7- A Question of Power: Co-Determination and Trade Union Capacity
Corresponding Author(s) : Sakhela Buhlungu
African Sociological Review,
Vol. 3 No. 1 (1999): African Sociological Review
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- Barchiesi, F. 1998. 'Trade unions and Organisational Restructuring In the South Afri can Automobile Industry: A Critique of the Co-Determination Thesis', African So ciological Review, 2, 2, 1998.
- Barret, J. 1993. 'Participation at Premier: Worker Empowerment or Co-option?', in South African Labour Bulletin, 17, 2, 1993.
- Baskin, J. 199.) Striking Back: A History ofCOSATU. Johannesburg: Ravan.
- Baskin, J. & Satgar, V. 1995. 'South Africa's Labour Relations Act', Unpublished re search Report, Naledi, September 1995.
- Bethlehem, L, Buhlungu, S., Crankshaw, 0 and White, C. 1993. 'Co-determination vs Co-option: PPWAWU and PG Bison Negotiate Restructuring', SA Labour Bulle tin, 18, l.
- Buhlungu, S. 1997. Working for the Union: A Profile of Full-time Officiais in COSATU, Labour Studies Research Report 8, Sociology ofWork Unit, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, October 1997.
- Buhlungu, S. (forthcoming). 'Trade Union Organisation and capacity in the 1990s: Continuities, Changes and Challenges for PPWAWU', in Adler, G. And Webster,E. (forthcoming) Democratising in a Liberalising World: Trade unions and Tran sition in South
- Africa. London: Macmillan.
- Buhlungu, S. 1996. Trade Union Responses to Participatory management: A Case Study. MA Thesis, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg.
- Buhlungu, S. 1995. 'W orkplace Change for Who?: Interviews with Shop Stewards at a Johanneburg Company', SA Labour Bulletin, 19, 6, 1995.
- COSATU. 1985. Resolution on National Minimum Wage.
- Cressey, P. And Maclnnes, J. 1980. 'Voting for Ford: Industrial Democracy and the Control of Labour', Capital and Class, 11, 1980.
- Department of Labour, RSA. 1995 Labour Relations Act, no. 66, 1995.
- Ford, B. & Plowman, D. 1989. Australian Unions: An Industrial Relations Perspec tive, second edition. Melbourne: Macmillan.
- Ginsburg, D., Webster, E. et. Al. 1995. Taking Democracy Seriously: Worker Expecta tions and Parliamentary Democracy in South Africa. Durban: lndicator Press.
- Keet, D. 1992. 'Shop Stewards and Worker Control', SA Labour Bulletin, 16, 5. Lambert, R. & Webster, E. 1988. 'The Re-emergence of Political Unionism in Contemporary SouthAfrica', in Cobbet, W. & Cohen R. (eds), Popular Struggles in South Africa. London.
- James Currey.
- Lehulere, O. 1995. 'Workplace Forums: Co-determination and the Workers' Strug gle', SA Labour Bulletin, 19, 2.
- Macun, 1., Joffe, A. & Webster, E. (1995) Negotiating Organisational Change in the South African Workplace, Labour Studies Research Report 5, SWOP, May 1995.
- Maller, J. 1992. Conflict and Co-operation. Johannesburg: Ravan.
- Nampak/PPWA WU. 1995. 'Agreement between PPWAWU and Nampak Operations where PPWAWU is recognised on the process of world class manufacturing and service within Nampak', August 1995.
- Nampak/NUMSA/MWU. 1995. 'Agreement between NUMSA/MWU and Nampak Operations where NUMSA/MWU are recognised on the process of world class manufacturing and service within Nampak', August 1995.
- Ntshangase, W. &d Solomons, A. 1993. 'Adversarial Participation: A union response to participatory management', SA Labour Bulletin, 17, 4.
- Pateman, C. 1970. Participation andDemocratic Theory. Cambridge: Cambridge Uni versity Press.
- PG Bison. 1994. Employee Participation in Decision-Making within PG Bison: A Dis cussion Paper, 5 June 1994.
- Pityana, S.M. & Orkin, M. (eds). 1992. Beyond the Shopjloor. Johannesburg: Ravan. Ramsay, H. 1985. 'What is Participation For? A Critical Evaluation of 'Labour Process' Analyses of Job Reform', in Knights, D., Willmot, H. and Col!inson, D. (eds)
- Job Redesign - Critical Perspectives on the Labour Process. Aldershot: Gower.
- Rogers, J. & Streeck, W. 1994. 'Workplace Representation Overseas: The Works Councils Story', in Freeman, R.B. (ed.) Working Under Different Rules, New York: Russell Sage.
- Ronnie, R. 1996. 'For Defensive Unionism and Socialism', South African Labour Bul letin, 20, 2, 1996.
- September Commission on the Future ofTrade Unions . 1997. September Commission Report, August 1997.
- Streeck, W. 1994. 'Works Councils in Western Europe: From Consultation to Partici pation', in Rogers, J and Streeck, W. (eds) Works Councils: Consultation, Repre sentation and Co-operation. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
- SWOP/PPWA WU 1994. Restructuring at Nampak: A Strategy for Worker Involve ment, Research Report, November 1994.
- Vavi, Z. 1992. 'The Name of the Game is Membership', SouthAjrican Labour Bulle tin, 16, 8, 1992.
- Von Holdt, K. (forthcoming). 'From the Politics ofResistance to the Politics of Recon struction: The Union and 'Ungovemability' in the Workplace', in Adler, G. & Webster, E. (forthcoming) Democratising in a Liberalising World: Trade unions and Transition in South Ajrica, London: Macmillan.
- Webster, E. 1995. 'Beyond the Boundaries: Experimenting with Organisational Change in the South African Workplace', Unpublished paper.
Barchiesi, F. 1998. 'Trade unions and Organisational Restructuring In the South Afri can Automobile Industry: A Critique of the Co-Determination Thesis', African So ciological Review, 2, 2, 1998.
Barret, J. 1993. 'Participation at Premier: Worker Empowerment or Co-option?', in South African Labour Bulletin, 17, 2, 1993.
Baskin, J. 199.) Striking Back: A History ofCOSATU. Johannesburg: Ravan.
Baskin, J. & Satgar, V. 1995. 'South Africa's Labour Relations Act', Unpublished re search Report, Naledi, September 1995.
Bethlehem, L, Buhlungu, S., Crankshaw, 0 and White, C. 1993. 'Co-determination vs Co-option: PPWAWU and PG Bison Negotiate Restructuring', SA Labour Bulle tin, 18, l.
Buhlungu, S. 1997. Working for the Union: A Profile of Full-time Officiais in COSATU, Labour Studies Research Report 8, Sociology ofWork Unit, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, October 1997.
Buhlungu, S. (forthcoming). 'Trade Union Organisation and capacity in the 1990s: Continuities, Changes and Challenges for PPWAWU', in Adler, G. And Webster,E. (forthcoming) Democratising in a Liberalising World: Trade unions and Tran sition in South
Africa. London: Macmillan.
Buhlungu, S. 1996. Trade Union Responses to Participatory management: A Case Study. MA Thesis, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg.
Buhlungu, S. 1995. 'W orkplace Change for Who?: Interviews with Shop Stewards at a Johanneburg Company', SA Labour Bulletin, 19, 6, 1995.
COSATU. 1985. Resolution on National Minimum Wage.
Cressey, P. And Maclnnes, J. 1980. 'Voting for Ford: Industrial Democracy and the Control of Labour', Capital and Class, 11, 1980.
Department of Labour, RSA. 1995 Labour Relations Act, no. 66, 1995.
Ford, B. & Plowman, D. 1989. Australian Unions: An Industrial Relations Perspec tive, second edition. Melbourne: Macmillan.
Ginsburg, D., Webster, E. et. Al. 1995. Taking Democracy Seriously: Worker Expecta tions and Parliamentary Democracy in South Africa. Durban: lndicator Press.
Keet, D. 1992. 'Shop Stewards and Worker Control', SA Labour Bulletin, 16, 5. Lambert, R. & Webster, E. 1988. 'The Re-emergence of Political Unionism in Contemporary SouthAfrica', in Cobbet, W. & Cohen R. (eds), Popular Struggles in South Africa. London.
James Currey.
Lehulere, O. 1995. 'Workplace Forums: Co-determination and the Workers' Strug gle', SA Labour Bulletin, 19, 2.
Macun, 1., Joffe, A. & Webster, E. (1995) Negotiating Organisational Change in the South African Workplace, Labour Studies Research Report 5, SWOP, May 1995.
Maller, J. 1992. Conflict and Co-operation. Johannesburg: Ravan.
Nampak/PPWA WU. 1995. 'Agreement between PPWAWU and Nampak Operations where PPWAWU is recognised on the process of world class manufacturing and service within Nampak', August 1995.
Nampak/NUMSA/MWU. 1995. 'Agreement between NUMSA/MWU and Nampak Operations where NUMSA/MWU are recognised on the process of world class manufacturing and service within Nampak', August 1995.
Ntshangase, W. &d Solomons, A. 1993. 'Adversarial Participation: A union response to participatory management', SA Labour Bulletin, 17, 4.
Pateman, C. 1970. Participation andDemocratic Theory. Cambridge: Cambridge Uni versity Press.
PG Bison. 1994. Employee Participation in Decision-Making within PG Bison: A Dis cussion Paper, 5 June 1994.
Pityana, S.M. & Orkin, M. (eds). 1992. Beyond the Shopjloor. Johannesburg: Ravan. Ramsay, H. 1985. 'What is Participation For? A Critical Evaluation of 'Labour Process' Analyses of Job Reform', in Knights, D., Willmot, H. and Col!inson, D. (eds)
Job Redesign - Critical Perspectives on the Labour Process. Aldershot: Gower.
Rogers, J. & Streeck, W. 1994. 'Workplace Representation Overseas: The Works Councils Story', in Freeman, R.B. (ed.) Working Under Different Rules, New York: Russell Sage.
Ronnie, R. 1996. 'For Defensive Unionism and Socialism', South African Labour Bul letin, 20, 2, 1996.
September Commission on the Future ofTrade Unions . 1997. September Commission Report, August 1997.
Streeck, W. 1994. 'Works Councils in Western Europe: From Consultation to Partici pation', in Rogers, J and Streeck, W. (eds) Works Councils: Consultation, Repre sentation and Co-operation. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
SWOP/PPWA WU 1994. Restructuring at Nampak: A Strategy for Worker Involve ment, Research Report, November 1994.
Vavi, Z. 1992. 'The Name of the Game is Membership', SouthAjrican Labour Bulle tin, 16, 8, 1992.
Von Holdt, K. (forthcoming). 'From the Politics ofResistance to the Politics of Recon struction: The Union and 'Ungovemability' in the Workplace', in Adler, G. & Webster, E. (forthcoming) Democratising in a Liberalising World: Trade unions and Transition in South Ajrica, London: Macmillan.
Webster, E. 1995. 'Beyond the Boundaries: Experimenting with Organisational Change in the South African Workplace', Unpublished paper.