9 - Note on Alcohol Consumption and Sexual Behaviour of Youths in Botswana
Corresponding Author(s) : Eugene K. Campbell
African Sociological Review,
Vol. 7 No. 1 (2003): African Sociological Review
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- Anonymous. 1998. Alcohol Consumption. Geneva. W orld Health Organization. Anonymous. 1999. 'Sexual abuse: A worst crime against children'. Reprowatch Youth Edition, 4, 1-2.
- Anonymous. 2002. 'Substance abuse, alcohol linked to unprotected sex'. Nation 's Health, 32 (3), 15.
- Ball, A. 1996. The Social and Cultural Construction of Sexual Risk by Youth in Botswana. PhD thesis, Winnipeg. University of Manitoba.
- Botswana. 1994. Health Statistics 1992. Gaborone. Central Statistics Office.
- Botswana. 1999. Report of a Study ofRape in Botswana. Gaborone. Ministry of State President. Campbell, E.K. 1993. 'Family Size Preferences of Men in the Western Area of Sierra Leone, Methods and Determinants'. Genus, IL, 181-199.
- Campbell, C., Williams, B. & Gilgen, D. 2002. 'ls social capital a useful conceptual tool for exploring community level influences on HIV infection? An exploratory case study from South Africa'. AIDS Care, 14(1), 41-54. Campbell, E.K., & Campbell, P.G. 1997. 'Family Size and Sex Preferences and Eventual Fertility Behaviour in Botswana'. Journal ofBiosocial Science, 29, 191-204.
- Campbell, E.K. & Ntsabane, T. 1997. Street children in Botswana: A case study in Gaborone. Social Development Issues, 19, 39-53.
- Chapko, M.K., Somse, P., Kimball, A.M., Hawkins, R.V. & Massanga, M. 1999. Preictors of rape in the Central African Republic'. Health Care and Women International, 20, 71-77. De Graaf, R and Vanwesenbeeck, l. 1995.
- 'Alcohol and drug use in heterosexual and homosexual prostitution, and its relation to protection behaviour'. AIDS Care, 7 (1) 35-47.
- as moderators of the relationship between alcohol use and risky sex in adolescents'. Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 59, 71-77. Dufour, M.C. 1999. 'What is moderate drinking?' Alcohol Research & Health, 23, 5-14.
- Draper, N.R. & Smith H. 1981. Applied Research Analysis. New York. Wiley.
- Estrin, D. 1999. 'In Ghana, young men's condom use is linked to lack ofbarriers, perceived susceptibility to HIV infection'. International Family Planning Perspectives, 25, 106-107. Ford, K. & Norris, A.E. 1998. 'Alcohol use, perceptions of the effects ofalcohol use,and condom use in urban minority youth'. Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes and Human Retrovirology, 17, 269-274. Fromme, K., D'Amico, E. & Katz, E. 1999. 'Intoxicated sexual risk taking: An expectancy or cognitive impairment explanation?' Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 60, 54-63.
- Gordon, C.M., Carey, M.P. & Carey, K.B. 1997. 'Effects ofa drinking event on behavioral skills and condom attitudes in men: Implications for HIV risk from a controlled experiment'. Health Psychology, 16, 490-495. Gossop, M. 1989. 'Many Problems in Many Forms'. In D. Robinson et al. (Eds.), Controlling Legal Addictions (pp.43-62). London. Macmillan Press.
- Gysels, M. 2001. 'Truck drivers, middlemen and commercial sex workers: AIDS and the mediation ofsex in south-west Uganda'. AIDS Care, 13(3) 373-384.Halpern, C.T., Udry, J.R., Campbell, B., Suchindran, C. & Mason, G.A. 1994. 'Testosterone and religiosity as predictors of sexual attitudes and activity among adolescent males: A biosocial model' Journal of Biosocial Science, 26, 217-234.
- Harvey, S.M. & Beckman, L.J. 1986. 'Alcohol consumption, female sexual behaviour and contraceptive use. Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 47, 327-332.
- Hines, A.M., Snowden, L.R. & Graves, K.L. 1998. 'Acculturation, alcohol consumption and AIDS-related risky sexual behaviour among African American women'. Women and Health, 27, 17-35. Kinney, J. & Leaton, G. 1983. Loosening the Grip: A Handbook of Alcohol Information. St. Louis. The C.V. Mosby Company.
- Dermen, K.R, Cooper, M.L. & Agocha, V.B. 1998. 'Sex-related alcohol expectancies as moderators of the relationship between alcohol use and risky sex in adolescents'. Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 59, 71-77. Dufour, M.C. 1999. 'What is moderate drinking?' Alcohol Research & Health, 23, 5-14.
- Draper, N.R. & Smith H. 1981. Applied Research Analysis. New York. Wiley.
- Estrin, D. 1999. 'In Ghana, young men's condom use is linked to lack ofbarriers, perceived susceptibility to HIV infection'. International Family Planning Perspectives, 25, 106-107. Ford, K. & Norris, A.E. 1998. 'Alcohol use, perceptions of the effects ofalcohol use, and condom use in urban minority youth'. Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes and Human Retrovirology, 17, 269-274. Fromme, K., D'Amico, E. & Katz, E. 1999. 'Intoxicated sexual risk taking: An expectancy or cognitive impairment explanation?' Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 60, 54-63.
- Gordon, C.M., Carey, M.P. & Carey, K.B. 1997. 'Effects ofa drinking event on behavioral skills and condom attitudes in men: Implications for HIV risk from a controlled experiment'. Health Psychology, 16, 490-495. Gossop, M. 1989. 'Many Problems in Many Forms'. In D. Robinson et al. (Eds.), Controlling Legal Addictions (pp.43-62). London. Macmillan Press.
- Gysels, M. 2001. 'Truck drivers, middlemen and commercial sex workers: AIDS and the mediation ofsex in south-west Uganda'. AIDS Care, 13(3) 373-384. Halpern, C.T., Udry, J.R., Campbell, B., Suchindran, C. & Mason, G.A. 1994. 'Testosterone and religiosity as predictors of sexual attitudes and activity among adolescent males: A biosocial model' Journal of Biosocial Science, 26, 217-234.
- Harvey, S.M. & Beckman, L.J. 1986. 'Alcohol consumption, female sexual behaviour and contraceptive use. Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 47, 327-332.
- Hines, A.M., Snowden, L.R. & Graves, K.L. 1998. 'Acculturation, alcohol consumption and AIDS-related risky sexual behaviour among African American women'. Women and Health, 27, 17-35. Kinney, J. & Leaton, G. 1983. Loosening the Grip: A Handbook of Alcohol Information. St. Louis. The C.V. Mosby Company. LeBeau, D., Fox, T., Becker, H. & Mufune, P. 2001. 'Agencies and structures facilitating the transmission of HIV/ AIDS in northern Namibia'. Society in Transition, 32, 56-68.Letamo, G. & Bainame, K. 1997. 'The socio-economic and cultural context of the spread ofHIV/AIDS in Botswana'.Health TransitionReview, 7 (Suppl.3), 97-101.
- Macdonald D. 1996a. 'Notes on the socio-economic and cultural factors influencing the transmission of HIV in Botswana'. Social Science and Medicine, 42, 1325-1333. Macdonald D. 1996b. 'Drugs in Southern Africa: An overview'. Drugs: Education,
- Prevention and Policy, 13, 127-144.
- Mamman, L.S., Brieger, W.R. & Oshiname, F.O. 2002. 'Alcohol consumption patternamong women in rural Yoruba community in Nigeria'. Substance Use and Misuse, 37(5-7), 579-597. McCauley, A.P. & Salter, C. 1995. 'Meeting the Needs of Young Adults'. Population Reports. Series J, No.41, Population information Program. Baltimore. Johns Hopkins School of Public Health. McEwan, R.T., McCallum, A., Bhopal, R.S. & Madhok, R. 1992. 'Sex and the risk of HIV infection: The role of alcohol'. British Journal of Addiction, 87, 577-584.
- Meekers, D. and Ahmed, G. 2000. 'Contemporary patterns of adolescent sexuality in urban Botswana'. Journal of Biosocial Science, 32, 467-485.
- Milgram, G.G. 1990. The Facts about Drinking: Coping with Alcohol Use, Abuse, and Alcoholics. New York. Consumers Union.
- Molamu, L. & Manyeneng, W.G. 1988. Alcohol Use and Abuse in Botswana.
- Gaborone. Govemment Printer.
- Molamu, L. & Macdonald, D. 1996. 'Alcohol abuse among the Basarwa of the Kgalagadi and Ghanzi Districts in Botswana'. Drugs: Education, Prevention and Policy, 13, 145-152. Mott, F .L. 1999. 'Sex, contraception and childbearing among high-risk youth: Do different factors influence males and females?' PPFY Network, 2, 1-11.
- Mukherjee, C., White, H. & Wuyts, M. 1998. Econometrics and Data Analysis for Developing Countries. London. Routledge.
- Murphy, S.T., Monahan, J.L. & Miller, L.C. 1998. 'Inference under the influence: The impact of alcohol and inhibition conflict on women's sexual decision making'. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 25, 517-528. Neter J., Wesserman W. & Kutner M.N. 1985. Applied Linear Statistical Models. Illinois. Irwin.
- Plant, M.L., Plant, M.A., Peck, D.F. & Setters, J. 1989. 'The sex industry, alcohol and illicit drug use: implications for the spread of HIV infection'. British Journal of Addiction, 84, 53-59. Poulson, R.L., Eppler, M.A., Satterwhite, T.N., Wuensch, K.L. & Bass, L.A. 1998. 'Alcohol consumption, strength of religious beliefs, and risky sexual behaviour in college students'. Journal of American College Health, 46, 227-232. Rees, H., Beksinska, M.E., Dickson-Tetteh, K., Ballard, R.C. & Htun, Ye. 2000. 'Commercial sex workers in Johannesburg: Risk behaviour and HIV status'. South African Journal of Science, 96(6), 283-285. Rehm, J. & Rossow, I. 2001. 'The impact of alcohol consumption on work and Education'. In H. Klingemann & G. Gmel (Eds.), Mapping the Social Consequences of Alcohol Consumption. (pp.67-77). Dordrecht. Kluwer Academic Publishers. Santelli, J.S., Brener, N.D., Lowry, R. Bhatt, A. & Zabin, L.S. 1998. 'Multiple sexual partners among U.S. adolescents and young adults'. Family Planning Perspectives, 30, 271-275. Seboni, N.M. 1993. Botswana Female Youth: Perception of Sexuality and Risk-Taking Behaviors. PhD thesis, San Francisco. University of Califomia.
- Selolwane, O.D., Rakola, T., Kabubi, N. & Madzwamuse, M. 1999. A Sociological Study on Student Pregnancies in Mahalapye. Gaborone: UNICEF. Singh, S., Wulf, D., Samara, R. & Cuco, Y.P. 2000. 'Gender differences in the timing of first intercourse: Data from 14 countries'. Family Planning Perspectives, 26, 21-28.
- Swart, L., Gilchrist, A., Butchart, A., Seedat, M & Martin, L. 2000. 'Rape surveillance through district surgeon offices in Johannesburg, 1996-1998: Findings, evaluation and prevention implications'. South African Journal of Psychology, 30(2), 1-1 O. Udry, J.R. & Billy, J.O.1987. 'Initiation of coitus in early adolescence'. American Sociological Review, 52, 841-855.
- United Nations. 2000. Botswana Human Development Report 2000. Gaborone. United Nations Development Programme.
- United Nations. 2001. A Summary of Global Status Report on Alcohol. WHO.
- NCD/MSD/2001.2. World Health Organization. Geneva.
- United Nations. 2002. Country Profile: Angola. United Nations Office for Drug Control and Crime Prevention, Pretoria.
- Van Der Gaag, M.S., Sierksma, A., Schaafsma, G., Van Toi, A., Geelhoed-Mieras, T.,Bakker, M. & Hendriks, H.F.J. 2000. 'Moderate alcohol consumption and changes in postprandial lipoproteins of premenopausal and postmenopausal women: A diet-controlled, randomized intervention study'. Journal of Women 's Health and Gender-Based Medicine, 9, 607-616. Varga, C.A. 2001. 'Coping with HIV/AIDS in Durban's commercial sex industry'. AIDS Care, 13(3), 351-364.
Anonymous. 1998. Alcohol Consumption. Geneva. W orld Health Organization. Anonymous. 1999. 'Sexual abuse: A worst crime against children'. Reprowatch Youth Edition, 4, 1-2.
Anonymous. 2002. 'Substance abuse, alcohol linked to unprotected sex'. Nation 's Health, 32 (3), 15.
Ball, A. 1996. The Social and Cultural Construction of Sexual Risk by Youth in Botswana. PhD thesis, Winnipeg. University of Manitoba.
Botswana. 1994. Health Statistics 1992. Gaborone. Central Statistics Office.
Botswana. 1999. Report of a Study ofRape in Botswana. Gaborone. Ministry of State President. Campbell, E.K. 1993. 'Family Size Preferences of Men in the Western Area of Sierra Leone, Methods and Determinants'. Genus, IL, 181-199.
Campbell, C., Williams, B. & Gilgen, D. 2002. 'ls social capital a useful conceptual tool for exploring community level influences on HIV infection? An exploratory case study from South Africa'. AIDS Care, 14(1), 41-54. Campbell, E.K., & Campbell, P.G. 1997. 'Family Size and Sex Preferences and Eventual Fertility Behaviour in Botswana'. Journal ofBiosocial Science, 29, 191-204.
Campbell, E.K. & Ntsabane, T. 1997. Street children in Botswana: A case study in Gaborone. Social Development Issues, 19, 39-53.
Chapko, M.K., Somse, P., Kimball, A.M., Hawkins, R.V. & Massanga, M. 1999. Preictors of rape in the Central African Republic'. Health Care and Women International, 20, 71-77. De Graaf, R and Vanwesenbeeck, l. 1995.
'Alcohol and drug use in heterosexual and homosexual prostitution, and its relation to protection behaviour'. AIDS Care, 7 (1) 35-47.
as moderators of the relationship between alcohol use and risky sex in adolescents'. Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 59, 71-77. Dufour, M.C. 1999. 'What is moderate drinking?' Alcohol Research & Health, 23, 5-14.
Draper, N.R. & Smith H. 1981. Applied Research Analysis. New York. Wiley.
Estrin, D. 1999. 'In Ghana, young men's condom use is linked to lack ofbarriers, perceived susceptibility to HIV infection'. International Family Planning Perspectives, 25, 106-107. Ford, K. & Norris, A.E. 1998. 'Alcohol use, perceptions of the effects ofalcohol use,and condom use in urban minority youth'. Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes and Human Retrovirology, 17, 269-274. Fromme, K., D'Amico, E. & Katz, E. 1999. 'Intoxicated sexual risk taking: An expectancy or cognitive impairment explanation?' Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 60, 54-63.
Gordon, C.M., Carey, M.P. & Carey, K.B. 1997. 'Effects ofa drinking event on behavioral skills and condom attitudes in men: Implications for HIV risk from a controlled experiment'. Health Psychology, 16, 490-495. Gossop, M. 1989. 'Many Problems in Many Forms'. In D. Robinson et al. (Eds.), Controlling Legal Addictions (pp.43-62). London. Macmillan Press.
Gysels, M. 2001. 'Truck drivers, middlemen and commercial sex workers: AIDS and the mediation ofsex in south-west Uganda'. AIDS Care, 13(3) 373-384.Halpern, C.T., Udry, J.R., Campbell, B., Suchindran, C. & Mason, G.A. 1994. 'Testosterone and religiosity as predictors of sexual attitudes and activity among adolescent males: A biosocial model' Journal of Biosocial Science, 26, 217-234.
Harvey, S.M. & Beckman, L.J. 1986. 'Alcohol consumption, female sexual behaviour and contraceptive use. Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 47, 327-332.
Hines, A.M., Snowden, L.R. & Graves, K.L. 1998. 'Acculturation, alcohol consumption and AIDS-related risky sexual behaviour among African American women'. Women and Health, 27, 17-35. Kinney, J. & Leaton, G. 1983. Loosening the Grip: A Handbook of Alcohol Information. St. Louis. The C.V. Mosby Company.
Dermen, K.R, Cooper, M.L. & Agocha, V.B. 1998. 'Sex-related alcohol expectancies as moderators of the relationship between alcohol use and risky sex in adolescents'. Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 59, 71-77. Dufour, M.C. 1999. 'What is moderate drinking?' Alcohol Research & Health, 23, 5-14.
Draper, N.R. & Smith H. 1981. Applied Research Analysis. New York. Wiley.
Estrin, D. 1999. 'In Ghana, young men's condom use is linked to lack ofbarriers, perceived susceptibility to HIV infection'. International Family Planning Perspectives, 25, 106-107. Ford, K. & Norris, A.E. 1998. 'Alcohol use, perceptions of the effects ofalcohol use, and condom use in urban minority youth'. Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes and Human Retrovirology, 17, 269-274. Fromme, K., D'Amico, E. & Katz, E. 1999. 'Intoxicated sexual risk taking: An expectancy or cognitive impairment explanation?' Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 60, 54-63.
Gordon, C.M., Carey, M.P. & Carey, K.B. 1997. 'Effects ofa drinking event on behavioral skills and condom attitudes in men: Implications for HIV risk from a controlled experiment'. Health Psychology, 16, 490-495. Gossop, M. 1989. 'Many Problems in Many Forms'. In D. Robinson et al. (Eds.), Controlling Legal Addictions (pp.43-62). London. Macmillan Press.
Gysels, M. 2001. 'Truck drivers, middlemen and commercial sex workers: AIDS and the mediation ofsex in south-west Uganda'. AIDS Care, 13(3) 373-384. Halpern, C.T., Udry, J.R., Campbell, B., Suchindran, C. & Mason, G.A. 1994. 'Testosterone and religiosity as predictors of sexual attitudes and activity among adolescent males: A biosocial model' Journal of Biosocial Science, 26, 217-234.
Harvey, S.M. & Beckman, L.J. 1986. 'Alcohol consumption, female sexual behaviour and contraceptive use. Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 47, 327-332.
Hines, A.M., Snowden, L.R. & Graves, K.L. 1998. 'Acculturation, alcohol consumption and AIDS-related risky sexual behaviour among African American women'. Women and Health, 27, 17-35. Kinney, J. & Leaton, G. 1983. Loosening the Grip: A Handbook of Alcohol Information. St. Louis. The C.V. Mosby Company. LeBeau, D., Fox, T., Becker, H. & Mufune, P. 2001. 'Agencies and structures facilitating the transmission of HIV/ AIDS in northern Namibia'. Society in Transition, 32, 56-68.Letamo, G. & Bainame, K. 1997. 'The socio-economic and cultural context of the spread ofHIV/AIDS in Botswana'.Health TransitionReview, 7 (Suppl.3), 97-101.
Macdonald D. 1996a. 'Notes on the socio-economic and cultural factors influencing the transmission of HIV in Botswana'. Social Science and Medicine, 42, 1325-1333. Macdonald D. 1996b. 'Drugs in Southern Africa: An overview'. Drugs: Education,
Prevention and Policy, 13, 127-144.
Mamman, L.S., Brieger, W.R. & Oshiname, F.O. 2002. 'Alcohol consumption patternamong women in rural Yoruba community in Nigeria'. Substance Use and Misuse, 37(5-7), 579-597. McCauley, A.P. & Salter, C. 1995. 'Meeting the Needs of Young Adults'. Population Reports. Series J, No.41, Population information Program. Baltimore. Johns Hopkins School of Public Health. McEwan, R.T., McCallum, A., Bhopal, R.S. & Madhok, R. 1992. 'Sex and the risk of HIV infection: The role of alcohol'. British Journal of Addiction, 87, 577-584.
Meekers, D. and Ahmed, G. 2000. 'Contemporary patterns of adolescent sexuality in urban Botswana'. Journal of Biosocial Science, 32, 467-485.
Milgram, G.G. 1990. The Facts about Drinking: Coping with Alcohol Use, Abuse, and Alcoholics. New York. Consumers Union.
Molamu, L. & Manyeneng, W.G. 1988. Alcohol Use and Abuse in Botswana.
Gaborone. Govemment Printer.
Molamu, L. & Macdonald, D. 1996. 'Alcohol abuse among the Basarwa of the Kgalagadi and Ghanzi Districts in Botswana'. Drugs: Education, Prevention and Policy, 13, 145-152. Mott, F .L. 1999. 'Sex, contraception and childbearing among high-risk youth: Do different factors influence males and females?' PPFY Network, 2, 1-11.
Mukherjee, C., White, H. & Wuyts, M. 1998. Econometrics and Data Analysis for Developing Countries. London. Routledge.
Murphy, S.T., Monahan, J.L. & Miller, L.C. 1998. 'Inference under the influence: The impact of alcohol and inhibition conflict on women's sexual decision making'. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 25, 517-528. Neter J., Wesserman W. & Kutner M.N. 1985. Applied Linear Statistical Models. Illinois. Irwin.
Plant, M.L., Plant, M.A., Peck, D.F. & Setters, J. 1989. 'The sex industry, alcohol and illicit drug use: implications for the spread of HIV infection'. British Journal of Addiction, 84, 53-59. Poulson, R.L., Eppler, M.A., Satterwhite, T.N., Wuensch, K.L. & Bass, L.A. 1998. 'Alcohol consumption, strength of religious beliefs, and risky sexual behaviour in college students'. Journal of American College Health, 46, 227-232. Rees, H., Beksinska, M.E., Dickson-Tetteh, K., Ballard, R.C. & Htun, Ye. 2000. 'Commercial sex workers in Johannesburg: Risk behaviour and HIV status'. South African Journal of Science, 96(6), 283-285. Rehm, J. & Rossow, I. 2001. 'The impact of alcohol consumption on work and Education'. In H. Klingemann & G. Gmel (Eds.), Mapping the Social Consequences of Alcohol Consumption. (pp.67-77). Dordrecht. Kluwer Academic Publishers. Santelli, J.S., Brener, N.D., Lowry, R. Bhatt, A. & Zabin, L.S. 1998. 'Multiple sexual partners among U.S. adolescents and young adults'. Family Planning Perspectives, 30, 271-275. Seboni, N.M. 1993. Botswana Female Youth: Perception of Sexuality and Risk-Taking Behaviors. PhD thesis, San Francisco. University of Califomia.
Selolwane, O.D., Rakola, T., Kabubi, N. & Madzwamuse, M. 1999. A Sociological Study on Student Pregnancies in Mahalapye. Gaborone: UNICEF. Singh, S., Wulf, D., Samara, R. & Cuco, Y.P. 2000. 'Gender differences in the timing of first intercourse: Data from 14 countries'. Family Planning Perspectives, 26, 21-28.
Swart, L., Gilchrist, A., Butchart, A., Seedat, M & Martin, L. 2000. 'Rape surveillance through district surgeon offices in Johannesburg, 1996-1998: Findings, evaluation and prevention implications'. South African Journal of Psychology, 30(2), 1-1 O. Udry, J.R. & Billy, J.O.1987. 'Initiation of coitus in early adolescence'. American Sociological Review, 52, 841-855.
United Nations. 2000. Botswana Human Development Report 2000. Gaborone. United Nations Development Programme.
United Nations. 2001. A Summary of Global Status Report on Alcohol. WHO.
NCD/MSD/2001.2. World Health Organization. Geneva.
United Nations. 2002. Country Profile: Angola. United Nations Office for Drug Control and Crime Prevention, Pretoria.
Van Der Gaag, M.S., Sierksma, A., Schaafsma, G., Van Toi, A., Geelhoed-Mieras, T.,Bakker, M. & Hendriks, H.F.J. 2000. 'Moderate alcohol consumption and changes in postprandial lipoproteins of premenopausal and postmenopausal women: A diet-controlled, randomized intervention study'. Journal of Women 's Health and Gender-Based Medicine, 9, 607-616. Varga, C.A. 2001. 'Coping with HIV/AIDS in Durban's commercial sex industry'. AIDS Care, 13(3), 351-364.