JHEA, Volume 15, n°2, 2017 - Full Issue
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Journal of Higher Education in Africa,
Vol. 15 No. 2 (2017): Journal of Higher Education in Africa
Positioning Universities as Engines of Innovation for Sustainable Development and Transformation
Paul Tiyambe Zeleza .................................................1
Enhancing Doctoral Supervision Practices in Africa: Reflection on the CARTA Approach
Manderson, Göran Bondjers, Chimaraoke Izugbara, Donald C. Cole, Omar Egesah, Alex Ezeh, Sharon Fonn ............................23
Performative Injunctions in the Higher Education Body: The Discursive Career of Research Capacity Development in a South African University Faculty of Education
Aslam Fataar .......................................41
Implications of Social Media on Student Activism: The South African Experience in a Digital Age
Mthokozisi Emmanuel Ntuli & Damtew Teferra ..................................63
Analysing South Africa’s Soft Power in Africa through the Knowledge Diplomacy of Higher Education
Olusola Ogunnubi & Lester Brian Shawa ...................................81
Effet des caractéristiques pré-admissions et de l’expérience du système universitaire sur la persévérance aux études en enseignement supérieur : perspective de recherche en Afrique
Alexis Salvador Loyé, Eric Frenette & Jean-François Kobiané..........................109
Legal Educational Platforms and Disciplines of the Future
Cosmas Cheka.....................................................133
‘Makererization’: Politics, Leadership and Management at the University of Bostwana from 2011–2017
Christian John Makgala....................................147
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