1 - Globalisation and Social Security in Low-Income Countries: The Case of Côte d'Ivoire
Corresponding Author(s) : Francis Menjo Baye
Africa Development,
Vol. 28 No. 3-4 (2003): Africa Development
Drawing on empirical evidence from Côte d'Ivoire, this article emphasises the need to reform existing social security systems in low-income economies in order to alleviate poverty and guarantee economic security. Following a background perspective, the article presents a brief overview of existing formal and informal social security systems and examines their merits and limitations. Next, the challenges of globalisation for social security systems in a low-income country context are discussed. Here, it is argued that the impact and challenges of globalisation are real and increase the need to redesign social security. The article concludes by suggesting that social security provision in low-income countries should be organised in a complementary way, drawing on the strengths of both formal and informal arrangements. Future reforms should attempt to combine poverty alleviation with measures designed to promote economic development and international economic integration.
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- Organizations to Financing, Delivery, and Access in Health Care in West and Central Africa: Summaries of Synthesis and Case Studies in Six Countries', Technical Report No. l9, Bethesda. AbtAssociates Inc.
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- Canagarajah, S. and Sethuraman, S.V., 2001, 'Social Protection and the Informai Sector in Developing Countries: Challenges and Opportunities', Social Pro tection Discussion Paper No. 130, Washington DC, World Bank.
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Akindès, F., 200 l, 'Dynamique de la Politique Sociale en Côte d'Ivoire', PolitiqueSociale et Développement: Document du Programme No. 8, Geneva, UNRISD. Atim, C.B., Diop, F. P., Etté, J., Evrard, D., Marcadent, P and Massiot, N., 1998, 'The Contribution ofMutual Health
Organizations to Financing, Delivery, and Access in Health Care in West and Central Africa: Summaries of Synthesis and Case Studies in Six Countries', Technical Report No. l9, Bethesda. AbtAssociates Inc.
Barbone, L. and Sanchez B, L-A., 1999, 'Pensions and Social Security in Sub saharan Africa: Issues and options', Paper presented at the Thirteenth Inter national Social Security Association African Regional Conference, Accra, 6-9 July 1999.
Beattie, R., 2000, 'Social Protection for Ail: But How?', International Labour Review, Vol.139,No.2,pp.129-148.
Canagarajah, S. and Sethuraman, S.V., 2001, 'Social Protection and the Informai Sector in Developing Countries: Challenges and Opportunities', Social Pro tection Discussion Paper No. 130, Washington DC, World Bank.
CLEISS, 2003, La Protection Locale en Côte d'Ivoire(http://www.cleiss.fr/docs/ regimes/regime_cotedivoire.html). September 2003.
Diop, M-C.,-2001, 'Les Politiques Sociales en Afrique de l'Ouest: Quels Changements depuis le Sommet de Copenhague?', Politique Sociale et Développement Document du Programme No. 5, Geneva, UNRISD.
Diwan, I. and Walton, M., 1997, 'How International Exchange, Technology and Institutions Affect Workers: An Introduction', The World Bank Economie Revirn: Vol. ll,No.1,pp.l-15.Dixon, J., 1999, Social Securi i• in Global Perspective, Westport Conn.: Praeger. Dollar, D. and
Kraay, A., 2001, 'Trade, Growth, and Poverty', Working Paper No.2615, Washington DC, World Ban Douma, S. and Schreuder, H. 1998. Economie Approaches to Organizations,New York-London, Prentice Hall.
Dror, D. and Duru, G., 2000, 'Stabilising community health financing through re insurance', Paper presented at the ISSA Year 2000 International Research Conference, Helsinki, 25-27 September 2000.
Gasse-Hellio, M., 2000, Les Tontines dans les Pays en Developpement. (http:// www.gdrc.org/icm/french/matthieu/contents.html). September 2003.
Goedhuys, M., 1999, 'lndustrial Organisation in Developing Countries: Evidence from Côte d'Ivoire', Unpublished PhD Thesis, Catholic University of Leuven. Gruat, J.V., 1990, 'Social Security Schemes in Africa: Current Trends and Problems', International Labour Revieiv, Vol. 129, No. 4, pp. 405-421.
Guhan, S., 1994, 'Social Security Options for Developing Countries '. Interna tional Labour Review,Voi. 133, No. 1, pp. 35-53.
Hugon, P. and Pagès, N., 1998, 'Ajustement Structurel, Emploi et Rôle des Partenaires Sociaux en frique Francophone',Cahiers de I Emploi et de la Formation No. 28. Geneva, ILO.
IFAD, 2003, Gender and Household Food Security: Uganda, Ghana and Côte d'Ivoire. The Situation of Widows (http://www.ifad.org/ gender/learning/ challenges/ widows/55.htm). November 2003.
IFAD, 2003, Côte d '/voire - Wealth. Saving and Borrowing in the Zanzan Re gions, (http://www. i fad.org/gender/learning/challenges/youth/ci_6_3.htm). October 2003.
[LO, 2000, World Labour Report 2000: lncome Securi(r and Social Protection in a Changing World. Geneva, ILO.
ILO, 2002, Key lndicators of the Labour Market,Geneva,!LO.
INS and UNDP, 2000, Profil et Déterminants de la Pauvreté en Côte d '/voire. (http://www4.worldbank.org/afr/poverty/pdf/docnav /02864.pd f). September 2002.
ISSA, 1994, 'The Impact ofStmctural Adjustment Programmes on Social Security in African Countries', Social Security Documentation: Afi-ican Series No. 15. Geneva, ISSA.
J ütting, J., 1999, 'Strengthening Social Security Systems in Rural Areas of Devel oping Countries', Discussion Papers on Development Policy No. 9. ZEF. Jütting, J., 2000, 'Social Security Systems in Low-lncome Countries: Concepts,
Constraints and the Need for Cooperation ', lntemational Social Security Review, Vol. 53, No. 4, pp. 3-24.
Kanbur, R., 1990, 'Poverty and the Social Dimensions of Structural Adjustment in Côte d'Ivoire', SDA Working Paper Series. Washington DC, World Bank.
Kipré, V.Z., 1995, 'Les Pensions de Retraite en Côte d'Ivoire', in ISSA ·Pensions de retraite en Afrique francophone, Doc11111e11tation de Sc;rnrité Sociale: Série Afi-icaine No. 16. Geneva, ISSA. pp. 23-42.
Laurent, B., 2002, Mise en place cl 'un Sl'stème fi,wncier rural en Côte d '/'Oire: la F4FEC ( http://www.agridoc.co/fichestechniqucs_gret/services/M ise-en place_syst% E8me_financier_mral_FAFEC.pdt). Septcmber 2003.
Midgley, J., 1995, Social Development: The Developmentaf Perspective in Social We(fàre, London, Sage.
Morrisson, C., 1992, 'Adjustment and Equity', Poficy Brief No.!, Paris, OECD Development Centre.
N'Doumi, B., 2001, 'La Sécurité Sociale en Côte d' Ivoire', Points de vue No. 1:l 'Avenir de fa Sécurité Sociale en AJ,-ique Francophone. (http://www.issa.int/ engl/homef.htm). October 2003.
N'Doumi, B., 2002, 'Toolsfor Efficient Administration: The Experience o_{Côte d'Ivoire·. Report presented at the Fourteenth International Social Security Association African Regional Conference, Tunis, 25-28 June 2002.
Platteau, J.P., 1991, 'Traditional Systems of Social Security and Hunger lnsurance: Past Achievements and Modem Challenges', in E. Ahmad, J. Drèze. and A. Sen, eds., Social Security i11 Devefoping Cou11tries, Oxford, Clarendon Press,pp. 112-170.
Republic of Côte d'Ivoire. 2002. lnterim Poverty Redue/ion Strategy Pape,; (http://www.imf.org/Extemal/NP/prsp/2002/civ/0 l /index.htm). August 2003.
Robyn, G, 2001, 'Aspects of Marginalization: Growth, Industry and Trade of the Least Developed Countries', SIN Discussion Paper No. l, UNI DO.
Rodrik, D., 1998, 'Where DidAII The Growth Go'! Extemal Shocks, Social Conflict, and Growth Collapses', Working Paper No. 6350, Cambridge: NBER.
Sambe, B. and Djoussou-Lomg, L., 1997, UNDP Micro_finance Assessment Re port: Côte d'Ivoire (http://www.uncdf.org/english/microfinance/reports/ country_feasibility/cotedivdb.html). October 2003.
UNDP, 2003, Human Devefopment Report 2003: Miffennium Devefoment Goals,New York, Oxford University Press.
US SSA, 2003. Social Security Programs Throughout the Wor{d: Côte d'Ivoire, ( h ttp :/ /www.ssa.gov/policy/docs/progdcsc/ssptw/2002-200 3/a frica/ cotcdivoire.pdf). September 2003.
Van Ginneken, W., 1999, Social Securityfàr the Excluded Majority: Case Swdies o/Del'eloping Coulllries, Geneva, !LO.
Wiesmann, J. and Jütting, J., 2000, 'The Emcrging Movement ofCommunity Based Health I nsurance in Sub-Saharan Africa: Expcriences and Lessons Leamed', A/i-ica Spectrum, Vol. 35, No. 2.
World Bank, 1993. 'Poverty and Structural Change in Côte d'Ivoire', Dev-efop- 111e11t Brie( No. 20, Washington DC, World Bank.
World Bank, 2000, Wé1r{d De·efop111e11t Report 2000/200/: Atlacking Poverty,New York, Oxford University Press.
World Bank, 2003, World Dei·efopme11t lndicators 2003. Washington DC, World Bank.