3 - Gender and Family life in Angola: Some aspects of the post-war conflict concerning displaced persons
Corresponding Author(s) : João Baptista
African Sociological Review,
Vol. 9 No. 2 (2005): African Sociological Review
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- Angola: Beyond Inequal ities. Women in Angola; SARDC, ADRA, DW 2000 UNFPA, 2002, ‘The trajectory of life as inter nally displaced persons in Angola’,Luanda.
- United Nations, 2002, ‘Angola: The post-war challenges’, Country assessment, UN system in Angola.
- MICS, 2003, ‘Inquéritos de Indicadores múltiplos’, INE/UNICEF.
- Henda, Ducados, 2004, ‘Angola women in the aftermath of conflict’, Accord.
Angola: Beyond Inequal ities. Women in Angola; SARDC, ADRA, DW 2000 UNFPA, 2002, ‘The trajectory of life as inter nally displaced persons in Angola’,Luanda.
United Nations, 2002, ‘Angola: The post-war challenges’, Country assessment, UN system in Angola.
MICS, 2003, ‘Inquéritos de Indicadores múltiplos’, INE/UNICEF.
Henda, Ducados, 2004, ‘Angola women in the aftermath of conflict’, Accord.