4 - The Remote Causes of the Oil Workers' 1994 Strike in Nigeria
Corresponding Author(s) : Femi Aborisade
Africa Development,
Vol. 26 No. 3-4 (2001): Africa Development
Much of what was presented to the Nigerian public and the international community regarding the 1994 oil workers' strike in Nigeria centred on government propaganda - mainly the illegality of the strike and its alleged subversive character. The paper examines the remote causes of the strike — traceable to long-standing deep-seated grievances some of which transcended the internal state of the workplace though central to production. This included the socio-economic deprivations and marginalization suffered by the oil-producing areas in Nigeria. The paper indicates how workplace issues are invariably interwoven with the social, economic and the political spheres and therefore argues that the critical issues that gave the strike its essential character emanated from the social and economic spheres - critical governance issues that cannot be explained simply by 'political motivation'.
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Adekanye, BJ., 1993, 'Military Occupation and Social Stratification', Inaugural Lecture, University pf Ibadan, Ibadan.
Ake, Claude, 1993, 'Rethinking African Democracy' in Diamond Larry and Marc F, Plattner eds. The Global &s117,ence of Democraty The Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore.
Ake, Claude, 1994, Democratization of Disempowerment, CASS Occasional Monograph No. 1.
Ake, Claude, 1996a, Is Africa Democratizing? CASS Monograph No. 5.
Ake, Claude, 1996b, Democraty and Development in Africa, The Brookings Institution, Washington.
Ake, Claude, 2000, The Feasibility of Democraty in Africa, CODESRIA, Dakar.Adesina, JO., 1991, 'Workers in Nigeria's Social Development Experience: A Critique of Current Mythologies', Africa Development, Vol. XVI, No. 2.
Bienen, H., 1983, Oil Reven11e and Poliry Choice in Nigeria, World Bank Staff Working Papers, No. 592. The World Bank, Washington DC.
Civil Liberties Organisation, 1993, Annual Report on Human Rights in Nigeria, Daily Champion, Newspaper, 17 November 1999.
Diamond, L., 1988, Class, Ethnidty and Democraty in Nigeria: The Fail11re of the First Republic, Macmillan, London.
Elson, D., 1989, 'The Impact of Structural Adjustment on Women: Concepts and Issues in Bade Onimode ed., The IMF, The World Bank,And African Debt: The Economie Impact, Vol. I, Zed, London.
Green, RH., 1989, 'The Broken Pot: The Social Fabric, Economie Disaster and Adjustment in Africa', in Bade Onimode ed., The IMF, The World Bank, and African Debt: The Economie Impact, Vol. I, Zed, London.
Gboyega, A., 1996, 'Corruption and Democratisation in Nigeria', Lagos, Friedrich Ebert Foundation.
Muntember, D., 1989, 'The Impact of IMF-World Bank Programmes on Women and Children in Zambia', in Bade Onimode ed., The !MF, The World Bank, and African Debt: The Economie In1pact, Vol. I, Zed, London.
Newswatch, 1997, 27 January, Lagos, Nigeria.
National Union of Petroleum and Natural Gas Workers (NUPENG), 'Memorandum to the Authorities: When Man Eat Plies'. Press release 9 May.
National Union of Petroleum and Natural Gas Workers (NUPENG), 1994, 'Arrest and Detention of Mr Frank O. Kokori'. Press release 8 July.
Ofonagoro, WI., 1995, 'The Great Need for Caution and Understanding of the Complexities of the Nigerian Situation and the Real Thrust of her Present Democratisation Efforts', Lagos, Federal Ministry oflnformation and Culture.
Olukoshi, A.O., 1995, The Deepening Crisis of Nigerian Federalism and the Future of the Nation-State. Paper Presented at CODESRIA 8th General Assembly June.
Olukoshi, A.O., 1998, 'The Elusive Prince of Denmark: Structural Adjustment and the Crisis of Governance in Africa' Nordiska Africainstitutet, Uppsala.
Zanini, Gianni, 1994, 'Nigeria Structural Adjustment Programme: Policies, Implementarion and Impact'. Address Delivered at the Weekly Seminar of Agricultural Economies/Economies Department, University of Ibadan, J uly 5, 1994.