10 - Strategies and Outcomes of Involving University Students in Community Engagement: An Adaptive Leadership Perspective
Corresponding Author(s) : Dipane Hlalele
Journal of Higher Education in Africa,
Vol. 13 No. 1-2 (2015): Journal of Higher Education in Africa: Special Issue on Sustainable Rural Learning Ecologies: Border Crossing
The purpose of this article is to compare how students and community members learned and applied their knowledge in four small-scale univer- sity–community engagement projects during 2013. It draws on the concept of adaptive leadership as an approach and analytical tool in a recently com- pleted community engagement and service learning action research partner- ship between the University of the Free State (UFS) Qwa Qwa campus and the University of KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN) Pietermaritzburg campus. The project was funded by the National Research Foundation, with additional support from the UKZN Teaching and Learning Fund and UFS Faculty of Education research funds. A total of twelve case studies involved sixty-five students, nine NGOs and four schools. In each case, students worked in teams in response to community requests for assistance. Projects included Saturday curriculum activities for schools, workshops for parents, assisting with film making or archiving, assisting with monitoring and evaluation of rural reading clubs, producing small organic gardens and assisting with a childcare development project. Each case study involved end of project interviews with students and community contacts and some interim ob- servations during the project implementation phase. This article compares four of the case study findings between the two institutions. It outlines how the concept of community engagement has evolved and briefly reviews the literature on community engagement, particularly in the South African context. It then introduces the theoretical framework and methodology. The findings suggested that the adaptive leadership approach contributed to stimulating shared ownership of learning.
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Adaptive Leadership Intensive, 2013, Program for senior people in business, government and the community, Queen Victoria Womens Centre, Melbourne, 18–21 June. Accessed at: http://leadership.benevolent.org.au/community/event/2013/05/16/ adaptive-leadership-intensive-melbourne#sthash.hV76Pxym.dpuf
Alperstein, M., 2007, ‘Getting closer to the community voice in curriculum develop- ment: an exploration of the possibilities’, Education as Change 11 (3): 59–67.
Barton, D. and Tusting, K., eds, 2005, Beyond Communities Of Practice: Language, Power And Social Context, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Bender, C.J.G., 2008, ‘Curriculum enquiry about community engagement at a research university’, South African Journal of Higher Education 22 (6): 1154–71.
Bringle, R.G. and Hatcher, J.A., 1995, ‘A service learning curriculum for faculty’,Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning 2 (1): 112–22.
Burke, B.F., 2007, ‘Adaptive leadership as a facilitator of public engagement on environmental sustainability issues’, Administrative Theory and Praxis 29 (3) 412–31.
Camacho, M.M., 2004, ‘Power and privilege: community service learning in Tijuana’,Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning, Summer, pp. 31–42.
Council on Higher Education (CHE), 2009, The State of Higher Education in South Africa. Higher Education Monitor 8, Pretoria: Advice and Monitoring Directorate Council on Higher Education.
Department of Higher Education and Training (DoHET), 2013, White Paper for PostSchool Education and Training, Pretoria: DoHET.
Erasmus, M., 2011, ‘A South African Perspective on North American International Service Learning’, in Bringle, R.G., Hatcher, J.A. and Jones, S.G., eds, Interna- tional Service Learning Conceptual Frameworks and Research, Vol. 1, Sterling, VA: Stylus.
Eubank, D., Geffken, D., Orzano, J. and Ricci, R., 2012, ‘Teaching adaptive leadershipto family medicine residents: What? Why? How?’, Families, Systems and Health30 (3): 241–52.
Hall, M., 2010, ‘Community Engagement in South African Higher Education’ in CHE, ed., Kagisano No. 6: Community Engagement in South African Higher Education, Auckland Park: Jacana.
Heifetz, R.A., 1994, Leadership Without Easy Answers, Cambridge, MA and London: Harvard University Press.
Heifetz, R.A., Linsky, M. and Grashow, A., 2009, The Practice of Adaptive Leadership: Tools and Tactics for Changing your Organization and the World, Cambridge, MA: Harvard Business Press.
Hlengwa, A., 2010, ‘Infusing service-learning in curricula: a theoretical exploration of infusion possibilities’, Journal of Education 48: 1–14.
Kania, J. and Kramer, M., 2011, ‘Collective impact’, Stanford Social Innovation Review, Winter, pp. 36–41.
Krueger, R.A. and Casey, M.A., 2000, Focus Groups, Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. Kruss, G., Visser, M., Aphane, M. and Haupt, G., 2011, Academic Interaction withExternal Social Partners: Investigating the Contribution of Universities to Economic and Social
Development, Pretoria: HSRC.
Kruss, G., 2012, ‘Reconceptualising engagement: a conceptual framework for analy- sing university interaction with external social partners’, South African Review of Sociology 43 (2): 6–26.
Mahlomaholo, S. and Matobako, T., 2006, ‘Service learning in South Africa held terminally captive by legacies of the past’, Alternation 31 (1): 203–17.
Mniki, S., 2009, ‘Socio-economic Impact of Drought Induced Disasters on Farm Owners of Nkonkobe Local Municipality’, Unpublished Master’s dissertation, Bloemfontein: University of the Free State.
Nduna, N.J., 2007, ‘The community voice on service learning: a good practice guide for higher education’, Education as Change 11 (3): 69–78.
Osman, R. and Attwood G., 2007, ‘Power and participation in and through service learning’, Education as Change 11 (3): 18–21.
Preece, J., 2013a, ‘Service learning and community engagement in South African universities: towards an “adaptive engagement” approach’, Alternation, Special Edition 9: 265–91.
Preece, J., 2013b, ‘Community engagement and service learning in a South African university: the challenges of adaptive leadership’, South African Journal of Higher Education 27 (4): 986–1004.
Preece, J. and Manicom D., 2014, ‘Community based learning spaces and envi- ronments: pedagogic possibilities and challenges’, Paper presented at UTLO Conference, 25–27 September, Edgewood, University of KwaZulu-Natal.
Schuetze, H.G., 2010, ‘The Third Mission of Universities: Community Engagement and Service’, in Inman, P. and Schuetze, H.G., eds, The Community Engagementand Service Mission of Universities, Leicester: NIACE.
Schweisfurth, M., 2001, ‘Gleaning Meaning from Case Studies in International Comparison’, in Watson, K. ed., Doing Comparative Educational Research, Oxford: Symposium.
Stellenbosch University, 2009, Risk Management Guidelines for Community Interac- tion, Stellenbosch: Stellenbosch University.
Stringer, E., 2004, Action Research in Education. Columbus, OH: Pearson/Merril Prentice Hall.
Van Schalkwyck, F. and Erasmus, M., 2011, ‘Community participation in higher education service learning’, Acta Academica 43 (3): 57–82.