2 - Resources, Poverty and Human Development in Rural Uganda
Corresponding Author(s) : Tenkir Bongo
Africa Development,
Vol. 25 No. 3-4 (2000): Africa Development
Within the current factors and methods of production, Ugandan rural households balance the number of consumers, labourers and the si2e of cultivated holdings. The socially and spatially better-offs, who have more investments in livestock and family labour, enjoy higher levels of land productivity and modest improvement in their per capita income. A quarter of the total income originates from non-agricultural sectors, thereby making these sectors important avenues to poverty reduction even among the rural households.However, expenditure by those above the Poverty Line is equal to expenditure by those below. A large gap exists between the per capita income of the better-off households compared to the poor. When a human development index, including assets, income, social endowments and other positive outcomes of the development process are computed, the differentials narrow down considerably, bringing to the fore the social and economic proximity of the rural households.
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- Agricultural Policy Secretariat (APSEQ), 1993a, 'Study on the Provision of Agricultural Services in Uganda in the Light of Structural Adjustment', Working Pape, 1993.
- Appleton, S. and J. Mackinnon, 1995, 'Status of Poverty in Uganda: Characteristics, Spreadand Constraints', Proceedings of EPRC Serninar, March 17-19, Kampala, Uganda.
- APSEC, 1993b, 'Economies of Crop and Livestock Production'Bardhan, P.K., 1990, 'Symposium on State and Economic Development', The Journal of Economic Perspectivcs,4:3-8.
- EPRC/World Bank, 'Study on The Budgetary Allocations for Primary Health and Education', Unpublished Consultancy Report.
- Government of Uganda, MoF., 1997, 'Financial Implications of UPE', Draft of Papcr submitted to the Education Sector Adjustement Credit Working Group.
- Killick, A., 1991, A Reaction too Far, Overscas Development lnstitutce, London.
- Lipton, M. and Ravallion, M., 1997, 'Povcrty and Policy', Paper Presented to African Economic Research Consortium, 6-7 August, Kampala.
- Nove, Alec, Tht Economical of Feasible Socialium, George and Allen, 1985, Amsterdam, 1980.
- Strectcn, P., el al, 1981, First Things First: Meeting Basic Necds In Devcloping Countries, New York, Oxford University Press.
- Uganda Vision 2025. 1997, District Consultation Workshop Report.
- World Bank, 1996, 'Uganda: The Challenge of Growth and Povcrty Rcduction', Washington D.C.
- World Bank, 1993a, 'Uganda Agriculture', Washington D.C.
- World Bank, 1993b, 'Uganda: Growing Out of Povcrty', Washington D.C. World Bank, 1992, 'PovcrtyHandbook', Washington D.C.
- World Bank, t991, Assistance Strategics to Reduce Poverty, Policy Paper, Wash
Agricultural Policy Secretariat (APSEQ), 1993a, 'Study on the Provision of Agricultural Services in Uganda in the Light of Structural Adjustment', Working Pape, 1993.
Appleton, S. and J. Mackinnon, 1995, 'Status of Poverty in Uganda: Characteristics, Spreadand Constraints', Proceedings of EPRC Serninar, March 17-19, Kampala, Uganda.
APSEC, 1993b, 'Economies of Crop and Livestock Production'Bardhan, P.K., 1990, 'Symposium on State and Economic Development', The Journal of Economic Perspectivcs,4:3-8.
EPRC/World Bank, 'Study on The Budgetary Allocations for Primary Health and Education', Unpublished Consultancy Report.
Government of Uganda, MoF., 1997, 'Financial Implications of UPE', Draft of Papcr submitted to the Education Sector Adjustement Credit Working Group.
Killick, A., 1991, A Reaction too Far, Overscas Development lnstitutce, London.
Lipton, M. and Ravallion, M., 1997, 'Povcrty and Policy', Paper Presented to African Economic Research Consortium, 6-7 August, Kampala.
Nove, Alec, Tht Economical of Feasible Socialium, George and Allen, 1985, Amsterdam, 1980.
Strectcn, P., el al, 1981, First Things First: Meeting Basic Necds In Devcloping Countries, New York, Oxford University Press.
Uganda Vision 2025. 1997, District Consultation Workshop Report.
World Bank, 1996, 'Uganda: The Challenge of Growth and Povcrty Rcduction', Washington D.C.
World Bank, 1993a, 'Uganda Agriculture', Washington D.C.
World Bank, 1993b, 'Uganda: Growing Out of Povcrty', Washington D.C. World Bank, 1992, 'PovcrtyHandbook', Washington D.C.
World Bank, t991, Assistance Strategics to Reduce Poverty, Policy Paper, Wash