 2000. Global Social Movements. London: Ath lone Press.
- Cooper, Frederick. 2001. 'What is the Concept of Globalization Good for? An African Historian's Perspective.' African Ajfairs 100(339).
- COSATU (Congress of South African Trade Unions). 2000. 'Second Draft Political Resolutions.' Johannesburg: COSATU.
- DFID (Department for International Development). 2000. Making Globalisation Work for the World's Poor: An Introduction ta the UK Government's White Paper on International Development. London:DFID.
- Elliot, Larry. 1999. 'How did we get Into This Mess?' The Guardian 12 June. Fleshman, Michael 1999. 'WTO Impasse in Seattle Spotlights Inequities of Global Trading System.' Africa Recovery Online 13(4) (www.un.org/ecosocdev/geninfo/afrec).
- Giddens, Anthony. 1991. Modernity and Self-Identity. Cambridge: Polity.
- Gwisai, Munyaradzi.2001. Interview with Graca Mkodzongi and Peter Alexander, 19 June. Debate 6. Harman, Chris. 1988. The Pire Last Time: 1968 and Afler. London: Bookmarks. Harman, Chris. 2000. 'Anti-Capitalism: Theory and Practice.' International Socialism
- Harvey, David. 1999. The Limits ta Capital, Second Edition. London: Verso.
- Held, David et al. 1999. Global Transformations: Politics, Economies and Culture.
- Polity: Cambridge. Rester, Simon. 1994. 'Five Years of Struggle Against one Party Rule in Africa.' Lec ture given at Marxism '94 (tape). London: Bookmarks.
- Hirst, Paul & Thompson, Grahame. 1999. Globalization in Question: The International Economy and the Possibilities of Governancce, Second Edition. Cambridge: Polity.
- Hoogvelt, Ankie. 1997. Globalisation and the Postcolonial World: The New Political Economy of Development. London: Macmillan.
- ILO (International Labour Organization). 1997-2000. Data on union membership pro vided by e-mail.
- ILRIG (International Labour Resource and Information Group). 1998. An Alternative View of Globalisation. Cape Town: ILRIG.
- Jose, A. V. 2000. 'The Future of the Labour Movement: Sorne Observations on Developing Countries.'
- Paper produced for Labour and Society Programme, Inter national Instititute for Labour Studie, International Labour Organization.
- Lambert, Rob. 1998. 'Globalisation-can Unions Resist?' SouthAfrican Labour Bulle tin 22(6).
- Lambert, Rob. 1999. 'Australia's Historie Industrial Relations Transition.' In Peter Leisink (ed.), Globalisation and Labour Relations. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar.
- Lambert, Rob. 2001. 'Social Emancipation and the New Labour Internationlism: A Southern Perspective.' Paper presented to Conference on Labour in a Globalising World: The Challenge for Asia, City University of Hong Kong.
- Leisink, Peter. 1999. 'Introduction.' In Peter Leisink (ed.), Globalisation and Labour Relations Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar.
- Toukhy, M. M. 1998. 'Globalization and Developing Countries.' South African Jour nal of Economies 66(4).
- Trade Union World. 2000. Special Edition for the 17th Congress of the ICFTU. UNDP (United Nations Development Programme). 1999. Human Development Report.
- Vavi, Zwalanzima. 2001. 'Address to COSATU General Secretary to SACTWU 8th National Congress, 9 August' (www.cosatu.org.za).
- Wallerstein, Immanuel. 1993. 'The Present State of the Debate on World Inequality.' In Mitchell A. Seligson & John T. Passé-Smith (eds), Development and Underdeveleopment: The Political Economy of Inequality. London: Lynne Reinner. Reprinted from Wallerstein's 1995 book, World Inequality: Origins and Perspectives on the World System, published in Montreal by Black Rose Books.
- Wallerstein, Immanuel. 2000. 'Globalization or the Age of Transition? A Long-Term View of the Trajectory of the World-System.' International Sociology 15(1).
- Walton, John & Seddon, David. 1994. Free Markets and Food Riols: The Politics of Global Adjustment.
- Oxford: Blackwell Waterman, Peter. 1993. 'Social Movement Unionism: a new Model for a New World Order.' Review 16(3).
- Waterman, Peter. 1998a. Globalization, Social Movements and the new Internationalisms. London: Mansell (references to the author's proofs, found at Global Solidarity Dialogue Website, www.antenna.nl/waterman/dialogue.html).
- Waterman, Peter. 1998b. 'The Second Coming of Proletarian Internationalism? A Review ofRecent Resources.' European Journal of Industrial Relations 4(3).
- Waterman, Peter. 2000. 'Trade Union Internationalism in the Age of Seattle.' Global Solidarity Dialogue (www.antenna.nl/~waterman/)
- Went, Robert. 2000. Globalization: Neoliberal Challenge, Radical Responses. Lon don: Pluto Press.
- World Bank. 1995. World Development Report: Workers in an Integrating World. New York: Oxford University Press.
Alexander, Peter. 1997. 'Workers, Globalization and Identity in South Africa.' Paper presented to Globalization and Identity Seminar, St. Antony's College, Oxford.
Alexander, Peter. 2000. 'Zimbabwean Workers, the MDC & the 2000 Election.' Review of African Political Economy 85.
Alexander, Peter. 2001. 'Globalization, Inequality and Labour's Response: A View from Africa, and Sorne Thoughts for Further Research.' Paper presented to Confer ence on Labour in a Globalising World: The Challenge for Asia, City University of Hong Kong.
Auyero, Javier. 2001. 'Glocal Riots.' International Sociology 16(1).
Bacon, David. 2000. 'Can Workers Stop Globalization?' Canadian Dimension 34(2). Bairoch, Paul. 2000. 'The Constituent Economie Principles ofGlobalization in Historical Perspective: Myths and Realities.' International Sociology 15(2).
Bezuidenhout, Andries. 2000. '"What we do" or "who we are"? Trade Union Responses to Globalisation and Regionalisation in South Africa.' Paper presented to South African Sociological Association, University of the Western Cape.
Bond, Patrick. 2000. 'Defunding the Fund, Running on the Bank.' Monthly Review 52(3).
Bond, Patrick, Miller, Darlene & Ruiters, Greg. 2000. 'The Southern African Working Class: Production, Reproduction and Politics.' Paper presented, in absentia, to South African Sociological Association, University of the Western Cape, and forthcoming in Socialist Register 2000.
Budd, Adrian. 2000. 'Globalisation in the Twentieth Century.' In Keith Flett and David Renton (eds), The Twentieth Century: A Century of Wars and Revolutions? Lon don: Rivers Oram Press.
Budlender, Debbie. 2000. 'Earnings Inequality in South Africa, 1995-1998.' In R. Hirschowitz (ed.), Measuring Poverty in South Africa. Pretoria: Statistics South Africa (www.statssa.gov.za).
Burawoy, Michael et al. 2000. Global Ethnography: Forces, Connections, and Imagi nations in a Postmodern World. Berkeley: University ofCalifornia Press.
Callinicos, Alex. 1999. 'South Korea: Reformism Western Style?' Socialist Review 235.
Castells, Manuel. 2000. The Power of Jdentity. Malden, Ma.: Blackwell.
Castells, Manuel. 2000. 'Materials for an Exploratory Theory of the Network Society.' British Journal ofSociology 51(1).
Charlton, John. 2000. 'Talking Seattle.' International Socialism 86. Chomsky, Noam. 2000.
'Anti-capitalism: What Next?' Socialist Review 245. Cliff, Tony. 2000. Marxism at the Millennium.London: Bookmarks.
Cohen, Robin & Rai, Shirin M (eds). 2000. Global Social Movements. London: Ath lone Press.
Cooper, Frederick. 2001. 'What is the Concept of Globalization Good for? An African Historian's Perspective.' African Ajfairs 100(339).
COSATU (Congress of South African Trade Unions). 2000. 'Second Draft Political Resolutions.' Johannesburg: COSATU.
DFID (Department for International Development). 2000. Making Globalisation Work for the World's Poor: An Introduction ta the UK Government's White Paper on International Development. London:DFID.
Elliot, Larry. 1999. 'How did we get Into This Mess?' The Guardian 12 June. Fleshman, Michael 1999. 'WTO Impasse in Seattle Spotlights Inequities of Global Trading System.' Africa Recovery Online 13(4) (www.un.org/ecosocdev/geninfo/afrec).
Giddens, Anthony. 1991. Modernity and Self-Identity. Cambridge: Polity.
Gwisai, Munyaradzi.2001. Interview with Graca Mkodzongi and Peter Alexander, 19 June. Debate 6. Harman, Chris. 1988. The Pire Last Time: 1968 and Afler. London: Bookmarks. Harman, Chris. 2000. 'Anti-Capitalism: Theory and Practice.' International Socialism
Harvey, David. 1999. The Limits ta Capital, Second Edition. London: Verso.
Held, David et al. 1999. Global Transformations: Politics, Economies and Culture.
Polity: Cambridge. Rester, Simon. 1994. 'Five Years of Struggle Against one Party Rule in Africa.' Lec ture given at Marxism '94 (tape). London: Bookmarks.
Hirst, Paul & Thompson, Grahame. 1999. Globalization in Question: The International Economy and the Possibilities of Governancce, Second Edition. Cambridge: Polity.
Hoogvelt, Ankie. 1997. Globalisation and the Postcolonial World: The New Political Economy of Development. London: Macmillan.
ILO (International Labour Organization). 1997-2000. Data on union membership pro vided by e-mail.
ILRIG (International Labour Resource and Information Group). 1998. An Alternative View of Globalisation. Cape Town: ILRIG.
Jose, A. V. 2000. 'The Future of the Labour Movement: Sorne Observations on Developing Countries.'
Paper produced for Labour and Society Programme, Inter national Instititute for Labour Studie, International Labour Organization.
Lambert, Rob. 1998. 'Globalisation-can Unions Resist?' SouthAfrican Labour Bulle tin 22(6).
Lambert, Rob. 1999. 'Australia's Historie Industrial Relations Transition.' In Peter Leisink (ed.), Globalisation and Labour Relations. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar.
Lambert, Rob. 2001. 'Social Emancipation and the New Labour Internationlism: A Southern Perspective.' Paper presented to Conference on Labour in a Globalising World: The Challenge for Asia, City University of Hong Kong.
Leisink, Peter. 1999. 'Introduction.' In Peter Leisink (ed.), Globalisation and Labour Relations Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar.
Toukhy, M. M. 1998. 'Globalization and Developing Countries.' South African Jour nal of Economies 66(4).
Trade Union World. 2000. Special Edition for the 17th Congress of the ICFTU. UNDP (United Nations Development Programme). 1999. Human Development Report.
Vavi, Zwalanzima. 2001. 'Address to COSATU General Secretary to SACTWU 8th National Congress, 9 August' (www.cosatu.org.za).
Wallerstein, Immanuel. 1993. 'The Present State of the Debate on World Inequality.' In Mitchell A. Seligson & John T. Passé-Smith (eds), Development and Underdeveleopment: The Political Economy of Inequality. London: Lynne Reinner. Reprinted from Wallerstein's 1995 book, World Inequality: Origins and Perspectives on the World System, published in Montreal by Black Rose Books.
Wallerstein, Immanuel. 2000. 'Globalization or the Age of Transition? A Long-Term View of the Trajectory of the World-System.' International Sociology 15(1).
Walton, John & Seddon, David. 1994. Free Markets and Food Riols: The Politics of Global Adjustment.
Oxford: Blackwell Waterman, Peter. 1993. 'Social Movement Unionism: a new Model for a New World Order.' Review 16(3).
Waterman, Peter. 1998a. Globalization, Social Movements and the new Internationalisms. London: Mansell (references to the author's proofs, found at Global Solidarity Dialogue Website, www.antenna.nl/waterman/dialogue.html).
Waterman, Peter. 1998b. 'The Second Coming of Proletarian Internationalism? A Review ofRecent Resources.' European Journal of Industrial Relations 4(3).
Waterman, Peter. 2000. 'Trade Union Internationalism in the Age of Seattle.' Global Solidarity Dialogue (www.antenna.nl/~waterman/)
Went, Robert. 2000. Globalization: Neoliberal Challenge, Radical Responses. Lon don: Pluto Press.
World Bank. 1995. World Development Report: Workers in an Integrating World. New York: Oxford University Press.