6 - Anglo-Saxonism and Gallicism in Nation Building in Africa: The Case of Bilingual Cameroon and the Senegambia Confederation in Historical and Contemporary Perspective
Afrika Zamani,
No. 11-12 (2004): Afrika Zamani: An Annual Journal of African History
This article is a comparative study of the impact of the colonial presence in nation building in Africa. The author argues that the colonial presence created identity markers and mindsets which sometimes facilitated but most of the time complicated the nation-building endeavours of African statesmen. The inherited Anglo-Saxon values and Gallic legacies in bilingual Cameroon on the one hand, and Senegal and The Gambia, which is located inside its belly, on the other hand, pose problems in different ways. In the case of Cameroon, the Anglo- French partition of the territory, which was originally a German protectorate, was transcended by the political elite of the two territories to achieve a reunified sovereign state in 1961 owing to a common German colonial past that generated a historical memory of one Cameroon. But Anglophone-Francophone differences in postcolonial Cameroon pose nation-building problems. In the case of Senegal and The Gambia, the British recommended close union between the two states for purposes of economic viability. But the colonially inherited values of the two states supplanted their common African ethnic bonds and militated against political integration. Thus, in both Cameroon and the Sene-Gambia, English and French colonial values constitute identity markers that pose a great challenge to nation building.
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- Adejo, Armstrong Matiu, 2002, ‘From OAU to AU: New Wine in Old Bottles?’, Paper presented at CODESRIA’s 10th General Assembly, Kampala, Uganda, 8-12 December.
- All Anglophone Conference (AAC), 1993, The Buea Declaration, Limbe: Nooremac Press.
- Amazee, V. M., 1994, ‘The Role of the French Cameroonian in the Unification of Cameroon 1916-1916’, Transnational Journal of History, 23: 199-234.
- Ardener, Edwin, 1996, Coastal Bantu of the Cameroons, London: International African Institute.
- Ardener, Edwin, 1967, ‘The Nature of the Reunification of Cameroon’, in A. Hazzlewood (ed.), African Integration and Disintegration, pp. 285-337, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Asiwaju, I. A., 1984a, Partitioned Africans: Ethnic Relations across International Boundaries, London: C. Hurst Company.
- Asiwaju, I.A., 1984b, West African Borderlands, London: C. Hurst.
- Asiwaju, I.A., 1978, Artificial Boundaries, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Ateh, Patrice, 1996, ‘World Focus: A War of Worlds’, Tribute, November: 54-57.
- Awasom, N.F., 2002, ‘Negotiating Federalism: How Ready were Cameroonian Leaders before the February 1961 United Nations Plebiscites?’, Canadian Journal of African Studies, 36, 3: 425-459.
- Awasom, N.F., 2000, ‘The Reunification Question in Cameroon History: Was the Bride an Enthusiastic or a Reluctant One?’, Africa Today, 47, 2: 91-119.
- Awasom, N.F., 2003, ‘The Elite Factor in the Making of the Cameroon Union’, Unpublished Paper, University of The Gambia.
- Barry, Boubacar, 1989, Senegambia and the Atlantic Slave Trade, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Banoch, Michel, 1992, Le processus de démocratisation en Afrique: le cas camerounais, Paris: L’Harmattan.
- Bayart, Jean-François, 1978, ‘The Neutralisation of Anglophone Cameroon’, in Richard Joseph (ed.), Gaullist Africa: Cameroon under Ahmadou Ahidjo, Enugu: Fourth Dimension Publishers, pp. 82-90.
- Bayart, Jean-François, 1985, L’État au Cameroun, Paris: Presse de la fondation politique.
- Bayart, Jean-François, 1973, ‘One-party Government and Political Development in Cameroon’, African Affairs, vol. 72, no. 287: 125-144.
- Bayart, Jean-François, 1978, ‘Régime de parti unique et système d’inégalité et de domination au Cameroun’, Cahiers d’études africaines, vol. 18, no.69/70:5-35.
- Benjamin, Jacques, 1972, Les Camerounais occidentaux: la minorité dans un état Bicommunauté, Montréal: Les presses de l’université de Montréal.
- Bracking, Sarah & Harrison, Graham, 2003, ‘Africa, Imperialism and New Forms of Accumulation’, Review of African Political Economy, No. 95: 5-10.
- Biya, Paul, 1987, Communal Liberalism, London: Macmillan.
- Bory, Paul, 1968, As Told by Ahmadou Ahidjo, Monaco.
- Buel, Raymond Leslie, 1929, The Native Problem in Africa, vols. 1 & 2, New York: Macmillan.
- Chem-Langhee, Bongfen, 1997, ‘Anglophone-Francophone Divide and Political Disintegration in Cameroon: A Psycho-historical Perspective’, in P.N. Nkwi and F.B. Nyamnjoh (eds.), Regional Balance and National Integration in Cameroon: Lessons learned and the Uncertain Future, pp. 88-99, Yaoundé/ Leiden: ICASSRT.
- Chem-Langhee, Bongfen & Njeuma, Martin Zachary, ‘The Pan-Kamerun Movement 1949-1961’, in Ndiva Kofele Kale, ed., An African Experiment in Nation-Building Since Reunification, pp. 25-64, Boulder, Co.: Westview Press.
- Chiabi, Emmanuel M., 1977, ‘Redressing Regional Imbalance in Cameroon: The Lessons from the Past’, in P.N. Nkwi and F. B. Nyamnjoh (eds.), Regional Balance and National Integration in Cameroon: Lessons Learned and the
- Uncertain Future, pp. 29-99, Yaoundé/Leiden: ICASSRT.
- Chilver, Elizabeth M., 1973, ‘Chronological Synthesis: The Western Region Including the Western Grassfields, Bamum, the Bamileke Chiefdoms, Mbam’, in Contribution de la recherche ethnologique à l’histoire des civilisations du Cameroun, Paris, CNRS.
- Courade, G., 1973, Atlas Régional Ouest 1, Yaoundé/Paris: ORSTOM.
- Dinka, Gorji, 1985a, ‘The New Social Order’, Ms.
- Dinka, Gorji, 1985b, ‘Ambassonia (formerly the UN Trust Territory of the Southern Cameroons under the United Kingdom Administration). A Memorandum to His Excellency the President of the General Assembly of the United Nations, New York. Seating Ambassonia at the United Nations’.
- Diop, Momar-Coumba, 1994, Le Sénégal et ses voisins, Dakar: Sociétés, Espaces, Temps.
- English-Speaking Students of the North-West and South-West Provinces, 1985, ‘Open Letter to the Government and Parents’, 20 August.
- Etana, Epie Denis, 1996, ‘The UPC and the French Colonial Administration’, Unpublished Long Essay, University of Buea.
- Fomunyoh, Christopher, 2001, ‘Democratisation in Fits and Starts’, Journal of Democracy, 12: 3: 37-50.
- Foncha, John Ngu, 1990, ‘Letter of Resignation from the Cameroon People’s Democratic Movement’ (CPDM).
- Fonlon, Bernard, 1976, ‘The Language Problem in Cameroon in Historical Perpective’, in D.R. Smock and Kwamena Bentsi-Enchill (eds.), The Search for National Integration, pp. 50-69, London: Macmillan.
- Frynas, Jedrze George, Wood Geoffrey & Saores, Ricardo M.S., 2003, ‘Business and Politics on Sao Tomé e Principe: From Cocoa Monoculture to Petro- State’, African Affairs, 102, 51-80.
- Gardinier, David E., 1963, Cameroon: United Nations Challenge to French Policy, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Ghomsi, Emmanuel, 1972, ‘Receuil des traditions historique des chefferies du plateau Bamiléké et de la région de Bamenda’, Unpublished Doctorat Thesis, Université de Sorbonne.
- Gonidec, P. F., 1963, Cameroun: la République unie du Cameroun, Paris: ED Berger-Levrault.
- Gonidec, P.F. & Breton, J.M., 1976, La République du Cameroun, Paris: ED Berger-Levrault.
- Hall, Stuart, 1994, ‘The Question of Cultural Identity in Polity’, The Polity Reader in Cultural Studies, Cambridge: Polity Press, pp. 119-125, pp. 119-125.
- Hall, Stuart, 1997, ‘Random Thought... Identities, Democracy, Culture and Communication in Southern Africa., Cultural Arts’ A Journal of Cultural Studies, vol. 11, no. 182: 1-16.
- Hughes, Arnold, 1991, ‘The Collapse of The Senegambian Confederation’, Centre for West African Studies, University of Birmingham.
- Johnson, Nana Grey, 2002, Edward Francis Small: Watchdog of The Gambia, Kanifing, Gambia: BPMRU Press.
- Johnson, Willard R., 1970, The Cameroon Federation: Political Integration in a Fragmentary Society, Princeton: Princeton University Press.
- Jua, Nantang, 1999, ‘Framing the Anglophone Question in Post-Colonial Cameroon’, Department of Political Sciences, University of Buea.
- Kanto, Maurice, 1995, ‘La montée des séparatisme au Cameroun’, Génération, hors série, 001, 10-11.
- Konings, Piet, and Nyamnjoh B. Francis, 2003, Negotiating an Anglophone Identity: A Study of the Politics of Recognition and Representation in Cameroon, Brill, Leiden, Boston: Afrika-Studiecentrum Series.
- Le Vine, Victor T., 1961a, ‘A Reluctant February Pride? The Other Cameroons’, Africa Report, February, 1-4.
- Le Vine, Victor T., 1961b, ‘The New Cameroon Federation’, Africa Report, December, 1-4.
- Le Vine, Victor T., 1964, The Cameroons from Mandate to Independence, Berkeley/Los Angeles: University of California Press.
- Le Vine, Victor T., 1971, The Cameroon Federal Republic, Ithaca/London: Cornell University Press.
- Mbembe, Achille, 1985, Le Problème national camerounais, Paris: L’Harmattan. Mbembe, Achille, 1986, ‘Pouvoir des morts et langage des vivants: les errances de la mémoire nationaliste au Cameroun’, Politique africaine, no. 22: 37-72.
- Mbuagbaw, Tambi Eyongatah, Brain, Robert, & Palmers, Robin, 1987, A History of Cameroon. London: Longman.
- Memmi, Albert, 1995, ‘Qu’est-ce que l’identité culturelle?’, Cahier francophone d’Europe centre-oriental, 5-6, tome 1: 15-20.
- Mongo, Celestine, 1993, La récomposition du marché politique camerounais 1991-1992, Douala: (no pub. House).
- Mukong, Albert, 1990, The Case for the Southern Cameroons, Enugu: Chuka Printing Press.
- Mukong, Albert, 1989, Prisoner Without a Crime, Paris: Nubia Press.
- Mukong, Albert, 1992, My Stewardship in the Cameroon Struggle, Bamenda: Nooremac Press.
- Muna, Akere, 1995, ‘Lettres à mon frère francophone’, Générations, hors série 001, 25-31 January: 11.
- National Democratic Institute for International Affairs (NDI), 1992, ‘Report on Cameroon Democratization Process’, Washington DC, October.
- Ndiva, Kofele Kale, 1998, Legislative Power in Cameroon’s Second Republic: Its Nature and Limits, Douala: Cameroon.
- Ngenge, Tata Simon, 1990, ‘The Evolution of the Reunified Cameroon 1961- 1982’, Unpublished PhD thesis, University of Lagos.
- Ngoh, Victor Julius, 1996, A History of Cameroon Since 1800, Limbe: Presbook.
- Maiga, Mahamadou, 1995, Le fleuve Sénégal et l’intégration de l’Afique de l’Ouest en 2011, Dakar: CODESRIA.
- Mathews, K., 2001, ‘Birth of the African Union’, Africa Quarterly, Vol. 41, nos. 1-2, January–June, pp. 213-220.
- NEPAD, 2001, The New African Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD), OAU, Abuja, Nigeria, October.
- Njeuma, Martin Zachary, 1978, Fulani Hegemony in Yola (Old Adamawa) 1809- 1902, CEPER: Yaoundé.
- Nkoum-Me-Ntseny, L.M., 1996, ‘Dynamique de positionnement anglophone et libération politique au Cameroun: de l’identité à l’identification’, Polis, 1: 68-100.
- Nyamnjoh, Francis, B., ed., 1996, The Cameroon G.C.E. Crises: A Test of Anglophone Solidarity, Limbe: Nooremac Press.
- Olukoshi, Adebayo, 2002, ‘Governing the African Developmental Process: The Challenge of the New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD)’, Occasional Papers: Center of African Studies, University of Copenhagen.
- Olukoshi, Adebayo, 2001, West Africa’s Political Economy in the Next Millennium: Retrospect and Prospect, Monograph Series, Dakar: CODESRIA.
- Sall, Ebrima, 1992, ‘Senegambie: territoires, frontières, espaces et réseaux sociaux’, Institut d’étude du développement économique et social, Université de Paris 1.
- Sonko-Godwin, Patience, 2003, Trade in the Senegambia Region. From the 12th to the Early 20th Century, Banjul: Sunrise Publishers.
- Servaes, Jan, 1997, ‘Mass Media and Fragmented Identities’, in Jan Servaes & Rico Lie (eds.), Media and Politics in Transition: Cultural Identity in the Age of Globalisation, Leuven: Uitgeverij Acco, pp. 77-87.
- Simo, D. 1994, ‘La problèmatique de la onzième province’, in Collectif Changer le Cameroun: Ethnie et Développement National, Yaoundé, pp. 121-27.
- Sindjoun, Luc, 1994, ‘La Cour suprême, la competition, électorale et la continuité politique au Cameroun’, Africa Development, XIX (2): pp.12-44.
- Standing Committee of the All Anglophone Conference, 1993, ‘Federal Constitutional Draft Presented to President Paul Biya’, Buea.
- West Cameroon House of Assembly Debates, 1965, Buea, Government Press.
Adejo, Armstrong Matiu, 2002, ‘From OAU to AU: New Wine in Old Bottles?’, Paper presented at CODESRIA’s 10th General Assembly, Kampala, Uganda, 8-12 December.
All Anglophone Conference (AAC), 1993, The Buea Declaration, Limbe: Nooremac Press.
Amazee, V. M., 1994, ‘The Role of the French Cameroonian in the Unification of Cameroon 1916-1916’, Transnational Journal of History, 23: 199-234.
Ardener, Edwin, 1996, Coastal Bantu of the Cameroons, London: International African Institute.
Ardener, Edwin, 1967, ‘The Nature of the Reunification of Cameroon’, in A. Hazzlewood (ed.), African Integration and Disintegration, pp. 285-337, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Asiwaju, I. A., 1984a, Partitioned Africans: Ethnic Relations across International Boundaries, London: C. Hurst Company.
Asiwaju, I.A., 1984b, West African Borderlands, London: C. Hurst.
Asiwaju, I.A., 1978, Artificial Boundaries, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Ateh, Patrice, 1996, ‘World Focus: A War of Worlds’, Tribute, November: 54-57.
Awasom, N.F., 2002, ‘Negotiating Federalism: How Ready were Cameroonian Leaders before the February 1961 United Nations Plebiscites?’, Canadian Journal of African Studies, 36, 3: 425-459.
Awasom, N.F., 2000, ‘The Reunification Question in Cameroon History: Was the Bride an Enthusiastic or a Reluctant One?’, Africa Today, 47, 2: 91-119.
Awasom, N.F., 2003, ‘The Elite Factor in the Making of the Cameroon Union’, Unpublished Paper, University of The Gambia.
Barry, Boubacar, 1989, Senegambia and the Atlantic Slave Trade, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Banoch, Michel, 1992, Le processus de démocratisation en Afrique: le cas camerounais, Paris: L’Harmattan.
Bayart, Jean-François, 1978, ‘The Neutralisation of Anglophone Cameroon’, in Richard Joseph (ed.), Gaullist Africa: Cameroon under Ahmadou Ahidjo, Enugu: Fourth Dimension Publishers, pp. 82-90.
Bayart, Jean-François, 1985, L’État au Cameroun, Paris: Presse de la fondation politique.
Bayart, Jean-François, 1973, ‘One-party Government and Political Development in Cameroon’, African Affairs, vol. 72, no. 287: 125-144.
Bayart, Jean-François, 1978, ‘Régime de parti unique et système d’inégalité et de domination au Cameroun’, Cahiers d’études africaines, vol. 18, no.69/70:5-35.
Benjamin, Jacques, 1972, Les Camerounais occidentaux: la minorité dans un état Bicommunauté, Montréal: Les presses de l’université de Montréal.
Bracking, Sarah & Harrison, Graham, 2003, ‘Africa, Imperialism and New Forms of Accumulation’, Review of African Political Economy, No. 95: 5-10.
Biya, Paul, 1987, Communal Liberalism, London: Macmillan.
Bory, Paul, 1968, As Told by Ahmadou Ahidjo, Monaco.
Buel, Raymond Leslie, 1929, The Native Problem in Africa, vols. 1 & 2, New York: Macmillan.
Chem-Langhee, Bongfen, 1997, ‘Anglophone-Francophone Divide and Political Disintegration in Cameroon: A Psycho-historical Perspective’, in P.N. Nkwi and F.B. Nyamnjoh (eds.), Regional Balance and National Integration in Cameroon: Lessons learned and the Uncertain Future, pp. 88-99, Yaoundé/ Leiden: ICASSRT.
Chem-Langhee, Bongfen & Njeuma, Martin Zachary, ‘The Pan-Kamerun Movement 1949-1961’, in Ndiva Kofele Kale, ed., An African Experiment in Nation-Building Since Reunification, pp. 25-64, Boulder, Co.: Westview Press.
Chiabi, Emmanuel M., 1977, ‘Redressing Regional Imbalance in Cameroon: The Lessons from the Past’, in P.N. Nkwi and F. B. Nyamnjoh (eds.), Regional Balance and National Integration in Cameroon: Lessons Learned and the
Uncertain Future, pp. 29-99, Yaoundé/Leiden: ICASSRT.
Chilver, Elizabeth M., 1973, ‘Chronological Synthesis: The Western Region Including the Western Grassfields, Bamum, the Bamileke Chiefdoms, Mbam’, in Contribution de la recherche ethnologique à l’histoire des civilisations du Cameroun, Paris, CNRS.
Courade, G., 1973, Atlas Régional Ouest 1, Yaoundé/Paris: ORSTOM.
Dinka, Gorji, 1985a, ‘The New Social Order’, Ms.
Dinka, Gorji, 1985b, ‘Ambassonia (formerly the UN Trust Territory of the Southern Cameroons under the United Kingdom Administration). A Memorandum to His Excellency the President of the General Assembly of the United Nations, New York. Seating Ambassonia at the United Nations’.
Diop, Momar-Coumba, 1994, Le Sénégal et ses voisins, Dakar: Sociétés, Espaces, Temps.
English-Speaking Students of the North-West and South-West Provinces, 1985, ‘Open Letter to the Government and Parents’, 20 August.
Etana, Epie Denis, 1996, ‘The UPC and the French Colonial Administration’, Unpublished Long Essay, University of Buea.
Fomunyoh, Christopher, 2001, ‘Democratisation in Fits and Starts’, Journal of Democracy, 12: 3: 37-50.
Foncha, John Ngu, 1990, ‘Letter of Resignation from the Cameroon People’s Democratic Movement’ (CPDM).
Fonlon, Bernard, 1976, ‘The Language Problem in Cameroon in Historical Perpective’, in D.R. Smock and Kwamena Bentsi-Enchill (eds.), The Search for National Integration, pp. 50-69, London: Macmillan.
Frynas, Jedrze George, Wood Geoffrey & Saores, Ricardo M.S., 2003, ‘Business and Politics on Sao Tomé e Principe: From Cocoa Monoculture to Petro- State’, African Affairs, 102, 51-80.
Gardinier, David E., 1963, Cameroon: United Nations Challenge to French Policy, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Ghomsi, Emmanuel, 1972, ‘Receuil des traditions historique des chefferies du plateau Bamiléké et de la région de Bamenda’, Unpublished Doctorat Thesis, Université de Sorbonne.
Gonidec, P. F., 1963, Cameroun: la République unie du Cameroun, Paris: ED Berger-Levrault.
Gonidec, P.F. & Breton, J.M., 1976, La République du Cameroun, Paris: ED Berger-Levrault.
Hall, Stuart, 1994, ‘The Question of Cultural Identity in Polity’, The Polity Reader in Cultural Studies, Cambridge: Polity Press, pp. 119-125, pp. 119-125.
Hall, Stuart, 1997, ‘Random Thought... Identities, Democracy, Culture and Communication in Southern Africa., Cultural Arts’ A Journal of Cultural Studies, vol. 11, no. 182: 1-16.
Hughes, Arnold, 1991, ‘The Collapse of The Senegambian Confederation’, Centre for West African Studies, University of Birmingham.
Johnson, Nana Grey, 2002, Edward Francis Small: Watchdog of The Gambia, Kanifing, Gambia: BPMRU Press.
Johnson, Willard R., 1970, The Cameroon Federation: Political Integration in a Fragmentary Society, Princeton: Princeton University Press.
Jua, Nantang, 1999, ‘Framing the Anglophone Question in Post-Colonial Cameroon’, Department of Political Sciences, University of Buea.
Kanto, Maurice, 1995, ‘La montée des séparatisme au Cameroun’, Génération, hors série, 001, 10-11.
Konings, Piet, and Nyamnjoh B. Francis, 2003, Negotiating an Anglophone Identity: A Study of the Politics of Recognition and Representation in Cameroon, Brill, Leiden, Boston: Afrika-Studiecentrum Series.
Le Vine, Victor T., 1961a, ‘A Reluctant February Pride? The Other Cameroons’, Africa Report, February, 1-4.
Le Vine, Victor T., 1961b, ‘The New Cameroon Federation’, Africa Report, December, 1-4.
Le Vine, Victor T., 1964, The Cameroons from Mandate to Independence, Berkeley/Los Angeles: University of California Press.
Le Vine, Victor T., 1971, The Cameroon Federal Republic, Ithaca/London: Cornell University Press.
Mbembe, Achille, 1985, Le Problème national camerounais, Paris: L’Harmattan. Mbembe, Achille, 1986, ‘Pouvoir des morts et langage des vivants: les errances de la mémoire nationaliste au Cameroun’, Politique africaine, no. 22: 37-72.
Mbuagbaw, Tambi Eyongatah, Brain, Robert, & Palmers, Robin, 1987, A History of Cameroon. London: Longman.
Memmi, Albert, 1995, ‘Qu’est-ce que l’identité culturelle?’, Cahier francophone d’Europe centre-oriental, 5-6, tome 1: 15-20.
Mongo, Celestine, 1993, La récomposition du marché politique camerounais 1991-1992, Douala: (no pub. House).
Mukong, Albert, 1990, The Case for the Southern Cameroons, Enugu: Chuka Printing Press.
Mukong, Albert, 1989, Prisoner Without a Crime, Paris: Nubia Press.
Mukong, Albert, 1992, My Stewardship in the Cameroon Struggle, Bamenda: Nooremac Press.
Muna, Akere, 1995, ‘Lettres à mon frère francophone’, Générations, hors série 001, 25-31 January: 11.
National Democratic Institute for International Affairs (NDI), 1992, ‘Report on Cameroon Democratization Process’, Washington DC, October.
Ndiva, Kofele Kale, 1998, Legislative Power in Cameroon’s Second Republic: Its Nature and Limits, Douala: Cameroon.
Ngenge, Tata Simon, 1990, ‘The Evolution of the Reunified Cameroon 1961- 1982’, Unpublished PhD thesis, University of Lagos.
Ngoh, Victor Julius, 1996, A History of Cameroon Since 1800, Limbe: Presbook.
Maiga, Mahamadou, 1995, Le fleuve Sénégal et l’intégration de l’Afique de l’Ouest en 2011, Dakar: CODESRIA.
Mathews, K., 2001, ‘Birth of the African Union’, Africa Quarterly, Vol. 41, nos. 1-2, January–June, pp. 213-220.
NEPAD, 2001, The New African Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD), OAU, Abuja, Nigeria, October.
Njeuma, Martin Zachary, 1978, Fulani Hegemony in Yola (Old Adamawa) 1809- 1902, CEPER: Yaoundé.
Nkoum-Me-Ntseny, L.M., 1996, ‘Dynamique de positionnement anglophone et libération politique au Cameroun: de l’identité à l’identification’, Polis, 1: 68-100.
Nyamnjoh, Francis, B., ed., 1996, The Cameroon G.C.E. Crises: A Test of Anglophone Solidarity, Limbe: Nooremac Press.
Olukoshi, Adebayo, 2002, ‘Governing the African Developmental Process: The Challenge of the New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD)’, Occasional Papers: Center of African Studies, University of Copenhagen.
Olukoshi, Adebayo, 2001, West Africa’s Political Economy in the Next Millennium: Retrospect and Prospect, Monograph Series, Dakar: CODESRIA.
Sall, Ebrima, 1992, ‘Senegambie: territoires, frontières, espaces et réseaux sociaux’, Institut d’étude du développement économique et social, Université de Paris 1.
Sonko-Godwin, Patience, 2003, Trade in the Senegambia Region. From the 12th to the Early 20th Century, Banjul: Sunrise Publishers.
Servaes, Jan, 1997, ‘Mass Media and Fragmented Identities’, in Jan Servaes & Rico Lie (eds.), Media and Politics in Transition: Cultural Identity in the Age of Globalisation, Leuven: Uitgeverij Acco, pp. 77-87.
Simo, D. 1994, ‘La problèmatique de la onzième province’, in Collectif Changer le Cameroun: Ethnie et Développement National, Yaoundé, pp. 121-27.
Sindjoun, Luc, 1994, ‘La Cour suprême, la competition, électorale et la continuité politique au Cameroun’, Africa Development, XIX (2): pp.12-44.
Standing Committee of the All Anglophone Conference, 1993, ‘Federal Constitutional Draft Presented to President Paul Biya’, Buea.
West Cameroon House of Assembly Debates, 1965, Buea, Government Press.