4 - Exploring Strategies to Strengthen Continuing Professional Development of Teachers in Rural South Africa
Corresponding Author(s) : Cias T. Tsotetsi
Journal of Higher Education in Africa,
Vol. 13 No. 1-2 (2015): Journal of Higher Education in Africa: Special Issue on Sustainable Rural Learning Ecologies: Border Crossing
Professional development of teachers is a cornerstone of the provision of quality of teaching and learning in a country’s education system, affirmed by the literature, with programmes central to proposals for improving the quality of teaching and transforming education. Competencies of teach- ers in South Africa have not improved as envisaged, according to studies conducted, with many professional development programmes not yet implemented or not taking into account teachers’ perspectives. In address- ing this challenge, the aim of this article is to determine components of a strategy that could be employed to implement professional development programmes, drawing on a project conducted in two rural secondary schools in the Free State province. Data were generated from school community participants and district-based officials using a Participatory Action Re- search approach. Findings revealed six distinct components of a strategy, namely establishment of a team comprising all stakeholders; the creation of a common vision for all based on a thorough Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT) analysis; prioritizing items; drawing up of a strategic plan; monitoring procedures to determine progress made; and suggesting possible ways of improving on weaknesses.
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- Monyatsi, P.P., 2006, ‘An investigation of the effectiveness of the school-based workshops approach to staff development in secondary schools in Botswana’, Educational Research and Reviews 1 (5): 150–55.
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- Nkoane, M.M., 2012, ‘Critical Emancipatory Research for social justice and democratic citizenship’, Perspectives in Education 30 (4): 98–104.
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- Papastamatis, A., Panitsidou, E., Giavrimis P. and Papanis, E., 2009, ‘Facilitating Tea- chers’ & Educators’ Effective Professional Development’, Review of European Studies 1 (2): 83–90.
- Ramatlapana, K.A., 2009, ‘Provision of in-service training of mathematics and science teachers in Botswana: teachers’ perspectives’, J Math Teacher Education 12(2): 153–59.
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- Steyn, G.M., 2011, ‘Implementing continuing professional teacher development: policy and practice’, Acta Academica 43 (1): 211–33.
- Tsotetsi, C.T. and Mahlomaholo, M.G., 2013, ‘Teacher professional development programmes: what is missing?’, Journal of Educational Studies 12 (1): 89–102.
- Villegas-Reimers, E., 2003, Teacher Professional Development: An International Review of the Literature, Paris: UNESCO International Institute for EducationPlanning.
Bantwini, B.D., 2009, ‘District professional development models as a way to introduce primary-school teachers to natural science curriculum reforms in one District in South Africa’, Journal of Education for Teaching: International Research and Pedagogy 35 (2): 169–82.
Ball, D.L. and Cohen, D.K., 1999, ‘Developing Practice, Developing Practitioners: Towards Practice-based Theory of Professional Education, in G. Sykes and L. Darling-Hammond, eds, Teaching as the Learning Profession: Handbook of Policy and Practice, San Francisco: Jossey Bass.
Bennel, P., 2004, Teacher Motivation and Incentives in Sub-Saharan Africa and Asia, Brighton: Knowledge and Skill Development.
Barnes, H. and Verwey, H., 2008, Teacher Education Review, University of Pretoria.
Biputh, B. and McKenna, S., 2010, ‘Tensions in the quality assurance processes in post-apartheid African schools’, Compare 40 (3): 279–91.
Chilisa, B., 2012, Indigenous Research Methodologies, Los Angeles: Sage.
Dentith, A.M., Measor, L. and O’Malley, M.P., 2012, ‘The research imagination amid dilemmas of engaging young people in critical participatory work’, Qualitative Social Research 13 (1): 1–17.
Department of Education (DoE), 2003, Integrated Quality Management System, Pretoria: Government Printers.
Eberson, L., Eloff, I. and Ferreira, R., 2007, ‘First Steps in Action Research’, in Maree, K., ed.,
First Steps in Research, Pretoria: Van Schaik.
Ehrhart, C., ‘HakiKazi Colloquium on “Popularising Policy and Influencing Change Through Action Research, Advocacy and Creative Communication”’, Tanzania: s.n. Eruera, M., 2010, ‘Ma Te Whanau Te Huarahi Motuhake: Whanau ParticipatoryAction Research groups’, MAI Review 3. Accessed via http://review.mai.ac.nz,1 January 2013.
Gibbon, R.N., 2010, ‘Enabling social accounting within a community enterprise: actualising hermeneutic conversation’, Unpublished PhD thesis, University of St. Andrews.
Hlongwane, T.S., 2009, ‘Empowering educator teams to implement the Integrated Quality Management Systems in secondary schools in the Kathorus area’, Unpublished PhD thesis, University of Johannesburg.
Joyner, A., 2002, ‘Enabling children to take more active responsibility for a healthier environment in a “post-emergency” situation: learning from experience in Sierra Leone, Unpublished MA thesis, Sierra Leone.
Jessop, S., 2012, ‘Critical Theory and Education’, Philosophy of Education Society of Great Britain Annual Conference, New College, Oxford, University of Strathclyde.
Jordan, S., 2003, ‘Who stole my methodology? Co-opting PAR [1’, Globalisation, Societies and Education 1 (2): 185–200.
Kanyane, C.M.B., 2008, ‘The politics of resistance in the implementation of the Integrated Quality Management System’, Unpublished MEd-script, University of Pretoria.
Kemmis, S., 2006, ‘Participatory Action Research and the public sphere’, Educational Action Research 14 (4): 459–76.
Kutame, A.P., 2010, ‘Evaluating the link between learner assessment and teacher development: Implementation of Integrated Quality Management System in South Africa’, Caribbean Educational Research Journal 2 (1): 96–103.
Mahlomaholo, M.G., 2012, ‘Social communication towards sustainable physical science learning environments’, Journal for Communication and Information Impact 17 (Special issue): 3–20.
Mertens, D.M., 2010, Research and Evaluation in Education and Psychology.Washington, DC: Sage.
McKinney, C., 2005, Textbooks for Diverse Learners: A critical Analysis of Learning Materials in South African Schools, Cape Town: Human Sciences Research Council.
Moloi, S.W.F., 2010, ‘Exploring the role of the School Management (SMD) as pro- viders of in-service Education and Training to SSE’, Unpublished PhD thesis, North-West University, Vanderbijlpark.
Monyatsi, P.P., 2006, ‘An investigation of the effectiveness of the school-based workshops approach to staff development in secondary schools in Botswana’, Educational Research and Reviews 1 (5): 150–55.
Murtaza, K.F., 2010, ‘Teachers’ Professional Development through Whole School Improvement Programme’, International Journal of Business and Social Science 1 (2): 213–21.
Myende, P.E., 2014, ‘Improving academic performance in rural school through the use of an asset-based approach as a management strategy’, Unpublished PhD thesis, University of the Free State, Bloemfontein.
Nagy, J. and Fawcett, S. n.d., ‘Developing an Action Plan’. Accessed at http://ctp.
ku.edu/en/tablecontents/sub_section_main_1089.aspx, 24 January 2013.
Nelson Mandela Foundation, 2005, Emerging Voices: A Report on Education in South African RuralCommunities, Cape Town: HSRC Press.
Netshandama, V. and Mahlomaholo, M.G., 2010, ‘The Role of Community Enga- gement in Higher Education: Focus on the Discourse Relating to Knowledge Development, in Basov, N., Simet, G.F., van Andel, J., Mahlomaholo, M.G. and Netshandama, V., Critical Issues: Imagining Research in Multidimensional Perspective, Oxford.
Nkoane, M.M., 2012, ‘Critical Emancipatory Research for social justice and democratic citizenship’, Perspectives in Education 30 (4): 98–104.
Ono, Y. and Ferreira, J., 2010, ‘A case study of continuing teacher professional development through lesson study in South Africa’, South African Journal of Education 30 (1).
Papastamatis, A., Panitsidou, E., Giavrimis P. and Papanis, E., 2009, ‘Facilitating Tea- chers’ & Educators’ Effective Professional Development’, Review of European Studies 1 (2): 83–90.
Ramatlapana, K.A., 2009, ‘Provision of in-service training of mathematics and science teachers in Botswana: teachers’ perspectives’, J Math Teacher Education 12(2): 153–59.
Reason, P., 2006, ‘Choice and quality in action research practice’, Journal of Mana- gement Inquiry 15 (2): 187–203.
RSA, Department of Basic Education (DBE) and Department of Higher Education & Training (DHET), 2011, The Integrated Strategic Planning Framework for teacher Education and Development in South Africa, 2011–2025. 2012, Memorandum of Understanding between the Department of Basic Education and the Trade Unions, Pretoria: Government Printers.
Sanginga, P.C., Kamugisha, R.N and Martin, A.M., 2010, ‘Strengthening social capital for adaptive governance of natural resources: a participatory learning and action research for bylaws reforms in Uganda’, Society and Natural Resources 23 (8): 695–710.
Shangase, B.B., 2013, ‘Strategies for the implementation of further education and training learner attainment improvement plan’, Unpublished PhD thesis, University of the Free State, Bloemfontein.
Stack, S., Beswick, K., Brown, N., Bound, H., Kenny, J., and Abbott-Chapman, J., 2011, ‘Putting partnership at the centre of teachers’ professional learning in rural and regional contexts: evidence from case study projects in Tasmania’, Australian Journal of Teacher Education 36 (12): 1–20.
Steyn, G.M., 2011, ‘Implementing continuing professional teacher development: policy and practice’, Acta Academica 43 (1): 211–33.
Tsotetsi, C.T. and Mahlomaholo, M.G., 2013, ‘Teacher professional development programmes: what is missing?’, Journal of Educational Studies 12 (1): 89–102.
Villegas-Reimers, E., 2003, Teacher Professional Development: An International Review of the Literature, Paris: UNESCO International Institute for EducationPlanning.