2 - The South African Experience with Developing and Implementing a Funding Formula for the Tertiary Education System
Journal of Higher Education in Africa,
Vol. 2 No. 3 (2004): Journal of Higher Education in Africa
The funding framework developed in South Africa for institutions of higher edu- cation during the apartheid era raises serious concerns related to equity (access, particularly of the disadvantaged black majority) and efficiency (of outputs and outcomes, particularly, but not only, at historically black institutions). The new funding framework proposed in the government’s 1997 White Paper re- conceptualises the relationship between institutional costs and government expen- ditures. This framework is seen as a distributive mechanism to allocate govern- ment funds to individual institutions in accordance both with the budget made available by government and with government’s policy priorities. Institutions now receive (a) block funds (research funds, teaching funds determined by student num- bers and outputs, and institutional funds for redress purposes), and (b) earmarked funds for specific purposes (e.g., student financial aid and research development). This framework has important implications for equity and efficiency including predictability; the recognition of a hard budget constraint; promoting institutional autonomy and equity; rewards for research outputs; rewards for graduate outputs that supply the country’s human development needs; and enhanced equity through capacity building, research development, and foundation programmes.
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- Bunting, I., 2002, ‘Funding’ in Transformation in Higher Education: Global Pressures and Local Realities in South Africa. Pretoria: Centre for Higher Education Transformation in South Africa (CHET).
- South Africa Department of Education, 1997a, Education White Paper 3: A Programme for the Transformation of Higher Education. General Notice 1196 of 1997. Pretoria: Author.
- South Africa Department of Education, 1997b, Higher Education Act of the Republic of South Africa. No. General Notice 101 of 1997, Pretoria: Author.
- South Africa Ministry of Education, 2002 November, Funding of Public Higher Education: A New Funding Framework. Revised, Pretoria: Author.
- South Africa Ministry of Education, 2003 November, Schedule: Funding of Public Higher Education, Pretoria: Author.
- South Africa Ministry of Education, 2004 February, Statement on Higher Education Funding: 2004/05 to 2006/07, Pretoria: Author
Bunting, I., 2002, ‘Funding’ in Transformation in Higher Education: Global Pressures and Local Realities in South Africa. Pretoria: Centre for Higher Education Transformation in South Africa (CHET).
South Africa Department of Education, 1997a, Education White Paper 3: A Programme for the Transformation of Higher Education. General Notice 1196 of 1997. Pretoria: Author.
South Africa Department of Education, 1997b, Higher Education Act of the Republic of South Africa. No. General Notice 101 of 1997, Pretoria: Author.
South Africa Ministry of Education, 2002 November, Funding of Public Higher Education: A New Funding Framework. Revised, Pretoria: Author.
South Africa Ministry of Education, 2003 November, Schedule: Funding of Public Higher Education, Pretoria: Author.
South Africa Ministry of Education, 2004 February, Statement on Higher Education Funding: 2004/05 to 2006/07, Pretoria: Author