3 - We Decide, They Decide For Us: Popular Participation as an Issue in Two Nigerian Women's Development Programmes
Corresponding Author(s) : Emma T. Lucas
Africa Development,
Vol. 25 No. 1-2 (2000): Africa Development
Participation at all levels of organizing, programme development, and implementation is critical if development programmes are to meet a minimum level of success. An examination of the organizational decision-making structure of two Nigerian women's development organizations, Better Life for Rural Women (BLP), a government-sponsored programme, and Country Women's Association of Nigeria (COWAN), a non-governmental programme, reveals fundamental differences in the level of participation of rural women who were the intended beneficiaries. The mission of each focused on the improvement of rural women's lives; however, the success of the non-governmental organization far outweighed the government- sponsored one because of its basic belief in popular participation. BLP was more likely to encourage bureaucratic and individual politically motivated manoeuvres that only delayed and sometimes subverted altogether services that were specifically designed for rural women. COWAN was less likely to experience these barriers, and therefore more readily responded to and engaged rural women as full participants in development projects that focused on improving their lives. Because of political instability, government projects focusing on women are limited. However, their need for development programmes that directly address their concerns is as great as ever.
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- A.honsi, B., 1995, 'Gender Relations, Demographic Change and the Prospects for Sustainable Development in Africa',Africa Development, XX, 85-114.
- Akande, J., 1984, 'Participation of Women in Rural Development, Nigeria', in Rural Development and Women in Africa,Geneva,Switzerland: International Labour Office.
- Anise, L., 1993, 'Triple Imperatives of Contemporary African Government: Debt, Democracy, and Development, A Critical Perspective', in F. Eribo, O. Oyediran,M. Wubneh, & L. Zonn, Eds., Window on Africa: Democratization and Media Exposure, Greenville, NC: East Carolina University.
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- Akure, Ondo State, June, BLRW.
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- Country Women Association of Nigeria, 1990, 'COWAN Principles and Beliefs', The Country Women Association of Nigeria s Newsletter, 2, 1-4 May-August.
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- Okonkwo, J.N.P., 1989, Better Lifefor Rural Women Co-operatives, Enugu.Nigeria, Co-operative Publishers.
- Omoregie, A., 1992, 'Evaluation of the Importance of River Basin and Rural Developrnent Autho1ilies in Rural Developmcnt and Crop Production in Nigeria', Journal of Rural Development and Administration, 24, 1-11.
- OrnotP-sho, O., 1994, 'Coopçrative5 as Vehicle for Mobilizing R.:source Pom Farmers in Nigeria', .Journal of Rural Development and Administration,26, I 5-21.
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- Ondo State of Nigeria, 1990, Ondo State Better Life Programme, 2nd Better life Fair, Commemorative Brochure, Akure, Ondo State, Author.
- Onwekwe, C.C., 1994, 'Informal Sources of Credit to Rural Women'. Paper presented at the Zonal Workshop on Credit Options for Rural Women, The Federal Department of Agriculture, November 14-18 1994.
- Rahnema, M., 1992, 'Participation', in W. Sachs, Ed.. The Development Dictionary, London: Zed Books.
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- Sen, G., & Grown, C., 1987, Development, Crisis, and Alternative Visions,New York: Monthly Review Press.
- Snyder, M.C., & Tadesse, M., 1995, African Women and Development: A History, London: Zed Books.
- Young, K., 1993, Planning and Development with Women: Making a World of Difference, London: Macmillan Press.
Adymola, A., 1994, 'Women Fanners in Ondo State, Nigeria', Journal of Anthropological Research, 50, 3, 311-325.
A.honsi, B., 1995, 'Gender Relations, Demographic Change and the Prospects for Sustainable Development in Africa',Africa Development, XX, 85-114.
Akande, J., 1984, 'Participation of Women in Rural Development, Nigeria', in Rural Development and Women in Africa,Geneva,Switzerland: International Labour Office.
Anise, L., 1993, 'Triple Imperatives of Contemporary African Government: Debt, Democracy, and Development, A Critical Perspective', in F. Eribo, O. Oyediran,M. Wubneh, & L. Zonn, Eds., Window on Africa: Democratization and Media Exposure, Greenville, NC: East Carolina University.
Awa, N.E., 1989, 'Participation and lndigenous Knowledge in Rural Development',Knowledge: Creation, Diffusion, Utilization, 10, 304-316.
Awa, N.E., 1992, The lndigenous Farmer and the Scientific Researcher: Issues in Participatory Research in Africa. Paper presented at the International Association of Mass Communication, Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Awa, N.E., 1994, Participation of Beneficiaries in Rural Development as the Key to Sustainability.
Paper presented at the 19th IAMCR Scientific Conference and General Assembly, Seoul, Korea.
Ayeni, A., 1989, President Babangida has pledged to enhance rural areas: Bumpy road ahead. West Africa, 1642-1644. October 2-8.
Babangida, M., 1990, Speech delivered at the Ajrican Caribbean Pacific/European Economie Community, Joint Assembly in Luxembourg, September 2/
Beoku-Betts, J., 1990, 'Agricultural Development in Sierra Leone:Implications for Rural Women in the Aftermath of the Women's Decade', Africa Today. 31, 1 19-35.
Setter Life for Rural Women., 1991, Situation Report on the Better Life Programme in Ondo State.
Akure, Ondo State, June, BLRW.
Bola, U., 1995, 'Better Life for Rural Women Programme: Anagenda for Positive Change?' Africa Development, XX, 69-84.
Boserup, E., 1970, Womens Role in Economie Development, New York: St. Martins Press.
Brydon, L., & Chant, S., 1989, .Women in the Thini World: Gender Issues in Rural and Urban Areas, New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press.
Chuku, G., 1994, 'Women and Rural Poverty: Sorne Implications on the Agricultural Role of Women in Igboland of Nigeria', Journal of Rural Development and Administration, 26, 58-66.
Country Women Association of Nigeria (COWAN), Rural Development Isa Must,Akure, Ondo State: COWAN.
Country Women Association of Nigeria, 1990, COWAN: The Country Women A{sociation of Nigerias Newsletter, 1, 1-3 January-April.
Country Women Association of Nigeria, 1990, 'COWAN Principles and Beliefs', The Country Women Association of Nigeria s Newsletter, 2, 1-4 May-August.
Dibua, J., 1990, 'Local Govemment and Rural Transformation in Nigeria Within the Context of Development Planning', Journal of Rural Development and Administration, 22, 1-16.
Fawunmi, F., 1987, The Changing Role of Women in Nigerian Society, Paper presented at the Serninar for Women's Studies: The State of the Art Now in Nigeria, University of Ibadan, November.
Ferguson, A.E., 1994, 'Gendered Science: A Critique of Agricultural Development',American Anthropologist, 96, 540-552.
Gundu, G., 1995, 'Community Participation in Govemment Rural Development Projects in Nigeria: Problems and Prospects', Journal of Rural Development and Administration, 27, 129-142.
The Hunger Project, 1996, Tenth Annual Africa Prize for Leadership for the Sustainable End of Hunger; New York.
Ibie, N., 1992, 'Medial cultural Imperialism and Nigerian Women: Whose Culture, Which lmperialism?' Journal of Social Development in Africa, 7, 39-52.
Krep!:, G., 1990, Organizational Communication: Theory and Practic1:.·, NewYork: Longman.
Longwe, S.H.• 1991, 'Gender Awareness: The Missing Element in the Third World Development Project', in T. Wallace & C. March, Eds., Changing Perceptions: Writings on Gender and Development, Oxford: Oxfam, pp.149-157.
Loutfi, M., 1987, Rural Women: Unequal Partners in Develop111e11t, Geneva. Switzerland, Intemat10nal Labour Organization.
Lucas, E., 1995, 'Two Rural Women's Development Organizations m Nigeria: A Look at Organizational Structures', in D. Newsom, & B. Carrell, Silent Voices, Maryland: University Press of America.
Mabogunje, A., 1980, The Developme11t Process: A Spatial Perspective.
London, Hutchinson & Co.Madu, E.N., 1994, 'Fonnal Sources of Credit to Rural Women in Nigeria . Paper presented at the
Zonal Workshop on Credit Options for Rural Women, The Federal Department of Agriculture, November 14-18.
Madubuike, J.I., 1994, 'Organization of Self-help Credit Association byRural Women '. Paper presented at the Zonal Workshop 011 Credi1 Options for Rural Wonien, The Federal Depa1tment of Agriculture, November I 4-18.
Moser, C.O., 1993, Gender Plan11ing and Development, New York: Routledge.
Obanu, Z.A., 1994, 'Cultural Practices and the Role of Women in Nigeria· Papcr presented at the Zonal f·Vorkshop 011 Credit Options for Rurai Women, The Federal Dep;,rtment of Agriculture, November 14-18 1994.
Okojie, C., 1991, 'Achieving Self-rdiance in Food Production in Nigetia Maximising the Contiibution of Rural Women·. Jo11mal of Social Development in Africa, 6, 33-52.
Okojie, C., 1996, 'Women m the Rural Economy in Nige1ia'. in P. Ghorayshi & C. Belanger, Wo111e11, Work, and Gender Relations in Developing Countries: A Global Perspective, Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.
Okonkwo, J.N.P., 1989, Better Lifefor Rural Women Co-operatives, Enugu.Nigeria, Co-operative Publishers.
Omoregie, A., 1992, 'Evaluation of the Importance of River Basin and Rural Developrnent Autho1ilies in Rural Developmcnt and Crop Production in Nigeria', Journal of Rural Development and Administration, 24, 1-11.
OrnotP-sho, O., 1994, 'Coopçrative5 as Vehicle for Mobilizing R.:source Pom Farmers in Nigeria', .Journal of Rural Development and Administration,26, I 5-21.
Ondo State, Directorate of Women Affairs, 1989, Better Life in Ondo State:Dawn of a New Era, Akure, Ondo State, Author.
Ondo State, Office of the Military Govemor, 1989, Women in 011do State,No. 1, July-September, Akure, Ondo State, Author.
Ondo State of Nigeria, 1990, Ondo State Better Life Programme, 2nd Better life Fair, Commemorative Brochure, Akure, Ondo State, Author.
Onwekwe, C.C., 1994, 'Informal Sources of Credit to Rural Women'. Paper presented at the Zonal Workshop on Credit Options for Rural Women, The Federal Department of Agriculture, November 14-18 1994.
Rahnema, M., 1992, 'Participation', in W. Sachs, Ed.. The Development Dictionary, London: Zed Books.
Savane, M., 1988, 'When Leadership Speaks out for Women', African Farmer, 1, 40-41.
Sen, G., & Grown, C., 1987, Development, Crisis, and Alternative Visions,New York: Monthly Review Press.
Snyder, M.C., & Tadesse, M., 1995, African Women and Development: A History, London: Zed Books.
Young, K., 1993, Planning and Development with Women: Making a World of Difference, London: Macmillan Press.