3 - The Determination and Analysis of Constraints in Resource Use Efficiency in Multiple Cropping Systems by Small-Holder Farmers in Ebonyi State, Nigeria
Corresponding Author(s) : Eugene C. Okorji
Africa Development,
Vol. 29 No. 3 (2004): Africa Development
The constraints militating against the smallholder fanners in multiple-cropping system in Ebonyi State, Nigeria were analysed. A multi-stage sampling technique was adopted to sample and administer questionnaires to 240 smallholder multiple croppers. Data were collected and analysed using descriptive statistics. High lease charges (45 percent), problems of land fragmentation (35 percent), the low fertility of the land (78 percent), the distance of cultivable land (52 percent) and sex discrimination (100 percent) were constraints militating against the efficiency of land use. The constraints against efficient labour use were the high cost of labour, emigration, sex discrimination, and other competing labour uses, which constituted 23 percent, 22 percent, 19 percent and 14 percent respectively. Responses regarding constraints against capital use referred to the non-availability of improved varieties of yam and cocoyam (29 percent), the high cost of modern inputs (36 percent), the lack of adequate finance (33 percent), and the lack of collaterals (22 percent). The study confirmed that multiple-cropping system would have been more efficient if these constraints were reduced or eradicated. Effective extension services as well as efficient policy formulation and implementation by government are therefore recommended.
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ABCCIMA, 1997, Abakaliki Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Mines and Agriculture Brochure. Agbilibeazu, L.O., 1984, Source, Uses and Credit Problems of Peasant Farmers in Ikwo Local Government Area. Akinsanmi, Ο., 1978, Certificate Agricultural Science, London, Longman Group Limited. Alimba, J.O. and Ezinwa, J.O., 2001, "Resource Productivity ofYam-Based Mixed Cropping System of Anambra State, South Eastern Nigeria', Journal of the Science of Agriculture. Food Technology and Environment, Vol. 2, No. 1, October 2002, pp. 63 - 67. Andrews, D.J and Kassan, A.H., 1976, "The Importance of Multiple Cropping in Increasing World Food Supplies', Pub. N" 27, Wisconsin, pp.1-10.This content downloaded from on Sat, 04 Dec 2021 14:07:23 UTC All use subject to https://about.jstor.org/terms
Awoke & Okorji: The Determination and Analysis of Constraints in Resource Use 69 Anthony, Y, Ezedinma F.O. and Ochapa, C.O., 1995, Introduction to Tropical Agriculture, 3rd Edition, London: Longman Group Ltd. Awoke, M.U. and Obeta, M.E., 1998, 'Economic Analysis of Small-Scale Yellow Pepper Enterprises in Nsukka Area', Citadel Journal, Vol 2, No 5. 1998. Collinson, M.P., 1972, Farm Management in Peasant Agriculture, New York: Frederick Praeger. Forbes, J.C., 1992, Plants in Agriculture, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Francis, C. Α., 1986, Multiple Cropping System in West and Central A frica, New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons. Fleady, E.O., 1952, Economics of Agricultural Production and Resource Use, Englewood Cliffs: Prentice Flail Inc. Idachaba F. S., 1993, 'Agricultural and Rural Development Under the Babangida Administration', in J.O. Osakwe, Seven Years of IBB - The Economy. Johnson, D.T., 1982, The Business of Farming·. A Guide to Farm Business Management in the Tropics, London: Macmillan. Mac Arthur J.D., 1983, 'Some Characteristics of Farmers in Tropical Environments', in Flands Ruthenberg ed., Farming Systems in the Tropics, 3rd Edition, Oxford: Clarendon Press. Madu, Ε., 1995, Agro-Raw Material Production and National Growth. A Case of Farmer s Response. Nweke, F.I. and Winch, F.E., 1979, Bases for Farm Resource Allocation in the Small Holder Cropping Systems of South Eastern Nigeria: A Case Study of Awka and Ahakaliki Villages, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, Ibadan Discussion Papers N" 4/80. Olayide, S.O., 1980, Food and Nutritional Crisis in Nigeria, Ibadan: Ibadan University Press. Ogunfowara, O. and Olayide, Ο., 1981, 'Resource Problems of Rural Economies', in Elements of Rural Economies, Ibadan: Ibadan University Press Publishing House. Onwukwe, C.C., 1994, 'Resource Use Productivity Under the Mixed Cropping System of Anambra State: A Case Study of Yam-based Mixed Cropping System', Unpublished M.Sc Thesis. Department of Agricultural Economics and Extension, ESUT Enugu. Upton, M., 1976, Agricultural Production Economics and Resource Use, London: Oxford University Press