2 - Competencies and Proficiencies in Special Education: The Case of Ethiopian Universities
Corresponding Author(s) : Workneh E. Woldehana
Journal of Higher Education in Africa,
Vol. 19 No. 1 (2021): Journal of Higher Education in Africa
This study explores and analyses the competencies and proficiencies of final- year university students studying special education in two public higher education institutions in Ethiopia. A total of fifty-five final-year students were purposefully sampled with the results that these students severely lacked the requisite competencies and proficiencies in areas and skills that are crucial for personal and professional advancement in higher education. The study also observes that the training of university students does not sufficiently incorporate practical experiences and effective exposure to the tools and methods that schools employ to provide robust special education services. The study, based on the analysis of knowledge of the Individual Education Plan, concludes that final-year students involved in this study lack the requisite competencies, experiences and proficiencies which are key skills necessary for special education teachers.
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Athey, R., 2008, ‘It’s 2008: do you know where your talent is? Connecting people to what matters’, Journal of Business Strategy 29(4): 4–14.
Bergin, E. and Logan, A., 2013, ‘An individual education plan for pupils with special educational needs: how inclusive is the process for the pupil?’, Reach 26 (2): 79–91.
Boyd, F. B. et al., 2006, ‘Real teaching for real diversity: preparing English language arts teachers for 21st-century classrooms’, English Education 38 (4): 329–50.
Boyd, V. A., Ng, S. L. and Schryer, C. F., 2015, ‘Deconstructing language practices: discursive constructions of children in Individual Education Plan resource docu- ments’, Disability and Society 30 (10): 1537–53.
Ditterline, J., Banner, D., Oakland, T. and Becton, D., 2008, ‘Adaptive behavior profiles of students with disabilities’, Journal of Applied School Psychology 24 (2): 191–208.
Donnelly, N., 2009, ‘A national survey of academic-advisor job satisfaction’, NACADA Journal 29 (1): 5–21.
Drasgow, E., Yell, M. L. and Robinson, T. R., 200, ‘Developing legally correct and educationally appropriate IEPs’, Remedial and Special Education 22 (6): 359–73. Fauth, B., Decristan, J., Decker, A. T., Büttner, G., Hardy, I., Klieme, E. and Kunter, M., 2019, ‘The effects of teacher competence on student outcomes in elementary science education: the mediating role of teaching quality’, Teaching and Teacher Education 86: 102882.
Ford, J., 2013, ‘Educating students with learning disabilities in inclusive classrooms’, Journal for Inclusive Education 3 (1).
Gartin, B. C. and Murdick, N. L., 2005, ‘Idea 2004: the IEP’, Remedial and Special Education 26 (6): 327–31.
Glaesser, J., 2019, ‘Competence in educational theory and practice: a critical discus- sion’, Oxford Review of Education 45 (1): 70–85.
Goepel, J., 2009, ‘Constructing the Individual Education Plan: confusion or col- laboration?’, Support for Learning 24 (3): 126–32.
Guerriero, S. and Révai, N., 2017, ‘Knowledge-based teaching and the Evolution of a Profession’, in S. Guerriero, ed., Pedagogical Knowledge and the Changing Nature of the Teaching Profession, Paris: OECD Publishing.
Habibi, A., Mukinin, A., Riyanto, Y., Prasohjo, L. D., Sulistiyo, U., Sofwan, M. and Saudagar, F., 2018, ‘Building an online community: student teachers’ percep- tions on the advantages of using social networking services in a teacher education program’, Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education 19 (1): 46–61.
Hayford, S. K., 2008, ‘Continuous assessment and lower attaining pupils in primary and junior secondary schools in Ghana’, DPhil thesis, University of Birmingham.
Higher Education Proclamation No. 650, 2009, Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 64, 17 September.
Klieme, E., Hartig, J. and Rauch, D., 2008, ‘The concept of competence in edu- cational contexts’, in J. Hartig, E. Klieme and D. Leutner, eds, Assessment of Competencies in Educational Contexts, Assessment of competencies in educational contexts, Göttingen: Hogrefe & Huber Publishers.
Kovač-Cerović, T., Jovanović, O. and Pavlović-Babić, D., 2016, ‘Individual education plan as an agent of inclusiveness of the educational system in Serbia: different perspectives, achievements and new dilemmas’, Psihologija 49 (4): 431–45.
Kurth, J. and A. M. Mastergeorge, 2010, ‘Individual education plan goals and services for adolescents with autism: impact of age and educational setting’, Journal of Special Education 44 (3): 146–60.
Lefever, S., Dal, M. and Matthiasdottir, A., 2007, ‘Online data collection in academic research: advantages and limitations’, British Journal of Educational Technology 38 (4): 574–82.
Loreman, T., Deppeler, J. and Harvey, D., 2010, Inclusive Education: Supporting Diversity in the Classroom, London: Routledge.
Macy, M. and Hoyt-Gonzales, K., 2007, ‘A linked system approach to early child- hood special education eligibility assessment’, Teaching Exceptional Children 39 (3): 40–4.
Prunty, A., 2011, ‘Implementation of children’s rights: what is in “the best interests of the child” in relation to the Individual Education Plan (IEP) process for pupils with autistic spectrum disorders (ASD)?’, Irish Educational Studies 30 (1): 23–44. Reed, J. and P. G. Stoltz, 2011, Put your Mindset to Work: The One Asset you Really Need to Win and Keep the Job you Love, London: Penguin.
Rychen, D. S. E and Salganik, L. H. E., 2001, Defining and Selecting Key Competen- cies, Göttingen: Hogrefe & Huber Publishers.
Salvia, J. et al., 2012, ‘Assessment’, in J. Salvia et al., Special and Inclusive Education, Boston, MA: Cengage Learning.
Schulz, B., 2008, ‘The importance of soft skills: education beyond academic knowl- edge’, Journal of Language and Communication 2: 146–54.
Shah, R. P., Kunnavakkam, R. and Msall, M. E., 2013, ‘Pediatricians’ knowledge, attitudes, and practice patterns regarding special education and individualized education programs’, Academic Pediatrics 13 (5): 430–5.
Wood, D. S., 2003, ‘A comparison of group-administered and mail-administered surveys of Alaskan village public safety officers’, Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies and Management 26 (2): 329–40.
Ylagan, A. P. et al., 2013, ‘Effectiveness of practicum program of tourism students
in Lyceum of the Philippines University-Batangas’, Journal of Tourism and Hos- pitality Research 10 (1): 10–18.