7- The Diaspora and Domestic Insurgencies in Africa
Corresponding Author(s) : Kenneth Omeje
African Sociological Review,
Vol. 11 No. 2 (2007): African Sociological Review
This article engages the emerging discursive reconstruction in the West of the African diaspora, in particular, the debate that the African diaspora plays a prominent role in promoting domestic insurgencies and armed conflicts in their home countries, especially in the post-9/11 dispensation. Based on a taxonomy of the African diaspora vis-à-vis other significant diasporic populations, the article critically explores the views held by many Western Africanists and policy makers about the instrumentality of financial remittances and other logistical support from Africans in the diaspora in the instigation, aggravation
and prolongation of political insurgencies and extremist activities in their home states. The author argues that the emerging reconstruction of the image and role of the African diaspora in political conflicts on the continent is essentially a consequence of the post-9/11 re-securitisation of Africa as a zone of error and anger by influential policy makers in theWest.
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Adepoju, A., 2004a, ‘Trends in international migration in and from Africa’, in Massey, D. S. and J. E. Taylor, eds., International Migration Prospects and Policies in a Global Market, Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 59-103.
Adepoju, A., 2004a, ‘Changing Configuration of Migration in Africa’, http://www.migrationinformation.org/Feature/display.cfm?ID=251 (website accessed on 25.08.07).
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Berdal, Mats, 2005, ‘Beyond Greed and Grievance and Not Too Soon’, Review of International Studies, vol. 31: pp. 687-698.
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Francis, D., 2005, ‘Introduction’, in David Francis, ed., Civil Militia: Africa’s Intractable Security Menace? Aldershot: Ashgate, 2005, pp. 1-21.
Frost, D., 2002, ‘Diasporan West African Communities: The Kru in Freetown & Liverpool’,Review of African Political Economy, No.92: 285-300.
Grugel, J., 2002, Democratization: A Critical Introduction, New York: Palgrave.
Gundel, J., 2002, ‘The Migration-Development Nexus: Somalia Case Study’, International Migration. 40 (5), pp. 255-277.
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Kaldor, M., 2001, New and Old Wars, Cambridge: Polity Press.
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Keenan, J., 2004a, ‘Terror in the Sahara: the Implications of US Imperialism for North & West Africa’, Review of African Political Economy, 101/31, pp. 497-511.
Keenan, J., 2004b, ‘Political Destabilisation and Blowback in the Sahel’, Review of African Political Economy, 31/102, December, pp. 691-698.
Linklater, A., 1996, ‘Rationalism’, in Scott Burchill et al., eds., Theories of International Relations, London: Macmillan, pp. 93-118.
Marienstras, R., 1989, ‘On the Notion of Diaspora’, in G. Chaliand, ed., Minority Peoples in the Age of Nation-States, London: Pluto.
Mazrui, A., 2005, ‘Between Global Governance and Global War: Africa Before and After September 11’, African Renaissance, 2/1, Jan/Feb, pp. 9-18.
McKeown, A., 2000, ‘From Opium Farmer to Astronaut: AGlobal History of Diasporic Chinese Business’, Diaspora, 9: 3, pp. 317-60.
Menkhaus, Ken, 2004, ‘Vicious Circles and the Security-Development Nexus in Somalia’,Journal of Conflict, Security and Development, 4:2, pp. 149-165.
Richards, P., 1996, Fighting in the Rain Forest: War, Youth and Resources in Sierra Leone, The International African Institute: James Curry & Heinemann.
Sage, A. L., 2007, ‘Terrorism Threats and Vulnerabilities in Africa’, in Andre Le Sage, ed., African Counterterrorism Cooperation: Assessing Regional and Subregional Initiatives, Washington: African Centre for Strategic Studies (ACSS), National Defence University & Potomac Books Inc., pp.1-38.
Wikipedia, 2007, ‘Diaspora’. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diaspora (website accessed on 07.08.07).
Wines, Michael, 2000, ‘Influx from Zimbabwe to South Africa Tests Both’, The New York Times, 23.06.07. http://www.nytimes.com/2007/06/23/world/africa/23zimbabwe.html?ex=1340251200&en=30a79a503e711824&ei=5088&partner=rssnyt&emc=rss (website accessed on 11.08.07).