6 - Corruption, croissance et capital humain : quels rapports ?
Corresponding Author(s) : Pierre Roche Seka
Africa Development,
Vol. 38 No. 1-2 (2013): Africa Development
The objective of this paper is to explain some of the reasons of the high rate of dropout observed in the system of higher education in the African universities. It has been shown, theoretically, that corruption is one of the major factors. Indeed, very talented students, who otherwise could have pushed further their studies, suddenly dropout when they compare the level of wellbeing of those who are well educated with that of those who are not but enriched through corruption. Where do they go? They join the later in their corruptive activities. Such practice, that somehow is rational, endangers the whole education system. A simplified theory of bank panic has been used to show that whenever talented students are informed on how the bad student are enriched by corruption, they drop out to join the bad students. An econometric model has been estimated to show the negative impact of corruption on the registration rate for higher education. The paper ends by calling for the attention of the public authority that if nothing is done to retribute better well educated people, the education system is at high risk of extinction, endangering growth and development efforts that have been made so far.
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Besley, T. and Mc Laren, J., 1993,“Axes and Bribery: The Role of Wage Incentives”, Economic Journal, Vol.103(416), pp. 119-141.
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Huntington, S.P., 1968, Political Ordering Changing Societies. New Haven: Yale University Press.
Kraster,LandGaner,G.,2004,“TheMissingIncentiveCorruption:Anti-corruption and Re-election” in Kornai, J and Rose-Akerman, R. (Eds), Building a Trust Worthy State in Post-socialist Transition, New York, Palgrave.
Krueger, Anne, O., 1974, “The political Economy of the rent-seeking Society”, American Economic Review, Vol. 64 (3).
Leff, Nathaniel H., 1964, “Economic Development Through Bureaucratic Corruption”, The American Behavioral Scientist, Vol. 8 (3), pp. 8-14.
Lui, Francis T., 1985, “An Equilibrium Queuing Model of Bribery”, Journal of Political Economy. Vol. 93 (4), pp. 760-781.
Lucas, R.E., 1988, “On the Mechanics of Economic Development”, Journal of Monetary Economics, Vol. 22 (1), pp. 3-42.
Mauro, P, 1995, “Corruption and Economic Growth”, Quarterly Journal of Economics, Vol. 110 (3), pp 681-712.
Mauro, P., 1996 “The Effects of Corruption on Growth, Investment, and Government Expenditure: A Cross-country Analysis”, in Kimberly A.E.(Ed), Corruption and the Global Economy, the Institute for international economics, Washington.
Mankiw, G., Romer, D. and Weil, D., 1992, “A Contribution to the Empirics of Economic Growth”, Quarterly Journal of Economics, Vol. 1107 (2), pp. 407-437.
Murphy, K.M., Shleifer, A. and Vishny, R.W., 1993, “Why is Rent-seeking so Costly to Growth?”, American Economic Review, Vol. 83 (2), pp.409-414.
Nobuo, A., Yusaku, H. and Masayo, S., 2005, “ Short-run and Long-run Effects of Corruption on Economic Growth: Evidence from State-level Cross-section Data for the United States”, CIRJE Disscussion Papers, June 9.
Ouattara, W., 2007, “Dépenses publiques, corruption et croissance dans les pays de l’Union Economique et Monétaire de l’Afrique de l’Ouest (UEMOA): une analyse de la causalité au sens de Granger », Revue Africaine de l’Intégration, Vol. 1 (1), pp.139-160.
Pellegrini, L. and Gerlagh, R., 2004, “Corruption’s effect on Growth and its transmission channels”,.KYKLOS, Vol.57 (3), pp.429-456.
Podobnik, B., Shao, J, Njavro, D., Ivanov, P. Ch. And Stanley, H. E., “ Influence of corruption on Economic Growth Rate and Foreign Investment”, The European Physical Journal B., Vol. 63 , pp. 547-550.
Psacharopoulos G., 1994, “Returns to Investment in Education: A Global Update”. World Development, Vol.22 (9), pp. 1325-1345.
Roberg, R., 2004, When States Fail: Causes and Consequences, Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ.
Romer, P.M., 1990, “Endogenous Technical Change”, Journal of political Economy, Vol. 98 (5), pp. 71-102.
Rose-Ackerman, S., 1996, “When is Corruption Harmful?”, Background paper for the 1997 World Development Report, the World Bank, Washington. Shleifer, A. and Vishny, R. W., 1993, “Corruption”, Quarterly Journal of Economics, Vol.108 (3) pp 599-617.
Stockey, N.L., 1991, “Human Capital, Product Quality and Growth”, Quarterly Journal of Economics, Vol. 106 (2), pp. 587-616.
Svenson, J., 2005, “Eigth Questions about Corruption”, Journal of Economic Perspectives, Vol.19 (3), pp. 19-42.
Tanzi V., 1998, “Corruption around the World: Causes, Consequences, Scope and Cures”. IMF Staff Papers, Vol..45 (3).
Tanzi V. and Davoodi, H. R., 1997, “Corruption, Public Investment and Growth” IMF Working Papers, no. 97/139.
Van Rijckeghen, .C. and Weber, B., 2201, “Bureaucratic Corruption and the Rate of Temptation: Do Wages in the Civil Service Affect Corruption and by How Much?”, Journal of Development Economics, Vol.65, pp. 307-331.
Ventelon, B., 2001, “Equilibres et stabilité de la corruption dans un modèle de croissance: l’effet de la rémunération des politiciens”, L’actualité économique, Vol.77 (3), pp.339-356.
Wade, Robert, 1985, “The Market for Public Office: Why the Indian State is no Better at Development”, World Development, Vol.13 (4), pp. 467-497.
World Bank (2000), Anticorruption in Transition: A Contribution to the Policy Debate, Washington, D.C.Refus de promotion.