1- When Haste Shakes the Scholar’s Pen: Some Scholarly Works on Dagbon after the Regicide of Yaa-Naa Yakubu Andani II, King of Dagbon, Ghana
Corresponding Author(s) : M. H. A. Bolaji
African Sociological Review,
Vol. 25 No. 2 (2021): African Sociological Review
Until the regicide of Yaa-Naa Yakubu Andani II, the Dagbon chieftaincy conflict – which has been intractable since the colonial era – was largely understudied. Nevertheless, the gruesome “murder” of the king provoked some scholarly interest in the Dagbon chieftaincy conflict. This article reviews significant scholarly works on the Dagbon chieftaincy conflict after the regicide.
Also, it explores and interrogates the diverse perspectives which scholars have employed to explain the complexities of the conflict. Furthermore, it critiques some scholars’ uncritical acceptance that the rotational system of succession between the Abudu and Andani has been the tradition and presents the extent of its operation in Dagbon dynastic politics. Additionally, this article unearths some misrepresentations of historical facts and personalities and important dates. This article concludes that since historical truths play crucial roles in prosecuting intractablery to get the historical facts right in documenting them for posterity.
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- Adjei, Sammy Award (2019). Prez Nana Akufo-Addo With Honorary Doctorate Of Peace For Sealing Dagbon Crises January 24, 2019 https://newsghana.com.gh/award-prez-nana-akufo-addo-with-honorary-doctorate-of-peace-for-sealingdagbon-crises/ (accessed on July 17 2021).
- Alhassan, Zakaria and Duodu (2019). Yaa Naa enskinment on course in spite of attack. January 21,https://www.graphic.com.gh/news/general-news/ghana-news-yaa-naa-enskinment-on-course-in-spite-of-attack.html (accessed on July 17 2021).
- Awedoba, A. K. (2009). An ethnographic study of northern Ghanaian conflicts: Towards a sustainable peace. Accra: Sub-Saharan Publishers.
- Bob-Milliar, George M. (2009). “Chieftaincy, Diaspora, and Development: The Institution of Nksuohene in Ghana,” African Affairs 108: 541-558.
- Bolaji, M. H. A. (2016). Beneath politicisation: The unacknowledged constitutional crisis in the Dagbon succession conflict in Ghana. Journal of Legal Pluralism and Unofficial Law, 42(2): 1–30.
- Bolaji, M. H. A. (2018). A Checkered Legal Pluralism and the Dagbon Succession Conflict: Modernity and Tradition as Inharmonious Bedfellows. In: Critical Notes on Northern Ghana’s Development: History, Geography, Institutions, Politics and Development in Contention, M. H. A. Bolaji and A. A. Apusigah (eds.), pp. 111-134. New York: Nova Publication Publishers.
- Bolaji, M. H. A. (2020). Mutual complicity, state irrelevance and restorative justice: Dagbon’s future in dire need of reciprocal royal forgiveness. Contemporary Justice Review: Issues in Criminal, Social, and Restorative Justice 24(2): 218-244.
- Cheka, Cosmas. (2008). Traditional Authority at the Crossroads of Governance in Republican Cameroon, Africa Development. 36 (2):
- -89.
- Ekeh, Peter P. (1975). Colonialism and the two publics in Africa: A theoretical statement.Comparative Studies in Society and History 17 (1): 91-112.
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- General News (2002b). Kufuor meets Asantehene ... Friday, April 5 2002. https://www.ghanaweb.com/GhanaHomePage/NewsArchive/Kufuor-meets- Asantehene-23036 (accessed on July 17 2021).
- General News (2002c). Yendi Mediation Team begins deliberations. Friday, April 5 2002 https://www.ghanaweb.com/GhanaHomePage/NewsArchive/YendiMediation-Team-begins-deliberations-23022 (accessed on July 17 2021).
- General News (2002d). Commission to Probe Yendi Clashes. Thursday, April 25 2002. https://www.ghanaweb.com/GhanaHomePage/NewsArchive/Commission-To-Probe-Yendi-Clashes-23571 (accessed on July 17 2021).
- Ghana. (1992). Constitution of the Republic of Ghana. Accra: Ghana Publishing Corporation.
- Herbst, J. (2000). States and power in Africa: Comparative lessons in authority and control.NJ: Princeton University Press.
- Hope, K. E. and Osei, F. K. (2019). Ghana: Yaa-Naa Hails Asantehene, Eminent Chiefs for Resolving 16-Year-Old Dagbon Chieftancy Conflict, December 12 https://allafrica.com/stories/201912120636.html (accessed on July 17 2021).
- Idahosa, P. L. E., (1998). Review of Citizen and Subject: Contemporary Africa and the Legacy of Late Colonialism, by Mahmood Mamdani, The International History Review, Vol. 20, No. 2 (1998): pp. 493-496.
- Independent Ghana (2018). Peace at Dagbon in Sight As Andanis And Abudus Agree To Road Map.
- November 22, https://theindependentghana.com/2018/11/peace-in-sight-andanis-and-abudus-agree-to-road-map/ (accessed on July 17 2021).
- Kamasah, Andreas (2019). Yendi in a frenzy state as new Yaa Naa is outdoored today, Pulse, January 25 https://www.pulse.com.gh/filla/yendi-in-a-frenzy-state-as-new-yaa-naa-is-outdoored-today/hxvyj6g (accessed on July 17 2021).
- Keita, L. D. (1997). Review of Citizen and Subject: Contemporary Africa and the Legacy of Late Colonialism, by Mahmood Mamdani, The Western Journal of Black Studies, Vol. 21, No., 2, (1997): pp. 148-149.
- Knierzinger, J. (2011). Chieftaincy and development in Ghana: From political intermediaries to neotraditional development brokers. Department of Anthropology and African Studies of the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, 124. Ladouceur, Paul (1972).The Yendi Chieftaincy Dispute and Ghanaian Politics. Canadian
- Journal of African Studies, 4 (1): 97-115.
- Lee, A. and Schultz, K. (2012). Comparing British and French Colonial Legacies: A Discontinuity Analysis of Cameroon. Quarterly Journal of Political Science 2012, 7: 1–46
- Morapedi, Wazha G. (2010). “Demise or resilience? Customary Law and Chieftaincy in Twenty-First Century Botswana.” Journal of Contemporary African Studies 28(2): 215-230.
- Moti, U. G. (2019). Neopatrimonialism as a functional threat to good governance and development in Africa. American Journal of Humanities Social Science, 2(10), 08- 28.Shaw, C. M. (1998). Review of Citizen and Subject: Contemporary Africa and the Legacy of Late
- Colonialism, by Mahmood Mamdani, American Ethnologist, Vol. 25, No. 3 (1998): pp. 531-532.
- Nolte, Insa. (2002). Chieftaincy and the State in Abacha’s Nigeria: Kingship, Political Rivalry and Competing Histories in Abeokuta during the 1990s.” Africa 72 (3): 46-89.
- Omagu, Donald O. (2013). “African Culture and Tradition at the Crossroad: The Institution of Chieftaincy and the Paradox of Modernity in Bekwarra.” Canadian Social Science 9 (6): 1-14.
- Owusu-Mensah, Isaac. (2013). “Politics, Chieftaincy and Customary Law in Ghana.”KAS International Reports 9: 31-48.
- Political Structures and Governance in Africa, Olufemi Vaughan (ed.), pp. 3-25. Ibadan: Sefer Books.
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- The Ghana Report (2019). Historic! Yendi goes agog as new Yaa Naa is crowned today, January 25 https://www.theghanareport.com/historic-yendi-goes-agog-as-new-yaa-naa-is-crowned-today/ (accessed on July 17 2021).
- The Ghanaian Times (2019). Yaa-Naa hails Asantehene, eminent chiefs for resolving 16-year-old Dagbon chieftancy conflict, December 12 https://www.ghanaiantimes.com.gh/yaa-naa-hails-asantehene-eminent-chiefs-for-
- resolving-16-year-old-dagbon-chieftancy-conflict/ (accessed on July 17 2021).
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- Tint, Barbara (2010). History, memory, and intractable conflict. Conflict Resolution Quarterly 27 (3): 239-256.
- Uwazie, Ernest E. (2011). “Alternative Dispute Resolution in Africa: Preventing Conflict and Enhancing Stability.” Africa Security Brief, No. 16: 1-6.
- Whitaker, C. Sylvester. (1970). The Politics of Tradition and Continuity in Northern Nigeria. Princeton. NJ: Princeton University Press.
- Knierzinger, J. (2011). Chieftaincy and development in Ghana: From political intermediaries to neotraditional development brokers. Department of Anthropology and African Studies of the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, 124.
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Adjei, Sammy Award (2019). Prez Nana Akufo-Addo With Honorary Doctorate Of Peace For Sealing Dagbon Crises January 24, 2019 https://newsghana.com.gh/award-prez-nana-akufo-addo-with-honorary-doctorate-of-peace-for-sealingdagbon-crises/ (accessed on July 17 2021).
Alhassan, Zakaria and Duodu (2019). Yaa Naa enskinment on course in spite of attack. January 21,https://www.graphic.com.gh/news/general-news/ghana-news-yaa-naa-enskinment-on-course-in-spite-of-attack.html (accessed on July 17 2021).
Awedoba, A. K. (2009). An ethnographic study of northern Ghanaian conflicts: Towards a sustainable peace. Accra: Sub-Saharan Publishers.
Bob-Milliar, George M. (2009). “Chieftaincy, Diaspora, and Development: The Institution of Nksuohene in Ghana,” African Affairs 108: 541-558.
Bolaji, M. H. A. (2016). Beneath politicisation: The unacknowledged constitutional crisis in the Dagbon succession conflict in Ghana. Journal of Legal Pluralism and Unofficial Law, 42(2): 1–30.
Bolaji, M. H. A. (2018). A Checkered Legal Pluralism and the Dagbon Succession Conflict: Modernity and Tradition as Inharmonious Bedfellows. In: Critical Notes on Northern Ghana’s Development: History, Geography, Institutions, Politics and Development in Contention, M. H. A. Bolaji and A. A. Apusigah (eds.), pp. 111-134. New York: Nova Publication Publishers.
Bolaji, M. H. A. (2020). Mutual complicity, state irrelevance and restorative justice: Dagbon’s future in dire need of reciprocal royal forgiveness. Contemporary Justice Review: Issues in Criminal, Social, and Restorative Justice 24(2): 218-244.
Cheka, Cosmas. (2008). Traditional Authority at the Crossroads of Governance in Republican Cameroon, Africa Development. 36 (2):
Ekeh, Peter P. (1975). Colonialism and the two publics in Africa: A theoretical statement.Comparative Studies in Society and History 17 (1): 91-112.
Englebert, P. 2002. Patterns and theories of traditional resurgence in tropical Africa.”Mondes en Developpement. 30 (118): 51-64.
General News (2002a) Kufuor meets Yendi crisis mediation team Thursday, April 4 2002. https://www.ghanaweb.com/GhanaHomePage/NewsArchive/Kufuormeets-Yendi-crisis-mediation-team-22983 (accessed on July 17 2021).
General News (2002b). Kufuor meets Asantehene ... Friday, April 5 2002. https://www.ghanaweb.com/GhanaHomePage/NewsArchive/Kufuor-meets- Asantehene-23036 (accessed on July 17 2021).
General News (2002c). Yendi Mediation Team begins deliberations. Friday, April 5 2002 https://www.ghanaweb.com/GhanaHomePage/NewsArchive/YendiMediation-Team-begins-deliberations-23022 (accessed on July 17 2021).
General News (2002d). Commission to Probe Yendi Clashes. Thursday, April 25 2002. https://www.ghanaweb.com/GhanaHomePage/NewsArchive/Commission-To-Probe-Yendi-Clashes-23571 (accessed on July 17 2021).
Ghana. (1992). Constitution of the Republic of Ghana. Accra: Ghana Publishing Corporation.
Herbst, J. (2000). States and power in Africa: Comparative lessons in authority and control.NJ: Princeton University Press.
Hope, K. E. and Osei, F. K. (2019). Ghana: Yaa-Naa Hails Asantehene, Eminent Chiefs for Resolving 16-Year-Old Dagbon Chieftancy Conflict, December 12 https://allafrica.com/stories/201912120636.html (accessed on July 17 2021).
Idahosa, P. L. E., (1998). Review of Citizen and Subject: Contemporary Africa and the Legacy of Late Colonialism, by Mahmood Mamdani, The International History Review, Vol. 20, No. 2 (1998): pp. 493-496.
Independent Ghana (2018). Peace at Dagbon in Sight As Andanis And Abudus Agree To Road Map.
November 22, https://theindependentghana.com/2018/11/peace-in-sight-andanis-and-abudus-agree-to-road-map/ (accessed on July 17 2021).
Kamasah, Andreas (2019). Yendi in a frenzy state as new Yaa Naa is outdoored today, Pulse, January 25 https://www.pulse.com.gh/filla/yendi-in-a-frenzy-state-as-new-yaa-naa-is-outdoored-today/hxvyj6g (accessed on July 17 2021).
Keita, L. D. (1997). Review of Citizen and Subject: Contemporary Africa and the Legacy of Late Colonialism, by Mahmood Mamdani, The Western Journal of Black Studies, Vol. 21, No., 2, (1997): pp. 148-149.
Knierzinger, J. (2011). Chieftaincy and development in Ghana: From political intermediaries to neotraditional development brokers. Department of Anthropology and African Studies of the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, 124. Ladouceur, Paul (1972).The Yendi Chieftaincy Dispute and Ghanaian Politics. Canadian
Journal of African Studies, 4 (1): 97-115.
Lee, A. and Schultz, K. (2012). Comparing British and French Colonial Legacies: A Discontinuity Analysis of Cameroon. Quarterly Journal of Political Science 2012, 7: 1–46
Morapedi, Wazha G. (2010). “Demise or resilience? Customary Law and Chieftaincy in Twenty-First Century Botswana.” Journal of Contemporary African Studies 28(2): 215-230.
Moti, U. G. (2019). Neopatrimonialism as a functional threat to good governance and development in Africa. American Journal of Humanities Social Science, 2(10), 08- 28.Shaw, C. M. (1998). Review of Citizen and Subject: Contemporary Africa and the Legacy of Late
Colonialism, by Mahmood Mamdani, American Ethnologist, Vol. 25, No. 3 (1998): pp. 531-532.
Nolte, Insa. (2002). Chieftaincy and the State in Abacha’s Nigeria: Kingship, Political Rivalry and Competing Histories in Abeokuta during the 1990s.” Africa 72 (3): 46-89.
Omagu, Donald O. (2013). “African Culture and Tradition at the Crossroad: The Institution of Chieftaincy and the Paradox of Modernity in Bekwarra.” Canadian Social Science 9 (6): 1-14.
Owusu-Mensah, Isaac. (2013). “Politics, Chieftaincy and Customary Law in Ghana.”KAS International Reports 9: 31-48.
Political Structures and Governance in Africa, Olufemi Vaughan (ed.), pp. 3-25. Ibadan: Sefer Books.
Staniland, Martin. (1973). The manipulation of tradition: Politics in northern Ghana. Journal of Development Studies 9 (3): 373-389.
Staniland, Martin. (1975). The Lions of Dagbon: Political Change in Northern Ghana.Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
The Ghana Report (2019). Historic! Yendi goes agog as new Yaa Naa is crowned today, January 25 https://www.theghanareport.com/historic-yendi-goes-agog-as-new-yaa-naa-is-crowned-today/ (accessed on July 17 2021).
The Ghanaian Times (2019). Yaa-Naa hails Asantehene, eminent chiefs for resolving 16-year-old Dagbon chieftancy conflict, December 12 https://www.ghanaiantimes.com.gh/yaa-naa-hails-asantehene-eminent-chiefs-for-
resolving-16-year-old-dagbon-chieftancy-conflict/ (accessed on July 17 2021).
The Confidential Online (2019). New Ya Na promises to be just to all. January 25. http://theconfidentialonline.com/new-ya-na-promises-to-be-just-to-all/ (accessed on July 17 2021).
Tint, Barbara (2010). History, memory, and intractable conflict. Conflict Resolution Quarterly 27 (3): 239-256.
Uwazie, Ernest E. (2011). “Alternative Dispute Resolution in Africa: Preventing Conflict and Enhancing Stability.” Africa Security Brief, No. 16: 1-6.
Whitaker, C. Sylvester. (1970). The Politics of Tradition and Continuity in Northern Nigeria. Princeton. NJ: Princeton University Press.
Knierzinger, J. (2011). Chieftaincy and development in Ghana: From political intermediaries to neotraditional development brokers. Department of Anthropology and African Studies of the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, 124.
Wuaku Commission Report. (2002). Report of the Commission of Inquiry into the Yendi Skin Affairs. Accra: Ghana Publishing Corporation.
Yakubu, Abudulai. (2005). The Abudu-Andani Crisis of Dagbon: A Historical and Legal of the Yendi Skin Affairs. Accra: MPC.