7 - Food Price Changes and Consumption Adaptation Models In Enugu State, Nigeria Amidst Covid-19 Pandemic Shocks
Africa Development,
Vol. 49 No. 1 (2024): Africa Development
The Covid-19 pandemic was a global disaster that affected the food security status of the world. This article examined food price changes and consumption adaptation models in Enugu State, Nigeria, to ascertain people’s consumption patterns and the usefulness of palliative measures given to them. Primary data was generated through a survey of eighty respondents. The secondary data was compiled from monthly reports of food prices by the National Bureau of Statistics and was analysed using descriptive statistics, the Consumer Price Index and chi-square tests. The price indices of food items like white garri and sweet potatoes showed very high inflation during the pandemic period. The number of households who ate only once a day increased, and those who ate three times a day decreased. The chi-square result on differences in eating habits and meal regimen before and during Covid-19 is significant. Many of the respondents received palliative aid during the pandemic. The article recommends that the government should encourage farmers to increase their production by providing them with loans and subsidies so that they may produce enough food in times of emergency like the pandemic.
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- Abalaka, G.O., Mkpado, M., and Ugwu, S. O. C., 2013, ‘Rearing Methods, Seasons of the Year and Survivability of Rural Poultry Enterprise in Nigeria’, Journal of Agriculture and Sustainability, Vol. 3, No. 1, p. 27.
- Aron, J., 2018, ‘Mobile Money and the Economy: A Review of the Evidence’, The World Bank Research Observer, Vol. 33, No. 2, pp. 135–188.
- Attanasio, O., Di, V., Lechene, V., and Phillips, D., 2013, ‘Welfare Consequences of Food Prices Increases: Evidence from Rural Mexico’, Journal of Development Economics, Vol. 104, pp. 136–151. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jdeveco.2013.03.009
- Bairagi, S., Mishra, A.K., and Mottaleb, K.A., 2022, ‘Impacts of the Covid-19 Pandemic on Food Prices: Evidence from Storable and Perishable Commodities in India’, Pub Med Central, Vol. 17, No. 3. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8893685/ Accessed December 2022.
- Eranga, I.O., 2020, ‘Pandemic in Nigeria: Palliative Measures and the Politics of Vulnerability’, International Journal of Maternal and Child Health and AIDS, Vol. 9, No. 2, pp. 220–222.
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- Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN), 2020, Impact of Covid-19 on Food Systems: A Situation Report. https://www.gainhealth.org/resources/reports-and-publications/impact-covid-19-food-systems-situation-report-i
- Holmes, R., Jones, N., and Wiggins, S., 2008, Understanding the Impact of Food Prices on Children, London: Plan UK https://cdn.odi.org/media/documents/3345.pdf
- Ifejirika, C.A., Arene, C.J., and Mkpado, M., 2013, ‘Price Transmission and Integration of Rural and Urban Rice Markets in Nigeria’, Journal of Agriculture and Sustainability, Australia, Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 66–85. http://infinitypress.info/index.php/jas/article/view/40
- Iheme, G.O., 2022, ‘Impact of Covid-19 Pandemic on Food Price Index in Nigeria. Future of Food’, Journal on Food, Agriculture and Society, Vol. 10, No. 3. https://www.thefutureoffoodjournal.com/index.php/FOFJ/article/view/547. Accessed 20 December 2022.
- Iheme, G.O., Jagun, A.O., Egechizuorom, I.M., Ogbonna, O.C., Edafioghor, L.O., Adeleke, F.A, Asouzu, N.C., Mebude, A.S., Enuka, H.C., Kupoluyi, O.E., Onyekwere, C.C., Okwu, U.P., and Olah, L.E., 2020, ‘Food Consumption and Coping Strategies of Urban-households in Nigeria during the Covid-19 Pandemic Lockdown’, World Nutrition, Journal of World Public Health Nutrition Association, Vol. 11, No. 3. https://doi.org/10.26596/wn.202011335-50
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- McNamara, P.E., Ulimwengu, J.M., and Leonard, K.L., 2010, Do Health Investments Improve Agricultural Productivity? Lessons from Agricultural Household and Health Research IFPRI Discussion Paper 01012.
- Mkhawani, K., Motadi, S.A., Mabapa, N.S., Mbhenyane, X.G., and Blaauw, R., 2016, ‘Effects of Rising Food Prices on Household Food Security on Female-headed Households in Runnymede Village, Mopani District, South Africa’, South African Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Vol. 29, No. 2, pp. 69–74. DOI: 10.1080/16070658.2016.1216504
- Mkpado, M., 2012a, ‘Global Financial Crisis and Agrarian Households’ Income, Remittance and Prices in Rural Nigeria amid Policy’, Russian Journal of Agricultural and Socio-Economic Sciences, Vol. 6, No. 6, pp. 3–9. www.rjoas.com/issue-2012-06/i006_article_2012_01.pdf
- Mkpado, M., 2012b, ‘Global Financial Crisis, Return Migration and Adjustments among Agrarian Households in Rural Nigeria’, Economic Affairs, Vol. 57, No. 3, pp. 277–285, http://www.indianjournals.com/ijor. aspx?target=ijor:eaj&volume=57&issue=3&article=006
- Mkpado, M., 2013a, ‘Some Indicators of African Agriculture Situations, Exports and Opportunities’, Journal of Business Administration and Education, Vol. 2, No. 3, pp. 123–155.
- Mkpado, M., 2013b, ‘The Status of African Agriculture and Capacity Development Challenges for Sustainable Resilience from Global Economic Shocks’, Journal of Sustainable Development Studies, Vol. 3, No. 1, pp. 45–79.
- Mkpado, M., 2016, ‘Hectarage and Output Responses of Maize to Market Liberalization and Price Risk in Nigeria’, Tropical Agriculture, Vol. 93, No. 1, pp. 61–77.
- Mkpado, M., and Arene, C.J., 2006, ‘Effects of Group Design on Loan Repayment Performance of Formal Farmer Groups in Nigeria’, Journal of Rural Development, Vol. 25, No. 4, pp. 565–578.
- Mkpado, M., and Arene, C., 2012, ‘Trade liberalization, Exchange Rate Changes and the Competitiveness of Carbohydrates Staple Markets in Nigeria’, International Journal of Agricultural Management and Development, Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 121–136.
- Mkpado, M., Arene, C.J., and Chidebelu, S.A.N.D., 2012, ‘Hectarage Response of Rice Production to Market Liberalisation and Price Risk In Nigeria’, Economic Affairs, Vol. 57, No. 1, pp. 73–89. www.ndpublisher.in/Economi_Affair_March_2012.pdf National Bureau of Statistics (NBS), 2006, Census Report. Abuja, Nigeria. https://nigerianstat.gov.ng
- National Bureau of Statistics (NBS), 2019, Consumption Expenditure Pattern in Nigeria. https://nigerianstat.gov.ng/elibrary/read/1094
- Newsbreak, 2020, Video: Agege youths turn Covid-19 palliative bread provided by Obasa into football. https://newsbreak.ng/video-agege-youths-turn-covid-19-bread-provided-by-obasa-into-football/amp/
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- Ohaka, C.C., Chidebelu, S.A.N.D., Arene, C.J., and Mkpado, M., 2017, ‘Do Social Capital and Membership Homogeneity Characteristics Matter in Credit Markets with Joint-Liability among Rice Farmers Groups in Nigeria?’ Tropical Agriculture, Vol. 94, No. 3, pp. 295–311.
- Omaka-Amari, L.N., Aleke, C.O., Obande-Ogbuinya, N.E., Ngwakwe, P.C., Nwankwo, O., and Afoke, E.N., 2020, ‘Coronavirus (Covid-19) Pandemic in Nigeria: Preventive and Control Challenges within the First Two Months of Outbreak, African Journal of Reproductive Health (Special Edition on Covid-19), Vol. 24, No. 2, p. 97.
- Pitt, M.M., and Rosenzweig, M.R., 1986, ‘Agricultural Prices, Food Consumption, and the Health and Productivity of Indonesian Farmers’, in Singh, I. J., Squire, L. and Strauss, J., eds, Agricultural Household Models, Baltimore, MA: Johns Hopkins University Press.
- Polly-Mbah, C.P., Ohaka, C.C., and Mkpado, M., 2010, ‘Correlates of Food Staples to Food Price Index in Imo State: Implications for Food Insecurity in Nigeria’, Nigeria Journal of Agriculture, Food and Environment, Vol. 6, Nos 1 and 2, pp. 110–113.
- Stoevska, V., 2020, Covid-19 is driving up Food Prices all over the World, ILOSTAT. https://ilostat.ilo.org/covid-19-is-driving-up-food-prices-all-over-the-world/. Accessed 20 December 2022.
- Verani, A., Clodfelter, C., Menon, A., Chevinsky, J., Victory, K., and Hakim, A., 2020, ‘Social distancing policies in 22 African countries during the COVID-19 pandemic: A desk review’, Pan African Medical Journal, Vol. 37. DOI: https://doi.org/10.11604/pamj.supp.2020.37.1.27026. Accessed 20 December 2022.
- Vos, R., Glauber, J., Hernandez, M., and Laborde, D., 2022, ‘Covid-19 and Rising Global Food Prices: What’s Really Happening? IFPRI. https://www.ifpri.org/blog/covid-19-and-rising-global-food-prices-whats-really-happening. Accessed 20 December 2022.
- Zezza, A., Davis, B., Azzarri, C., Covarrubias, K., Tasciotti, L., and Anriquez, G., 2008, ‘The Impact of Rising Food Prices on the Poor, Agricultural and Development Economics Division of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO – ESA)’, Working Papers, p. 39. http://www.fao.org/fileadmin/user_upload/riga/pdf/aj284e00.pdf
Abalaka, G.O., Mkpado, M., and Ugwu, S. O. C., 2013, ‘Rearing Methods, Seasons of the Year and Survivability of Rural Poultry Enterprise in Nigeria’, Journal of Agriculture and Sustainability, Vol. 3, No. 1, p. 27.
Aron, J., 2018, ‘Mobile Money and the Economy: A Review of the Evidence’, The World Bank Research Observer, Vol. 33, No. 2, pp. 135–188.
Attanasio, O., Di, V., Lechene, V., and Phillips, D., 2013, ‘Welfare Consequences of Food Prices Increases: Evidence from Rural Mexico’, Journal of Development Economics, Vol. 104, pp. 136–151. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jdeveco.2013.03.009
Bairagi, S., Mishra, A.K., and Mottaleb, K.A., 2022, ‘Impacts of the Covid-19 Pandemic on Food Prices: Evidence from Storable and Perishable Commodities in India’, Pub Med Central, Vol. 17, No. 3. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8893685/ Accessed December 2022.
Eranga, I.O., 2020, ‘Pandemic in Nigeria: Palliative Measures and the Politics of Vulnerability’, International Journal of Maternal and Child Health and AIDS, Vol. 9, No. 2, pp. 220–222.
FAO Datalab, 2020, FAO’s Big Data Tool on Food Chains under the Covid-19 Pandemic. https://datalab.review.fao.org/dailyprices.html#
Food Security Portal (FSP), 2012, Covid-19 Food Price Monitor. http://www.foodsecurityportal.org/policy-analysis-tools/covid-19-food-price-monitor. Accessed 14 August 2020.
Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN), 2020, Impact of Covid-19 on Food Systems: A Situation Report. https://www.gainhealth.org/resources/reports-and-publications/impact-covid-19-food-systems-situation-report-i
Holmes, R., Jones, N., and Wiggins, S., 2008, Understanding the Impact of Food Prices on Children, London: Plan UK https://cdn.odi.org/media/documents/3345.pdf
Ifejirika, C.A., Arene, C.J., and Mkpado, M., 2013, ‘Price Transmission and Integration of Rural and Urban Rice Markets in Nigeria’, Journal of Agriculture and Sustainability, Australia, Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 66–85. http://infinitypress.info/index.php/jas/article/view/40
Iheme, G.O., 2022, ‘Impact of Covid-19 Pandemic on Food Price Index in Nigeria. Future of Food’, Journal on Food, Agriculture and Society, Vol. 10, No. 3. https://www.thefutureoffoodjournal.com/index.php/FOFJ/article/view/547. Accessed 20 December 2022.
Iheme, G.O., Jagun, A.O., Egechizuorom, I.M., Ogbonna, O.C., Edafioghor, L.O., Adeleke, F.A, Asouzu, N.C., Mebude, A.S., Enuka, H.C., Kupoluyi, O.E., Onyekwere, C.C., Okwu, U.P., and Olah, L.E., 2020, ‘Food Consumption and Coping Strategies of Urban-households in Nigeria during the Covid-19 Pandemic Lockdown’, World Nutrition, Journal of World Public Health Nutrition Association, Vol. 11, No. 3. https://doi.org/10.26596/wn.202011335-50
Lyu, B.K., Zhang, X., Xing, L., and Zhang, C., 2015, ‘Impact of Rising Food Prices on Food Consumption and Nutrition of China’s Rural Poor, Proceedings of 2015’, International Association of Agricultural Economists 9–14 August 2015, Milan, Italy, p. 27.
McNamara, P.E., Ulimwengu, J.M., and Leonard, K.L., 2010, Do Health Investments Improve Agricultural Productivity? Lessons from Agricultural Household and Health Research IFPRI Discussion Paper 01012.
Mkhawani, K., Motadi, S.A., Mabapa, N.S., Mbhenyane, X.G., and Blaauw, R., 2016, ‘Effects of Rising Food Prices on Household Food Security on Female-headed Households in Runnymede Village, Mopani District, South Africa’, South African Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Vol. 29, No. 2, pp. 69–74. DOI: 10.1080/16070658.2016.1216504
Mkpado, M., 2012a, ‘Global Financial Crisis and Agrarian Households’ Income, Remittance and Prices in Rural Nigeria amid Policy’, Russian Journal of Agricultural and Socio-Economic Sciences, Vol. 6, No. 6, pp. 3–9. www.rjoas.com/issue-2012-06/i006_article_2012_01.pdf
Mkpado, M., 2012b, ‘Global Financial Crisis, Return Migration and Adjustments among Agrarian Households in Rural Nigeria’, Economic Affairs, Vol. 57, No. 3, pp. 277–285, http://www.indianjournals.com/ijor. aspx?target=ijor:eaj&volume=57&issue=3&article=006
Mkpado, M., 2013a, ‘Some Indicators of African Agriculture Situations, Exports and Opportunities’, Journal of Business Administration and Education, Vol. 2, No. 3, pp. 123–155.
Mkpado, M., 2013b, ‘The Status of African Agriculture and Capacity Development Challenges for Sustainable Resilience from Global Economic Shocks’, Journal of Sustainable Development Studies, Vol. 3, No. 1, pp. 45–79.
Mkpado, M., 2016, ‘Hectarage and Output Responses of Maize to Market Liberalization and Price Risk in Nigeria’, Tropical Agriculture, Vol. 93, No. 1, pp. 61–77.
Mkpado, M., and Arene, C.J., 2006, ‘Effects of Group Design on Loan Repayment Performance of Formal Farmer Groups in Nigeria’, Journal of Rural Development, Vol. 25, No. 4, pp. 565–578.
Mkpado, M., and Arene, C., 2012, ‘Trade liberalization, Exchange Rate Changes and the Competitiveness of Carbohydrates Staple Markets in Nigeria’, International Journal of Agricultural Management and Development, Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 121–136.
Mkpado, M., Arene, C.J., and Chidebelu, S.A.N.D., 2012, ‘Hectarage Response of Rice Production to Market Liberalisation and Price Risk In Nigeria’, Economic Affairs, Vol. 57, No. 1, pp. 73–89. www.ndpublisher.in/Economi_Affair_March_2012.pdf National Bureau of Statistics (NBS), 2006, Census Report. Abuja, Nigeria. https://nigerianstat.gov.ng
National Bureau of Statistics (NBS), 2019, Consumption Expenditure Pattern in Nigeria. https://nigerianstat.gov.ng/elibrary/read/1094
Newsbreak, 2020, Video: Agege youths turn Covid-19 palliative bread provided by Obasa into football. https://newsbreak.ng/video-agege-youths-turn-covid-19-bread-provided-by-obasa-into-football/amp/
OECD, 2021, The territorial impact of COVID-19: Managing the crisis and recovery across levels of government, OECD Policy Responses to Coronavirus (COVID-19), Paris: OECD Publishing. https://doi.org/10.1787/a2c6abaf-en.
Ohaka, C.C., Chidebelu, S.A.N.D., Arene, C.J., and Mkpado, M., 2017, ‘Do Social Capital and Membership Homogeneity Characteristics Matter in Credit Markets with Joint-Liability among Rice Farmers Groups in Nigeria?’ Tropical Agriculture, Vol. 94, No. 3, pp. 295–311.
Omaka-Amari, L.N., Aleke, C.O., Obande-Ogbuinya, N.E., Ngwakwe, P.C., Nwankwo, O., and Afoke, E.N., 2020, ‘Coronavirus (Covid-19) Pandemic in Nigeria: Preventive and Control Challenges within the First Two Months of Outbreak, African Journal of Reproductive Health (Special Edition on Covid-19), Vol. 24, No. 2, p. 97.
Pitt, M.M., and Rosenzweig, M.R., 1986, ‘Agricultural Prices, Food Consumption, and the Health and Productivity of Indonesian Farmers’, in Singh, I. J., Squire, L. and Strauss, J., eds, Agricultural Household Models, Baltimore, MA: Johns Hopkins University Press.
Polly-Mbah, C.P., Ohaka, C.C., and Mkpado, M., 2010, ‘Correlates of Food Staples to Food Price Index in Imo State: Implications for Food Insecurity in Nigeria’, Nigeria Journal of Agriculture, Food and Environment, Vol. 6, Nos 1 and 2, pp. 110–113.
Stoevska, V., 2020, Covid-19 is driving up Food Prices all over the World, ILOSTAT. https://ilostat.ilo.org/covid-19-is-driving-up-food-prices-all-over-the-world/. Accessed 20 December 2022.
Verani, A., Clodfelter, C., Menon, A., Chevinsky, J., Victory, K., and Hakim, A., 2020, ‘Social distancing policies in 22 African countries during the COVID-19 pandemic: A desk review’, Pan African Medical Journal, Vol. 37. DOI: https://doi.org/10.11604/pamj.supp.2020.37.1.27026. Accessed 20 December 2022.
Vos, R., Glauber, J., Hernandez, M., and Laborde, D., 2022, ‘Covid-19 and Rising Global Food Prices: What’s Really Happening? IFPRI. https://www.ifpri.org/blog/covid-19-and-rising-global-food-prices-whats-really-happening. Accessed 20 December 2022.
Zezza, A., Davis, B., Azzarri, C., Covarrubias, K., Tasciotti, L., and Anriquez, G., 2008, ‘The Impact of Rising Food Prices on the Poor, Agricultural and Development Economics Division of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO – ESA)’, Working Papers, p. 39. http://www.fao.org/fileadmin/user_upload/riga/pdf/aj284e00.pdf