7 - Mothers in the Informal Economy and Changes in Child Feeding and Caring Roles in Kampala, Uganda
Afrique et développement,
Vol. 29 No 3 (2004): Afrique et développement
Cet article s'intéresse aux pratiques en cours concernant l'alimentation et les soins assurés par les mères, dans le secteur informel, à Kampala, en Ouganda. L'analyse est basée sur des données qualitatives collectées en 1996. L'étude révèle que dans ce cas de figure, l'alimentation complémentaire des enfants commence dès les trois semaines de celui-ci, même s'il est établi que l'alimentation exclusive au sein doit être pratiquée au moins jusqu'aux trois mois de l'enfant. Les raisons invoquées étaient l'insuffisance de lait, les activités pratiquées loin du domicile, les maladies maternelles, une augmentation de l'appétit du nourrisson, le sexe de l'enfant, les maladies infantiles et la contraception. Cette contribution montre bien la dépendance des mères actives envers les membres de leur famille qu'elles chargent de prendre soin de leurs enfants.
Télécharger la référence bibliographique
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- Asowa-Okwe, C., 1993, 'The Dynamics of Women Participation in Workers' Struggles in Uganda: A Case Study of the National Union of Clerical, Commercial, Professional and Technical Employees (NUCCPTE)', Paper presented at 'Workers' Education' seminar, 6 March, Kampala. Bledsoe, C., 1990, 'Differential Care for Children of Previous Unions within Mende Households in Sierra-Leone', in Health Transition Reviews - The Cultural Social and Behavioural Determinants of Health, The Australian National University, pp, 561-83. Caldwell, J.C., 1982, Theory of Fertility Decline, New York: Academic Press. Church, K.Y. , 1978, Ά study of Socio-economic Status and Child care Arrangements of Women in Madina', Paper presented at the conference of the National Council on Women and Development in Accra, September 9-14. Conelly, R., DeGraff, D.S. and Levison, D., 1991, 'Child care Policy and Women's Market Work in Urban Brazil', Working paper No. 180 on World Employment Programme Research, Geneva: 1LO. Davis, J. P., 1997, Time Is Money? Women's Time Allocation to Market Trading and to Infant Feeding in Kampala, Uganda, Doctoral Dissertation, Johns Hopkins University. Fapohunda, E., 1982, 'The Childcare Dilemma of Working Mothers in African Cities: The Case of Lagos, Nigeria', in Edna G Bay ed. Women and Work, Boulder, Colorado: West view Press, pp. 277-88. Isiugo-Abanihe, U.C., 1985, 'Child Forsterage in West Africa', Population and Development Review, Vol. 11, No. 1. Karamagi, C.A.S., 1985, 'Breast Feeding in and around Kampala', in Dodge, E. P. and Wiebe, P.D. eds. Crisis in Uganda: The Breakdown of Health Services, Oxford: Pergamon Press. King, J. and Ashworth, Α., 1987, 'Historical Review of the Changing Patterns of infant Feeding in Developing Countries: The Case of Malaysia, the Carribbean, Nigeria and Zaire', Social Science and Medicine Vol. 25, N° 12.This content downloaded from on Sat, 04 Dec 2021 14:09:50 UTC All use subject to https://about.jstor.org/terms
- Africa Development, Vol. XXIV, No. 3, 2004 Labbok, M., Koniz-Booher, P., Shelton, J., and Krasovec, K., 1990, Guidelines for Breast Feeding in Family Planning and Child Survival Programs, Washington DC: Georgetown University. Leslie,! and Buvinic,M., 1989, 'Introduction', in Women, Work and Child Welfare in the Third World, Westview press, A A AS, Selected Symposium Series 110. Lloyd, C.B., 1990, Understanding theRelationship Between Women's Work and Fertility, The Contribution of the World Fertilitiy Surveys, Workshop Paper No.9, Population Council, New York. Manpower Planning Department, Uganda, 1989, Manpower and Employment in Uganda: Report of the National Manpower Survey 1989, Ministry of Planning and Economic Development, Kampala. Najjumba, I.K. and Sentongo, A.L., 1994, 'The Effect of Women's Work Status on Breast Feeding Practices in Kampala District', a Survey Report Submitted to the WHO Under the Research Programme of Research Development and Research Training in Human Reproduction. Oni, B.J., 1995,'Fostered Children's Perceptions of Their Health Care and Illness Treatment in Ekiti Yoruba Households in Nigeria', in Health Transition Review - The cultural social and behavioural determinants of health, Vol. 5, No.l pp. 21-34. Oppong, Christine, 1991, 'Relationships Between Women's Work and Demographic Behaviour: Some Research Evidence in West Africa', Working Paper (No. WEP 2-21/WP. 175), World Employment Programme Research, Geneva, ILO. Oppong, Christine, 1993, 'Labour and Population: ILO Standard Setting, Policy Studies andTechnical Co-operation Relating to Population Issues and Women', Working paper No. POP/WP. 185, World Employment Programme Research, Geneva: ILO. Oppong, Christine, 1993, 'Some roles of women: What Do we Know?: Conceptual and Methodological Issues in Sub-Saharan Africa', Paper Prepared for the Seminar on Women's Status and Population Change in Sub-Saharan Africa, Senegal, March 3-6. Oppong, C. and Abu, Κ, 1985, A Handbook for Data Collection and Analysis on the Seven Roles and Statuses of Women, Geneva, ILO. Uganda Department of Statistics, Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning and Macro International Inc., 1996, The Uganda Demographic and Health Survey 1995, Calverton, Maryland USA. World Bank, 1995, Uganda Growing Out of Poverty, A World Bank Country Study, Washington DC
Les références
Asowa-Okwe, C., 1993, 'The Dynamics of Women Participation in Workers' Struggles in Uganda: A Case Study of the National Union of Clerical, Commercial, Professional and Technical Employees (NUCCPTE)', Paper presented at 'Workers' Education' seminar, 6 March, Kampala. Bledsoe, C., 1990, 'Differential Care for Children of Previous Unions within Mende Households in Sierra-Leone', in Health Transition Reviews - The Cultural Social and Behavioural Determinants of Health, The Australian National University, pp, 561-83. Caldwell, J.C., 1982, Theory of Fertility Decline, New York: Academic Press. Church, K.Y. , 1978, Ά study of Socio-economic Status and Child care Arrangements of Women in Madina', Paper presented at the conference of the National Council on Women and Development in Accra, September 9-14. Conelly, R., DeGraff, D.S. and Levison, D., 1991, 'Child care Policy and Women's Market Work in Urban Brazil', Working paper No. 180 on World Employment Programme Research, Geneva: 1LO. Davis, J. P., 1997, Time Is Money? Women's Time Allocation to Market Trading and to Infant Feeding in Kampala, Uganda, Doctoral Dissertation, Johns Hopkins University. Fapohunda, E., 1982, 'The Childcare Dilemma of Working Mothers in African Cities: The Case of Lagos, Nigeria', in Edna G Bay ed. Women and Work, Boulder, Colorado: West view Press, pp. 277-88. Isiugo-Abanihe, U.C., 1985, 'Child Forsterage in West Africa', Population and Development Review, Vol. 11, No. 1. Karamagi, C.A.S., 1985, 'Breast Feeding in and around Kampala', in Dodge, E. P. and Wiebe, P.D. eds. Crisis in Uganda: The Breakdown of Health Services, Oxford: Pergamon Press. King, J. and Ashworth, Α., 1987, 'Historical Review of the Changing Patterns of infant Feeding in Developing Countries: The Case of Malaysia, the Carribbean, Nigeria and Zaire', Social Science and Medicine Vol. 25, N° 12.This content downloaded from on Sat, 04 Dec 2021 14:09:50 UTC All use subject to https://about.jstor.org/terms
Africa Development, Vol. XXIV, No. 3, 2004 Labbok, M., Koniz-Booher, P., Shelton, J., and Krasovec, K., 1990, Guidelines for Breast Feeding in Family Planning and Child Survival Programs, Washington DC: Georgetown University. Leslie,! and Buvinic,M., 1989, 'Introduction', in Women, Work and Child Welfare in the Third World, Westview press, A A AS, Selected Symposium Series 110. Lloyd, C.B., 1990, Understanding theRelationship Between Women's Work and Fertility, The Contribution of the World Fertilitiy Surveys, Workshop Paper No.9, Population Council, New York. Manpower Planning Department, Uganda, 1989, Manpower and Employment in Uganda: Report of the National Manpower Survey 1989, Ministry of Planning and Economic Development, Kampala. Najjumba, I.K. and Sentongo, A.L., 1994, 'The Effect of Women's Work Status on Breast Feeding Practices in Kampala District', a Survey Report Submitted to the WHO Under the Research Programme of Research Development and Research Training in Human Reproduction. Oni, B.J., 1995,'Fostered Children's Perceptions of Their Health Care and Illness Treatment in Ekiti Yoruba Households in Nigeria', in Health Transition Review - The cultural social and behavioural determinants of health, Vol. 5, No.l pp. 21-34. Oppong, Christine, 1991, 'Relationships Between Women's Work and Demographic Behaviour: Some Research Evidence in West Africa', Working Paper (No. WEP 2-21/WP. 175), World Employment Programme Research, Geneva, ILO. Oppong, Christine, 1993, 'Labour and Population: ILO Standard Setting, Policy Studies andTechnical Co-operation Relating to Population Issues and Women', Working paper No. POP/WP. 185, World Employment Programme Research, Geneva: ILO. Oppong, Christine, 1993, 'Some roles of women: What Do we Know?: Conceptual and Methodological Issues in Sub-Saharan Africa', Paper Prepared for the Seminar on Women's Status and Population Change in Sub-Saharan Africa, Senegal, March 3-6. Oppong, C. and Abu, Κ, 1985, A Handbook for Data Collection and Analysis on the Seven Roles and Statuses of Women, Geneva, ILO. Uganda Department of Statistics, Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning and Macro International Inc., 1996, The Uganda Demographic and Health Survey 1995, Calverton, Maryland USA. World Bank, 1995, Uganda Growing Out of Poverty, A World Bank Country Study, Washington DC