3 - University Expansion and the Challenges to Social Development in Kenya: Dilemmas and Pitfalls
Corresponding Author(s) : Ibrahim Ogachi Oanda
Journal of Higher Education in Africa,
Vol. 10 No. 1 (2012): Journal of Higher Education in Africa
The phenomenal expansion of public and private universities in Kenya in recent years has opened access to thousands of knowledge-thirsty stu- dents to achieve their ambitions. Public universities in particular have been forced to diversify their programmes, establish flexible learning schedules and set up campuses away from their traditional locations. But how do cur- rent trends in higher education expansion in Kenya place the institutions in good stead to stem social exclusion and contribute to social development? To what extent is the expansion of public universities in Kenya accompanied by equity considerations and new ways of articulating the issues of class, gender and ethnicity? From being ivory towers and national development projects that were solely seen in terms of workforce development, universi- ties throughout Africa have dispersed to the rural areas both as a strategy to expand access and position themselves as business entities. However, this expansion has not been driven by the public sector. Rather, it has been driven by the private sector, with branch campuses of public universities in rural areas sometimes serving as private income generation units, outside strict public sector oversight. This article traces these developments in Kenya, pointing out the new challenges in terms of equity, quality and the existence of universities as national social institutions that have to be at the centre of social development. The article is based on a critical desk review of pub- lished and grey literature on current trends and implications of public university expansion in Kenya.
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Aina, T.A., 2010, ‘Beyond Reforms: The Politics of Higher Education Transformation in Africa’, African Studies Review, 53, Number 1, pp. 21–40.
Akoojee, S. and Nkomo, M., 2007, ‘Access and Quality in South African Higher Education: The Twin Challenges of Transformation’, South African Journal of Higher Education, 21, pp. 65-68.
Gibbon T., 2010, AFRICA: Development Aid Must Target Knowledge, http://www.universityworldnews.com/article.php?story=20100716195041644 Government of Kenya, 2007, ‘Kenya, Vision 2030’, Nairobi: National Economic and Social Council.
GUNI, 2008, Higher Education in the World 3 – Higher Education: New Challenges and Emerging Roles for Human and Social Development, Great Britain: Palgrave Macmillan.
Kinyanjui, K., 2007, ‘The Transformation of Higher Education in Kenya: Challenges and Opportunities’, paper presented at the ‘Mijadala on Social Policy, Governance and Development in Kenya’. Nairobi. Development Policy Management Forum.
Kotecha, P., 2006, ‘Interrogating the Role of Higher Education in the Delivery of the MDGs’,Africa Renewal 20, No 2, July 2006, p. 16.
Mazrui, A., 2008, ‘Are the Universities Being Tribalized?’ Daily Nation, 10 February 2008. http://www.nationmedia.com/dailynation/nmgcontententry.asp?category_id=25&newsid=57960.
Mkandawire, T., 2011, ‘Running While other Walk’, Africa Development, Vol. XXXVI, No. 2, 2011:1–36,Dakar: CODESRIA.
Mohamedbhai, G., 2008, ‘The Contribution of Higher Education to the Millennium Devel- opment Goals’, paper presented at the 4ᵗʰ International Barcelona Conference on Higher Education; New Challenges and Emerging Roles for Human and Social Devel- opment’, Barcelona, 31 March–2 April..
Nganga, G., 2011, ‘Kenya: Declining Quality Drives Students Overseas’ http://www.universityworldnews.com Oanda, I.O., 2010, ‘African Higher Education in the Context of Internationalization: Altruis- tic Partnerships or Global Academic Pillage; A Review Essay of Damtew Teferra and Jane Knight (eds.)’s ‘Higher Education in Africa: The International Dimension’. In African Review of Books, Vol. 6, No 1, pp. 6-7, ISSN: 0851-7592.
Olu A. and Kimenyi, M.S., 2011, Higher Education and Economic Development in Africa: Introduction and Overview, Jeune Afrique Economique 20 (suppl 3):iii3-iii13 doi:10.1093/jae/ejr027 Pityana, N. B., 2009, ‘Plenary Address at the UNESCO World Conference on Higher Education’, Paris, 5–8 July.
Public Universities Inspection Board Report, Kenya, 2006, ‘Transformation of Higher Education in Kenya: Securing Kenya’s Development in the Knowledge Economy’, Nairobi.
Republic of Kenya, 1981, ‘Report of the Presidential Working Party for the Establishment of the Second University’, (Mackay Report), Nairobi: Government Printer.
Riechi, A.O.R., 2008, ‘Demand for Academic Programmes Offered in Kenya’s Public Uni- versities and their Relevance to the Labour Market’.
Salmi, J., 1992, ‘The Higher Education Crisis in Developing Countries: Issues, Problems, Constraints and Reforms’, International Review of Education, 38(1), pp. 19–33.
Samoff, J. and Carrol, B., 2004, ‘The Promise of Partnership and Continuities of Depend- ence:External Support to Higher Education in Africa’, African Studies Review, 47(1), pp. 67-199.
Sheehan, H., 2009, ‘Contradictory Transformations: Observations on the Intellectual Dynamics of South African Universities’, Journal for Critical Education Policy Studies, 7(1).
Tettey, W.J., 2010, ‘Challenges of Developing and Retaining the Next Generation of Academics’: Deficits in Academic Staff Capacity in African Universities’, Partner- ship for Higher Education in Africa.
Weaver, P. et al., 2000, Sustainable Technology Development, Sheffield: Greenleaf Publishing.