6 - Climate Information for Development: An Integrated Dissemination Model
Corresponding Author(s) : Aondover Augustine Tarhule
Africa Development,
Vol. 32 No. 4 (2007): Africa Development
This paper describes a new conceptual model of climate research and seasonal forecast dissemination for West Africa. The model was developed through a survey of 600 climate information end-users and 27 organisations in four West African countries – Burkina Faso, Mali, Niger and Nigeria. Despite significant advances in climate research and climate forecasting, the majority of African countries continue to suffer the full impacts of climate variability with serious adverse implications for economic growth and development. These countries are yet to experience the benefits of climate research for mitigating impacts. The major challenge is lack of access to, and ability to respond to, climate re- search information by both vulnerable groups and institutions and agencies charged with managing the impacts of climate variability. Additionally funding agencies outside the continent drive much of the research on African climate dynamics. Indeed few African countries have the resources, technical expertise and, in some cases, political commitment to give the necessary priority to cli- mate and environmental research. Therefore, it is important to develop innova- tive strategies that allow them to take advantage of the results of climate re- search. The proposed model consists of a regional archive and database for all research related to West African climate variability. The goal is to improve ac- cess to emerging research findings and technologies and to avoid duplication of efforts. A second major component includes an institute dedicated to the testing, validation and adaptation of research for practical applications under local con- ditions. The model illustrates clearly the pathways of climate research informa- tion flow and linkages between the research community, policy makers, the media and end-users. Although based on research in West Africa, the model can easily be adapted for other parts of Africa.
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Foley, G., Floor, W., Madon, G., Lawali, E. M., Montagne, P., and Tounao, K., 1997, The Niger Household Project: Promoting Rural Fuelwood Markets and Village Management of Natural Woodlands, World Bank Technical Paper No. 362, Washington, DC: World Bank.
Garbrecht, J., Meinke, H., Sivakumar, M. V., Motha, R. P., and Salinger, M.J., 2005, ‘Seasonal Climate Forecast and Adoption by Agriculture’, EOS, Vol. 86, No. 24.
Glantz, M., 1994, ‘The West African Sahel’, in M. Glantz, ed., Drought Follows the Plow, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 33-43.
Ingram, K. T., Roncoli, M. C., and Kirshen, P. H., 2002, ‘Opportunities and Constraints for Farmers of West Africa to Use Seasonal Precipitation Forecasts, with Burkina Faso as a Case Study, Agric. Syst., Vol. 74, pp. 331-339.
Jury, M. R., 2002, ‘Economic Impacts of Climate Variability in South Africa and Development of Resource Prediction Models, Journal of Applied Meteorology, Vol. 41, pp. 46-55.
Kirshen, P. H., and Flitcroft, I. D., 2000, ‘Use of Seasonal Forecasting to Improve Agricultural Production in West Africa: An Institutional Analysis of Burkina Faso’, Natural Resources Forum, Vol. 24, pp. 184-195.
Lamb, P. J., 1978, ‘Large-scale Tropical Atlantic Surface Circulation Patterns Associated with Subsaharan Weather Anomalies’, Tellus, Vol. 30, pp. 240- 251.
Le Barbé L., and Lebel, T., 1997, ‘Rainfall Climatology of the HAPEX-Sahel Region during the Years 1950-1990’, Journal of Hydrology, Vol. 188-189, pp. 43-73.
Nicholson, S. E., 2000, ‘Land Surface Processes and Sahel Climate’, Rev.Geophys., Vol. 38, pp. 117–139.
O’Brien, K., Sygna, L., Naess, L. O., Kingamkono, R., and Hochobeb, B., 2000, Is Information Enough? User Responses to Climate Forecasts in Southern Africa. Centre for International Climate and Environmental Research Technical Report 3:2000. Available online at www.cicero.uio.no/media/22.pdf.
O’Keefe, P., and Wisner, B., 1975, ‘African Drought: The State of the Game’, Afr. Environ. Probl. Perspect, Vol. 1, pp. 31–39.
Regional Climate Outlook Forums Review Organising Committee, 2001, Coping with Climate: A Way Forward, International Research Institute for Climate Prediction Publication IRI-CW/01/1,
Roncoli, C., Ingram, K. and Kirshen, P., 2001, ‘The Costs and Risks of Coping with Drought: Livelihood Impacts and Farmers’ Responses in Burkina Faso’, Climate Res., Vol. 19, pp. 119-132.
Roncoli, C., Ingram, K. and Kirshen, P., 2002, ‘Reading the Rains: Local Knowledge and Rainfall Forecasting in Burkina Faso’, Soc. Nat. Resour, Vol. 15, pp. 409-424.
Späth, H-J., 1997, ‘Fuelwood Crisis of Niamey: Vanishing Forests and Development of an Arid Island in the Sahel of Niger’, in H-J. Späth, ed., Land Use and Desertification in North and West Africa, Paderborner Geographische Studien, Band 6, pp. 55-88.
Stern, P. C., and Easterling, W. E., eds., 1999, Making Climate Forecasts Matter, Washington, DC: National Academy Press.
Tarhule, A., 2005, ‘Damaging Rainfall and Flooding: The Other Sahel Hazards’, Climatic Change, Vol. 72, pp. 355-377.
Tarhule, A., and Lamb, P. J., 2003, Climate Research and Seasonal Forecasting for West Africans: Perceptions, Dissemination and Use?’, Bull. Am. Meteor. Soc., Vol. 84, No. 12, pp. 1741-1759.
Tidjani, A. A., 1998, ‘Naufrage à la Vallée aux chauve souris’, Le Sahel, No. 5591, 23 July, 5.
USAID, 1999, FEWS Current Vulnerability Assessment Guidance Mannual, Washington DC: USAID. Available online at http:/fews.org/va/vahome.html. USAID, 2000, FEWS Sahel 1999/2000 Current Vulnerability Assessment, Washington DC: USAID. Available online at http://fews.org/va/vahome.html.
Van Apeldoorn, J. G., 1981, Perspectives on Drought and Famine in Nigeria. New York: Allen and Unwin.
World Bank, 1991, Food Security and Disasters in Africa: A Framework for Action. Africa Technical Department, Washington, DC: World Bank.