5- The Political Economy of Migration in Sub-Saharan Africa
Corresponding Author(s) : John K. Akokpari
African Sociological Review,
Vol. 3 No. 1 (1999): African Sociological Review
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- Adam, H.M. 1995. 'Somalia: a terrible beauty being bom', in I. WilliamZartman (ed.)Collapsed States: the disintegration and restoration of legitimate authority. Boul der. Lynne Rienner.
- Adekanye, J. 1995. 'Structural Adjustment, Democratisation and Rising Ethnie Ten sions in Africa', Development and Change, 26.
- Adepoju, A. 1982. 'The Dimension of the Refugee Problem in Africa', African Afjairs,81(322), January. 1994. 'Preliminary Analysis of Emigration Dynamics In sub-Saharan Africa', International Migration, 32(2).Africa Today, March/April, 1997.
- Akokpari, J.K. 1996a. 'Apparent Contradictions in Policy Reforms Between Eco nomie and Political Liberalisation: a case study of debates
- in Ghana'. Ph.D Thesis, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Canada. 1996b. 'Structural Adjustments in Africa: Rethinking Ghana's "success story'", International lnsights, 12(2), Fall. 1998. 'The State, Refugees and Migration in sub-Saharan Africa', Inter national Migration36(2).
- Amupadhi, Tangeni and Miepje Commandeur. 1997. 'Blame it all on the Nigerians',Electronic Mail and Guardian. Johannesburg. April 18.
- Bour, D. 1988. 'Battling the spectre of deforestation', The Ghanaian Online Chronicle, 2-4 October._Brown, M.B. 1995. Africa 's Choices: Afler Thirty Years of the World Bank. Harmondsworth. Penguin Books.
- Brukum, N.K. 1996. 'Fifteen Years of Ethnie Conflicts in Northern Ghana: an appraisal'. Paper Presented at the Canadian Association of African Studies meet ing, McGill University, Montreal, 1-5 May.
- Callaghy, T.M. 1991. 'Africa and the World Economy: caught between a rock and a hard place', in John W. Harbeson and Donald Rothchild (eds.) Africa in World Pol itics. Boulder. Westview Press.
- Charlick, R.B. 1994. 'Niger' in Timothy Shaw and Julius E. Okolo (eds.) The Foreign Policies of ECOWAS. London. Macmillan..
- Chazan, N. et al. 1988. Politics and Society in Contemporary Africa. Boulder. Lynne Rienner.
- Coplan, D. and Thoalane, T. 1994. 'Motherless Households, Landless Farms: The Social Implications of Changing Employment patterns among Lesotho Migrants'. IDRC Migrant Labour Working Paper, No. 18.
- Copson, R.W. 1994. Africa's Wars and Prospects for Peace. New York. M.E. Sharp.
- De Vletter, F. 1995. 'The Implications of Changing Migration Patterns in Southern Africa' in Crush, et al, Labour Migrancy in Southern
- Africa: Prospects for Post-Apartheid Transformation. Cape Town. University of Cape Town Labour Unit.
- Doombos, M. 1990. 'The African State in Academic Debate: retrospect and prospect.,Journal of Modern African Studies, 28(2), June.
- Edmunds, M. 1997. 'Skilled Foreigners "the solution"to ...', Weekly Mail and Guard ian, Johannesburg, 21 February.
- Electronic Mail and Guardian. Johannesburg. Various issues.
- Fair, Denis. 1996. 'Refugees in sub-Saharan Africa: from cause to solution', Africa Insight, 26(1).
- Fedarko, K. 1997. 'Waiting for Kabila'. Time Magazine, 24 March.
- Gasarasi, Charles P. 1987. 'The Tripartite Approach to the Resettlement and Integra tion of Rural Refugees in Tanzania', in John R. Rogge (ed.) Refugees: A Third World Dilemma. New Jersey. Rowman and Littlefield.
- George, S. 1994. The Debt Boomerang: how Third World debt harms us all. London.Pluto.
- Ghimire, K. 1994. 'Refugees and Deforestation', International Migration, 32(4). Gordenker, L. 1987. Refugees in International Politics. New York. Columbia University Press.
- Hornby, A.S. 1989. Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary. London. Oxford Univer sity Press.
- Hutchful, E. 1985. 'Oil Companies and Environmental Pollution in Nigeria', in Claude Ake (ed.) The Political Economy a/Nigeria. London. Longman.
- Kaplan, R.D. 1994. 'The Coming Anarchy'. Atlantic Monthly, 273(2), February. Keely, C.B. 1981. Global Refugee Policy: The Case for a Development-Oriented Strategy. New York. Population Council.
- Keen, D. 1994. The Benefits of Famine: a political economy a/famine and relief in Southern Sudan. Princeton, NJ. Princeton University Press.
- Konotey-Ahulu, F.I.D. 1987. 'AIDS in Africa: misinformation and disinformation',Lancet, July 25.
- Lacey, M. 1981. Workingfor Baraka: The Origins of Coercive Labour System in South Africa. Johannesburg. Ravan Press.
- Lewis, LM. 1988. A Modern History of Somalia. Boulder. Westview.
- Matlosa, K. 1996. 'The Future of Basotho Migrant Miners in a post-Apartheid South Africa: Rethinking Lesotho's regional identity'. Lesotho Law Journal, 9(2).
- Miller, J.C. 1982. 'The Homeless of Africa', Africa Today, 29(2). Misser, F. 1997. 'Mercenaries bark but don't bite', New African, April.
- Mulholland, S. 1998. 'Tough Action Needed to Stop South Africa from Falling into Anarchy'. Business Times. Johannesburg. August 9.
- Newbury, C. 1995. 'Background to Genocide in Rwanda', Issue, 23(2).
- Nnoli, O. 1990. 'Desertification, Refugees and Regional Conflict in West Africa',Disasters: The Journal of Disaster Studies and Management, 14.
- Nyang'oro, J.E. 1996. 'Africa's Environmental Problems', in April Gordon and Don ald Gordon (eds.) Understanding Contemporary Africa. Boulder. Lynne Rienner.
- OAU .1969. Convention Governing the Specific Aspects of Refitgee Problems In Africa, Art. 1 Sec. 2, Addis Ababa.
- Obi, C. 1997. 'Economie Adjustment and the Deepening ofEnvironmental Conflict in Africa', Lesotho Social Science Review, 3(1), June.
- Ofuatey-Kodjoe, W. 1994. 'Regional Organisations and the Resolution of Intemal Conflicts: the ECOWAS intervention in Liberia', International Peacekeeping, 1(3), Autumn.
- Poter, R.W. 1994. 'AIDS in Ghana: priorities and policies', in Douglas A. Feldman (ed.) Global AIDS Policy. Westport, Connecticut. Bergin and Garvey.
- Press, R. 1994. 'Famine Threats Revisit East Africa', The Christian Science Monitor,(The World International Section, June 17).
- Richmond, A.H. 1994. Global Apartheid: refugees, racism and the new world order.Torotno. Oxford University Press.
- Rubin,E.1997. 'AnArmyofOne'sOwn',Harper'sMagazine,NewYork,February.
- Sevigny, T.P. 1990. 'From Crisis to Consensus: the United Nations and the Challenge ofDevelopment', UN Department of Public Information, New York, November 14.
- Shaw, T.M. 1995. 'Prospects for Human Development/Security in Africa in the Twenty-First Century: from structural adjustment to peace-making?' Paper Pres ented at the Canadian Association of African Studies meeting at McGill Univer sity, Montreal, 1-5 May.and ohn Inegbedion. 1994. 'The Marginalization of Africain the New World (Dis)order', in Richard Stubbs and Geoffery R.D. Underhill (eds.) Political Economy and the Changing Global Order. Toronto. McClelland and Stewart Inc.
- Smith, D. 1992. 'Conflicts and Wars', in S. George (ed.) The Debt Boomerang: how Third World debt harms us all. London. Pluto.
- Sorenson, J. 1994. 'An Overview: refugees and development', in H. Adelman and J. Sorenson (eds.) African Refugees: development aid and repatriation. Oxford. Westview Press, Oxford.
- Suhrke, A. 1992. Pressure Points: Environmental Degradation, Migration and Con jlict, Chr. Michaelson Institute, Fantoft-Bergen.
- Suliman, M. and Omer, A. 1994. 'The Environment: a new dimension in the Sudan's political and social landscape', Africa World Review, November 1993-April 1994.The Globe and Mail, Toronto, 22 April, 1997.
- Timberlake, L. 1985. Africain Crisis: the causes, the cures of environmental bank ruptcy. London. Earthscan. London.
- Tison, E. 1991. 'Liberia: getting back to the land', Refugees, no. 85, May.
- Trolldalen, J.M. 1992. International Environmental Conflict Resolution: the role of the United Nations. Oslo. World Foundation for Environment and Development.
- UNEP. 1995. Poverty and the Environment. London. UNEP Banson Books, London. UNHCR. 1996. Refugees, no. 105.
- Wells, G. 1989. 'Observing Earth's Environment from Space', in Laurie Friday and Ronald Laskey (eds), The Fragile Environment. The Darwin College Lectures. Cambridge. Cambridge University Press.
- Wilson, F. 1972. Labour in the South African Mines 1911-1969. Cambridge. Cam bridge University Press.
- World Bank. 1994. Adjustment in Africa: lessons from country case studies. Washing ton, D.C. World Bank.
Adam, H.M. 1995. 'Somalia: a terrible beauty being bom', in I. WilliamZartman (ed.)Collapsed States: the disintegration and restoration of legitimate authority. Boul der. Lynne Rienner.
Adekanye, J. 1995. 'Structural Adjustment, Democratisation and Rising Ethnie Ten sions in Africa', Development and Change, 26.
Adepoju, A. 1982. 'The Dimension of the Refugee Problem in Africa', African Afjairs,81(322), January. 1994. 'Preliminary Analysis of Emigration Dynamics In sub-Saharan Africa', International Migration, 32(2).Africa Today, March/April, 1997.
Akokpari, J.K. 1996a. 'Apparent Contradictions in Policy Reforms Between Eco nomie and Political Liberalisation: a case study of debates
in Ghana'. Ph.D Thesis, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Canada. 1996b. 'Structural Adjustments in Africa: Rethinking Ghana's "success story'", International lnsights, 12(2), Fall. 1998. 'The State, Refugees and Migration in sub-Saharan Africa', Inter national Migration36(2).
Amupadhi, Tangeni and Miepje Commandeur. 1997. 'Blame it all on the Nigerians',Electronic Mail and Guardian. Johannesburg. April 18.
Bour, D. 1988. 'Battling the spectre of deforestation', The Ghanaian Online Chronicle, 2-4 October._Brown, M.B. 1995. Africa 's Choices: Afler Thirty Years of the World Bank. Harmondsworth. Penguin Books.
Brukum, N.K. 1996. 'Fifteen Years of Ethnie Conflicts in Northern Ghana: an appraisal'. Paper Presented at the Canadian Association of African Studies meet ing, McGill University, Montreal, 1-5 May.
Callaghy, T.M. 1991. 'Africa and the World Economy: caught between a rock and a hard place', in John W. Harbeson and Donald Rothchild (eds.) Africa in World Pol itics. Boulder. Westview Press.
Charlick, R.B. 1994. 'Niger' in Timothy Shaw and Julius E. Okolo (eds.) The Foreign Policies of ECOWAS. London. Macmillan..
Chazan, N. et al. 1988. Politics and Society in Contemporary Africa. Boulder. Lynne Rienner.
Coplan, D. and Thoalane, T. 1994. 'Motherless Households, Landless Farms: The Social Implications of Changing Employment patterns among Lesotho Migrants'. IDRC Migrant Labour Working Paper, No. 18.
Copson, R.W. 1994. Africa's Wars and Prospects for Peace. New York. M.E. Sharp.
De Vletter, F. 1995. 'The Implications of Changing Migration Patterns in Southern Africa' in Crush, et al, Labour Migrancy in Southern
Africa: Prospects for Post-Apartheid Transformation. Cape Town. University of Cape Town Labour Unit.
Doombos, M. 1990. 'The African State in Academic Debate: retrospect and prospect.,Journal of Modern African Studies, 28(2), June.
Edmunds, M. 1997. 'Skilled Foreigners "the solution"to ...', Weekly Mail and Guard ian, Johannesburg, 21 February.
Electronic Mail and Guardian. Johannesburg. Various issues.
Fair, Denis. 1996. 'Refugees in sub-Saharan Africa: from cause to solution', Africa Insight, 26(1).
Fedarko, K. 1997. 'Waiting for Kabila'. Time Magazine, 24 March.
Gasarasi, Charles P. 1987. 'The Tripartite Approach to the Resettlement and Integra tion of Rural Refugees in Tanzania', in John R. Rogge (ed.) Refugees: A Third World Dilemma. New Jersey. Rowman and Littlefield.
George, S. 1994. The Debt Boomerang: how Third World debt harms us all. London.Pluto.
Ghimire, K. 1994. 'Refugees and Deforestation', International Migration, 32(4). Gordenker, L. 1987. Refugees in International Politics. New York. Columbia University Press.
Hornby, A.S. 1989. Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary. London. Oxford Univer sity Press.
Hutchful, E. 1985. 'Oil Companies and Environmental Pollution in Nigeria', in Claude Ake (ed.) The Political Economy a/Nigeria. London. Longman.
Kaplan, R.D. 1994. 'The Coming Anarchy'. Atlantic Monthly, 273(2), February. Keely, C.B. 1981. Global Refugee Policy: The Case for a Development-Oriented Strategy. New York. Population Council.
Keen, D. 1994. The Benefits of Famine: a political economy a/famine and relief in Southern Sudan. Princeton, NJ. Princeton University Press.
Konotey-Ahulu, F.I.D. 1987. 'AIDS in Africa: misinformation and disinformation',Lancet, July 25.
Lacey, M. 1981. Workingfor Baraka: The Origins of Coercive Labour System in South Africa. Johannesburg. Ravan Press.
Lewis, LM. 1988. A Modern History of Somalia. Boulder. Westview.
Matlosa, K. 1996. 'The Future of Basotho Migrant Miners in a post-Apartheid South Africa: Rethinking Lesotho's regional identity'. Lesotho Law Journal, 9(2).
Miller, J.C. 1982. 'The Homeless of Africa', Africa Today, 29(2). Misser, F. 1997. 'Mercenaries bark but don't bite', New African, April.
Mulholland, S. 1998. 'Tough Action Needed to Stop South Africa from Falling into Anarchy'. Business Times. Johannesburg. August 9.
Newbury, C. 1995. 'Background to Genocide in Rwanda', Issue, 23(2).
Nnoli, O. 1990. 'Desertification, Refugees and Regional Conflict in West Africa',Disasters: The Journal of Disaster Studies and Management, 14.
Nyang'oro, J.E. 1996. 'Africa's Environmental Problems', in April Gordon and Don ald Gordon (eds.) Understanding Contemporary Africa. Boulder. Lynne Rienner.
OAU .1969. Convention Governing the Specific Aspects of Refitgee Problems In Africa, Art. 1 Sec. 2, Addis Ababa.
Obi, C. 1997. 'Economie Adjustment and the Deepening ofEnvironmental Conflict in Africa', Lesotho Social Science Review, 3(1), June.
Ofuatey-Kodjoe, W. 1994. 'Regional Organisations and the Resolution of Intemal Conflicts: the ECOWAS intervention in Liberia', International Peacekeeping, 1(3), Autumn.
Poter, R.W. 1994. 'AIDS in Ghana: priorities and policies', in Douglas A. Feldman (ed.) Global AIDS Policy. Westport, Connecticut. Bergin and Garvey.
Press, R. 1994. 'Famine Threats Revisit East Africa', The Christian Science Monitor,(The World International Section, June 17).
Richmond, A.H. 1994. Global Apartheid: refugees, racism and the new world order.Torotno. Oxford University Press.
Rubin,E.1997. 'AnArmyofOne'sOwn',Harper'sMagazine,NewYork,February.
Sevigny, T.P. 1990. 'From Crisis to Consensus: the United Nations and the Challenge ofDevelopment', UN Department of Public Information, New York, November 14.
Shaw, T.M. 1995. 'Prospects for Human Development/Security in Africa in the Twenty-First Century: from structural adjustment to peace-making?' Paper Pres ented at the Canadian Association of African Studies meeting at McGill Univer sity, Montreal, 1-5 May.and ohn Inegbedion. 1994. 'The Marginalization of Africain the New World (Dis)order', in Richard Stubbs and Geoffery R.D. Underhill (eds.) Political Economy and the Changing Global Order. Toronto. McClelland and Stewart Inc.
Smith, D. 1992. 'Conflicts and Wars', in S. George (ed.) The Debt Boomerang: how Third World debt harms us all. London. Pluto.
Sorenson, J. 1994. 'An Overview: refugees and development', in H. Adelman and J. Sorenson (eds.) African Refugees: development aid and repatriation. Oxford. Westview Press, Oxford.
Suhrke, A. 1992. Pressure Points: Environmental Degradation, Migration and Con jlict, Chr. Michaelson Institute, Fantoft-Bergen.
Suliman, M. and Omer, A. 1994. 'The Environment: a new dimension in the Sudan's political and social landscape', Africa World Review, November 1993-April 1994.The Globe and Mail, Toronto, 22 April, 1997.
Timberlake, L. 1985. Africain Crisis: the causes, the cures of environmental bank ruptcy. London. Earthscan. London.
Tison, E. 1991. 'Liberia: getting back to the land', Refugees, no. 85, May.
Trolldalen, J.M. 1992. International Environmental Conflict Resolution: the role of the United Nations. Oslo. World Foundation for Environment and Development.
UNEP. 1995. Poverty and the Environment. London. UNEP Banson Books, London. UNHCR. 1996. Refugees, no. 105.
Wells, G. 1989. 'Observing Earth's Environment from Space', in Laurie Friday and Ronald Laskey (eds), The Fragile Environment. The Darwin College Lectures. Cambridge. Cambridge University Press.
Wilson, F. 1972. Labour in the South African Mines 1911-1969. Cambridge. Cam bridge University Press.
World Bank. 1994. Adjustment in Africa: lessons from country case studies. Washing ton, D.C. World Bank.