Publiée: novembre 19, 2023


novembre 19, 2023
Godwin R. Murunga

1 - Exploring Art-based Methodologies to Enhance Resilience during the Covid-19 Lockdown

novembre 19, 2023
Elmarie Costandius

2 - Harnessing the Potential of Pandemic-Time Virtuality for a Pan-African Solidarity

novembre 19, 2023
Addisalem Tebikew  Yallew, Fadzayi Marcia  Maruza, Amina  Mama

3 - Inclusive Higher Education Legislative and Policy Frameworks in South Africa, Zambia and Zimbabwe: Post-Covid-19 Opportunities

novembre 19, 2023
Masauso  Chirwa, Serges Alain Djoyou  Kamga, Sandra  Makwembere, Tsitsi  Chataika

4 - Pandemic Publishing: How did the COVID-19 Shock Affect the Number of Economics Publications from African Institutions?

novembre 19, 2023
Roukiatou  Nikiema

5 - Schooling During Covid-19: Concerns about the Engagement of Students at some African Universities during Online Teaching

novembre 19, 2023
Martina  Ambe, Quinta Kemende  Wunseh, Elizabeth Bifuh-Ambe , Laurent  Beya

6 - Covid-19 Pandemic Exposes the Resilience Vulnerability of Ghana’s EQA System for Higher Education

novembre 19, 2023
Francis  Ansah, Patrick  Swanzy, Douglas  Mpondi, Gloria  Asamoah, Joy  Nyondo

7 - Implications of the Covid-19 ‘Research Resources’ Availed to Public Universities on the National Quest for Knowledge Production in Uganda

novembre 19, 2023
Florence  Ndibuuza, Ronald  Bisaso

8 - Access to Higher Education during the Covid-19 Pandemic: What Mitigations Can be Made for the Future of African Higher Education

novembre 19, 2023
Ntimi  Mtawa, Samuel  Fongwa, Gerald Wangenge-Ouma , Ishmael  Munene, Bertha  Kibona

Bulletin du CODESRIA, n° 6, 2022 - Numéro spécial II: l'enseignement supérieur en Afrique pendant le COVID-19 et la période post-pandémique

novembre 19, 2023
Journal System