3 - Care for Older Persons in Cameroon: Alternatives for Social Development
Corresponding Author(s) : Ethel Ngere Nangia
Africa Development,
Vol. 41 No. 4 (2016): Africa Development
Care increasingly remains a crucial facet in the lives of older persons in Africa including Cameroon. Despite its relevance to social development, providing apposite and effective care services to elderly men and women is still a major challenge in contemporary Cameroon. This is largely due to the weak institutional support system and poverty which estranges the elderly and jeopardizes their well-being. Deconstructing the current care system through the redesigning and implementation of age-friendly policies will create substantial opportunities that will predispose the old, irrespective of gender, to valued choices and better quality lives. This article describes the challenges experienced by the aged and examines the Cameroonian institutional framework for care with alternatives for social development. The article involved thirty-one elderly persons and employed an ethnographic survey design with interviews, focus group discussions, participant observation and documentary sources as instruments. Data was analysed qualitatively and the findings show that in as much as organizing the system from a multi-sectorial approach is imperative, the voices of the elderly and the consi tent provision of basic needs are also strategic to their social development.
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- Esplen, E., 2009, Gender and Care Supporting Research Collection. Institute of Development Studies, Brighton: University of Sussex.
- Fonchingong, C., 1999, ‘Structural Adjustment, Women and Agriculture in Cameroon’, Gender and Development, Oxfam, 7 (3): pp. 73-79.
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- Gilligan, C., 1982, In A Different African Voice, Cambridge: Harvard University Press. Help Age International, 2002, The Mark of Noble Society: Human Rights and Older People.
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- Somers, M., 2006, Elder Care Made Easier: Doctor Marion’s 10 Steps to Help You Care for an Ageing Loved One, New York: Addicus Books.
- Tronto, J., 1993, Moral Boundaries: A Political Argument for an Ethic of Care, London: Routledge.
- UNFPA, 1999, Technical Meeting on Population Ageing, Brussels, 6-9 October 1999.
- UNFPA, 2012, By Choice, not by Chance: Family Planning Human Rights and Development, New York: UNFPA.
- United Nations, 2011, State of the World’s Population: People and Possibilities in World of Billion, New York: UN.
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- Van der Geest, S., 2002, Respect and Reciprocity: Care of Elderly People in Rural Ghana, Journal of Cross-Cultural Gerontology, 17 (1): pp. 3–31, Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
- Waner, M. And Balcombe, C., 1996, How Useful is Gender in Explaining the Economic Roles of Africa’s Rural Peoples? An Application in Logistic Regression Analysis. Series in Empirical Agricultural Economics and Econometrics. 5 Wye College Press.
- WHO, 2000, Social Development and Ageing: Crisis or Opportunity, Geneva: WHO.
- WHO, 2002, A Contribution of the World Health Organization to the Second UN World Assembly on Ageing, Madrid, Spain: WHO.
- World Bank, 1994, Averting the Old Age Crisis, New York: Oxford University Press.
Aboderin, I., 2005, Understanding and Responding to Ageing, Health, Poverty and Social Change in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Strategic Framework and Plan for Research. Outcomes of the Oxford Conference on Research on Ageing, Health and Poverty in Africa: Forging Directions for the Future, 11-13 April 2005. Oxford.
Apt, N., 1996, ‘Coping With Old Age in a Changing Africa’, Journal of Cross Cultural Gerontology, 4(3): pp. 102-133, Aldershot, UK: Avebury.
Apt, N. and Greico, 1994, ‘Rapid Urbanization and Living Arrangements of Older Persons in Africa’, United Nations Bulletin on Ageing, Nos. 2&3: pp. 10-18.
Asiyanbola, R., 2005, Elderly Care Situation, Daily Activities, Housing and Physical Wellbeing in Nigeria. A paper presented at the International Union for the Scientific Study of Population (IUSSP/UIESP) XXV International Population Conference Tours. France, 2005.
Bean, J., 2007, Three Big Risks for Older Adults: Walking, Climbing Stairs and Rising from a Chair - Evidence-Based Rehabilitative Care for Older Adults. CIMIT Forum.
Esplen, E., 2009, Gender and Care Supporting Research Collection. Institute of Development Studies, Brighton: University of Sussex.
Fonchingong, C., 1999, ‘Structural Adjustment, Women and Agriculture in Cameroon’, Gender and Development, Oxfam, 7 (3): pp. 73-79.
Fries, J., 1980, Ageing: Natural Death and the Compression of Mobility. New Geographic Perspectives Statistics, Ottawa: The North-South Institute.
Gilligan, C., 1982, In A Different African Voice, Cambridge: Harvard University Press. Help Age International, 2002, The Mark of Noble Society: Human Rights and Older People.
Holroyd. E., 2001, ‘Hong Kong Chinese Daughters - Intergenerational Care Giving Obligations: A Cultural Model Approach’ www.elsevier.com
Holzman R., 2000, The World Bank Approach to Pension Reform. International Social Security Review 53.
Jenkins, M., 1993, ‘Extending Social Protection to the Entire Population: Problems and Issues’, International Social Security Review 46(2): pp. 3-20.
Kalasa, B., 2005, Population and Ageing Africa: A Policy Dilemma? Addis Ababa, Ethiopia: UNFPA. Country Support Team.
Krzyzowski, L. and Mucha, J., 2014, ‘Transnational Caregiving in Turbulent Times: Polish Migrants in Iceland and their Elderly Parents in Poland’, International Sociology, 29 (1), Madrid, Sage Publications.
Martinez, E. and Arnoldo, G., 2000, What is Neo-Liberalism? The Global Economy, San Francisco: Global Exchange.
Mba, J., 2005, Population Ageing and Poverty in Rural Ghana. Regional Institute for Population Studies: University of Ghana.
Mesembe, L., 2011, The Effects of Remittances on Elderly Men and Women Cameroon (unpublished), University of Buea.
Midgley J., 1997, Social Welfare in Global Context, Saga Publications.
MINAS, 2012, National Policy Document on the Protection and Welfare of Older Persons (draft), Yaounde, Cameroon.
MINAS Reports, 2010, ‘Precising the content of the conditions and technical modalities for the exercise of powers developed upon the councils by the state in the domain of the granting of Assistance to the elderly’. Order No 20100011/MINAS of 27 August 2010.
MINAS Report, 2010, Assistance to the Elderly. 84
Moore, M., 2009, Pluralism, Relativism and Liberalism, Political Research Quarterly, 62: pp. 244-257.
Mudge, S., 2008, The State of the Art: What is neo-Liberalism? Socio-Economic Review, 6: 703-731.
Nangia, E., 2006, Women’s Involvement in the Care Economy and their Performance in the Formal Sector (unpublished), University of Buea.
National Institute on Ageing, 2007, Why Population Ageing matters: A Global Perspective. Ghana, U.S Department of State.
Njikam, M., 2010, ‘Gender, Socio-Economic Status, Self-Related Health and Quality of Life among the Elderly in Cameroon’ in La Sociologie Aujourd’hui: Une Perspective Africaine, Paris: L’Harmattan.
Nkwawir, M., 2010, Social Protection of the Elderly in Cameroon. Thesis submitted for the Master Degree in International Social Welfare and Health Policy. Faculty of Social Sciences, Oslo University College.
Nkuna, B., 2008, Elder Abuse and Exploitation. South Africa Independent Online Spotlight on Elder Abuse.
Preamble of the Constitution of Cameroon, The, 1996.Rathbone-McCuan et al., 1991, Feminist Social Work with Older Women Caregivers in a DVA Medical Setting in M. Bricker-Jenkins, N.R. Hooyman and N. Gottlieb (eds.) Feminist Social Work Practice in Clinical Settings, New Delhi: Sage.
Razavi, S., 2007, The Political and Social Economy of Care in a Development Context: Conceptual Issues, Research Questions and Policy Options. Gender and Development Programme, Paper 3, Geneva: United Nations Research Institute for Social Development.
Somers, M., 2006, Elder Care Made Easier: Doctor Marion’s 10 Steps to Help You Care for an Ageing Loved One, New York: Addicus Books.
Tronto, J., 1993, Moral Boundaries: A Political Argument for an Ethic of Care, London: Routledge.
UNFPA, 1999, Technical Meeting on Population Ageing, Brussels, 6-9 October 1999.
UNFPA, 2012, By Choice, not by Chance: Family Planning Human Rights and Development, New York: UNFPA.
United Nations, 2011, State of the World’s Population: People and Possibilities in World of Billion, New York: UN.
United Nations, 2001a, World Population Prospects. The 2000 Revision: Highlights. Population.
United Nations, 2006, Population Division, DESA.
Velkoff, V. and Kowal. P., 2007, Population Ageing in Sub-Saharan Africa: Demographics Dimensions 2006, International Population Reports, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
Van der Geest, S., 2002, Respect and Reciprocity: Care of Elderly People in Rural Ghana, Journal of Cross-Cultural Gerontology, 17 (1): pp. 3–31, Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Waner, M. And Balcombe, C., 1996, How Useful is Gender in Explaining the Economic Roles of Africa’s Rural Peoples? An Application in Logistic Regression Analysis. Series in Empirical Agricultural Economics and Econometrics. 5 Wye College Press.
WHO, 2000, Social Development and Ageing: Crisis or Opportunity, Geneva: WHO.
WHO, 2002, A Contribution of the World Health Organization to the Second UN World Assembly on Ageing, Madrid, Spain: WHO.
World Bank, 1994, Averting the Old Age Crisis, New York: Oxford University Press.