6 - Reclaiming the Bakassi Kingdom: The Anglophone Cameroon – Nigeria Border
Corresponding Author(s) : Molem Christopher Sama
Afrika Zamani,
No 13-14 (2006): Afrika Zamani: Revue annuelle d’histoire africaine
Le Royaume Bakassi constitue une excellente occasion de se pencher sur la question de l’identité tant au niveau individuel que sur les plans communautaires, public et externe. D’une part, cette presqu’île est devenue la pomme de discorde entre les Etats nigérians et Camerounais dès le lendemain de leurs accessions à la souveraineté nationale; les populations autochtones de la région n’ayant jamais accepté l’existence des frontières coloniales. Dans les années 1990, les escarmouches, survenant régulièrement à la frontière, ravissent l’attention internationale lorsque les deux parties s’engagent dans une longue guerre pour la souveraineté de la Presqu’île de Bakassi, riche zone pétrolifère. D’autre part,
cette frontière n’a jamais empêché la vaste circulation des personnes et des biens dans les zones frontalières. Il s’agit ici de mettre d’abord en exergue certaines des raisons profondes des fréquents différends frontaliers entre les Etats camerounais et Nigérians depuis leurs indépendances, avec comme point culminant l’éclatement, dans les années 1990, du conflit portant sur la Presqu’île de Bakassi; et ensuite, à l’aide de quatre perspectives bien distinctes, d’en explorer l’impact sur les rela- tions entre les populations camerounaises anglophones et nigérianes résidentes.
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- Agreement between the Republic of Cameroon and the Federal Republic of Nigeria Concerning the Modalities of Withdrawal and Transfer of Authority in the Bakassi Peninsula (The Green Tree Agreement) [retrieved 11 April 2007 from http://www.un.org/unowa/. cnmc/preleas/cn_agreement.pdf].
- Akpan, Anietie, 2006, ‘Emotions, worries as Nigeria hands over Bakassi Peninsula to Cameroun’, The Guardian [retrieved 1 April 2007 from http://www.guardiannewsngr.com/weekend/article01/180806].
- Asiwaju, A.I., ed., 1984, Partitioned Africans: Ethnic Relations across Africa’s International Boundaries, 1884–1984. Lagos: University of Lagos Press and London: C. Hurst & Co.
- Brownlie, Ian, 1979, African Boundaries, London: C. Hurst & Co., for the Royal Institute of International Affairs.
- Cross River State Youths Assembly, 2006, ‘Our Stand on Bakassi Peninsula’, letter to the editor, The Guardian [retrieved 1 April 2007 from http://www.guardiannewsngr.com/ letters/article01/060706].
- Eno-Abasi, Sunday, 2007, ‘Bakassi, A Relocation Gone Awry’, The Guardian, 2 April 2007. [retrieved 11 April 2008 from http://www.guardiannewsngr.com/focus_record/article01/020407].
- Fanso, V.G., 1986, ‘Traditional and Colonial African Boundaries: Concept and Functions in Inter-Group Relations’, Présence Africaine, 139, 3: 58–75.
- Follow up Committee for The Green Tree Agreement, Cameroon–Nigeria Mixed Commission Withdrawal and Transfer of Authority Form, 2006, http://www.spm.gov.cm/documents/doc_en397_transfert_autorite_bakassi_a.pdf
- IRIN (International Regional Information Networks): Cameroon–Nigeria, UNCHA. 2006, ‘Presidents Obasanjo and Biya shake hands on disputed Bakassi peninsula’, 13 June 2006 [retrieved 25 November 2006 from http://www.irinnews.org/Report.aspx?ReportId=59305].
- IRIN: Cameroon–Nigeria, UNCHA. 2006, ‘Bakassi inhabitants opt for independence ahead of Nigerian pullout’, 7 August 2006 [retrieved 25 November 2006 from http://www.irinnews.org/Report.aspx?ReportId=60045].
- IRIN: Cameroon–Nigeria, UNCHA. 2006, ‘CAMEROON–NIGERIA: Cameroon flag hoisted over Bakassi as Nigerian troops pull out’, 14 August 2006 [retrieved 25 November 2006 from http://www.irinnews.org/Report.aspx?ReportId=60324].
- IRIN: ‘Cameroon–Nigeria: Settling Bakassi – interview with UN envoy Ahmedou Ould-Abdallah’, 14 November 2007 [retrieved 11 April 2008 from http:// www.irinnews.org/Report.aspx?ReportId=75306].
- IRIN:, UNCHA, 2007, ‘CAMEROON–NIGERIA: Bakassi – where Cameroon is already in control’, 20 November 2007 [retrieved 11 April 2008 from http://www.irinnews.org/PrintReport.aspx?ReportId=75395].
- International Court of Justice, Press Release 2002/26, Land and Maritime Boundary between Cameroon and Nigeria (Cameroon v Nigeria: Equatorial Guinea intervening).
- International Court of Justice, Statement of the President of the Court, 10 October 2002, [retrieved on 21 January 2007 from http://Bakassi/ispeechpresident_Guillaume_cnjudgment_20021010.htm].
- Konings, Piet, 2005, ‘The Anglophone Cameroon–Nigeria Boundary: Opportunities and Conflicts’, African Affairs, 104, 415:275–301.
- Lukong, Pius Nyuylime, 2008, ‘Swiss Company to Explore Oil in Iroko’, 4 April 2008 [retrieved on 11 April 2008 from http://www.cameroon-tribune.net/ article.php?lang=Fr&oled=j11042008&idart 9947&olar...].
- Lukong, Pius Nyuylime, 2008, ‘Douala/Kribi-Campo Basin: Over 15.7 billion for Oil Exploration in Matanda Cameroon signed’, 11 April 2008 [retrieved on 11 April 2008 from http://www.cameroon-tribune.net/article.php?lang=Fr&oled=j 11042008&idart=10161&ola...].
- Mbonwoh, Nkeze, 2008, ‘Government Grants More Assistance to Bakassi Inhabitants’, 7 April 2008 [retrieved on 11 April 2008 from http://www.cameroon- tribune.net/article.php?lang=Fr&oled=j11042008&idart=9988&olar..].
- Meagher, Kate, 1996, ‘Informal Integration or Economic Subversion? The Development and Organization of Parallel Trade in West Africa’, in R. Lavergne, ed., 1996, Regional Integration in West Africa. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Molem, Christopher Sama, 2004, ‘Cross-Border Conflict between Nigeria and Her Francophone Neighbors: Implications for Cross-Border Trade’, unpublished paper presented at the Association of African Political Scientists, June.
- Ngoh, Victor Julius, ed., 2004, Cameroon: From a Federal to a Unitary State. Limbe, Cameroon: Design House.
- Niger-Thomas, Margaret, 2001, ‘Women and the Arts of Smuggling’, African Studies Review, 44, 2, ‘Ways of Seeing: Beyond the New Nativism’: 43–70.
- Nwokedi, E., 1984–85, ‘The Politics of Inter-African Boundary Conflicts: A Study of Nigeria and her Francophone Neighbors’, The Quarterly Journal of Administration, 19, 1/2: 45–60.
- Orisakwe, Sunday, 2006, ‘No Permanent Peace in Bakassi Peninsula without Independent Southern Camerouns’ [retrieved on 1 April 2007 from The Guardian, http://www.guardiannewsngr.com/ life_style/ article07/250306].
Les références
Agreement between the Republic of Cameroon and the Federal Republic of Nigeria Concerning the Modalities of Withdrawal and Transfer of Authority in the Bakassi Peninsula (The Green Tree Agreement) [retrieved 11 April 2007 from http://www.un.org/unowa/. cnmc/preleas/cn_agreement.pdf].
Akpan, Anietie, 2006, ‘Emotions, worries as Nigeria hands over Bakassi Peninsula to Cameroun’, The Guardian [retrieved 1 April 2007 from http://www.guardiannewsngr.com/weekend/article01/180806].
Asiwaju, A.I., ed., 1984, Partitioned Africans: Ethnic Relations across Africa’s International Boundaries, 1884–1984. Lagos: University of Lagos Press and London: C. Hurst & Co.
Brownlie, Ian, 1979, African Boundaries, London: C. Hurst & Co., for the Royal Institute of International Affairs.
Cross River State Youths Assembly, 2006, ‘Our Stand on Bakassi Peninsula’, letter to the editor, The Guardian [retrieved 1 April 2007 from http://www.guardiannewsngr.com/ letters/article01/060706].
Eno-Abasi, Sunday, 2007, ‘Bakassi, A Relocation Gone Awry’, The Guardian, 2 April 2007. [retrieved 11 April 2008 from http://www.guardiannewsngr.com/focus_record/article01/020407].
Fanso, V.G., 1986, ‘Traditional and Colonial African Boundaries: Concept and Functions in Inter-Group Relations’, Présence Africaine, 139, 3: 58–75.
Follow up Committee for The Green Tree Agreement, Cameroon–Nigeria Mixed Commission Withdrawal and Transfer of Authority Form, 2006, http://www.spm.gov.cm/documents/doc_en397_transfert_autorite_bakassi_a.pdf
IRIN (International Regional Information Networks): Cameroon–Nigeria, UNCHA. 2006, ‘Presidents Obasanjo and Biya shake hands on disputed Bakassi peninsula’, 13 June 2006 [retrieved 25 November 2006 from http://www.irinnews.org/Report.aspx?ReportId=59305].
IRIN: Cameroon–Nigeria, UNCHA. 2006, ‘Bakassi inhabitants opt for independence ahead of Nigerian pullout’, 7 August 2006 [retrieved 25 November 2006 from http://www.irinnews.org/Report.aspx?ReportId=60045].
IRIN: Cameroon–Nigeria, UNCHA. 2006, ‘CAMEROON–NIGERIA: Cameroon flag hoisted over Bakassi as Nigerian troops pull out’, 14 August 2006 [retrieved 25 November 2006 from http://www.irinnews.org/Report.aspx?ReportId=60324].
IRIN: ‘Cameroon–Nigeria: Settling Bakassi – interview with UN envoy Ahmedou Ould-Abdallah’, 14 November 2007 [retrieved 11 April 2008 from http:// www.irinnews.org/Report.aspx?ReportId=75306].
IRIN:, UNCHA, 2007, ‘CAMEROON–NIGERIA: Bakassi – where Cameroon is already in control’, 20 November 2007 [retrieved 11 April 2008 from http://www.irinnews.org/PrintReport.aspx?ReportId=75395].
International Court of Justice, Press Release 2002/26, Land and Maritime Boundary between Cameroon and Nigeria (Cameroon v Nigeria: Equatorial Guinea intervening).
International Court of Justice, Statement of the President of the Court, 10 October 2002, [retrieved on 21 January 2007 from http://Bakassi/ispeechpresident_Guillaume_cnjudgment_20021010.htm].
Konings, Piet, 2005, ‘The Anglophone Cameroon–Nigeria Boundary: Opportunities and Conflicts’, African Affairs, 104, 415:275–301.
Lukong, Pius Nyuylime, 2008, ‘Swiss Company to Explore Oil in Iroko’, 4 April 2008 [retrieved on 11 April 2008 from http://www.cameroon-tribune.net/ article.php?lang=Fr&oled=j11042008&idart 9947&olar...].
Lukong, Pius Nyuylime, 2008, ‘Douala/Kribi-Campo Basin: Over 15.7 billion for Oil Exploration in Matanda Cameroon signed’, 11 April 2008 [retrieved on 11 April 2008 from http://www.cameroon-tribune.net/article.php?lang=Fr&oled=j 11042008&idart=10161&ola...].
Mbonwoh, Nkeze, 2008, ‘Government Grants More Assistance to Bakassi Inhabitants’, 7 April 2008 [retrieved on 11 April 2008 from http://www.cameroon- tribune.net/article.php?lang=Fr&oled=j11042008&idart=9988&olar..].
Meagher, Kate, 1996, ‘Informal Integration or Economic Subversion? The Development and Organization of Parallel Trade in West Africa’, in R. Lavergne, ed., 1996, Regional Integration in West Africa. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Molem, Christopher Sama, 2004, ‘Cross-Border Conflict between Nigeria and Her Francophone Neighbors: Implications for Cross-Border Trade’, unpublished paper presented at the Association of African Political Scientists, June.
Ngoh, Victor Julius, ed., 2004, Cameroon: From a Federal to a Unitary State. Limbe, Cameroon: Design House.
Niger-Thomas, Margaret, 2001, ‘Women and the Arts of Smuggling’, African Studies Review, 44, 2, ‘Ways of Seeing: Beyond the New Nativism’: 43–70.
Nwokedi, E., 1984–85, ‘The Politics of Inter-African Boundary Conflicts: A Study of Nigeria and her Francophone Neighbors’, The Quarterly Journal of Administration, 19, 1/2: 45–60.
Orisakwe, Sunday, 2006, ‘No Permanent Peace in Bakassi Peninsula without Independent Southern Camerouns’ [retrieved on 1 April 2007 from The Guardian, http://www.guardiannewsngr.com/ life_style/ article07/250306].