11 - Household-level Social Capital in Cameroon and Children’s Schooling: A Gender Analysis
Corresponding Author(s) : Johannes Tabi Atemnkeng
Africa Development,
Vol. 35 No. 4 (2010): Africa Development
This article examines household-level social capital as a determinant of children’s schooling using a cross-sectional data of the 2001 Cameroon Household Survey. Reduced form demand equations of schooling for the entire sample, male and female children are estimated separately. Results indicate that parent’s education and income strongly influence parental decisions towards a child’s schooling. However, social capital, especially in the female dimension, is more important as both male and female children are equally given the opportunity to attend school and there is no gender bias in children’s schooling outcome when parents participate in groups or associations. We recommend the building of social capital by creating associations and encouraging females to be actively involved in such associative groups.
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Kingdon, G.G., 1998, Does the Labour Market Explain Lower female Schooling in India?, Journal of Development Studies 35(1), 10: 39–65.
Knack, S., 2001, Trust, Associational life and Economic Performance, in Helliwell, J.F. (ed.), The Contribution of Human and Social Capital to Sustained Economic Growth and Well-being, International Symposium Report, Human Resources Development Canada and OECD.
Knack, S. and Keefer, P., 1997, Does social capital have an economic pay off? A cross- country investigation, Quarterly Journal of Economics 112: 1251–1288.
Koura, D., 2001, L’influence des facteurs familiaux, scolaires et individuels sur l’abandon scolaire des filles en milieu rural, de la région de Ségou (Mali), Thèse de Doctorat (Ph.D.), Université de Montréal, Spécialité Sciences de l’Éducation, http://www.bcltechnologies.com/allpdf/
La Porta, R., Lopez-De-Silanes, F., Andrei, S. and Vishny, R., 1999, The quality of governments, Journal of Law and Economics (January): 222–278.
Lloyd, C.B. and Blanc, A.K., 1996, Children’s schooling in sub-Saharan Africa: The role of Fathers, Mothers, and Others, Population and Development Review 22(2): 265–298.
Loury, G., 1977, A Dynamic Theory of Racial Income Differences, in Wallace, P.A. and Le Mund, E. (eds), Women, Minorities, and Employment Discrimination. Lexington, MA: Lexington Books.
Maluccio, J., Haddad, L. and May, J., 2002, Social Capital and Household Welfare in South Africa, 1993–98, Journal of Development Studies 36(6).
Meier, A., 1999, Social Capital and School Achievement among Adolescents, CDE Working Paper No. 99-18, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Milligan, K., Moretti, E. and Oreopoulos, P., 2003, Does Education Improve Citizenship? Evidence from the US and the UK, NBER Working Paper No. 9584.
Narayan, Deepa, 1999), Complementarity and Substitution: The Role of Social Capital, Civic Engagement and Formal Institution in Poverty Reduction, Washington, DC (mimeo).
Narayan, D. and Pritchett, ??, 1999, Cents and Sociability: Household Income and Social Capital in Rural Tanzania, Economic Development and Change 47( 4).
N’jie, Makaireh, Loum, Abdoulie and Benet, Yves, 2002, Study of Parent–Teacher Associations at Lower Basic Schools in The Gambia, Department of State for Education and Action Aid, ERNWACA, Banjul, Gambia, 75pp.
OECD, 1998, Human Capital Investment, an International Comparison, Paris.
Olanrewaju, O., 2003, An empirical study of the gender gap in children schooling in Nigeria, African Journal of Economic Policy 10(1).
Putnam, R.D., 1993,. The Prosperous Community – Social Capital and Public Life, American Prospect 13: 35–42.
Putnam, R.D., 1995a, Bowling Alone: America’s Declining Social Capital, Journal of Democracy 6(1): 65–78.
Putnam, R.D., 1995b, Tuning in, Tuning Out: The Strange Disappearance of Social Capital in America, Political Science and Politics XXVIII: 664–683.
Putnam, R.D., 2000, Bowling Alone: The Collapse and Revival of American Community, New York: Simon & Schuster.
Sangare, S. and Diarra, I., 1997, Effet de la participation communautaires sur l’accès et la qualités de l’éducation de base: Le cas du Mali, ROCARE/Mali.
Seeley, J.R., Sim, A.R. and Loosley, E.W., 1956, Crestwood Heights: A Study of the Culture of Suburban Ife, New York: Basic Books.
Smith, M.H., Beaulieu, L.J. and Seraphine, A., 1995, Social Capital, Place of Residence and College Attendance, Rural Sociology 60(3): 363–381.
Tabi, A.J., 2010, Social Capital and Household Welfare in Cameroon: A Multidimensional Analysis” Revised Final Report, African Economic Research Consortium (AERC), Nairobi.
Tawah, R., 1998, Female Education in Cameroon, Bulletin No. 13 du Réseau OCISCA (Observatoire du Changement de l’innovation Sociale au Cameroun).
Teachman, J.D., Paasch, K. and Carver, K., 1996, Social Capital and Dropping Out of School Early, Journal of Marriage and the Family 58(9): 773–784.
UNICEF, Girls’ Education in Cameroon: 2003 Cameroon Country Highlights, www.unicef.org/girlseducation/index.html
Woolcock, M., 2001, The Place of Social Capital in Understanding Social and Economic Outcomes, ISUMA Canadian Journal of Policy Research 2(1): 11–17.
Woolcock, M. and Narayan, D., 2000, Social Capital: Implications for Development Theory, Research and Policy, World Bank Research Observer 15(2).
World Bank, 1998, The Initiative on Defining, Monitoring and Measuring Social Capital: Overview and Program Description, Social Capital Initiative Working Paper No. 1, Washington, DC: World Bank.
Zhang, J. and Davies, J., 1995, Gender Bias, Investments in Children and Bequests, International Economic Review 36(3); 795–818.