2 - Higher Education, Society, and Government: Changing Dynamics
Journal of Higher Education in Africa,
Vol. 2 No. 1 (2004): Journal of Higher Education in Africa
Reform strategies for Africa’s universities are adjusting to three macro-trends: market pressures, demographic forces, and changing donor perspectives. Market-like definitions of accountability with their related performance indi- cators—focused less on what is known than on how fast and effectively knowl- edge is transformed into technologies, skills, and economic growth—are gen- erating unprecedented institutional diversification in African higher education. This occurs as demographic forces threaten to deplete Africa of its most tal- ented students who, if given the chance, will migrate for training and work. In the growing international competition for students, the balance of trade will not favor Africa. Those donors who remain committed to Africa are searching for models in which Africa’s universities reposition themselves as indispens- able bridges between the national economy and the international knowledge economy. Ensuring that universities—despite market and demographic pres- sures—continue to promote the “public good” in higher education and ad- vanced research should be the strategy of choice.
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- Change: The Magazine of Higher Education (September/October 2000). Washington, DC: Heldref Publications.
- Chronicle of Higher Education. (2001, November 16).
- Coleman, J. S., & Court, D. (1993). University Development in the Third World: The Rockefeller Foundation experience. Oxford: Pergamon Press.
- Gibbons, M. (1998). Higher Education Relevance in the 21st century. Prepared for the UNESCO World Conference on Higher Education. Paris: Association of Commonwealth Universities.
- Population Division of the Department of Economic and Social Affairs, United Nations Secretariat (2000, March). Replacement Migration: Is it a Solution to Declining and Ageing Populations? (ESA/P/WP.160) New York: United Nations.
- Salmi, J. (n.d.). Tertiary education in the twenty-first century: Challenges and opportunities. Washington, DC: World Bank Tertiary Education Thematic Group.
- Salmi, J. (2002, Summer). New challenges for tertiary education: The World Bank report. International Higher Education, No. 28 pp. 7–9. Boston: Boston College. Singh, M. (n.d.). Re-inserting the “Public Good” into Higher Education Transformation. Johannesburg, South Africa: Council on Higher Education.
- Task Force on Higher Education in Developing Countries (2000). Higher Education in
- Developing Countries: Peril and Promise. Washington, DC: World Bank and UNESCO. Available at http://www.tfhe.net.
- Williamson, J. G. (2001, June). Demographic Shocks and Global factor Flows. Paper presented to the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston conference on Seismic Shifts:
- The Economic Impact of Demographic Change, Chatham, Massachusetts.
- World Bank (1999). Knowledge for Development: Summary of the World Development
- Report, 1998–99. Washington, DC: World Bank.
Change: The Magazine of Higher Education (September/October 2000). Washington, DC: Heldref Publications.
Chronicle of Higher Education. (2001, November 16).
Coleman, J. S., & Court, D. (1993). University Development in the Third World: The Rockefeller Foundation experience. Oxford: Pergamon Press.
Gibbons, M. (1998). Higher Education Relevance in the 21st century. Prepared for the UNESCO World Conference on Higher Education. Paris: Association of Commonwealth Universities.
Population Division of the Department of Economic and Social Affairs, United Nations Secretariat (2000, March). Replacement Migration: Is it a Solution to Declining and Ageing Populations? (ESA/P/WP.160) New York: United Nations.
Salmi, J. (n.d.). Tertiary education in the twenty-first century: Challenges and opportunities. Washington, DC: World Bank Tertiary Education Thematic Group.
Salmi, J. (2002, Summer). New challenges for tertiary education: The World Bank report. International Higher Education, No. 28 pp. 7–9. Boston: Boston College. Singh, M. (n.d.). Re-inserting the “Public Good” into Higher Education Transformation. Johannesburg, South Africa: Council on Higher Education.
Task Force on Higher Education in Developing Countries (2000). Higher Education in
Developing Countries: Peril and Promise. Washington, DC: World Bank and UNESCO. Available at http://www.tfhe.net.
Williamson, J. G. (2001, June). Demographic Shocks and Global factor Flows. Paper presented to the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston conference on Seismic Shifts:
The Economic Impact of Demographic Change, Chatham, Massachusetts.
World Bank (1999). Knowledge for Development: Summary of the World Development
Report, 1998–99. Washington, DC: World Bank.