2 - Community Development: A Cross-Examination of Theory and Practice Using Experiences in Rural Malawi
Corresponding Author(s) : Ignasio Malizani Jimu
Africa Development,
Vol. 33 No. 2 (2008): Africa Development
The philosophy of ‘community development’ relates to the concept of ‘locality’ and people. In essence it underscores the indispensability of local needs, aspirations and local resource mobilization within geographically and socially defined spheres. Through an appraisal of community involvement in various projects, this paper interrogates the virtues of community development practices in Malawi in the last 40 years. While acknowledging that community development or local participation, as it is popularly known, is ideal in many development activities, this paper argues that participation is not a magic pill for rural development. Participation in gravity water and social action fund projects, among others, provide instances for appreciating the opportunities and the challenges of community development. One such challenge is the absence of projects that are in every sense community-driven. With few exceptions, there is no participation that is truly voluntary. Vulnerability to poverty and lack of resources at community levels defeat efforts towards genuine community development. This is a similar outcome to projects implemented under coercive rule.
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Barnes, B., 2001, ‘The macro/micro problems and the problem of structure and agency’, in Ritzer, G. and Smart, B. (eds), Handbook of Social Theory, London: Sage.
Belakere, R. and Jayaramaiah, K.M., 1997, ‘Community development in drought- prone areas’, Community Development Journal, 32(2): 133–140.
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Chambers, R., 1983, Rural Development: Putting the last first, London: Longman.
Cohen, S., 1996, ‘Mobilizing communities for participation and empowerment’, in Servaes, J., Jacobson, T.L. and White, S.A. (eds), Participation for Social Change, New Delhi: Sage, pp. 223–248.
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Mathur, H.M., 1986, Administering Development in Third World: Constraints and choices, New Delhi: Sage.
Mohammed, O., 1989, ‘Beekeeping in a Gambian village’, Community Development Journal, 24(4): 240–246.
Momsen, J.H., 1991, Women and Development in the Third World, London: Routledge.
Nambote, M.A., 1998, ‘Agricultural Extension policy in Malawi: Past experiences and future directions’, in Ahmed, A.G.M. and Mlay, W. (eds). Environment and Sustainable Development in Eastern and Southern Africa: Some critical issues, Houndmills: MacMillan Press Ltd in association with OSSREA.
National Assembly, 2000, Supplementary Report of the Public Accounts Committee on mismanagement of public funds in the Ministry of Education, First Report presented to the House on 19 December 2000.
Neocosmos, M., 1998, ‘From peoples’ politics to state politics: Aspects of national liberation in South Africa’, in Olukoshi, A.O. (ed.), Politics of Opposition in Contemporary Africa. Uppsala: NAI.
Nyamnjoh, F.B., 2002, ‘A child is one person’s only in the womb’: Domestication, agency and subjectivity in the Cameroonian grassfields’, in Werbner, R. (ed.), Postcolonial Subjectivities in Africa, London: Zed Books, pp 111–138.
Page, B., 2002, ‘Accumulation by dispossession: Communities and water privatisation in Cameroon’, PRINWASS First International Conference on the theme ‘Meaningful Interdisciplinarity’: Challenges and Opportunities for Water Research, School of Geography and the Environment, University of Oxford, 24–25 April.
Passmore, J., 1972, The National Policy of Community Development in Rhodesia, Salisbury: University of Rhodesia.
Shortall, S. and Shucksmith, M., 2001, ‘Rural development in practice, issues arising in Scotland and Northern Ireland’, Community Development Journal 36(2): 122–133.
Singh, K., 1999, Rural Development: Principle, policies and management, New Delhi: Sage.
Streeten, P.P., 1995, Thinking About Development, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Taylor, M., 1992, ‘Signposts to community development’, Community Development Journal, 36(1): 42–52.
Warburton, D., 1998, ‘A passionate dialogue: Community and sustainable development, in Warburton’, D., (ed), Community and Sustainable Development, London: Earthscan Publishing Ltd.
Worpole, K. and Greenhalgh, L., 1996, The Freedom of the City, London: Demos.
Zo mers, A., 1991, Linking Livelihood Strategies to Development: Experiences from the Bolivian Andes, Amsterdam: Royal Tropical Institute.