JHEA, Volume 14, n°1, 2016 - Full Issue
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Journal of Higher Education in Africa,
Vol. 14 No. 1 (2016): Journal of Higher Education in Africa
Access to, and Success in, Higher Education in Post-apartheid South Africa: Social Justice Analysis
Chika Sehoole and Kolawole Samuel Adeyemo ....................1
Revisiting the Postmodern Condition of a Higher Education Landscape: South Africa’s Higher Education Epochal Archive, 1999–2002
Chaka Chaka & Mashudu Churchill Mashige .......................19
A Decade of Biomedical Research in West Africa (2005–14): A Bibliometric Analysis of the Ten Most Productive Countries in MEDLINE
Williams Ezinwa Nwagwu ......................43
A Review of Academic Freedom in Africa through the Prism of the UNESCO 1997 Recommendation
Kwadwo Appiagyei-Atua, Klaus Beiter & Terence Karran..................85
Reconnecting the University to Society: The Role of Knowledge as Public Good in South African Higher Education
Michael Cross and Amasa Ndofirepi .............................119
Availability of Study Time for Undergraduate Finance Students at an Open and Distance Learning Institution in South Africa
C.F. Erasmus and G.P.M. Grebe .........................141
Towards the Institutionalization of Research Uptake Management in Sub-Saharan African Universities
Sara S. Grobbelaar and Tomas Harber ............................155
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