8 - Governing ‘Ethnicised’ Public Sphere: Insights from Nigeria
Corresponding Author(s) : Nkwachukwu Orji
Africa Development,
Vol. 35 No. 4 (2010): Africa Development
This article explores the way in which ethnically diverse societies govern their public sphere. It shows that the public sphere in multiethnic societies is an arena of conflict where cultural and ideological contest or negotiation among a variety of groups takes place. Drawing from Nigeria’s experience, the article examines the conflict management arrangement devised to regulate hostile inter-group relations in the public sphere. It identifies power-sharing as the most fundamental conflict management strategy adopted to govern Nigeria’s public sphere. The article argues that although power-sharing features as the most acceptable modality for moderating inter-group conflicts in Nigeria, its usefulness is limited by the fact that it widens the asymmetrical and oligarchic power of the dominant groups and hampers the growth of democracy.
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- Agbaje, A., 1998, ‘The Ideology of Power-sharing: An Analysis of Content, Context and Intent’, in Kunle, Amuwo; Adigun, Agbaje; Rotimi, Suberu and Georges, Herault, eds, Federalism and Political Restructuring in Nigeria, Ibadan: Spectrum.
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Agbaje, A., 1989, ‘Mass Media and the Shaping of Federal Character: A Content Analysis of Four Decades of Nigerian Newspapers (1950-1984)’, in Peter Ekeh and Eghosa E. Osaghae, eds, Federal Character and Federalism in Nigeria, Ibadan: Heinemann.
Agbaje, A., 1998, ‘The Ideology of Power-sharing: An Analysis of Content, Context and Intent’, in Kunle, Amuwo; Adigun, Agbaje; Rotimi, Suberu and Georges, Herault, eds, Federalism and Political Restructuring in Nigeria, Ibadan: Spectrum.
Bogaards, M., 2006, ‘Democracy and Power-sharing in Multinational States: Thematic Introduction’, International Journal on Multicultural Societies, Vol. 8, No. 2, pp. 119-126.
Coleman, J., 1958, Nigeria: Background to Nationalism, Benin City: Broburg and Wistrom.
Diamond, L., 1982, ‘Cleavage, Conflict and Anxiety in the Second Republic’, Journal of Modern African Studies, Vol. 20, No. 4, pp. 629-668.
Ekeh, P., 1989, ‘The Structure and Meaning of Federal Character in the Nigerian Political System’, in Peter Ekeh and Eghosa, E. Osaghae, eds, Federal Character and Federalism in Nigeria, Ibadan: Heinemann.
Ekeh, P., 1975, ‘Colonialism and the Two Publics in Africa: ATheoretical Statement’, Comparative Studies in Society and History, Vol. 17, No. 1, pp. 91-112.
Eley, G., 1991, ‘Nations, Publics, and Political Cultures: Placing Habermas in the Nineteenth Century’, in Craig Calhoun, ed., Habermas and the Public Sphere, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
Federal Republic of Nigeria, 1995, Report of the Constitutional Conference Containing the Resolutions and Recommendations Vol. II, Abuja: National Assembly Press.
Ferree, M.; Gamson, W., Gerhards, J. and Rutch, D., 2002, ‘Four Models of the Public Sphere in Modern Democracies’, Theory and Society, Vol. 31, No. 3, pp. 289-324.
Fraser, N., 1990, ‘Rethinking the Public Sphere: A Contribution to the Critique of Actually Existing Democracy’, Social Text, Vol. 25/26, pp. 56-80.
Habermas, J., 1974, ‘The Public Sphere: An Encyclopedia Article’, New German Critique, Vol. 3, pp. 49-55.
Habermas, J., 1989, The Structural Transformation of the Public Sphere: An Inquiry into a Category of Bourgeois Society, trans. Thomas Burger and Frederick Lawrence, Cambridge: MIT Press.
Horowitz, D., 1985, Ethnic Groups in Conflict, Berkeley: University of California Press.
Horowitz, D., 1991, A Democratic South Africa? Constitutional Engineering in a Divided Society, Berkeley: University of California Press.
Horowitz, D., 2002, ‘Constitutional Design: Proposals Versus Processes’ in A. Reynolds ed., The Architecture of Democracy: Constitutional Design, Conflict Management, and Democracy, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Huang, P., 1993, ‘Public Sphere/Civil Society in China?: The Third Realm between State and Society’, Modern China, Vol. 19, No. 2, pp. 216-240.
Ibeanu, O., 2007, Breaking the Promethean Chain: Protecting Popular Electoral Mandates in the South-East Zone of Nigeria, Onitsha: Nigerian Political Science Association (South-East) Chapter.
Ibelema, M., 2000, ‘Nigeria: The Politics of Marginalization’, Current History, Vol. 99, No. 633-641, pp. 211-214.
Lijphart, A., 1977, Democracy in Plural Societies: A Comparative Exploration, New Haven, CT: Yale University Press.
Madunagu, E., 1994, ‘Notes on the Power-blocs (1)’, The Guardian, 21 April. Naanen, B., 1995, ‘Oil-producing Minorities and the Restructuring of Nigerian Federalism: The Case of the Ogoni People’, Journal of Commonwealth and Comparative Politics, Vol. 33, No. 1, pp. 46-78.
Nolutshungu, S., 1990, ‘Fragments of a Democracy: Reflections on Class and Politics in Nigeria’, Third World Quarterly, Vol. 12, No. 1, pp. 86-115.
Omobowale, A. and Olutayo, A., 2007, ‘Chief Lamidi Adedibu and Patronage Politics in Nigeria’, Journal of Modern African Studies, Vol. 45, No. 3, pp. 425-446.
Orji, N., 2008, ‘Power-sharing: The Element of Continuity in Nigerian Politics’, Unpublished PhD. Thesis, Central European University, Budapest.
Phillips, C., 1980, ‘Nigeria’s New Political Institutions, 1975-79’, Journal of Modern African Studies, Vol. 18, No. 1, pp. 1-22.
Post, K., and Vickers, M., 1973, Structure and Conflict in Nigeria, 1960-1966, London: Heinemann.
Sisk, T., 1996, Power Sharing and International Mediation in Ethnic Conflict, Washington, D.C.: United States Institute of Peace Press.
Sklar, R., 1965, ‘Contradictions in the Nigerian Political System’, Journal of Modern African Studies, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 201-213.
Sklar, R., 1967, ‘Nigerian Politics in Perspective’, Government and Opposition, Vol. 2, No. 4, pp. 524-539.
Sklar, R., 1981, ‘Democracy for the Second Republic’, Issue: A Journal of Opinion, Vol. 11, No. 1/2, pp. 14-16.
Whitaker, Jr., C. S., 1981, ‘Second Beginnings: The New Political Framework’, Issue: A Journal of Opinion, Vol. 11, No. 1/2, pp. 2-13.