2 - Violence and the Dynamics of Transition: State, Ethnicity and Governance in Kenya
Corresponding Author(s) : Joshia O. Osamba
Africa Development,
Vol. 26 No. 1-2 (2001): Africa Development
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- Bangura, Y. The Search for Identity: Ethnie, Religion and Political Violence',Working Paptr, Dakar, CODESRIA.
- Carol, B., Gboyega, E. and Osaghae E., 1992, Democralic Transition in Africa, Ibadan, CREDU,June.
- Diouf, M., 1995, 'Ethnicity and the Democratization process in Africa, Phase II',CODESRIA Bulletin No. 3, Dakar, CODESRIA.
- Dreyton, Shelly, 1995, 'De-mystifying Tribalism; Identity, Politics and Conflict in Modem Africa', CODESRIA Bulletin No. 1, Dakar CODESRIA
- Graham, H.D. and Gurr, T.R., 1988, Histo,y of Violence in America, London, Cambridge University Press. Human Rights Watch/ Africa, 1997, Divitk and RIiie: Stale-sponsored Ethnie Violenct in Ke,rya, New York, HRW.
- Ibrahim, J. and Perreira, C.A., 1993, On clividing and unity; Ethnicity, Racism andNationalism in Africa, CODESRIA B11lletin No. 1, Dakar, CODESRIA.
- Mac Farlance, 1974, Violenct and the Stole, London, Nelson and Sons.
- Nnoli, O., 1989, Ethnie Politics in Africa, Ibadan, Vintage Books.
- Nzongola- Ntalaja and Lee, M., 1997,. The State and Democracy in Africa, Harare, AAPS. Ochieng, W.R., 1975, 'Tribalism and National Unity: the Kenya case', in Ojuka, A.and Ochieng, W.R. (eds.), Politics and Leadership in Afma, Nairobi, EALB.
- Oyugi, W. O. (ed.), 1994, Politics and Administration in East Africa, Nairob East African Publishing House.
- Oyugi, W.O. and Gitonga, A. (eds.), 1987, Democratic Theory and Practice in Afma,Nairobi, Heinemann.
- Semboja, J. and Oie Therkilden (eds.), 1975, Se,vice Provision under strw in East Africa, the State, NGOs and Peoples' Organisations in &'!)'a, Tanzania and Uganda, London,James Currey.
- Semboja, J. and Oie Therkilden, (eds.), 1975, Service Provision under Stress in EastAfrica, London,James Currey.
- The East African Standard, Nairobi, various issues 1992 - 1998.
- The Jurist, Nairobi, February 9-15, 1996.
- The Week!J Ivview, 1992, Nairobi, various issues.
- 'War and Rural Development in Africa', 1996, IDS Bulletin, Vol. 27 No. 3 July, London, Oxford University Press.
Bangura, Y. The Search for Identity: Ethnie, Religion and Political Violence',Working Paptr, Dakar, CODESRIA.
Carol, B., Gboyega, E. and Osaghae E., 1992, Democralic Transition in Africa, Ibadan, CREDU,June.
Diouf, M., 1995, 'Ethnicity and the Democratization process in Africa, Phase II',CODESRIA Bulletin No. 3, Dakar, CODESRIA.
Dreyton, Shelly, 1995, 'De-mystifying Tribalism; Identity, Politics and Conflict in Modem Africa', CODESRIA Bulletin No. 1, Dakar CODESRIA
Graham, H.D. and Gurr, T.R., 1988, Histo,y of Violence in America, London, Cambridge University Press. Human Rights Watch/ Africa, 1997, Divitk and RIiie: Stale-sponsored Ethnie Violenct in Ke,rya, New York, HRW.
Ibrahim, J. and Perreira, C.A., 1993, On clividing and unity; Ethnicity, Racism andNationalism in Africa, CODESRIA B11lletin No. 1, Dakar, CODESRIA.
Mac Farlance, 1974, Violenct and the Stole, London, Nelson and Sons.
Nnoli, O., 1989, Ethnie Politics in Africa, Ibadan, Vintage Books.
Nzongola- Ntalaja and Lee, M., 1997,. The State and Democracy in Africa, Harare, AAPS. Ochieng, W.R., 1975, 'Tribalism and National Unity: the Kenya case', in Ojuka, A.and Ochieng, W.R. (eds.), Politics and Leadership in Afma, Nairobi, EALB.
Oyugi, W. O. (ed.), 1994, Politics and Administration in East Africa, Nairob East African Publishing House.
Oyugi, W.O. and Gitonga, A. (eds.), 1987, Democratic Theory and Practice in Afma,Nairobi, Heinemann.
Semboja, J. and Oie Therkilden (eds.), 1975, Se,vice Provision under strw in East Africa, the State, NGOs and Peoples' Organisations in &'!)'a, Tanzania and Uganda, London,James Currey.
Semboja, J. and Oie Therkilden, (eds.), 1975, Service Provision under Stress in EastAfrica, London,James Currey.
The East African Standard, Nairobi, various issues 1992 - 1998.
The Jurist, Nairobi, February 9-15, 1996.
The Week!J Ivview, 1992, Nairobi, various issues.
'War and Rural Development in Africa', 1996, IDS Bulletin, Vol. 27 No. 3 July, London, Oxford University Press.