2 - Of Fundamental Change and No Change: Pitfalls of Constitutionalism and Political Transformation in Uganda, 1995-2005
Corresponding Author(s) : Godfrey B. Asiimwe
Africa Development,
Vol. 39 No. 2 (2014): Africa Development
With Uganda’s turbulent and traumatic post-independence political experience, the take-over of the National Resistance Movement (NRM) in 1986 ushered in a tide of unprecedented hope for political transformation and constitutionalism. NRM’s ten-point programme, pledge for a ‘fundamental change’, climaxing in the formulation of a new constitution in 1995, encapsulated the state-social contract and hope for the new order. But ten years later, Uganda’ political landscape and power architecture continued to show that political transformation and constitutionalism were still illusory. This article examines political development in Uganda during the first ten years under the new constitution and time of democratic reforms in Africa. The article shows that these years pointed to political reversals epitomised by the preponderance of abuse of human rights, state failures and loss of hope in the war-ravaged north, patrimonialism, autocratic tendencies, and manipulations which were reminiscent of the old dictatorships. The last straw came with the shocking amendment of the embryonic constitution to remove presidential term limits, which were entrenched as a lynch-pin for a smooth transfer of power. This was followed by the military siege of the High Court that crowned the reality that militarism remained the anchor of power in Uganda’s body politic. The independence of the judiciary and legislature remained illusory, as together with the opposition they remained susceptible to bribery, manipulation, intimidation and repression. With an unpredictable constitutionalism and political terrain, the NRM’s promise of a ‘fundamental change’ degenerated into ‘no change’.
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- Amnesty International, 2005, Uganda Report, January-December 2004. Amnesty International, 2005, The Wire, 35 (07), August.
- Bazaara, Nyangabyaki, 2001, ‘Mixed Results in Uganda’s Constitutional Development: An Assessment’, in Kituo Cha Katiba, Constitutionalism in East Africa: Progress, Challenges and Prospects in 1999, Kampala: Fountain.
- Carson Johnnie, 2005, Boston Globe, 1 May. CSOPNU (Civil Society Organisations for Peace in Northern Uganda), UN Office
- for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, 2005, IRINnews.org, 11 November.
- Cummins, Scott, 2005, ‘Democracy and Human Rights under Siege in Uganda’, Africa Water Journalists Blog, On-line. June 22.
- Dicey, A.V., 1948, Introduction to the Study of the Law of the Constitution, 9th. Ed., London: Macmillan.
- Doornbos, M.R., 2000, ‘African Multipartyism and the Quest for Democratic Alternatives: Ugandan Elections, Past and Present’, in J. Abbink and G. Hesseling, eds., Election Observation and Democratization in Sub-Saharan Africa, pp. 92-121, London: MacMillan.
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- Finnstrom, Sverker, 2005b, ‘No Fundamental Change for Northern Uganda’, The Daily Monitor, 9 September 2005.
- Furley, Oliver and James Katarikawe, 1997, ‘Constitutional Reform in Uganda: The New Approach’, African Affairs, 96: 243-260.
- Government of Uganda, 2005, Hansard, 15 February.
- Hansen, B.H. and M. Twaddle, 1995, From Chaos to Order: Politics of Constitution Making in Uganda, London, James Currey.
- Human Rights Watch, May 2005, Report, New York.
- Human Rights Watch, April 2004, ‘State of Pain: Torture in Uganda, Report’, New York.
- Human Rights Watch, September 2005, ‘Uprooted and Forgotten: Impunity and Human Rights Abuses in Northern Uganda, Report’, 17 (12)A, New York.
- Human Rights Watch, 2005, ‘Reply to Uganda Government Document of September 23, 2005a’, New York.
- Human Rights Watch, 2005, ‘Uganda: Key Opposition MPs Arrested’, New York. Human Rights Watch, 2009, ‘Open Secret: Illegal Detention and Torture by the Joint Anti-terrorism Task Force in Uganda’, Report, New York.
- Huntington, S., 1991, The Third Wave: Democratization in the Late Twentieth Century, Norman OK: University of Oklahoma Press.
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- Karamagi, Victor, 2005, ‘Dar should quit EAC over Museveni bid’, The Monitor, 12 July.
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- Lough, Richard and Euan Denholm, 2005, ‘Violence against women in Northern Uganda’, Amnesty International, AFR 59/001/2005.
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- Masiga, Martin, 2005, Executive Director of HURINET, The Human Rights House Network, Oslo: Tordenskioldsgate 6b, 0160.
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- Museveni, Yoweri, 1992, What is Africa’s Problem?, Kampala: NRM Publications. Museveni, Yoweri, 1997, Sowing the Mustard Seed, London: Macmillan.
- Moehler, C. Devra, 2006, ‘Participation and support for the Constitution in Uganda’, The Journal of Modern African Studies, 44: 275-308.
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- Mutaizibwa, Emma, 2005, ‘Tumukunde: Besigye attacks Museveni’, The Daily Monitor on-line, 20 June.
- Nassali, Maria, 2004, ‘Constitutional Transition and the Movement System in Uganda’, in Oloka-Onyango, J. and Chris Maina Peter, Constitutionalism and Transition, Kampala: Kituo cha Katiba Occasional Publication 1.
- Ngozi, Beatrice, 2003, ‘The State of Constitutionalism in Uganda, 2003’, in B. Tusasirwe, ed., Constitutionalism in East Africa: Progress, Challenges and Prospects in 2003, Kituo Cha Katiba, Kampala: Fountain Publishers.
- OAU, African Charter on the Rights and Welfare of the Child, Doc. CAB/LEG/24.9/49 (1990), entered into force Nov. 29, 1999.
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- O’Donnell, G. and Schmitter, P., 1986, Transitions from Authoritarian Rule: Tentative Conclusions about Uncertain Democracies, Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press.
- Oloka-Onyango, Joe, 2004, ‘New-Breed’ Leadership, Conflict, and Reconstruction in the Great Lakes Region of Africa: A Sociopolitical Biography of Uganda’s Yoweri Kaguta Museveni’, Africa Today, 50 (3): 29-52.
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- Rodriguez, Carlos (Fr.), 2005, UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, IRINnews.org, 11 November.
- Tandon, Yash, 1994, ‘Constitutionalism and Militarism in Uganda’, in Beyene Asmelash & Gelase Mutahaba, eds., The Quest for Constitutionalism in Africa, Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang GmbH, 215-239.
- UG, 2005, ‘Press Statement’, Minister of Defence, 23 September.
- US State Department, 2005, Report, 2004/2005.
Amnesty International, 2005, Uganda Report, January-December 2004. Amnesty International, 2005, The Wire, 35 (07), August.
Bazaara, Nyangabyaki, 2001, ‘Mixed Results in Uganda’s Constitutional Development: An Assessment’, in Kituo Cha Katiba, Constitutionalism in East Africa: Progress, Challenges and Prospects in 1999, Kampala: Fountain.
Carson Johnnie, 2005, Boston Globe, 1 May. CSOPNU (Civil Society Organisations for Peace in Northern Uganda), UN Office
for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, 2005, IRINnews.org, 11 November.
Cummins, Scott, 2005, ‘Democracy and Human Rights under Siege in Uganda’, Africa Water Journalists Blog, On-line. June 22.
Dicey, A.V., 1948, Introduction to the Study of the Law of the Constitution, 9th. Ed., London: Macmillan.
Doornbos, M.R., 2000, ‘African Multipartyism and the Quest for Democratic Alternatives: Ugandan Elections, Past and Present’, in J. Abbink and G. Hesseling, eds., Election Observation and Democratization in Sub-Saharan Africa, pp. 92-121, London: MacMillan.
Finnstrom, Sverker, 2005a, ‘Living with Bad Surroundings: War and Existential Uncertainty in Acholiland, Northern Uganda’, Uppsala: Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis.
Finnstrom, Sverker, 2005b, ‘No Fundamental Change for Northern Uganda’, The Daily Monitor, 9 September 2005.
Furley, Oliver and James Katarikawe, 1997, ‘Constitutional Reform in Uganda: The New Approach’, African Affairs, 96: 243-260.
Government of Uganda, 2005, Hansard, 15 February.
Hansen, B.H. and M. Twaddle, 1995, From Chaos to Order: Politics of Constitution Making in Uganda, London, James Currey.
Human Rights Watch, May 2005, Report, New York.
Human Rights Watch, April 2004, ‘State of Pain: Torture in Uganda, Report’, New York.
Human Rights Watch, September 2005, ‘Uprooted and Forgotten: Impunity and Human Rights Abuses in Northern Uganda, Report’, 17 (12)A, New York.
Human Rights Watch, 2005, ‘Reply to Uganda Government Document of September 23, 2005a’, New York.
Human Rights Watch, 2005, ‘Uganda: Key Opposition MPs Arrested’, New York. Human Rights Watch, 2009, ‘Open Secret: Illegal Detention and Torture by the Joint Anti-terrorism Task Force in Uganda’, Report, New York.
Huntington, S., 1991, The Third Wave: Democratization in the Late Twentieth Century, Norman OK: University of Oklahoma Press.
International Bar Association, 2007, ‘Judicial independence undermined: A report on Uganda’, London (www.ibanet.org).
Juma, Thomas, 2005, ‘Dar should quit EAC over Museveni bid`, The Guardian, www.ipp.co.tz/ipp/guardian/2005/07/02/43483.html.
Karamagi, Victor, 2005, ‘Dar should quit EAC over Museveni bid’, The Monitor, 12 July.
Karugire, Samwiri, 1980, A Political History of Uganda, London: Heinemann. Katz, N. Stanley, 2000, ‘Constitutionalism and Civil Society’, The Jefferson Lecture, University of California at Berkeley and Princeton University.
Kituo, Chakatiba, 2002, ‘Towards Political Liberalisation in Uganda: Fact Finding Mission in Uganda on Constitutional Development’, Report, Kampala.
Kjaer, Anne Mette, ‘Old brooms can sweep too! An Overview of Rulers and Public Sector Reforms in Uganda, Tanzania and Kenya’, Journal of Modern African Studies, 42 (3): 389-413.
Linz, J. and Stepan, A., 1996, Problems of Democratic Transition and Consolidation: Southern Europe, South America and Post-Communist Europe, Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press.
Lough, Richard and Euan Denholm, 2005, ‘Violence against women in Northern Uganda’, Amnesty International, AFR 59/001/2005.
Lugemwa, F.N., ‘Federo Advocacy’, posted on http://fedsnet.blogspot.com]
Makubuya, K. Edward, 1994, ‘Violence and Conflict Resolution in Uganda’, in Rupesinghe Kumar and Marcial Rubio, eds., The Culture of Violence, Tokyo: United Nations University, pp. 144-177.
Masiga, Martin, 2005, The Human Rights House Network, Oslo: Tordenskioldsgate 6b, 0160.
Masiga, Martin, 2005, Executive Director of HURINET, The Human Rights House Network, Oslo: Tordenskioldsgate 6b, 0160.
Mutibwa, Phares, 1992, Uganda since Independence: A Story of Unfulfilled Hopes, London: C. Hurst and Co. Ltd.
Museveni, Yoweri, 1992, What is Africa’s Problem?, Kampala: NRM Publications. Museveni, Yoweri, 1997, Sowing the Mustard Seed, London: Macmillan.
Moehler, C. Devra, 2006, ‘Participation and support for the Constitution in Uganda’, The Journal of Modern African Studies, 44: 275-308.
Mamdani, M., 2007, Scholars in the Market Place: The Dilemmas of Neo-Liberal Reforms at Makerere University, 1989-2005, Michigan: Michigan University Press.
Mutaizibwa, Emma, 2005, ‘Tumukunde: Besigye attacks Museveni’, The Daily Monitor on-line, 20 June.
Nassali, Maria, 2004, ‘Constitutional Transition and the Movement System in Uganda’, in Oloka-Onyango, J. and Chris Maina Peter, Constitutionalism and Transition, Kampala: Kituo cha Katiba Occasional Publication 1.
Ngozi, Beatrice, 2003, ‘The State of Constitutionalism in Uganda, 2003’, in B. Tusasirwe, ed., Constitutionalism in East Africa: Progress, Challenges and Prospects in 2003, Kituo Cha Katiba, Kampala: Fountain Publishers.
OAU, African Charter on the Rights and Welfare of the Child, Doc. CAB/LEG/24.9/49 (1990), entered into force Nov. 29, 1999.
Odoki, Benjamin, 2005, The Search for a National Consensus: The Making of the 1995 Uganda Constitution, Kampala: Fountain.
O’Donnell, G. and Schmitter, P., 1986, Transitions from Authoritarian Rule: Tentative Conclusions about Uncertain Democracies, Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press.
Oloka-Onyango, Joe, 2004, ‘New-Breed’ Leadership, Conflict, and Reconstruction in the Great Lakes Region of Africa: A Sociopolitical Biography of Uganda’s Yoweri Kaguta Museveni’, Africa Today, 50 (3): 29-52.
Okoth-Ogendo, H.W.O., 1991, ‘Paradox of constitution without constitutionalism’, in Issa G. Shivji, ed., State and Constitutionalism: An African Debate on Democracy, Harare: SAPES, 1991.
Okuonzi, S.A., 2009, Free-Market Illusions: Health Sector Reforms in Uganda, 1987 - 2007, Helth. Bergen, University of Bergen.
Rodriguez, Carlos (Fr.), 2005, UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, IRINnews.org, 11 November.
Tandon, Yash, 1994, ‘Constitutionalism and Militarism in Uganda’, in Beyene Asmelash & Gelase Mutahaba, eds., The Quest for Constitutionalism in Africa, Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang GmbH, 215-239.
UG, 2005, ‘Press Statement’, Minister of Defence, 23 September.
US State Department, 2005, Report, 2004/2005.