2 - Development, Social Citizenship and Human Rights: Re-thinking the Political Core of an Emancipatory Project in Africa
Corresponding Author(s) : Michael Neocosmos
Africa Development,
Vol. 32 No. 4 (2007): Africa Development
The paper begins from the axiomatic point that, despite the form it eventually took, namely that of a neo-colonial process, development was understood and fought for in Africa as [part of] an emancipatory political project central to the liberatory vision of the pan-African nationalism which emerged victorious at independence. Indeed independence was always seen, by radical nationalism in particular, as only the first step towards freedom and liberation from oppres- sion, the second being economic development. Indeed ‘economism’ and ‘statism’ were mirror images of each other: it was believed that only the economy could liberate humanity and that only the state could drive the economy to progress. Today, the first proposition has been retained but the second has been dropped from hegemonic discourse. Yet the two are inseparable twins; it is in fact the case that just as the latter is false so is the former, for human emancipation is and can only be a political project. While development today is said to be guided by the (not so invisible) “hand of the market”, the state has simultaneously ‘sub- contracted’ many of its development management functions to external bodies such as NGOs. These are frequently simply new parastatals, vehicles for social entrepreneurship for a ‘new’ middle-class of development professionals. We have now a new form of state rule which forms the context for re-thinking de- velopment and politics. Central to this new form of rule is the hegemony of human rights discourse. This paper begins by reviewing the political assump- tions of the nature of citizenship underlying T.H. Marshall’s argument for ‘so- cial rights’; it provides a critique of human rights discourse and civil society from an emancipatory perspective, situating these within the new forms of im- perialism and comments on the character of political parties and social move- ments in understanding political emancipation today. It argues that in Africa, if one is to think an emancipatory project, citizenship must be conceived as active citizenship, and political subjectivity must be thought, not as management or opinions but, following the work of Badiou and Lazarus, as the freedom to think new ‘possibles’.
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Fullard, M. and Rousseau, N., 2003, ‘An Imperfect Past: Truth and Reconciliation Commission in Transition’, in Daniel, J., Habib, A., and Southall, R., eds., State of the Nation: South Africa 2003-2004, Cape Town: HSRC Press.
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Kanyinga, K. and Katumanga, M., 2003, ‘Citizenship and Rights: The Failures of the Post-colonial State in Africa’, Africa Development, vol. 28, nos. 1&2.
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Neocosmos, M., 1999, ‘Intellectual Debates and Popular Struggles in Transitional South Africa: Political Discourse and the Origins of Statism’, Seminar, Centre for African Studies, University of Cape Town, April 21.
Neocosmos, M., 2003, ‘The Contradictory Position of “Tradition” in African Nationalist Discourse: Some Analytical Reflections’, Africa Development, Special Issue on ‘Globalization and Citizenship in Africa’, vol. 28, nos. 1&2.
Neocosmos, M., 2005, ‘Rethinking Politics in Southern Africa Today: Elements of a Critique of Political Liberalism’, in Gibson, N., ed., Challenging Hegemony, New Jersey: Africa World Press.
Neocosmos, M., 2006, From Foreign Natives to Native Foreigners: Explaining Xenophobia in Post-apartheid South Africa, Dakar: CODESRIA Books.
Poulantzas, N., 1978, State, Power, Socialism, London: New Left Books.
Rancière, J., 1995, La Mésentente, Paris: Galilée.
Rawls, J., 2003, The Law of Peoples, Cambridge, Mass. Harvard University Press. Rueschemeyer, D., Stephens, E.H. and Stephens, J.D., 1992, Capitalist Development and Democracy, London: Polity Press.
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Shivji, I., ed., 1985, The State and the Working People in Tanzania, Dakar: CODESRIA.
Shivji, I., ed., 1991, State and Constitutionalism: An African Debate on Democracy, Harare: SAPES Books.
Sibanda, A., 2002, ‘Voicing a Peasant Alternative: The Organisation of Rural Associations of Progress (ORAP) in Zimbabwe’, in Ben Romdhane, M. and Moyo, S., eds., Peasant Organisations and the Democratisation Process in Africa, Dakar: CODESRIA.
Stedman-Jones, G., 2004, An End to Poverty?, London: Profile Books.
Taylor, H., 2002, ‘Insights into Participation from Critical Management and Labour Process Perspectives’, in Cooke, B. and Kothari, U., Participation: the New Tyranny, London: Zed Books.
Van Kessel, I., 2000, “Beyond our Wildest Dreams”: The United Democratic Front and the transformation of South Africa, Charlottesville and London: University of Virginia Press.
Wamba-dia-Wamba, E., 1994, ‘Africa in Search of a New Mode of Politics’, in H. Himmelstrand, ed., African Perspectives on Development, London: James Currey.
Wamba-dia-Wamba, E., 1985, ‘Experience of Democracy in Africa: Reflections on the Practice of Communalist Palaver as a Method of Resolving Contradictions Among the People’, Philosophy and Social Action, July– September, vol. 11, no. 3.
Wilson, R. A., 2001, The Politics of Truth and Reconciliation in South Africa: Legitimizing the Post-apartheid State, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
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