3 - Income-Generating Activities in Higher Education: The Case of Kigali Institute of Science, Technology and Management (KIST)
Journal of Higher Education in Africa,
Vol. 2 No. 3 (2004): Journal of Higher Education in Africa
The Kigali Institute of Science, Technology and Management (KIST), Rwanda’s first higher education institution of technology, has taken the lead in entrepreneur- ial activities. In 2002 KIST generated 35 per cent of its budget from its various entrepreneurial activities. By 2008, this figure is projected to surpass 50 per cent. From its inception, it has combined conventional teaching with technology trans- fer initiatives. Particularly successful have been projects involving renewable en- ergies, waste-water management and food-processing. Products developed have included, for example, low-cost hand- and foot-powered water pumps, rainwater- harvesting systems, a crop dryer that uses either sunshine or biomass (such as rice husks, sawdust or firewood), etc. Using feedback from its community develop- ment officers, many of whom are women, KIST has modified simple machines to make them easier for women, trained rural women’s groups in business practices, and trains all of its students in basic business skills. KIST’s Information and Com- munication Technology Centre has become the country’s second biggest Internet service provider, as well as a major supplier of software and computer training. Another income source is providing paid part-time studies for working adults.
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- CITT (Centre for Innovations and Technology Transfer), Strategic Plan. Available at www.kist.ac.rw.
- IIEP, 1990, ‘Improving Effectiveness of Higher Education Institutions: Studies of the Management of Change’. A Research Program. IIEP/prg. BS/89.219 Rev. 4 (October 10), Paris: IIEP. IIEP, 1994, ‘The Management of Double Intakes: A Case Study of Kenyatta University’, Unpublished report.
- Kelly, M. J., Nkwanga, E. B., Kabwa, L. H., Achola, P. P. W., and Nilsson, K., 1989, ‘The Provision of Education for All: Towards the Implementation of Zambia’s Educational Reforms under Demographic and Economic Constraints, 1996–2000’ (School of Education, University of Zambia).
- KIST Annual Report, 2002–03. Available at www.kist.ac.rw.
- KIST Budget Documents, 2001, 2002, and 2003. Published in Rwandan Government Gazettes for their respective years by the Prime Minister’s Office.
- KIST Strategic Plan, 2001–06. Available at www.kist.ac.rw.
- KIST Planning Department, 2004, Strengthening of the Centre for Innovations and Technology Transfer (CITT). Unpublished report.
- KIST Planning Department, 2004, Technology and Business Incubation Facility (TBIF). Unpublished report.
- Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning, 2002, August, Rwanda Development Indicators, 5th ed. Unpublished report.
- Rwanda Ministry of Education, Science, Technology and Scientific Research, Development of Policy, Bill and Reorganisation of Higher Education, 2002 June. Unpublished report.
- Rwanda Ministry of Education, Science, Technology and Scientific Research, 2002 June. Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper. Unpublished report.
- Sunday-Kayemba, J., and Associates, 2004 March, The Study on Costs and Financing of Public Higher Education in Rwanda. Ministry of Education, Science, Technology and Scientific Research. Unpublished report.
- World Bank, 1988, ‘Education in Sub-Saharan Africa: Policies for Adjustment, Revitalization and Expansion’, Washington DC: World Bank.
CITT (Centre for Innovations and Technology Transfer), Strategic Plan. Available at www.kist.ac.rw.
IIEP, 1990, ‘Improving Effectiveness of Higher Education Institutions: Studies of the Management of Change’. A Research Program. IIEP/prg. BS/89.219 Rev. 4 (October 10), Paris: IIEP. IIEP, 1994, ‘The Management of Double Intakes: A Case Study of Kenyatta University’, Unpublished report.
Kelly, M. J., Nkwanga, E. B., Kabwa, L. H., Achola, P. P. W., and Nilsson, K., 1989, ‘The Provision of Education for All: Towards the Implementation of Zambia’s Educational Reforms under Demographic and Economic Constraints, 1996–2000’ (School of Education, University of Zambia).
KIST Annual Report, 2002–03. Available at www.kist.ac.rw.
KIST Budget Documents, 2001, 2002, and 2003. Published in Rwandan Government Gazettes for their respective years by the Prime Minister’s Office.
KIST Strategic Plan, 2001–06. Available at www.kist.ac.rw.
KIST Planning Department, 2004, Strengthening of the Centre for Innovations and Technology Transfer (CITT). Unpublished report.
KIST Planning Department, 2004, Technology and Business Incubation Facility (TBIF). Unpublished report.
Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning, 2002, August, Rwanda Development Indicators, 5th ed. Unpublished report.
Rwanda Ministry of Education, Science, Technology and Scientific Research, Development of Policy, Bill and Reorganisation of Higher Education, 2002 June. Unpublished report.
Rwanda Ministry of Education, Science, Technology and Scientific Research, 2002 June. Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper. Unpublished report.
Sunday-Kayemba, J., and Associates, 2004 March, The Study on Costs and Financing of Public Higher Education in Rwanda. Ministry of Education, Science, Technology and Scientific Research. Unpublished report.
World Bank, 1988, ‘Education in Sub-Saharan Africa: Policies for Adjustment, Revitalization and Expansion’, Washington DC: World Bank.