3 - Dimensions of University Governance and Community Relations in Ghana
Corresponding Author(s) : Edmond Akwasi Agyeman
Africa Development,
Vol. 46 No. 1 (2021): Africa Development
community relations among five public universities in Ghana. It focuses
on how the universities exercise their corporate social responsibility within
the communities where they are located. Place building theory was used for
analysis. Key informant interviews were conducted within the research areas.
Findings from the study show that there are agitations from the universities’
host communities demanding greater social responsibility and engagement.
However, whereas some of the universities have developed an interdependent
orientation, others have adopted an independent perspective with respect
to their surrounding communities. The article recommends that a multistakeholder
approach involving the universities, surrounding communities,
government institutions and other third sector organisations is required to
address the developmental needs of the communities.
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- Shisanya, C., 2019, ‘Epistemological Paradigms in Social Research’, in A.K. Ban- gura, J.A. Obando, I.I. Munene, and C. Shisanya, eds, Conducting Research and Mentoring Students in Africa: CODESRIA College of Mentors Handbook, Dakar: CODESRIA, pp. 39-58.
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- Thomas, D.F. and Cross, J., 2007, ‘Organizations as place builders’, Journal of Behavioral and Applied Management 9 (1): 33-61.
- Thomas, D.F., Kimball, M. and Suhr, D., 2016, ‘The organizational place building inventory: an instrument for assessing and facilitating place-based corporate social responsibility’, Journal of Corporate Citizenship 63: 17-41.
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Agbodeka, F., 1998, A History of University of Ghana: Half a Century of Higher Education (1948-1998), Accra: Woeli.
Bangura, A.K., 2019, ‘Revisiting the Basics’, in A.K. Bangura, J.A. Obando, I.I. Munene and C. Shisanya, eds, Conducting Research and Mentoring Students in Africa: CODESRIA College of Mentors Handbook, Dakar: CODESRIA, pp. 19-37.
Bender, T., ed., 1988, The University and the City: From Medieval Origins to the Present, New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
Cox, D.N., 2000, ‘Developing a framework for understanding university–community partnerships’, Cityscape 5 (1): 9-26.
Cross, M. and Ndofirepi, A., 2016, ‘Reconnecting the university to society: the role of knowledge as public good in South African higher education’, Journal of Higher Education in Africa 14 (1): 119-40.
Domfeh-Boateng, J. and Imhabgbe, O.S., 2019, The Essentials of Leadership, Meadville, PA: Christian Faith Publishing.
Etzkowitz, H., 2012, ‘Triple helix clusters: boundary permeability at university–in- dustry– government interfaces as a regional innovation strategy’, Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy 30: 766-79.
Gasu, J., 2018, ‘Strengthening higher education leadership in Africa: a study of Ghana’s situation’, Higher Education Leadership Programme (HELP), Dakar: CODESRIA.
Grant, J., Bull, D. and Vining, M., 2017, ‘The University as a Neighbour’, in The Many Faces of the University, available at: https://wonkhe.com/wp-content/wonkhe-uploads/2017/06/The-manyfaces-of-the-university-SHMA-WONKHE.pdf.
Irving, C., 2014, ‘Antigonish Movement’, in D. Coghlan and M. Brydon-Miller- Book, The SAGE Encyclopedia of Action Research, London: Sage, pp. 39-40.
Jongbloed, B. Enders, J. and Salerno. C., 2008, ‘Higher education and its com- munities: interconnections, interdependencies and a research agenda’, Higher Education 56 (3): 303-24.
Kaburise, J.B.K., 2003, ‘New Variations on the African Development University: The UDS Experience with Developing an Alternative Approach to Tertiary Education’, paper presented at the Regional Training Conference on Improving Tertiary Education in Sub-Saharan Africa: Things That Work, Accra, 23-25 September.
Kimball, M.J., 2017, ‘Heritage place building theory, heritage impact assessment and the role of the sacred dimension’, Journal of Heritage Management 2 (1): 1-18.
Kimball, M.J. and Thomas D.F., 2012, ‘Place-building theory: a framework for as- sessing and advancing community engagement in higher education’, Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning 18 (2): 19-28.
Kwarteng, K.O., Boadi Siaw, S.Y. and Dwarko, D.A., 2012, A History of the Univer- sity of Cape Coast. Fifty Years of Excellence in Tertiary Education: 1962-2012, Cape Coast: University of Cape Coast Publications
Kwoyiga, L. and Apusigah, A.A., 2019, ‘Internationalizing Higher Education through Service Learning: The Case of the Third Trimester Field Practical Programme of the University for Development Studies, Ghana’, paper presented at a Conference on Internationalization of University Education.
Leach, M., 2017, ‘Foreword’, in The Many Faces of the University, available at https://wonkhe.com/wp-content/wonkhe-uploads/2017/06/The-many-faces-of-the-university-SHMA-WONKHE.pdf.
McLaughlin, T., 2006, ‘Universities and Societies’, in D. Bridges et al., eds, Higher Education and National Development, London: Routledge.
Manuh, T., Gariba, S. and Budu, J., 2007, Change and Transformation in Ghana’s Publicly Funded Universities: A Study of Experience, Lessons and Opportuni- ties, London: James Currey.
Pitcher, M.G., 1976, The Knot of Wisdom: A Chronicle of the University of Science and Technology (1951-1976), Kumasi: University of Science and Technology Publications.
Shisanya, C., 2019, ‘Epistemological Paradigms in Social Research’, in A.K. Ban- gura, J.A. Obando, I.I. Munene, and C. Shisanya, eds, Conducting Research and Mentoring Students in Africa: CODESRIA College of Mentors Handbook, Dakar: CODESRIA, pp. 39-58.
Sifuna, D.N., 2014, ‘Neoliberalism and the changing role of universities in sub- Saharan Africa: the case of research and development’, Journal of Higher Educa- tion in Africa 12 (2): 109-30.
Thomas, D.F., 2004, ‘Toward an understanding of organization place building in communities’ (unpublished doctoral dissertation), Colorado State University, Fort Collins.
Thomas, D.F. and Bannin, J.H., 2014, ‘Place building and mission statements: a match or misfit?’, Journal of Contemporary Issues in Business Research 3 (2): 52-74.
Thomas, D.F. and Cross, J., 2007, ‘Organizations as place builders’, Journal of Behavioral and Applied Management 9 (1): 33-61.
Thomas, D.F., Kimball, M. and Suhr, D., 2016, ‘The organizational place building inventory: an instrument for assessing and facilitating place-based corporate social responsibility’, Journal of Corporate Citizenship 63: 17-41.
University for Development Studies (UDS), 2017, Vice-Chancellor’s Report 2017, 18th Congregation 2017, Tamale: UDS Printing Press.
University of Education, Winneba (UEW), 2019, Corporate Strategic Plan 2019- 2023, Winneba: University of Education Printing Press.
University of Ghana (UG), 2014, Strategic Plan 2014-2024, Accra: University of Ghana Press.
Weinberg, G.S. and Kistner, U., 2007, ‘Introduction: from ivory tower to market place: what future for the university in South Africa?’, Journal of Higher Education in Africa 5 (1): 1-8.