2 - The Challenge of Drug Trafficking to Democratic Governance and Human Security in West Africa: A Historical Reflection
Corresponding Author(s) : Olayemi Jacob Ogunniyi
Afrique et développement,
Vol. 44 No 4 (2019): Afrique et développement: Numéro spécial sur Argent, sécurité et gouvernance démocratique en Afrique (IV)
Nous soutenons que l’Afrique de l’Ouest est devenue une destination et un site de plus en plus importants dans le système mondial du trafic de drogue. Les preuves du rôle croissant de la sous-région dans la stratégie et les opérations mondiales des cartels internationaux de la drogue sont nombreuses et variées, avec un complexe mélange de faits directs provenant de sources officielles et non officielles, ainsi que d’informations indirectes plus indicatives, de nature associative et anecdotique. Initialement ciblée comme centre de redistribution et de transit du trafic de drogue vers d’autres destinations dans le monde, notamment l’Europe et l’Amérique du Nord, la sous-région est progressivement devenue une destination commerciale pour les cartels mondiaux de la drogue, principalement mais non exclusivement originaire d’Amérique latine. Les données montrent également que l’Afrique de l’Ouest est un site de production de plus en plus important de certains types de drogues, notamment les stimulants de type amphétamine. L’analyse présentée dans cet article met en évidence l’historique et le contexte des défis de gouvernance et de sécurité humaine auxquels sont confrontés les pays de l’Afrique de l’Ouest, et la manière dont les cartels de drogue en ont profité tout en contribuant à exacerber les problèmes. L’article conclut que, pour faire face aux problèmes de gouvernance posés par ou associés au trafic de drogue, les pays d’Afrique de l’Ouest, travaillant ensemble et de concert avec les pays occidentaux, les groupes/mouvements civiques et le secteur privé, auront besoin d’une approche beaucoup plus cohérente et coordonnée, ancrée dans l’idée de l’indivisibilité ultime de la gouvernance et de la sécurité humaine dans la sous-région.
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- Akyeampong, E, 2005, ‘Diaspora and drug trafficking in West Africa: a case study of Ghana’, African Affairs 104 (416): 435–7.
- Amado, P. A., 2008, ‘West Africa under attack: drugs, organized crime and terrorism as the new threats to global security’, Madrid: Research Unit on International Security and Cooperation (UNISCI) Discussion Papers, No. 16, January.
- Bybee, A., 2011, Narco-State or Failed State? Narcotics and Politics in Guinea-Bissau, Alexandria, VA: Institute for Defense Analyses, September.
- Champin, C., 2012, ‘International Crisis Group s’interroge sur la poursuite du trafic de cocaïne en Guinee-Bissau’ (International Crisis Group questions the pursuit of cocaine trafficking in Guinea-Bissau), RFI, Blog Afrique Drogue, 24 January.
- Ellis, S., 2009, ‘West Africa’s international drug trade’, African Affairs 108 (431): 171–96.
- Farah, D., 2014, ‘Transnational drug enterprises: threats to global stability and U.S. national security from Southwest Asia, Latin America and West Africa’, Testimony before House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, 1 October, Crime Affairs 34.
- Feinstein, D 2012. ‘Acupoint stimulation in treating psychological disorders. Evidence of efficacy’. Review of General Psychology 16(4). pp 364-380.
- Felbab-Brown, V., 2010, ‘The West African drug trade in context of the region’s illicit economies and poor governance’, presentation to Conference on Drug Trafficking in West Africa, Arlington, VA, October.
- Harrigan 2012 Harrigan K. Rudie, ‘The Synergy Limitation Paradox (September 1, 2012) Columbia Business School, Research paper No. 15-15 Available at SSRN. https://ssrn.com/abstract 254436 (Accessed on 3 January 2016) International Narcotics Control Strategy Report, 2012, Drug and Chemical Control, Washington, DC: U.S. Department of State, Bureau for International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs, March.
- Kurtzleben, D., 2009, Africa–US: Growing Drug Trade Linked to Terror Groups, Inter Press Service.
- Mazzitelli, L.A., 2007, ‘Transnational organized crime in West Africa: the additional challenge’, International Affairs 83 (6).
- Melly, P., 2012. ‘The sad decline of Mali’ The World Today. Vol. 68, Number, 4. CHATHAM House The Royal Institute of International Affairs Publication.
- Pena, A., 2012,‘DEA: Mexican drug cartels reach further across Africa’, Voice of America, 15 June, www.voa.com/dea_mexican/54, (Accessed 12 July 2017)
- Regan, D., 2010, ‘Cocaine and instability in Africa: lessons from Latin America and the Caribbean’, Africa Security Brief, Washington, DC: Africa Center for Security Studies, July.
- Reyskens, M., 2012, ‘Drug economy: Africa and the international illicit drug trade’, www.defenceweb.com/45_drug, accessed on 21 July 2017.
- Rotella, S. and Kraul, C., 2007, ‘A drug’s worrisome detour: much of Europe’s cocaine now arrives via West Africa, where the law means little’, Los Angeles Times, 14 March.
- Scott, C., 2010, “The Enduring Appeal of Learning Styles” Australian Journal of Education Vol. 54 issue I, Article I.
- United Nation Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), 2008, Drug Trafficking as a Security Threat in West Africa, New York: UNODC, October.
- UNODC, 2012, West Africa – ATS Situation Report, June.
- UNODC, 2016, United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, World Drug Report 2016 (United Nations Publication, Sales No. E 16, X17).
- Williams, P. and Haacke, J., 2008, ‘Security culture, transnational challenges and the Economic Community of West African States’, Journal of Contemporary African Studies 26 (2): 119–36.
- World Drug Report 2010, Drug Policy Consortium, International, The World Drug Report 2010: A Response from the International Drug Policy Consortium (September 1, 2010) Available at SSRN: http://ssrn.com/abstract-1909919 (Accessed on 5 February, 2016).
- Wyler, L.S. and Cook, N., 2009, Illegal Drug Trade in Africa: Trends and U.S. Policy, Washington, DC: Congressional Research Service, 30 September.
Les références
Akyeampong, E, 2005, ‘Diaspora and drug trafficking in West Africa: a case study of Ghana’, African Affairs 104 (416): 435–7.
Amado, P. A., 2008, ‘West Africa under attack: drugs, organized crime and terrorism as the new threats to global security’, Madrid: Research Unit on International Security and Cooperation (UNISCI) Discussion Papers, No. 16, January.
Bybee, A., 2011, Narco-State or Failed State? Narcotics and Politics in Guinea-Bissau, Alexandria, VA: Institute for Defense Analyses, September.
Champin, C., 2012, ‘International Crisis Group s’interroge sur la poursuite du trafic de cocaïne en Guinee-Bissau’ (International Crisis Group questions the pursuit of cocaine trafficking in Guinea-Bissau), RFI, Blog Afrique Drogue, 24 January.
Ellis, S., 2009, ‘West Africa’s international drug trade’, African Affairs 108 (431): 171–96.
Farah, D., 2014, ‘Transnational drug enterprises: threats to global stability and U.S. national security from Southwest Asia, Latin America and West Africa’, Testimony before House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, 1 October, Crime Affairs 34.
Feinstein, D 2012. ‘Acupoint stimulation in treating psychological disorders. Evidence of efficacy’. Review of General Psychology 16(4). pp 364-380.
Felbab-Brown, V., 2010, ‘The West African drug trade in context of the region’s illicit economies and poor governance’, presentation to Conference on Drug Trafficking in West Africa, Arlington, VA, October.
Harrigan 2012 Harrigan K. Rudie, ‘The Synergy Limitation Paradox (September 1, 2012) Columbia Business School, Research paper No. 15-15 Available at SSRN. https://ssrn.com/abstract 254436 (Accessed on 3 January 2016) International Narcotics Control Strategy Report, 2012, Drug and Chemical Control, Washington, DC: U.S. Department of State, Bureau for International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs, March.
Kurtzleben, D., 2009, Africa–US: Growing Drug Trade Linked to Terror Groups, Inter Press Service.
Mazzitelli, L.A., 2007, ‘Transnational organized crime in West Africa: the additional challenge’, International Affairs 83 (6).
Melly, P., 2012. ‘The sad decline of Mali’ The World Today. Vol. 68, Number, 4. CHATHAM House The Royal Institute of International Affairs Publication.
Pena, A., 2012,‘DEA: Mexican drug cartels reach further across Africa’, Voice of America, 15 June, www.voa.com/dea_mexican/54, (Accessed 12 July 2017)
Regan, D., 2010, ‘Cocaine and instability in Africa: lessons from Latin America and the Caribbean’, Africa Security Brief, Washington, DC: Africa Center for Security Studies, July.
Reyskens, M., 2012, ‘Drug economy: Africa and the international illicit drug trade’, www.defenceweb.com/45_drug, accessed on 21 July 2017.
Rotella, S. and Kraul, C., 2007, ‘A drug’s worrisome detour: much of Europe’s cocaine now arrives via West Africa, where the law means little’, Los Angeles Times, 14 March.
Scott, C., 2010, “The Enduring Appeal of Learning Styles” Australian Journal of Education Vol. 54 issue I, Article I.
United Nation Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), 2008, Drug Trafficking as a Security Threat in West Africa, New York: UNODC, October.
UNODC, 2012, West Africa – ATS Situation Report, June.
UNODC, 2016, United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, World Drug Report 2016 (United Nations Publication, Sales No. E 16, X17).
Williams, P. and Haacke, J., 2008, ‘Security culture, transnational challenges and the Economic Community of West African States’, Journal of Contemporary African Studies 26 (2): 119–36.
World Drug Report 2010, Drug Policy Consortium, International, The World Drug Report 2010: A Response from the International Drug Policy Consortium (September 1, 2010) Available at SSRN: http://ssrn.com/abstract-1909919 (Accessed on 5 February, 2016).
Wyler, L.S. and Cook, N., 2009, Illegal Drug Trade in Africa: Trends and U.S. Policy, Washington, DC: Congressional Research Service, 30 September.