6 - Effet des caractéristiques pré-admissions et de l’expérience du système universitaire sur la persévérance aux études en enseignement supérieur : perspective de recherche en Afrique
Corresponding Author(s) : Eric Frenette
Journal of Higher Education in Africa,
Vol. 15 No. 2 (2017): Journal of Higher Education in Africa
L’enseignement supérieur est considéré comme un moyen privilégié pour former une main-d’œuvre hautement qualifiée visant à assurer le progrès économique et social d’un pays. Romainville et Michaut 2012...mais les universités publiques africaines peinent généralement à maintenir les étudiants qui y accèdent . Zagré 2007The purpose of this article is to analyze the effect of pre-admission characteristics (family background, personal characteristics, previous school experience) and experience of the university system (class experiences, university resources including bursaries, loans or grants) on perseverance in higher education through a systematic review of the scientific literature, according to the nine stages proposed by Gough (2007). Despite operationalization based on various studies, pre-admission characteristics, experience of the university system and student perseverance are interrelated. One study proposes the mediating role of university system experience in the relationship between pre-admission characteristics and perseverance in higher education studies. This role is enhanced by the fact that it reduces pre-admission inequalities. The use of multi-year data is appropriate in estimating the longitudinal impact of the mediating role with a robust model such as Tinto’s (1997).
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- Allen, D. F., & Bir, B., 2012, « Academic Confidence and Summer Bridge Learning Communities: Path Analytic Linkages to Student Persistence », Journal of College Student Retention, 13, 519-548.
- Arbelo-Marrero, F., & Milacci, F., 2016, « A Phenomenological Investigation of the Academic Persistence of Undergraduate Hispanic Nontraditional Students at Hispanic Serving Institutions », Journal of Hispanic Higher Education, 15, 22-40. Astin, A. W., 1976, Preventing students from dropping out, San Francisco, Jossey-Bass. Bean, J. P., 1983, « The Application of a Model of Turnover in Work Organizationsto the Student Attrition Process », The Review of Higher Education, 6, 129-148.
- Bearman, M., Smith, C. D., Carbone, A., Slade, S., Baik, C., Hughes-Warrington, M. & Neumann, D. L., 2012, « Systematic review methodology in higher education », Higher Education Research & Development, 31, 625-640.
- Bourdieu, P. & Passeron, J.-C., 1977, Reproduction in education, society and culture,London, Sage Publications.
- Braxton, J., & Hirschy, A., 2005, « Theoretical developments in college student departure », In: SEIDMAN, A. (ed.) College student retention: Formula for student success. Westport, Greenwood Press: Praeger Publishers.
- Breier, M., 2010, From ‘financial considerations’ to ‘poverty’: towards a reconceptualisation of the role of finances in higher education student drop out. Higher Education, 60, 657-670.
- Butler-Barnes, S., Chavous, T., Hurd, N. & Varner, F., 2013, « African American Adolescents’ Academic Persistence: A Strengths-Based Approach », Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 42, 1443-58.
- Cabrera, A. F., Stampen, J. O., & Hansen, W. L., 1990, « Exploring the Effects of Ability to Pay on Persistence in College », The Review of Higher Education, 13, 303-336. Chen, R., 2008, « Financial Aid and Student Dropout in Higher Education: A Heterogeneous Research Approach », In: SMART, J. C. (ed.) Higher Education.
- Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands.
- Chenard, P. & Doray, P., 2005, L’enjeu de la réussite dans l’enseignement supérieur,Sainte-Foy, Presses de l’Université du Québec.
- Choy, S., 2001, « Students Whose Parents did not go to College: Postsecondary Access, Persistence and Attainment » In: DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION,N. C. F. E. S. (ed.). Washington, D.C. : U.S.
- Clark, B. R., 1960, « The “Cooling-Out” Function in Higher Education », American Journal of Sociology, 65, 569-576.
- David, R. J., & Han, S. K., 2004, « A systematic assessment of the empirical support for transaction cost economics », Strategic Management Journal, 25, 39-58.
- Dowd, A. C., 2004, « Income and financial aid effects on persistence and degree attainment in public colleges », education policy analysis archives, 12, 21.
- Duncan, O. D., Featherman, D. L. & Duncan, B. 1972, Socioeconomic background and achievement, New York, Seminar Press.
- Engstrom, C. & Tinto, V., 2008a, Access WITHOUT SUPPORT IS not OPPORTUNITY. Change, 40, 46-50.
- Engstrom, C. & Tinto, V., 2008b, « Access Without Support is not Opportunity »,Change: The Magazine of Higher Learning, 40, 46-50.
- Featherman, D. L., & Hauser, R. M., 1978, Opportunity and change, New York, Academic Press.
- Gough, D., 2007, « Weight of Evidence: a framework for the appraisal of the quality and relevance of evidence », Research Papers in Education, 22, 213-228.
- Hansen, W. L., 1983, « Impact of Student Financial Aid on Access », Proceedings of the Academy of Political Science, 35, 84-96.
- Heilbrun, A. B., 1965, « Personality Factors In College Dropout », The Journal ofapplied psychology, 49, 1.
- Ishitani, T. T., 2006, « Studying Attrition and Degree Completion Behavior among First-Generation College Students in the United States », Journal of Higher Education, 77, 861-885.
- Ishitani, T. T., 2016, « Time-Varying Effects of Academic and Social Integration on Student Persistence for First and Second Years in College », Journal of College Student Retention: Research, Theory & Practice, 18, 263-286.
- Ishitani, T. T., & Desjardins, S. L., 2002, « A Longitudinal Investigation of Dropout from College in the United States », Journal of College Student Retention, 4, 173-201. Kamanzi, P. C., Bastien, N., Doray, P. & Magnan, M.-O. 2016, « Immigration et cheminements scolaires aux études supérieures au Canada : qui y va et quand ? Une analyse longitudinale à partir du modèle de Cox. 46 », Available: http://journals.
- Kamanzi, P. C., Doray, P., Bonin, S., Groleau, A., & Murdoch, J., 2010, « Les étudiants de premiére génération dans les universités : l’accès et la persévérance aux études au Canada », (French) Canadian Journal of Higher Education, 40, 1-24. Kobiané, J.-F. & Pilon, M., 2013, Parcours académique des étudiants de l’Université de Ouagadougou, Ouagadougou: Burkina Faso, Presses universitaires de Ouagadougou.
- Lakhal, S., 2012, L’effet de la personnalité sur le choix de la concentration, l’attrait et la performance aux méthodes d’évaluation dans la perspective de l’aide à la réussite à l’université en sciences de l’administration, 28662 CaQQLA Thèse (Ph. D.), Université Laval.
- Landry, R., 2009, « La recherche, comment s’y retrouver ? revue systématique des écrits sur le transfert de connaissances en éducation », [Québec: Éducation, loisir et sport Québec].
- Leppel, K., 2002, « Similarities and Differences in the College Persistence of Men and Women », The Review of Higher Education, 25, 433-450.
- Martin Lohfink, M. & Paulsen, M. B., 2005, « Comparing the Determinants of Persistence for First-Generation and Continuing-Generation Students », Journal of College Student Development, 46, 409-428.
- Murdoch, J., Doray, P., Comoé, É., Groleau, A., & Kamanzi, C., 2012, « Les inégalités sociales et scolaires d’accès à l’enseignement supérieur Canadien », In: ROMAINVILLE, M. & MICHAUT, C. (eds.)
- Réussite, échec et abandon dans l’enseignement supérieur Bruxelles: Belgique: de Boeck.
- Murtaugh, P., Burns, L., & Schuster, J. 1999, « Predicting The Retention Of University Students », Research in Higher Education, 40, 355-371.
- Nicpon, M. F., Huser, L., Blanks, E. H., Sollenberger, S., Befort, C. & Kurpius, S.E. R. 2006, « The Relationship of Loneliness and Social Support with College Freshmen’s Academic Performance and Persistence », Journal of College Student Retention, 8, 345-358.
- Nunez, A.-M., Cuccaro-Alamin, S. & Mpr Associates, B. C. A., 1998, First- Generation Students: Undergraduates Whose Parents Never Enrolled in Postsecondary Education, Statistical Analysis Report, Postsecondary EducationDescriptive Analysis Reports.
- Pascarella, E. T., Pierson, C. T., Wolniak, G. C., & Terenzini, P. T., 2004, « First- Generation College Students: Additional Evidence on College Experiences and Outcomes », The Journal of Higher Education, 75, 249-284.
- Pascarella, E. T., & Terenzini, P. T., 1980, « Predicting Freshman Persistence and Voluntary Dropout Decisions from a Theoretical Model. » The Journal of Higher Education, 51, 60-75.
- Racette, N., 2010, « Augmenter la persévérance et la réussite en formation à distance à l’aide d’un programme motivationnel* », Revue des sciences de l’éducation, 36, 421-443.
- Romainville, M. & Michaut, C., 2012, Réussite, échec et abandon dans l’enseignement supérieur, Bruxelles, De Boeck.
- St. John, E., Kirshstein, R., & Noell, J., 1991, « The Effects of Student Financial Aid on Persistence: A Sequential Analysis, Review of Higher Education, 14, 383-406. Terkla, D. G., 1985, « Does Financial Aid Enhance Undergraduate Persistence? »the Journal of student financial aid, 15, 11.
- Tinto, V., 1975, « Dropout from Higher Education: A Theoretical Synthesis of Recent Research », Review of Educational Research, 45, 89-125.
- Tinto, V., 1993, Leaving college : rethinking the causes and cures of student attrition,Chicago, University of Chicago Press.
- Tinto, V., 1997, « Classrooms as Communities: Exploring the Educational Character of Student Persistence », The Journal of Higher Education, 68, 599-623.
- Tinto, V., 1998, « Colleges as Communities: Taking Research on Student Persistence Seriously », The Review of Higher Education, 21, 167-177.
- Van Zyl, A., 2016, « The contours of inequality: The links between socio-economic status of students and other variables at the University of Johannesburg », Journal of Student Affairs in Africa, 4, 1-16.
- Veal, J. L., Bull, M. J. & Miller, J. F., 2012, « A framework of academic persistence and success for ethnically diverse graduate nursing students », Nurs Educ Perspect, 33, 322-7.
- Walsh, K. J. & Robinson Kurpius, S. E., 2016, « Parental, Residential, and Self-Belief Factors Influencing Academic Persistence Decisions of College Freshmen », Journal of College Student Retention: Research, Theory & Practice, 18, 49-67.
- Wood, J. L., 2014, « Examining academic variables affecting the persistence and attainment of black male collegians: a focus on academic performance and integration in the two-year college », Race Ethnicity and Education, 17, 601-622. Zagré, A., 2007, Regard sur l’enseignement supérieur au Burkina Faso, Ouagadougou :Burkina Faso.
Allen, D. F., & Bir, B., 2012, « Academic Confidence and Summer Bridge Learning Communities: Path Analytic Linkages to Student Persistence », Journal of College Student Retention, 13, 519-548.
Arbelo-Marrero, F., & Milacci, F., 2016, « A Phenomenological Investigation of the Academic Persistence of Undergraduate Hispanic Nontraditional Students at Hispanic Serving Institutions », Journal of Hispanic Higher Education, 15, 22-40. Astin, A. W., 1976, Preventing students from dropping out, San Francisco, Jossey-Bass. Bean, J. P., 1983, « The Application of a Model of Turnover in Work Organizationsto the Student Attrition Process », The Review of Higher Education, 6, 129-148.
Bearman, M., Smith, C. D., Carbone, A., Slade, S., Baik, C., Hughes-Warrington, M. & Neumann, D. L., 2012, « Systematic review methodology in higher education », Higher Education Research & Development, 31, 625-640.
Bourdieu, P. & Passeron, J.-C., 1977, Reproduction in education, society and culture,London, Sage Publications.
Braxton, J., & Hirschy, A., 2005, « Theoretical developments in college student departure », In: SEIDMAN, A. (ed.) College student retention: Formula for student success. Westport, Greenwood Press: Praeger Publishers.
Breier, M., 2010, From ‘financial considerations’ to ‘poverty’: towards a reconceptualisation of the role of finances in higher education student drop out. Higher Education, 60, 657-670.
Butler-Barnes, S., Chavous, T., Hurd, N. & Varner, F., 2013, « African American Adolescents’ Academic Persistence: A Strengths-Based Approach », Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 42, 1443-58.
Cabrera, A. F., Stampen, J. O., & Hansen, W. L., 1990, « Exploring the Effects of Ability to Pay on Persistence in College », The Review of Higher Education, 13, 303-336. Chen, R., 2008, « Financial Aid and Student Dropout in Higher Education: A Heterogeneous Research Approach », In: SMART, J. C. (ed.) Higher Education.
Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands.
Chenard, P. & Doray, P., 2005, L’enjeu de la réussite dans l’enseignement supérieur,Sainte-Foy, Presses de l’Université du Québec.
Choy, S., 2001, « Students Whose Parents did not go to College: Postsecondary Access, Persistence and Attainment » In: DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION,N. C. F. E. S. (ed.). Washington, D.C. : U.S.
Clark, B. R., 1960, « The “Cooling-Out” Function in Higher Education », American Journal of Sociology, 65, 569-576.
David, R. J., & Han, S. K., 2004, « A systematic assessment of the empirical support for transaction cost economics », Strategic Management Journal, 25, 39-58.
Dowd, A. C., 2004, « Income and financial aid effects on persistence and degree attainment in public colleges », education policy analysis archives, 12, 21.
Duncan, O. D., Featherman, D. L. & Duncan, B. 1972, Socioeconomic background and achievement, New York, Seminar Press.
Engstrom, C. & Tinto, V., 2008a, Access WITHOUT SUPPORT IS not OPPORTUNITY. Change, 40, 46-50.
Engstrom, C. & Tinto, V., 2008b, « Access Without Support is not Opportunity »,Change: The Magazine of Higher Learning, 40, 46-50.
Featherman, D. L., & Hauser, R. M., 1978, Opportunity and change, New York, Academic Press.
Gough, D., 2007, « Weight of Evidence: a framework for the appraisal of the quality and relevance of evidence », Research Papers in Education, 22, 213-228.
Hansen, W. L., 1983, « Impact of Student Financial Aid on Access », Proceedings of the Academy of Political Science, 35, 84-96.
Heilbrun, A. B., 1965, « Personality Factors In College Dropout », The Journal ofapplied psychology, 49, 1.
Ishitani, T. T., 2006, « Studying Attrition and Degree Completion Behavior among First-Generation College Students in the United States », Journal of Higher Education, 77, 861-885.
Ishitani, T. T., 2016, « Time-Varying Effects of Academic and Social Integration on Student Persistence for First and Second Years in College », Journal of College Student Retention: Research, Theory & Practice, 18, 263-286.
Ishitani, T. T., & Desjardins, S. L., 2002, « A Longitudinal Investigation of Dropout from College in the United States », Journal of College Student Retention, 4, 173-201. Kamanzi, P. C., Bastien, N., Doray, P. & Magnan, M.-O. 2016, « Immigration et cheminements scolaires aux études supérieures au Canada : qui y va et quand ? Une analyse longitudinale à partir du modèle de Cox. 46 », Available: http://journals.
Kamanzi, P. C., Doray, P., Bonin, S., Groleau, A., & Murdoch, J., 2010, « Les étudiants de premiére génération dans les universités : l’accès et la persévérance aux études au Canada », (French) Canadian Journal of Higher Education, 40, 1-24. Kobiané, J.-F. & Pilon, M., 2013, Parcours académique des étudiants de l’Université de Ouagadougou, Ouagadougou: Burkina Faso, Presses universitaires de Ouagadougou.
Lakhal, S., 2012, L’effet de la personnalité sur le choix de la concentration, l’attrait et la performance aux méthodes d’évaluation dans la perspective de l’aide à la réussite à l’université en sciences de l’administration, 28662 CaQQLA Thèse (Ph. D.), Université Laval.
Landry, R., 2009, « La recherche, comment s’y retrouver ? revue systématique des écrits sur le transfert de connaissances en éducation », [Québec: Éducation, loisir et sport Québec].
Leppel, K., 2002, « Similarities and Differences in the College Persistence of Men and Women », The Review of Higher Education, 25, 433-450.
Martin Lohfink, M. & Paulsen, M. B., 2005, « Comparing the Determinants of Persistence for First-Generation and Continuing-Generation Students », Journal of College Student Development, 46, 409-428.
Murdoch, J., Doray, P., Comoé, É., Groleau, A., & Kamanzi, C., 2012, « Les inégalités sociales et scolaires d’accès à l’enseignement supérieur Canadien », In: ROMAINVILLE, M. & MICHAUT, C. (eds.)
Réussite, échec et abandon dans l’enseignement supérieur Bruxelles: Belgique: de Boeck.
Murtaugh, P., Burns, L., & Schuster, J. 1999, « Predicting The Retention Of University Students », Research in Higher Education, 40, 355-371.
Nicpon, M. F., Huser, L., Blanks, E. H., Sollenberger, S., Befort, C. & Kurpius, S.E. R. 2006, « The Relationship of Loneliness and Social Support with College Freshmen’s Academic Performance and Persistence », Journal of College Student Retention, 8, 345-358.
Nunez, A.-M., Cuccaro-Alamin, S. & Mpr Associates, B. C. A., 1998, First- Generation Students: Undergraduates Whose Parents Never Enrolled in Postsecondary Education, Statistical Analysis Report, Postsecondary EducationDescriptive Analysis Reports.
Pascarella, E. T., Pierson, C. T., Wolniak, G. C., & Terenzini, P. T., 2004, « First- Generation College Students: Additional Evidence on College Experiences and Outcomes », The Journal of Higher Education, 75, 249-284.
Pascarella, E. T., & Terenzini, P. T., 1980, « Predicting Freshman Persistence and Voluntary Dropout Decisions from a Theoretical Model. » The Journal of Higher Education, 51, 60-75.
Racette, N., 2010, « Augmenter la persévérance et la réussite en formation à distance à l’aide d’un programme motivationnel* », Revue des sciences de l’éducation, 36, 421-443.
Romainville, M. & Michaut, C., 2012, Réussite, échec et abandon dans l’enseignement supérieur, Bruxelles, De Boeck.
St. John, E., Kirshstein, R., & Noell, J., 1991, « The Effects of Student Financial Aid on Persistence: A Sequential Analysis, Review of Higher Education, 14, 383-406. Terkla, D. G., 1985, « Does Financial Aid Enhance Undergraduate Persistence? »the Journal of student financial aid, 15, 11.
Tinto, V., 1975, « Dropout from Higher Education: A Theoretical Synthesis of Recent Research », Review of Educational Research, 45, 89-125.
Tinto, V., 1993, Leaving college : rethinking the causes and cures of student attrition,Chicago, University of Chicago Press.
Tinto, V., 1997, « Classrooms as Communities: Exploring the Educational Character of Student Persistence », The Journal of Higher Education, 68, 599-623.
Tinto, V., 1998, « Colleges as Communities: Taking Research on Student Persistence Seriously », The Review of Higher Education, 21, 167-177.
Van Zyl, A., 2016, « The contours of inequality: The links between socio-economic status of students and other variables at the University of Johannesburg », Journal of Student Affairs in Africa, 4, 1-16.
Veal, J. L., Bull, M. J. & Miller, J. F., 2012, « A framework of academic persistence and success for ethnically diverse graduate nursing students », Nurs Educ Perspect, 33, 322-7.
Walsh, K. J. & Robinson Kurpius, S. E., 2016, « Parental, Residential, and Self-Belief Factors Influencing Academic Persistence Decisions of College Freshmen », Journal of College Student Retention: Research, Theory & Practice, 18, 49-67.
Wood, J. L., 2014, « Examining academic variables affecting the persistence and attainment of black male collegians: a focus on academic performance and integration in the two-year college », Race Ethnicity and Education, 17, 601-622. Zagré, A., 2007, Regard sur l’enseignement supérieur au Burkina Faso, Ouagadougou :Burkina Faso.