4 - Policing Looted Funds with the Whistle: Newspaper Coverage of the Anti-corruption Crusade in Nigeria
Corresponding Author(s) : Oludayo Tade
Afrique et développement,
Vol. 44 No 4 (2019): Afrique et développement: Numéro spécial sur Argent, sécurité et gouvernance démocratique en Afrique (IV)
Cet article examine la politique de lancement d’alerte lancée par le Nigéria entre 2016 et 2017 dans le cadre de sa croisade anti-corruption. Il tente de comprendre comment les pilleurs font preuve d’innovation pour conserver des fonds après la mise en œuvre de cette politique et dans quelle mesure le pillage sape la gouvernance et amplifie l’insécurité. Ceci est essentiel car la perception de la corruption nigériane dans le monde a été lamentable au cours des cinq dernières années. La corruption ralentit le développement et devient une menace majeure pour la sécurité au Nigeria car le patrimoine collectif (fonds publics) est siphonné ou détourné. En me fondant sur des données médiatiques sur la couverture de la corruption, j’affirme que «l’encouragement au patriotisme» par le biais de la WBP a contribué à la participation des citoyens à la lutte anti-corruption au Nigéria et à améliorer la récupération de fonds acquis illicitement. Cette politique a obligé les pillards à adopter des stratégies traditionnelles de conservation de fonds et sauvegarder les sommes pillées dans des locaux privés, des fosses septiques, des magasins et/ ou les abandonner dans des aéroports et des magasins. L’article termine en montrant les réalisations faites avec les fonds récupérés pour améliorer la gouvernance et le développement, et mettre en évidence l’impact nuisible des fonds illicites sur la sécurité et la gouvernance démocratique au Nigéria.
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Les références
Akerlof, G. and Yellen, J.L., 1990, ‘The fair wage-effort hypothesis and unemployment’, Quarterly Journal of Economics 105: 255–83.
Akindele, S.T., 2005, ‘Critical analysis of corruption and its problems in Nigeria’, the Anthropologist 7 (1): 7–18.
Chartered Institute of Internal Auditors, 2014, ‘Whistleblowing and corporate governance: the role of internal audit in whistleblowing’, http://www.iia.org.uk.
Drew, K., 2010, ENRON. The foreign corrupt practices act & The OECD convention, a paper produced as part of the work of UNICORN: a global trade unions anti-corruption project, http://www.psiru.org/reports/enron-foreign-corrupt-practices-act-and-the%C2%A0oecd-convention.
Fasua, H.K. and Osifo-Osagie, U.I., 2017, ‘Effective whistle-blowing mechanism and audit committee in Nigerian banking sector’, Journal of Business and Management Sciences 5 (1): 18–26.
Gire, J.T., 1999, ‘A psychological analysis of corruption in Nigeria’, Journal of Sustainable Development in Africa 1 (2): 1–15.
Goldsmith, A., 2000, ‘Risk, rule, and reason: leadership in Africa’, Africa Notes, May, pp. 1–6.
Huntington, S., 1968, Political Order in Changing Societies, New Haven, CT: Yale University Press.
Huntington, S., 1979, ‘Modernization and Development’, in M.U. Ekpo, ed., Bureaucratic Corruption in Sub-Saharan Africa: Toward a Search for Causes and Consequences, Washington, DC: University Press of America.
ICAN, 2014, Study text: Management, government and ethics, United Kingdom: Emile Woolf International Bracknell Enterprise & Innovation Hub.
Jos, P.H., Tompkins, M.E. and Hays, S.W., 1989, ‘In praise of difficult people: a portrait of the committed whistle-blower’, Public Administration Review 49(6): 552–61.
Kallon, K.M., 2003, The Political Economy of Corruption in Sierra Leone, Lewiston, NY: Edwin Mellen Press.
Klitgaard, R., 1988, Controlling Corruption, Berkeley, CA: University of California Press.
Klitgaard, R. 1991, Gifts and Bribes’, in R. Zeckhauser, ed., Strategy and Choice, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
Kpundeh, S., 1995, Politics and Corruption in Africa: A Case Study of Sierra Leone, Lanham, MD: University Press of America. Money Laundering Prohibition Act, 2011.
Myrdal, G., 1968, Asian Drama: An Inquiry into the Poverty of Nations, New York: Pantheon.
National Audit Office, 2014, Making a whistle-blowing policy work: the systems, structures and behaviours in place to enable effective whistle-blowing arrangements, www.gov.uk/whistleblowing/overview.
Near, J.P. and Miceli, M.P., 1985, ‘Organizational dissidence: the case of whistleblowing’, Journal of Business Ethics 4: 1–16.
Nielsen, R.P., Balachandra, L. and Nielsen, A.L., 2013, ‘Whistle-blowing methods for navigating within and helping reform regulatory institutions’, Journal of Business Ethics 112 (3): 385–95, 549.
Obuah, E., 2010, ‘Combating corruption in Nigeria: the Nigerian Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC)’, African Studies Quarterly 12 (1): 17–44.
Odugbemi, S., 2000, ‘The anti-corruption pincer’, The Comet London Reportage Section of the Foreign Affairs Column, p. 11.
Onakoya, O.A. and Moses, C.L., 2016, ‘Effect of system factors on whistleblowing attitude of Nigerian banks employees: a conceptual perspective’, 3rd International Conference on African Development Issues (CU-ICAPDI), Covenant University Press, pp. 300–7.
Rachagan, S. and Kuppusamy, K., 2013, ‘Encouraging whistle blowing to improve corporate governance?’, A Malaysian Initiative Journal of Business Ethics 115 (2): 367–82.
Read, W.J. and Rama, D.V., 2003, ‘Whistle-blowing to internal auditors’, Managerial Auditing Journal 18 (5) 354–62.
Ribadu, N., 2007, ‘Corruption drains Africa of $140bn annually’, The Punch, www.efccnigeria.org/index.php?option=comcontent=view&id-1347&Itemid=2.
Shleifer, A. and Vishny, R., 1998, The Grabbing Hand: Government Pathologies and their Cure, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), 2004, Anti-corruption: Practice Note, (final version).