6 - Globalisation, Institutional Arrangemen Poverty in Rural Cameroon
Corresponding Author(s) : Francis Menjo Baye
Africa Development,
Vol. 28 No. 3-4 (2003): Africa Development
This paper posits that the institutional environment, which is constantly modi fied by the forces of globalisation, significantly influences access to and returns on primary assets that determine poverty outcomes in rural societies. Within the framework of institutional economics related to globalisation, rural institutions and poverty, the paper ( 1 ) identifies monetary and exchange rate arrangements, public debt burden, democratic culture and rent-seeking, openness and obsta cles to international trade, economic and structural reforms, and NGO activities as the main channels by which the forces of globalisation permeate down to the rural poor and (2) considers changes in land tenure arrangements, rural financial markets and marketing of agricultural products as important within the institu tional environment that determines the capacity of rural dwellers to build on and derive returns from their primary asset endowments. Good governance is viewed as crucial in curbing socio-economic difficulties and poverty in rural Cameroon.
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- A.li, A. A. G, 1997, 'Dealing with Poverty and lncome Distribution issues in Developing Countries. Cross Regional Experiences', Paper presented at the AERC Bi-Annual Research Workshop, Nairobi, Kenya, December 1996, revised: Janu ary, 1997.
- Baye, M. F. ,1991, Coffee Pricing and Resource Utilisation in Cameroon, Unpub lished Ph.D. Thesis, University of Reading, United Kingdom.
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- Baye, M.F. and Fambon, S., 2001, 'The impact of Macro and Sectoral Policies on the Extent of Poverty in Cameroon', in Globalisation and Poverty: The Role of Rural Institutions in Cameroon.
- Background paper submitted to FASID, Tokyo, Japan.
- Baye, M.F., Fambon, S., and Sikod, F., 2002, Globalisation, Institutional Changes and Poverty in Rural Cameroon. Final Report subrnitted to FASID, Tokyo, Japan.
- Bebbington, A. and Thiele, G, 1993, Non-Governmental Organisations and the State in Latin America, Routledge, London.
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- Commons, J.R., 1961, Institutional Economies, Madison, University of Wiscon sin Press.
- DSCN., 1996, Enquête Camerounaise auprès des Ménages (ECAM), Vol. 2 Résultats, tomes 1-5, Yaoundé.
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- Heidhues, F., and Weinschenck, G., 1986, Cameroon Rural Finance Study, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technishe Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) GMBH, (May April).
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- Nissanke, M., 2000, 'Globalisation and Poverty: The Role of Rural Institutions', Framework Paper for the FASID Africa-Asian Comparative Studies, presented at the International Workshop for the FASID research project, on 1-2 Decem ber 2000, Nairobi, Kenya.
- Njinkeu, D., Kobou, G., and Noumba, 1., 1997, Structural Adjustment and Povertyin Cameroon: A labour Market Ana(vsis, Final Report submitted to !CEG, Nairobi.
- North, D., 1990, Institutions, Institutional Change, and Economie Performance,Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.
- North, D., 1992, 'Transaction Costs, Institutions, and Economie Performance',Occasional Papers Number 30, International Centre for Economie Growth. Nzemen, M., 1989, Tontines et mobilisation del 'épargne au Cameroun, Presse
- Universitaire du Cameroun.
- Ostron, V. Feeny, G. and Picht, H., 1993, Rethinking /nstitutional Anazvsis and Developme11t: Some Issues, Choices. and Alternatives, San Francisco, lnsti tute for Contemporary Studies Press.
- Ravallion, M., 1994, 'Measuring Social Welfare with and without poverty lines',American Economie Rel'ieii; Vol. 84 No. 2, pp. 359-364.
- Rodrik, D., 1996, 'Understanding Economie Policy Refonn ', Journal a/Economie literature, Vol. 34, pp. 9-41.
- Schrieder, G.. 1989, /nfàrmal Financial Croups in Cameroon: Motimtion. Or ganization and linkages, Unpublished MSc. Thesis, Columbus, Ohio, OhioState Universityikod, F.; Ngwasiri, C.; Mbah, G.; Jum, C., and Vabi, M., 2000, Land Tenure and
- Resource Access in Selected WWF-CPO Field Project Sites, Yaounde.
- Tafah, E. E.O andAsondoh, R. T., 2000, 'Partnership Mix inAssisting Local Com munities to reach Sustainable Development in Cameroon',International Jour nal of Public-Private Partnerships, Vol. 2, No. 3, pp. 463-475.
- Tamba, I., 2000, 'Les Enjeux de la Mondialisation sur!'Economie Camerounaise', Revue Africaine des Sciences Economiques et de Gestion, Vol. 2 No. 1 pp. 125- 140.
- Touna Marna., 1999, 'Qu 'est que-ce la Mondialisation?', Revue Aji·icaine des Sciences Economiques et de Gestion. Vol. 1 No. 1 pp 9-27.
- USAID, 1983, The Tortoise Walk: Public and Private Activity in the Economie Development of Cameroon. AID Evaluation Special Study No. 10, USAID. World Bank, 2000, World Development Report 2000/2001: Attacking Poverty,
- Oxford University Press, Oxford.
- World Bank, 1995, Cameroon: Diversity, Growth and Poverty Reduction, Report No. 13167-CM.
A.li, A. A. G, 1997, 'Dealing with Poverty and lncome Distribution issues in Developing Countries. Cross Regional Experiences', Paper presented at the AERC Bi-Annual Research Workshop, Nairobi, Kenya, December 1996, revised: Janu ary, 1997.
Baye, M. F. ,1991, Coffee Pricing and Resource Utilisation in Cameroon, Unpub lished Ph.D. Thesis, University of Reading, United Kingdom.
Baye, M. F., 1998, 'Inequality and the Degree of Poverty Among Public Sector Workers in Cameroon', Nigerian Journal o_f Economic and Social Studies, Vol. 40, No. 3 pp. 433-452.
Baye, M.F. and Fambon, S., 2001, 'The impact of Macro and Sectoral Policies on the Extent of Poverty in Cameroon', in Globalisation and Poverty: The Role of Rural Institutions in Cameroon.
Background paper submitted to FASID, Tokyo, Japan.
Baye, M.F., Fambon, S., and Sikod, F., 2002, Globalisation, Institutional Changes and Poverty in Rural Cameroon. Final Report subrnitted to FASID, Tokyo, Japan.
Bebbington, A. and Thiele, G, 1993, Non-Governmental Organisations and the State in Latin America, Routledge, London.
Biao, B. and Noumba, 1., 2000, 'Mondialisation et Intégration Régionale: QuellesPerspectives pour le Cameroun?', ReFue Aficaine des Sciences Economiqueset de Gestion, Vol. 2 No. 1 pp. 29-5
Clague, C., 1997, 'The New institutional Economies and Economie Development',in Institutional and Economie Development: Growth and Governance in less Developed and Post-Socialist Countries, edited by Christopher Clague. The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore and London, Press.
Commons, J.R., 1961, Institutional Economies, Madison, University of Wiscon sin Press.
DSCN., 1996, Enquête Camerounaise auprès des Ménages (ECAM), Vol. 2 Résultats, tomes 1-5, Yaoundé.
Fambon, S., Amin, A.A., Baye, M.F., Noumba, 1., Tamba, I, and Tawah, R., 2000, 'Pauvreté et Répartition des Revenus au Cameroun durant les Années 1990', Cahier de Recherche, N° 01-06 de! 'Université Laval, format PDF, Available on http://www.crefa.ecn.ulaval.ca/cahier/listeOl.html,Fields, G. S., 1997, 'Poverty, lnequality and Economie Well-being: African Eco nomie Growth in Comparative Perspective', Paper prepared for presentation totheAERC, Nairobi, Kenya,August, 1997.
Heidhues, F., and Weinschenck, G., 1986, Cameroon Rural Finance Study, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technishe Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) GMBH, (May April).
Ngongang, S., 2000, 'Globalisation des Marchés Financiers: Ses Effets possibles sur la Conduite de la Politique Monétaire de la BEAC', Revue Afi-icaine de Sciences Economiques et de Gestion. Vol. 2, No. 1 pp. 55-94.
Nissanke, M., 2000, 'Globalisation and Poverty: The Role of Rural Institutions', Framework Paper for the FASID Africa-Asian Comparative Studies, presented at the International Workshop for the FASID research project, on 1-2 Decem ber 2000, Nairobi, Kenya.
Njinkeu, D., Kobou, G., and Noumba, 1., 1997, Structural Adjustment and Povertyin Cameroon: A labour Market Ana(vsis, Final Report submitted to !CEG, Nairobi.
North, D., 1990, Institutions, Institutional Change, and Economie Performance,Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.
North, D., 1992, 'Transaction Costs, Institutions, and Economie Performance',Occasional Papers Number 30, International Centre for Economie Growth. Nzemen, M., 1989, Tontines et mobilisation del 'épargne au Cameroun, Presse
Universitaire du Cameroun.
Ostron, V. Feeny, G. and Picht, H., 1993, Rethinking /nstitutional Anazvsis and Developme11t: Some Issues, Choices. and Alternatives, San Francisco, lnsti tute for Contemporary Studies Press.
Ravallion, M., 1994, 'Measuring Social Welfare with and without poverty lines',American Economie Rel'ieii; Vol. 84 No. 2, pp. 359-364.
Rodrik, D., 1996, 'Understanding Economie Policy Refonn ', Journal a/Economie literature, Vol. 34, pp. 9-41.
Schrieder, G.. 1989, /nfàrmal Financial Croups in Cameroon: Motimtion. Or ganization and linkages, Unpublished MSc. Thesis, Columbus, Ohio, OhioState Universityikod, F.; Ngwasiri, C.; Mbah, G.; Jum, C., and Vabi, M., 2000, Land Tenure and
Resource Access in Selected WWF-CPO Field Project Sites, Yaounde.
Tafah, E. E.O andAsondoh, R. T., 2000, 'Partnership Mix inAssisting Local Com munities to reach Sustainable Development in Cameroon',International Jour nal of Public-Private Partnerships, Vol. 2, No. 3, pp. 463-475.
Tamba, I., 2000, 'Les Enjeux de la Mondialisation sur!'Economie Camerounaise', Revue Africaine des Sciences Economiques et de Gestion, Vol. 2 No. 1 pp. 125- 140.
Touna Marna., 1999, 'Qu 'est que-ce la Mondialisation?', Revue Aji·icaine des Sciences Economiques et de Gestion. Vol. 1 No. 1 pp 9-27.
USAID, 1983, The Tortoise Walk: Public and Private Activity in the Economie Development of Cameroon. AID Evaluation Special Study No. 10, USAID. World Bank, 2000, World Development Report 2000/2001: Attacking Poverty,
Oxford University Press, Oxford.
World Bank, 1995, Cameroon: Diversity, Growth and Poverty Reduction, Report No. 13167-CM.